"Postmodernism: Where creativity meets the unexpected, turning everyday ideas
into a dance of endless possibilities" .....
Vishal Banga
Post Modernism emerged as a movement in critical legal study mission as a new
system of thoughts, and a body of knowledge
The word Post Modernism suggests that it is after the modern Period, It is a
combination of modernity and Its subsequent out growth, there is nothing beyond
It Emphasized on a single thought evolving an open space for the marginal, the
difference and other thoughts, It stands for Disposal, Plurality, Cluster of
styles, Text reading, Object and their real performances.
The Instant change in the last 30 years as a post industrial development has
emerged as post industrial development or birth of a globalized society or birth
of a post capitalist order, Post Modernist also called it as "consumer society"-
A world of capitalism.
Jean Francois: Advocated that it is a reflection of changes in science and
Technology, the development of Computerization, mass communication and
emphasized on the societal and cultural changes of society.
Post Modernism reflects the hopes in the social structure, over the last 100
Years. A conventional cultures and shift towards the globalization and a
systematic Political change with endangering existing Historical foundations of
growth of Jurisprudence.
Post Modernism as a Strategy:
Post Modernism as a strategy for liberating the stressed voices, It is a
commitment to undermine the dominate - Law is a male, patriarchy governs the
society, Rejected ideology of capitalism instability and contradicted the
bureaucrats welfare state. Post Modernism see the society free from bureaucrats
as these were looked as a source of opposition, which can resist or may prove a
threat to freedoms.
A bureaucrats free state:
Post Modernism stage made an effort to respond legitimate crisis of the society,
they accepted that - bureaucrats state become dysfunctional. Because it
deliberately interfered in functions of other System, which caused inefficiency
in management, social and eco resources, It gave birth to new social and eco
problem- minimizing of functions of state by decentralizing Its powers.
As a result of this, the social category exist in society e.g.. Women, Black-
women, Gays lived in a very different world, where no scope of Reconciliation
and many differences in Psychology, one is in conflict with other.
Shifting of Culture and Role of State
Post Modernism Shifted the culture from the study of legal system to the nature
of legal subject and role of Judiciary to Contribute in this system. They said
state is not more or less a part of this structure It's absent, There should be
autonomy of Law to evolve rule of Law.
In a society, where we live, is a society of associations, people working in
factories etc. and we accept religious affiliations. - This theory gave
emergence to new legal practices, where political agenda was changed,
redistribution of eco- sources existed, emphasised on a better environment and
empowerment to victimized groups of society.
Post Modernism accepted that law is command of sovereign and sovereign has to
take care of subjects so they can pursue desired goals for social growth and
Limitation of Post Modernism
Post Modernism:
- Created a new struggle for society.
- Forced legal subjects to die in contingency situations.
- A lot of confusion, where no sufficient time to attain Certainly.
- Created an uncertain world where neither law nor culture heritage provided certainty.
- Law & Social Transformation, Faculty Miss Rupam Jagota, GNDU RC
Jalandhar (Notes)
Written By:Vishal Banga, LLM Student, Guru Nanak Dev University Regional
Campus Jalandhar