Jurisprudence is the theory and philosophy of law. Scholars of jurisprudence
hope to obtain a deeper understanding of the nature of law, legal reasoning,
legal systems and legal institutions.
Modern jurisprudence began in the 18th century and was focused on the first
principles of the law of nature, civil law, and the law of nations.
General Jurisprudence can be broken into categories both by the types of
questions scholars seek to address and by the theories of jurisprudence or
schools of thought regarding how those questions are best to be answered.
Contemporary philosophy of law, which deals with general jurisprudence,
addresses problems in two rough groups.
- Problems internal to law and legal systems.
- Problems of law as a particular social institution as it relates to the
larger political and social situation in which it exist.
Answers to these questions come from four primary schools of thought in general
Natural law
Natural law is the idea that there are rational objective limits to the power of
legislative rulers. The foundations of law are accessible through human reason
and it is from these laws of nature that human created laws gain whatever force
they have.
Legal positivism
Legal Positivism, by contrast to natural law, holds that there is no necessary
connection between law and morality and that the force of law comes from some
basic social facts although positivists differ on what those facts are.
Legal Realism
Legal Realism is a third theory of jurisprudence which argues that the real
world practice of law is what determines what law is. The law has the force that
it does because of what legislators, judges, and executives do with it.
Critical Legal Studies is a younger theory of jurisprudence that has developed
since the 1970s which is primarily a negative thesis that the law is largely
contradictory and can be best analyzed as an expression of the policy goals of
the dominant social group. The English term is based on the Latin word
jurisprudentia: juris is the genitive form of jus meaning law, and prudentia
means knowledge. The word is first attested in English in 1628, at a time when
the word prudence had the now obsolete meaning of knowledge or skill in a
Nature of Jurisprudence
Philosophers of law ask
what is law? and
what should it be? Nature and scope
of Jurisprudence depends upon the ideology and nature of the society and the
jurist according to their own notion, Growth of the Law is different and it
differs according to social and political condition.
There are different
meanings for the word
Law for example in French, Jurisprudence means
Law. Due to the evolution of the society it is difficult to accept
definition by all. The study of Jurisprudence started from Romans. Latin word
knowledge of Law or
skill in law.
Ulpian =
The knowledge of things divine and human.
The science of the just
and unjust.
Paulus =
The law is not to be deducted from the rule, but the rule
from the law.
But these definitions are vague and inadequate but they put forth
the idea of a legal science.
England: During formative period of the common law the word Jurisprudence was in
use. Meaning is little more than the study of or skill in law. Early part of the
19th century the word began to acquire a technical significance among English
Bentham distinguished
- Expositorial Jurisprudence.
- Censorial Jurisprudence.
Austin occupied himself with
expository Jurisprudence. (His work consisted
mainly at a formal analysis of the structure of English law).
Bentham analytical exposition or pioneered and Austin developed. Hence the word
Jurisprudence has come to mean in English almost exclusively an analysis of the
formal structure of law and its concepts.
Buckland: The analysis of legal concepts is what Jurisprudence meant.
Julius Stone: The lawyer's extraversion. It is the lawyer examination of the
precepts, ideas and techniques of the law in the light derived from present
knowledge in discipline other than the law.
Austin: He says the science of Jurisprudence is concerned with positive law. It
is no matter whether it is good or bad law. Austin divides the law as general
jurisprudence and particular jurisprudence. General Jurisprudence is common to
all systems. Particular Jurisprudence confined only to the study of any actual
system of law or any portion of it.
General Jurisprudence is science which is concerned with the exposition of the
principles notions and distinctions which are common to all system of law.
Particular Jurisprudence is the science of any system of positive law actually
obtaining in a specifically determined political society.
General Jurisprudence is a province of pure abstract jurisprudence to analyze
and systematize the essential elements underlying the indefinite variety of
legal rules without special reference to the institution of any particular
Particular Jurisprudence is a science of particular law General and particular
jurisprudence differs from each other in this scope but not in its essence.
Generally it takes data from the system of more than one state while particular
takes the data from a particular system of law. Both are positive only. Example:
Possession is one of the fundamental legal concepts recognised by all system of
Criticism by Salmond Holland
- Impracticability.
- Error in Austin's idea of general jurisprudence.
- Jurisprudence is the integral social science and the distinction between
general and particular jurisprudence is not proper.
- There may be many schools of jurisprudence but there are not different
kinds of Jurisprudence.
