The Constitution of India is the Supreme law of the land. The Judicial system of
India has the responsibility of Interpreting and protecting it. It also acts as
the guardian or protector of the Fundamental rights of the people. It exercises
the power of determining the constitutional validity of all laws. It has the
power to struck down any law or any part of it which it founds to be
unconstitutional or violating the basic structure doctrine or Fundamental rights
of the People. This power of the Judiciary is called the power of Judicial
Review. So, The Power of judicial review is necessary to be exercised by
judicial system for Establishing ‘Rule of Law’.
The ultimate objective of this
is to protect the Fundamental rights of the people from legislative or
Administrative Arbitrariness. The power of Judicial Review vests with the
Supreme court and High courts of India but will be further reviewed and upheld
by supreme court of India. In a Democracy, Judiciary acts as an body that keeps
a check on the subjective powers of the government to establish good governance
and a better democracy for the people. Article 137 of constitution of India
1950, provides the power of Judicial Review to Supreme court of India, provides
that subject to provisions of any law and rules made under Article 145, the
supreme court has the power to review any judgment pronounced or order made by
it. According to doctrine of separation of power there are three essential
bodies Legislature, Executive and Judiciary.
Legislature & Executive bodies
together form up the government. The role of a legislative body is to make laws.
The role of the executive is to deal with initiating policies, and put the laws
passed by the parliament into implementation through the local authorities like
police & armed forces.
In a democratic form of Government where the exercise of powers is mostly done
by executive & bureaucrats conferred upon them by the Legislature, if found
subjective, arbitrary or violative of the fundamental rights like restraining
minorities from professing and practicing their religion, Restrain of minorities
from their basic rights, discrimination on the basis of race, religion, caste,
sex or place of birth , then being the 3rd organ of the Government judiciary
performs the its function as custodian of the constitution to uphold the spirit
of democratic government and constitution and protect these Fundamental rights
of the people. Judiciary is an important Pillar for the smooth functioning of
democracy and maintaining peace and justice.
These facets of Judicial review were pronounced by the Supreme court of India in
case of L. Chandra kumar vs Union of India, Stating that the judges of higher
court have to interpret legislation up to this end that the constitutional
values are not to be interrupted.
To achieve this end, the Judges have to keep
in mind that the equilibrium of control, specified in the constitution is not
disturbed. As our constitution guarantees that their should be separation of
powers between different organs of the government in performing their respective
functions, but separation of powers should not be of such nature that it grows
too powerful and countervail powers of others so to keep it in control ,the
theory of check and balances is introduced to strengthen the powers of courts to
review the actions of the executive.
Power of Judicial Review is the heart of
administrative law and an important method of inquiring into the competence of
public authority. Supreme court is the highest judicial authority with the power
of Judicial review. Power of judicial review vests with high court under article
226 and 227 of the constitution of India and Supreme court of India under
article 32 and 136 of constitution of India.
There has been a continuous attempt on the parts of the Judiciary to bring the
invocation of Emergency under the article 352 and article 356 of the
constitution of India within the Judicial Scrutiny. This has been tried to keep
a check on the powers of the Government to prevent it from any arbitrary
decision on proclamation of emergency.
The essence of Judicial Review lies in
the fact that the role model for governance and decision making should manifest
equity, fair, play and Justice. So, the act of governance should withstand the
test of Judiciousness and impartiality so that it does not turns out to be
oppressive, fanciful and arbitrary.
Principle of Governance should therefore be
tested by the judiciary. During the emergency all the rights of the citizens are
seized including the Fundamental included with article 32 and 226 of the
constitution of India, restricting the citizens from approaching the courts
during Emergency for violation of their fundamental rights i.e.; Article 19 and
Article 21. Judicial review therefore should not be considered as an excessive
delegation of power but as a measure to check whether the acts done are in
accordance with the constitution or not.
In Re[6] the Supreme court refused
hold the continuance of emergency under Article 352 void and stated the question
involved here is- “a political, not Justiciable issue and the appeals should be
to the polls not to the courts. In Re[7] President has ample material for his
satisfaction before declaring an emergency and it is not open to the courts to
question the validity of the proclamation under article 352.
Through the
42nd amendment Sub-Article(5) was inserted in Article 352 which made the
president’s satisfaction in proclaiming an emergency final and conclusive and
provided that such satisfaction shall not be questioned in any court on any
ground and further barred any of the courts to consider the validity of the
proclamation made by the president and also the continued operation of such a
proclamation. It was clearly meant to exclude judicial scrutiny of a
proclamation or its continuance. Then, this clause (5) was deleted by the
44th Amendment and this itself shows that at any rate the jurisdiction of the
court to go into the mala fide issue of a proclamation or its mala fide
continuance was not to be excluded.
With this Amendment it is the discretion of
the Supreme court to decide whether it will treat the satisfaction of the
president to issue the proclamation of emergency, or to vary it to continue it,
as final and Non- Justiciable or as being subject to judicial review on some
grounds. In Minerva Mills Ltd. v. Union of India[8] it was found that wherever
the president while proclaiming the emergency had applied his mind or whether he
had acted outside his powers Emergency could not be excluded from the scope of
Judicial Review.
S.R. Bomnai v. Union of India view of High courts about
judicial review was that there could be no judicial review of the presidential
proclamation but then the Supreme court held that the Judicial review was
possible and validity of the proclamation issued can be reviewed. This further
gave strength to the observation laid down in
Minerva Mills Ltd. v. Union of
India. All the judges agreed that a proclamation issued under Art. 352 is not
completely beyond Judicial Review and Mala-fide decision provide a ground for
Judicial Reference.
It was held in S.R. Bomnai v. Union of India that Article
356 Clause 1 is not Immune from judicial review. Courts can strike down the
proclamation if it is found to be mala-fide or based on totally irrelevant or
extraneous grounds. Article 74(2) merely bars an enquiry into the question what
advice was given by the ministers to the President. It does not debar the court
from Examining the material on which it was given.
If the material is found to
be irrelevant or not connected the court can strike down the proclamation as
being ultra-vires and has the power to restore the dismissed government and
reactivate the Legislative Assembly which was kept under suspension. So, the
susceptibility of proclamation under Article 356 to judicial review is beyond
dispute. Judiciary looks into the matters not only concerning executive
decision of proclamation of emergency but also the matters concerning
safeguarding people fundamental rights(Only Article 21) against executive action
and can review the action of executive after the Emergency is removed.
After all such efforts by Judicial system for proper functioning of the
government till now it is till now a contentious topic and debates arise on
whether government functioning , decisions making and its executive functions
comes under the ambit of Judicial Review. Although Judiciary can’t intervene in
functioning of the government but It is of vital Importance when it comes on
protection of human rights and smooth functioning of the Government and its
Institutions by infusing accountability.
The civil Society has expected notions
of judicial governance. However, there is an ardent need of expansion judicial
governance taking into fact prevalence of injustice in the society. To give
meaning democratic India, two important factors need to be brought into force
i.e. reformation of the political system and enforcement of the law with support
for both from the judiciary.
Judiciary also keeps a check on amending power of parliament that whether any
law in Indian constitution or any part of it amended by parliament under article
368 of the constitution of India is violative of Fundamental rights and basic
structure doctrine, if yes, it would be struck down by an order of supreme court
directing the parliament to review it again or struck it down.
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