Kidnapping For Ransom: Section 364A IPC
Section 364A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) which deals with "Kidnapping for
Ransom" defines the abominable crime of holding a person captive with a view to
extorting money or coercing an action from a government authority, foreign
government, international organization, or any other person. In particular, this
section outlines when an individual kidnaps someone else and retains them in
illegal custody or threatens harm or death in order to gain certain actions,
such as payment of ransom or release of prisoners. The gravity of the offence is
emphasized by the potential penalty for its commission; namely, capital
punishment or life imprisonment in conjunction with a fine.
This crime is non-bailable and cognizable as one can be arrested without a
warrant by law enforcement, and bail is denied to the accused person as an
absolute matter. Moreover, it is only triable by the Court of Session that deals
with severe criminal cases. It is not compoundable under Section 320 of CrPC,
which means that such offences cannot be compromised. Section 364A acts as a
strong prevention against kidnapping for ransom or coercion by laying out rigid
legal measures and striving to seek justice for the victims and their families
who have been subjected to such illegal acts.
Ransom kidnapping is a detestable act in which individuals are taken hostage to
later extort money from their loved ones or even authorities before releasing
them safely. This despicable behaviour has been around since time immemorial and
is still rampant across the globe today, representing enormous obstacles that
law enforcement has to face and leaving indescribable suffering for victims and
their loved ones.
Kidnapping with an intention to obtain ransom is mostly prompted by economic
motives or the desire to hold a political hostage. Criminals, terrorist
organizations, and individuals use this technique as a source of profit or
promotion of their agenda. Often, it is those who are in the public eye or whose
family members have a high standing in society who are targeted since they are
perceived as wealthy or influential, thus becoming attractive prey for ransom
One of the most common ways in which kidnapping for ransom is initiated is
through the selection of a victim and planning for the actual abduction. In some
cases, assailants may try to identify potential victims and evaluate their
weaknesses using surveillance as a means of preparation. After the target is
identified, they are kidnapped forcefully, and violence or fear may be applied
in the process.
During the kidnapping, the kidnappers usually make a call to the victim's
family, employer, or even some government authorities, telling them their
demands for a ransom. These demands are normally followed by threats of physical
injury or even death unless their demands are met within a given time frame. The
parties concerned could enter into negotiations that would see terms such as the
amount of ransom, payment method, and conditions under which the victim is freed
The issue of paying ransom is an ethical conflict for all parties concerned. On
one hand, the main aim is to bring back the abducted person safely home, but by
agreeing to pay, kidnappers may gain more power and have a chance for further
abductions as well as funding their criminal activities. Governments and law
enforcement bodies typically have rules that discourage negotiation with
kidnappers or ransom payment in order to prevent future occurrences.
Nonetheless, for families confronting the indescribable agony of a loved one's
kidnapping, opting to pay ransom might be their sole hope for a secured reunion.
While a ransom kidnapping can seem to be over once the payment has been made and
the individual is freed without any injury, victims, along with their relatives,
bear tremendous consequences, psychologically speaking, of course, in the form
of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorders. Moreover, many
families may experience financial hardships due to having paid the ransom, as
well as coping with repercussions at emotional and practical levels after the
The fight against ransom kidnappings involves a multifaceted approach that
encompasses collaboration among law enforcement, intelligence gathering, and
public awareness campaigns. Specialized units within law enforcement agencies
are responsible for investigating these cases and capturing the culprits.
International cooperation is crucial, as many kidnappings occur across borders,
requiring coordinated efforts between nations to locate suspects and rescue
Additionally, raising awareness about the dangers of kidnapping and educating
the public on safety measures can help reduce the risk. This includes advising
individuals and organizations on security protocols, such as avoiding high-risk
areas, implementing personal security measures, and maintaining open
communication with authorities.
In summary, ransom kidnappings are a despicable crime that causes immense
suffering to victims and their loved ones. It is a complex and prevalent problem
that demands a joint effort from governments, law enforcement agencies, and
society as a whole to effectively combat it. Through the implementation of
comprehensive strategies focused on prevention, detection, and response, we can
work towards mitigating this heinous crime and safeguarding the well-being of
individuals worldwide.
In the case of Ashwani Kumar Yadav v. State of Chhattisgarh, the
conviction order of the Trial Court under Sections 307, 120B, 364-A, 392, and
397 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) was affirmed by the High Court, which
was then challenged in an appeal before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court
ruled that an offence under Section 364A of the IPC cannot be applied if the
kidnapping or abduction did not involve a ransom demand. Justices Sudhanshu
Dhulia and Satish Chandra Sharma emphasized that the prosecution failed to prove
the existence of a ransom call, leading to the conclusion that the accused
cannot be held liable under Section 364A IPC.
The Court also referred to the case of Shaik Ahmed v. State of Telangana
[(2021) 9 SCC 59], which highlighted three conditions that must be met to
establish an offence under Section 364A. These include the occurrence of a
kidnapping or abduction, a threat of death or harm to the person, or the accused
person's conduct indicating such a threat, and the intention to compel the
government, foreign state, intergovernmental organization, or any other person
to perform or abstain from an act or pay a ransom.
In the case of Shaik Ahmed v. State of Telangana, 2021 SCC Online SC 436,
decided on 28.06.2021, Ashok Bhushan and R. Subhash Reddy, JJ, of the Supreme
Court, outlined the key elements that need to be established by the prosecution
in order to successfully convict an individual under Section 364A of the Indian
Penal Code, which pertains to kidnapping for ransom.
To define what constitutes kidnapping for ransom, the necessary elements
include: (i) The act of kidnapping or abducting someone or unlawfully detaining
a person; and (ii) The threat to inflict death or bodily injury on the captive,
or conduct which leads to a reasonable belief that such a person may be
subjected to harm; or (iii) Inflicting harm or causing the death of that person
in order to force the Government, any foreign State, any international
organization, any other person, or group of persons into some action which
should not have been done, to which they had not committed themselves, with whom
they did not have any agreement at all by conduct from the part of those parties
towards them.
The first condition having been met, the Court stated that a second condition
must be established based on the use of the word "and" in conjunction with the
first condition. Therefore, in addition to the first condition, either condition
(ii) or (iii) must be proven; otherwise, conviction under Section 364A is not
Written By: Md.Imran Wahab, IPS, IGP, Provisioning, West Bengal
Email:, Ph no: 9836576565
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