- He says it is not correct to use English Jurisprudence as Hindu
- We are dealing with different systems of law and not different kinds of
- He says jurisprudence is a social science which deals with social
institutions governed by law it studies them from the point of view of their
legal significance.
- Error on particular Jurisprudence.
- We can classify a material into general and particular but we can't
classify the science hence the study of particular legal system is not a
- Example Geology of England Geology of India etc.
Lord Bryce:
The law of every country is the outcome and result of the economic
and social conditions of that country as well as the expression of its
intellectual capacity for dealing with these conditions.
Law grows with the growth and strengthens with the strength of people
and its standard of excellence will generally be found of any given period to be
in complete harmony with the prevailing ideas of the best class of citizens
Progress in the formation of law keep pace with the progress in the knowledge of
the people.
Jurisprudence is the formal science of positive law. It is a formal or
analytical science rather than material science. He terms the positive law as
the general rule of external human action enforced by a sovereign political
authority. He follows the definition of auction but he adds the term formal
which means that which concerns only the form and not its essence. A formal
science is one, which describes only the form or the external side of the
subject and not it internal contents.
Jurisprudence as the science of law means civil law or law of the
Jurisprudence is of 3 kinds
Expository or systematic jurisprudence deals with the contents of an actual
legal system as existing at any time whether past or present. Legal history says
about the process of historical development which helps us to set forth law as
it ought to be. It deals with the ideas of the legal system and the purpose for
which it exists.
Salmond makes distinction as generic Jurisprudence and specific Jurisprudence.
Generic Jurisprudence includes the entire body of legal doctrines and specific
jurisprudence deals with a particular department of those doctrines. He defines
Jurisprudence as the science of the first principles of the civil law. Specific
Jurisprudence has three branches:
- Analytical Jurisprudence.
- Historical Jurisprudence.
- Ethical Jurisprudence.
Jurisprudence the study and systematic arrangement of general principles
of law. Jurisprudence deals with the distinction between public and private
laws and considers the contents of the principal departments of law.
Jurisprudence the science of law using the term law in the juridical
sense as denoting the body of principles recognized or enforced by public and
regular tribunals in the administration of justice.
Jurisprudence is the science of law the statement and systematic
arrangement of the rules followed by the courts and principles involved in those
rules. Jurisprudence is the study of fundamental legal principles it is any
thought or writing about law and its relation to other disciplines such as
philosophy, psychology, economics etc.
Scope of Jurisprudence
No unanimity of opinion regarding its scope. However it covers moral and
religious precepts but that has created confusion. Credit goes to Austin who
distinguished law from morality and theology. He also restricted the term to the
body of rules set and enforced by the sovereign or supreme law making authority
within the realm. In the present view its scope includes all the conduct of
human order and human conduct in state and society.
Nature of Law
Natural law Aristotle is often said to be the father of natural law. Socrates
Plato and Aristotle posted the existence of natural justice or natural right.
Natural law theory asserts that there are laws that are imminent in nature, to
which enacted laws should correspond as closely as possible. This view is
frequently summarized by the maxim an unjust law is not a true law, lex iniusta
non est lex, in which ‘unjust' is defined as contrary to natural law.
law is closely associated with morality and in historically influential
versions, with the intentions of God. Natural law theory attempts to identify a
moral compass to guide the lawmaking power of the state and to promote ‘the
good'. Notions of an objective moral order, external to human legal systems,
underlie natural law. What is right or wrong can vary according to the interests
one is focussed upon. Natural law is sometimes identified with the maxim that
an unjust law is no law at all.
Thomas Aquinas was the most important Western medieval legal scholar. He is the
foremost classical proponent of natural theology. Aquinas distinguished four
kinds of law.
These are:
- The eternal law
- Natural law
- Human law.
- Divine law.
- Eternal law is the decree of God which governs all creation.
- Natural law is the human participation in the eternal law and is
discovered by reason. Natural law is based on first principles: this is
the first precept of the law that good is to be done and promoted, and evil
is to be avoided. All other precepts of the natural law are based on this.
The desire to live and to procreate are counted by Aquinas among those basic
(natural) human values on which all human values are based.
- Human law is positive law: The natural law applied by governments to
- Divine law is the law as specially revealed in the scriptures and
teachings of the apostles.
