What's in a name? This famous quote of William Shakespeare raises a pertinent
question, Do names matter? The answer is, To a remarkable degree, they do.
Even though we don't choose them, they have an immense and often hidden effect
in the decision making affecting our lives. The names are badges bearing
information about what the name stands for, be it a name of the individual,
institution or organisation or whatever they are. The Romans had the expression
Nomen est omen which is
Name is Destiny.
The law mimics the human condition in its ambiguities. Great effort has been put
forth to project the image of objectivity and a lack of bias in legal decisions.
Try, as they may, for better or for worse, humanity cannot extricate itself from
its own prejudices and agendas. Thus, legal decision-making is largely biased by
factors such as race, the personal interest of judges, and the advancement of
government initiatives.
In the American Court, the case of Capertonv, Massey shows this point in a clear
fashion. Caperton brought forth a trial against Massey Coal Co. in October of
1998. The presiding justice was Brent Benjamin. The Supreme Court later found
that Benjamin had violated Caperton's right to Due Process and he was biased in
his decision-making. This type of situation bolsters the ideal of legal realism.
The ideas that decisions rendered are often the result of political, social and
moral predilections of state and federal judges.
The idea that judges can and do make decisions in a biased manner based on
personal advancement definitely weakens the legal system. While it is
unrealistic to expect that judges can be completely uninfluenced by their
experiences and opinions, judges who stand to lose or gain a lot in a case
should be eliminated in the interest of having as close to a fair trial as is
permitted by the human condition. Not doing so weakens the entire legal system
and undermines the documents, which establish the foundations of legal
philosophy in this country. However, it is not only individual interest, which
affects the decisions of a case but also the Federal Government Agenda.
The federal government sets agendas and initiatives for legislation,
practices, and programs in the United States. These initiatives can range from
issues concerning the mandate of seat belts in cars to concerns of national
security. If an individual, local or state matter conflicts with one of these
agendas, the federal governmental ways takes precedent. In effect, this
sometimes damages or detriments the cases which are deemed less important. This
has been seen throughout US history.
One of the examples of this is the case of
v. American Honda Motor Company. Alexis Geier suffered severe facial and head
damage in a car accident while driving a 1987 Honda Accord, which did not have
a driver side airbag. (
Eier v. American Honda Motor Company) The Geiers sued
American Honda Motor Company for negligence in not providing proper safety
equipment in their cars. The court ruled in favor of Honda because the lawsuit
conflicted with the measures provides protection of United States citizens
against terrorist, attack, and threat from other governments. This strengthens
the ability of the legal system to implement protective legislation in the
interest of the people.
However, the neglect of Korematsu's rights in the
interest of a government initiative is wrong for the same reason as it was for
Geier. This balance between what is good for the whole vs. the good of
the individual has been long debated, and will doubtfully ever be brought to
resolution. The legal system is ever evolving with each new case that is brought
forth, precedent and procedure changes with it. What is certain is that as long
as human beings are in judgment of cases and proceedings, human vulnerabilities
and tendencies will follow and therefore influence the decisions that are
made. Race, promotion of personal interest, and precedent of government
initiatives are only a few of the issues which factor into the decisions
rendered in the court of law. As long as the people make the law, the people's
humanity will always be their own worst enemy
Various debates and research works are going on in the U.S.A on
Implicit Bias
particularly in the Judicial System.
Implicit means that something is
understood but not clearly stated. Bias means cause to feel or show inclination
or prejudice for or against someone or something. Hence
Implicit Bias is
defined as someone consciously rejects stereotypes and supports
anti-discrimination efforts but also holds negative associations in his / her
mind unconsciously. Scientists have learned that we only have conscious access
to 5 percent of our brains—much of the work our brain does occurs on the
unconscious level. Thus, implicit bias does not mean that people are hiding
their racial prejudices. They literally do not know they have them.
Coming back to the fundamental question of What's in a name?; how the name DRT
can influence the course of a case? The nomenclature DRT means Debt
Recovery Tribunal. It is implicit that the Tribunal is set up for the Recovery
of Debt and the Act of 1993 is known as Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and
Financial Institutions. Does it not establish that the very name DRT creates an
IMPLICIT BIAS among the Presiding Officers of DRT that only recovery of debt
is the sole motto of the Tribunal and the prime duty of the Presiding Officer of
DRT is to recover the dues of the Banks and Financial Institutions leaving the
litigant borrowers on the lurch by giving a definite advantage to the banks and
Financial Institutions?
