Consumer Protection Act: An Activist Judge ‘Revolutionizes’! Patient Treatment
Lamhe ne khata ki thi, sadiyon ne saza paayi
An activist judge on the State Consumer Forum of Rajasthan, has single handed
'revolutionized' and 'up graded' the patient treatment in private hospitals of
Jaipur by his pronouncements in recent cases.
He has forced the care providers to practice law while practicing medicine, at a
huge cost to the patients.
The learned judge ruled that every act of medical intervention must be supported
by 'legally' acceptable evidence. Statement under oath by a physician, alone
will not do. It must be supported by documentary evidence. In an ICU or in case
of seriously ill patient, on average, about 250 interventions are done every
day. Every one of them, the learned judge rules, must be explicitly documented.
'What is not documented is not done.' The doctors who prescribe, the nurses and
technicians and others who execute these orders, must, individually, document
them. It must be duly dated, timed and signed.
The record must be preserved and stored for at least five years or in certain
cases for over 18 years. In a 150 bed hospital where about 20 thousand patients
are admitted every year, 1 lakh files, each containing on average 100 pages (100
lakh) have to be preserved and stored. Besides, to take care of disappearance of
any vital paper, each page must be scanned and stored on cloud. Detailed summary
of a case is not acceptable. The human and monetary resources required for it
had to be mobilized.
The judge also ruled that nothing that is purported to be done on a patient, if
not supported by legally executed 'informed consent', will constitute
negligence. The learned judge says 'There should be proof that patient was
counseled in the language he or she understands. The patient is illiterate or
lay and is not expected to understand any medical terms used in the consent
taking process.'
The judge rejected all the consents taken in the patient's language in a case on
the ground that they had medical terminology used in the consent. He even ruled
that all the consents taken were to protect the doctor and that they constituted
virtually a license to do harm. As a result, the doctors do not touch an
emergency case (where risk of serious complications is high) unless a detailed
high risk consent is signed by the attendants and witnessed by others and the
whole process of counseling is video graphed and preserved for production before
the court. The resources required to do the same as a routine had to be
The learned judge had ruled that not referring a patient to an organ specialist,
for any complaint pertaining to a specific organ, is negligence. As a result, in
a multidisciplinary hospital, on average a dozen specialists are required to
treat a patient. No one likes to take a risk. It's legally required. Physicians
must practice law.
The learned judge had also ruled that not doing an investigation or a test,
indicated in a medical text book, or now freely available medical literature, is
deficiency of service and negligence. No investigation is unnecessary anymore.
The clinician has to have a proof that a particular condition was ruled out,
that is negative evidence.
Evidence based medicine!. Test reports are the only evidence acceptable in the
court. However senior, or experienced a specialist may be, his subjective
opinion based on experience is no more legally acceptable. There must be
supportive evidence. Vendors, the Labs, and capital-intensive-
investigating-facilities, are glad to provide the world class facilities. The
patient is provided the benefit of all the sophisticated investigations of
highest grade available in the market. A paying patient, it is enjoined, is
legally entitled to avail them. A poor patient has to submit to the same as it
has become a legal norm.
The learned judge has also ruled that in ICU, patient's attendants should be
provided free access to the patient to enable them to assess the patient's
condition personally. It is further asserted, that as what is done to the
patient behind the closed doors, is not known to the attendants, to be
transparent, the attendants should be informed about every treatment
The fact that every major intervention in ICU is done after a written consent
and that every drug prescription is provided and procured by the attendants
waiting outside, is not considered transparent enough. The briefing by the
visiting consultant has to be recorded by videography and preserved for perusal
of the court. The entry in the patient record that attendants were apprised of
the patient's condition and prognosis, is not acceptable in the absence of a
In a private corporate set up the reimbursement model for payment is
fee-for-service model. It is activity based payment model. Patient has to pay
for every activity performed (service provided) on him. All service-products are
priced. The legal rights of a patient, to have everything as per the legal
requirement , suits the vendors. They are glad to cater to a demanding client.
The activist Judge has single handed forced the hospitals to provide 'highest
grade' of legally acceptable evidence based medicare. The marketing managers of
the hospital, 'as risk management', have to strategize availability of resources
to underwrite lakhs and crores being awarded against them. Hospital revenue is
from the patients. Hospital managers have to raise the revenue to survive.
The whole exercise may be of benefit to 1 percent of the patients that go to the
court. For the rest it is a costly venture without any medical benefit. The
whole working of the hospitals have been thrown into disarray. For the medical
professionals, working in hospitals has become a tremendous stress. CPA is a
hidden 'landmine' under patient bed. They have to spend more time practicing
legal requirements to escape CPA than in treating a case. For patients too,the
whole environment of distrust in doctors working in a private hospital has made
the patients' hospital stay and treatment a torture.
Lamhe ne khata ki thi, sdiyon ne saza paayi
Written By: Dr. ShriGopal Kabra
MBBS, LLB, MSc, MS(Anatomy), MS(Surgery)
15, Vijaya Nagar, D-block, Mlaviya Nagar, Jaipur-302017
Ph no: 8003516198
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