Thomes Hobbes, He was an English enlightenment scholar. Hobbes expresses a view
of natural law as a precept, or general rule, found out by reason, by which a
man is forbidden to do that which is destructive of his life, or takes away the
means of preserving the same; and to omit that by which he thinks it may best be
preserved. Hobbes was a social contrarian and believed that the law gained
peoples' tacit consent. He believed that society was formed from a state of
nature to protect people from the state of war between mankind that exists
otherwise. Life is, without an ordered society, solitary, poor, nasty and
Legal positivists
Positivism simply means that the law is something that is positive: laws are
validly made in accordance with socially accepted rules.
The positivist view
Firstly, that laws may seek to enforce justice, morality, or any other normative
end, but their success or failure in doing so does not determine their validity.
Provided a law is properly formed, in accordance with the rules recognized in
the society concerned, it is a valid law, regardless of whether it is just by
some other standard.
Secondly, that law is nothing more than a set of rules to provide order and
governance of society. No legal positivist, however, argues that it follows that
the law is therefore to be obeyed, no matter what. This is seen as a separate
question entirely. What the law is - is determined by social facts What
obedience the law is owed - is determined by moral considerations.
Hans Kelsen is considered one of the pre-eminent jurists of the 20th century. He
is most influential in Europe, where his notion of a Grundnorm or a
presupposed ultimate and basic legal norm, still retains some influence. It is
a hypothetical norm on which all subsequent levels of a legal system such as
constitutional law and simple law are based.
Kelsen's pure theory of law described the law as being a set of social facts,
which are normatively binding too. Law's normativity, meaning that we must obey
it, derives from a basic rule which sits outside the law we can alter. It is a
rule prescribing the validity of all others.
Hart, who argued that the law should be understood as a system of social rules.
Hart rejected Kelsen's views that sanctions were essential to law and that a
normative social phenomenon, like law, cannot be grounded in non-normative
social facts. Hart divided into primary rules (rules of conduct) and secondary
rules (rules addressed to officials to administer primary rules). Secondary
rules are divided into rules of adjudication (to resolve legal disputes), rules
of change (allowing laws to be varied) and the rule of recognition (allowing
laws to be identified as valid). The rule of recognition, a customary practice
of the officials (especially judges) that identifies certain acts and decisions
as sources of law. Legal realism Oliver Wendell Holmes was a self-defined legal
realist. The law should be understood and determined by the actual practices of
courts, law offices, and police stations, rather than as the rules and doctrines
set forth in statutes or learned treatises.
Sources Of Law
- Legislative.
- Precedents.
- Customs.
- Opinion juris (statutory interpretation and preparatory works).
- Justice equity and good conscience.
Sources of law means the origin from which rules of human conduct come into
existence and derive legal force or binding characters. It also refers to the
sovereign or the state from which the law derives its force or validity. Several
factors of law have contributed to the development of law. These factors are
regarded as the sources of law.
Legislation is that source of law which consist in the declaration of legal
rules by a competent authority. Legislature is the direct source of law.
Legislature frames new laws, amends the old laws and cancels existing laws in
all countries. In modern times this is the most important source of law making.
The term legislature means any form of law making. Its scope has now been
restricted so a particular form of law making. It not only creates new rules of
law it also sweeps away existing inconvenient rules.
Types Of Legislation
1. Supreme legislation. 2. Subordinate Legislation.
- Supreme legislation: Supreme legislation is the expression of the
legislative will of a supreme authority in a state. It is supreme because no
authority can annual, modify or control it. It proceeds from the sovereign
or supreme legislative power in the state, and which is therefore, incapable
of being abrogated by any other legislative authority.
- Subordinate legislation: Subordinate legislation is that which
proceeds from any authority other than the sovereign legislation power, and
is, therefore, dependent for its existence or validity on some superior or
supreme legislative authority. It comes from a subordinate legislature or
any authority and is subject to the repealing or sanctioning control of a
superior legislation.
In England all form of legislative activity recognized by law, other than the
power of parliament are subordinated and subject to parliamentary control.
Types of subordinate legislation
The chief forms or types of subordinate legislation are five in number. These
- Colonial legislation: It means legislation by the legislature of the
colonies or other dependencies. The parliament can repeal, alter or
supersede any colonial enactment.
- Executive legislation: Though the main function of the executive is to
enforce laws, but in certain cases, the power of making rules is delegated
to the various departments of the government, which is called subordinate
delegated legislation.
- Judicial legislation: It means rules of procedure made by superior
courts for their own guidance under authority delegated to them for the
purpose. In other words the superior courts have the power of making rules
for the regulation of their own procedures.