Since the Act is an enactment of Parliament which is
an advancement of
Government initiatives to recover the debts of the Banks and Financial
Institutions which also involves the personal interest of the Presiding
Officers, an implicit bias is already created in the decision making process of
DRT in favour of the Banks and Financial Institutions.
Yet another factor to be considered is the role of the Authorised Officer under
SAFAESI ACT. An Authorised officer means an officer not less than the Chief
Manager of a public sector bank or a person holding an equivalent rank of a
secured creditor empowered to exercise the rights of the secured creditor under
the Act. Hence, he enjoys vast powers as that of a Judge in a Court. Since the
Authorised Officer is appointed by the same secured creditor, his action will
always have an implicit bias.
Perhaps understanding the chances of bias by the Authorised Officer may have
against the defaulted borrower, Supreme Court has made an observation in their
judgment in the famous Mardia Chemical case which states:
Liquidity of finances and flow of money is essential for any healthy and
growth-oriented economy. But certainly, what must be kept in mind is that the
law should not be in derogation of the rights which are guaranteed to the people
under the Constitution. The procedure should also be fair, reasonable and valid,
though it may vary looking to the different situations needed to be tackled and
object sought to be achieved.
Besides, the judgment further says, In the background we have indicated above,
we may consider as to what forums or remedies are available to the borrower to
ventilate his grievance. The purpose of serving a notice upon the borrower under
sub -Section 13 of the Act is, that a reply may be submitted by the borrower
explaining the reasons as to why measures may or may not be taken under
sub-section (4) of Section 13 in case of non- compliance of notice within 60
The creditor must apply its mind to the objections raised in reply to such
notice and an internal mechanism must be particularly evolved to consider such
objections raised in the reply to the notice. There may be some meaningful
consideration of the objections raised rather than to ritually reject them and
proceed to take drastic measures under sub-section (4) of Section 13 of the Act.
What more evidences are needed to prove the IMPLICIT BIAS of the Presiding
Officer and the Authorised Officer?
A closer look at the way most of the Presiding Officers function creates an
impression that they are acting like a recovery agent and not as a legal
authority having the powers of a civil court. Yet another important factor is
that the very name Debts Recovery Tribunal induces a psychological phenomenon
of Auto Suggestion which in medical terms means self suggestion: the process by
which a person induces himself an uncritical acceptance of an idea, belief, or
Further it also signifies:
the dwelling upon an idea, thought, or concept thereby inducing some change in
the mental or bodily functions and also the process by which a person induces
self acceptance of an opinion, belief, or plan of action.
The meaning of induce is:
to persuade someone to do something brought about or caused, not spontaneous
and also to infer by inductive reasoning.
The name DRT indirectly and seemingly imposes its authority to induce
the Presiding Officers to influence their decisions through the following
- Suggestion by impression, as by, authoritative statement,
- Suggestion by inducing the idea in the mind, by insinuation, hint, and
other indirect means, and
- Suggestion along the lines of association of outward objects etc,
which act both by impressing and inducing the idea in the respective mind of
the person so suggested to. Above all the feeling that the banks and financial
institutions are the custodian of public money renders further credence to their
right of recovery through their inductive mental attitudes forgetting the fact
that every right is derived out of a duty first to be performed and the duty
being duty of care and concern for the honest customers with integrity.
Considering the aforesaid facts, Does not the name
Debt Recovery Tribunal
induces an implicit bias not only among the Presiding Officer, Authorised
Officer, Advocates and even the defaulted borrowers?
In the final analysis
what's in a name? Is it a destiny? If so, it need
not be a destiny based on
implicit bias,
advancement of Government
initiatives or personal discrimination but can be on the foundation of
finding the truth and circumstances which are many times beyond the control of
the banks and financial institutions and the defaulted borrower and by making a
distinction between a borrower with honesty and integrity and an intentional
defaulter. Then the name will be worth the name and the destiny will be
justifiable. Otherwise it raises another question, Where Principles of Natural
Justice has gone?
Written By: T. R. Radhakrishnan,
Banking & Management Consultant,
NPA Resolution Consultant,
H.R. Trainer: Corporates, Colleges & Schools, & Freelance Writer,
No. 8, Morya Gardens,
Kanadia Road,
Indore.452016 (Madhya Pradesh)
E-mail: trrk1941@gmail.com