- Municipal legislation: Sometimes municipal authorities are provided with
the power of establishing special laws for the districts under their
control. They are allowed to make bye-laws for limited purposes within their
areas. These are legislation of local bodies such as municipal or
- Autonomous legislation: It is the process of law making by persons not
by the state for their own guidance. Legislation thus made by private
persons and the law created may be distinguished as autonomic view. These
are autonomous bodies like municipal councils, universities etc.
Precedent is one of the sources of law. The judgements passed by some of the
learned jurists became another significant source of law. When there is no
legislature on particular point which arises in changing conditions, the judges
depend on their own sense of right and wrong and decide the disputes. Such
decisions become authority or guide for subsequent cases of a similar nature and
they are called precedents.
The dictionary of English law defines a judicial
precedent as a judgement or decision of a court of law cited as an authority for
deciding a similar state of fact in the same manner or on the same principle or
by analogy. Precedent is more flexible than legislation and custom. It is always
ready to be, used. Precedent is otherwise called case law judicial decision
judge made law it is the sources of law. It enjoyed a high authority precedent
plays a vital role when law is unwritten English common law is based on
Kinds of precedent
- Authoritative precedents or absolute precedent: whether judge approve it
or not this kind of precedent must be followed.
- Conditional precedent: The judge may disregard either by dissenting or
by over ruling it known as conditional precedent.
- Persuasive precedents: Judges have no obligation to follow can take into
consideration. Precedent of other court i.e. Foreign court.
Theories of precedent
- Declaratory theory: Declaration of existing law by the judges is known
as declaratory theory. Judge only declare the existing law.
- Original precedent theory: Law making by the judge known as original
precedent theory judge are the law makers the role of judge is creative
particularly when the law is absent.
Principles of precedent
- Ratio decidendi Reason for the decision - An authoritative principle of a
judicial decision. It contains the principle of law formulated by a judge, it is
essential for the decision of a case. It has force of law and binding on the
Prof Keeton. Ration decidendi is a principle of law which forms the basis of
decision in a particular case. Bridges v. Hawkeshworth, Customer found money on
the floor of a shopping complex both customer and shopkeeper claim that money.
Court treated shop as a public place and applied rule finder keeper and it
favoured the customer. Here the ratio decidendi is the finder of goods is the
keeper principle.
- Obiter dictum Something said by the judge, does not have any binding
authority. Judge may declare some general principles relating to law but
that may be unnecessary and irrelevant to the issues before him. Those
unnecessary statements of law which lay down a rule is called Obiter dictum.
- Stare decisis: Means let the decision stand in its rightful place. During
17th century a progress made in the law reporting system. Reporting of the
decisions of the court Act to stare decisis a principle of the law which has
become settled by a series of decisions is generally binding on the courts and
should be followed in similar cases. It is based on expediency and public
- Prospective overruling: Reversing the lower court's decision by Supreme Court
can overrule their own earlier decisions by another bench of judges consisting
of more number of judges than previous one. It is a modern trend which enables
the court to correct its errors without affecting its past transactions.
A custom is a rule which in a particular family or in a particular district or
in a particular section, class or tribe, has from long usage obtained the force
of law. The dictionary of English law defines custom as a law not written, which
being established by long use and consent of our ancestors has been and daily is
put into practice. Custom as a source of law got recognition since the emergence
of Savigny on the horizon of jurisprudence.
It is an exemption to the ordinary
law of the land, and every custom is limited in its application. A study of
ancient shows that law-making was not the business of the kings. Law of the
country was to be found in the customs of the people which developed
spontaneously according to circumstances. It was felt that a particular way of
doing things was more convenient than others when the same things were done
again and again in a particular way, it is of custom. According to Salmond custom
is the legal source of law.
According to Salmond:
Custom is the embodiment of those principles which have commended themselves
to the national and national conscience as the principles of justice and public
According to Austin:
Custom is a rule of conduct which the governed observed spontaneously and
not in pursuance of law set by political superior.
According to Holland:
Custom is a generally observed course of conduct.
Kinds of Custom: Custom are of two kinds:
- Legal Custom
- Conventional Custom.
I. Legal Custom: According to Salmond, a legal custom is one whose legal
authority is absolute, one which in itself and possesses the force of law:
of legal Custom:
- General Custom.
- Local Custom.
(a) General Custom: General customs are those which have force of law throughout
the territory. The common law of England is based upon general customs of the
(b) Local Custom: the local customs are those which operate have the force of
law in a particular locality. The authority of a local custom is higher than
that of general custom.
II. Conventional Custom: A Conventional custom is one whose authority is
conditional on its acceptance in the agreement between the parties to be bound
by it. There is a process by which conventional usage comes to have the force of
Conditions for a valid custom:
Certain conditions must be satisfied before a
court is entitled to incorporate the usages into contracts.
- The usage must be so well-established as to be notorious.
- The usage must be reasonable.
- Usage cannot alter general law of land.
- A usage should not nullify or very the express term of the contract.
Requisites of Valid Custom: Following are the requisites for a valid custom,
treated as law
- Immemorial: A Custom to be valid must be proved to be immemorial.
According to Blackstone: A custom in order that in may be legal and binding,
must have been used so long that the memory of man not to the contrary, so
that if anyone can show the beginning of it, it is good custom.
- Reasonable: Another essential of a valid custom is that it must be
reasonable. The unreasonableness of custom must be so great that its
enforcement results in greater harm than if there were no custom at all.
According to Prof. Allen: The unreasonableness of custom must be proved and
not its reasonableness.
- Continuous: A custom must not continuously observed and if it has not
been continuously and uninterruptedly observed, the presumption is that it
existed at all.
- Peaceable enjoyment: The enjoyment of a custom must be a peaceable one.
- Certainty: A valid custom must be certain and definite, if there is any
ambiguities in it or it keeps change, it is not a valid custom.
- Compulsory Observance: A custom is valid if its observance is
compulsory. An optical observance is ineffective. According to Blackstone: A
custom that all the inhabitants shall be rated towards the maintenance of a
bridge, will be good, but a custom that every man is to contribute thereto
at his own pleasure is idle and indeed no custom at all.
- General Or Universal: The custom must be general or universal. In the
absence of unanimity of opinion, custom becomes powerless or rather does not
exist. A valid custom must not be opposed to public policy or the principles
of morality.
IX. Not Opposed With Statute Law:
- valid custom must be conflict with the statute law of the country.
According to Coke: No custom or prescription can take away the force of an
Act of parliament.
- According to Blackstone customs must be consistent with each other, one
custom cannot be set up in opposition to another.
Theories of customs
There are two theories regarding the question as to when a question is
transformed into law:
- Historical theory
- Analytical theory
(i) Historical theory: According to the historical theory, the growth of law
does not depend upon the arbitrary will of any individual. It does not depend
upon any accident. It grows as a result of the intelligence of the people.
Custom is derived from the common consciousness of the people. According
to Puchta: Custom is not only self-sufficient and independent of state
imprimatur but is a condition to all sound legislation.
Criticism: According to Paton: The growth of most of the customs is not
the result of any conscious thought but of tentative practice. According to
Allen: All customs cannot be attributed to the common consciousness of the
people. In many cases, customs have arisen on account of the convenience of the
ruling class.
(ii) Analytical theory: Austin, Holland, and Gray are the advocates of
analytical theory. According to Austin: Customs is a source of law and not law
itself. Customs are not positive laws until their existence is recognized by the
decisions of the Courts. According to Holland: Customs are not laws when they
arise but they are largely adopted into laws by state recognition.
Criticism: By Allen: Custom grows by conduct and it is therefore a mistake to
measure its validity solely by the elements of express sanction, accorded by
Courts of law of by other determinate authority.
Reasons for Custom are given the force of law: Following are the reasons, why
custom is given the force of law:
- Principles of National Conscience: Custom is the embodiment of those
principles which have commended themselves to the national conscience as
principles of truth, justice and public policy. According to Salmond: Custom
is to society what laws are to the state. Each is the expression and
realization of the measure of man, insight and ability, of the principles of
right and justice.
- Expectation of continuance: Another reason for the binding force of
custom is the expectation of its continuance is the future. Justice demands
that this expectation should be fulfilled and not frustrated.
- Observance by a large number of people: Sometimes a custom is observed
by a large number of persons in society and in course of time the same come
to have the force of law.
- Interests of Society: Custom rests on the popular conviction that it is
in the interests of society. This conviction is so strong that it does not
found desirable to go against it.
- Useful to the law giver: According to Paton: Custom is useful to the
law-giver and codifier is two ways. It provides that material out of which the
law can be fashioned. There is a tendency to adopt the maxim whatever has been
authority in the past is a safe guide for the future.