Impact of covid-19 on Education system in India

Every industry in the globe is seeing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has a significant negative impact on both the Indian and global education systems. It has imposed a global lockdown, having a highly negative impact on students' lives. All educational activities were stopped in India as around 32 crore students left their current schools or universities.

The COVID-19 epidemic has shown us that change is unavoidable. It has acted as a stimulus for educational institutions to develop and choose cutting-edge platforms and methods. The education sector has been working to survive the crises with a new strategy and digitising the difficulties to remove the pandemic threat. This research paper has laid down some measures taken by Govt. of India to provide flawless education in the country.

Both the positive and negative impacts of COVID-19 on education system has been discussed and some fruitful suggestions are given to carry out educational activities in more effective manner during this pandemic situation.

"What is education? Is it book learning? No. Is it diverse knowledge? Not even that. The training by which the current and expression of will are brought under control and become fruitful is called education." - Swami Vivekananda

The pandemic Covid-19 has spread over whole world and compelled the human society to maintain social distancing. It has significantly disrupted the education sector which is a critical determinant of a country's economic future. February 11, 2020, the World Health Organisation ( proposed an official name of the virus as COVID acronym for Coronavirus disease 2019.

It was first identified in Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019. First death by COVID 19 was the 61-year old man in Wuhan, China 2020. WHO declared COVID-19 as a pandemic on 2020. The first case of the COVID-19 pandemic reported on 30 January 2020 in the state of Kerala and the affected had a travel history from Wuhan, China (Wikipedia). The first death due to COVID-19 was reported in India on March 12, 2020.

It has affected more than 4.5 million peoples worldwide (WHO).[1] This pandemic has caused the adverse impact on each and every sector in India whether its Corporate , either it is educqtion .after seeing the increased cases of corona in each and every part of India central government and state government decided to close colleges, schools and universities Classes suspended and all examinations of schools, colleges and universities including entrance tests were postponed indefinitely.

Thus, the lockdown destroyed the schedules of every student. Though it is an exceptional situation in the history of education, COVID 19 had created opportunities to come out of the rigorous classroom teaching model to a new era of digital model.

Concept Of Education
  1. What is Education:
    WHAT IS EDUCATION? Education is an essential process in human development. It is different from schooling. Schooling is just one of the ways in which education is provided, whereas education deals with the total process of human learning by which knowledge is imparted, faculties are trained and different skills are developed. Education is also defined as the act or process of educating or applying discipline on the mind or a process of character training. It is a dynamic instrument of change. Education is expected to affect or condition the social behaviour of the person being educated.[2]

    In English the term "Education" has been derived from two Latin words Educare (Educere) and Educatum. "Educare" means to train or mould. It again means to bring up or to lead out or to draw out, propulsion from inward to outward. The term "Educatum" denotes the act of teaching. It throws light on the principles and practice of teaching.

    The term Educare or Educere mainly indicates development of the latent faculties of the child. But child does not know these possibilities. It is the educator or the teacher who can know these and take appropriate methods to develop those powers.

    In Hindi, the term "Siksha" has come from the Sanskrit word "Shash". "Shash" means to discipline, to control, to order, to direct, to rule etc. Education in the traditional sense means controlling or disciplining the behaviour of an individual. In Sanskrit "Shiksha" is a particular branch of the Sutra literature, which has six branches �Shiksh, Chhanda, Byakarana, Nirukta, Jyotisha and Kalpa. The Sutra literature was designed to learn the Vedas. Siksha denotes rules of pronunciation. There is another term in Sanskrit, which throws light on the nature of education. It is "Vidya" which means knowledge. The term "Vidya" has originated from "Bid" meaning knowledge.[3]

    By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man's body, mind and spirit. Mahatma Gandhi:
    • The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence. Rabindranath Tagore
    • Education is something, which makes a man self-reliant and self-less. Rigveda
    • Education is that whose end product is salvation. Upanishada
  2. There are four fundamental objectives of education according to John Dewey. They are:
    • Developing habits and skills of inquiry and observation;
    • communicating effectively;
    • cooperating with others; and
    • living creatively.

E-Education & Its Effectiveness

E �education means teachers provide learning through electronic media that is by using electronic gadgets for example laptop, personal computers, multi media phones .

Unfortunately , educational institutes got closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has been encouraging online education to achieve academic continuity. Most high-end private and public institutions have made the switch smoothly using online platforms such as Zoom, Google classrooms, Microsoft teams, Facebook, wattsap, UTube etc..

While many still find it a difficult task. The challenges of online education are multifaceted. It is time that we Indians, as a society, understand the realms of online education � in India. As every coin has 2 sides similarly E- Education has both pros and cons .

Positive Impact Of Covid 19 On E-Education Are As Follows:

  • Online Education during this covid has given a ray of hope to teachers and students to continue their educational activities.
  • This system of education is trying to make youths more digitalized and technology prone it wll further help them to be more and highly skilled in technology
  • Move towards Blended Learning: COVID-19 has accelerated adoption of digital technologies to deliver education. Educational institutions moved towards blended mode of learning. It encouraged all teachers and students to become more technology savvy. New ways of delivery and assessments of learning opened immense opportunities for a major transformation in the area of curriculum development and pedagogy. It also gives access to large pools of learners at a time.
  • Enhance the use of soft copy of learning material
  • Rise in online meetings
  • Enhanced Digital Literacy
  • Demand for Open and Distance Learning
  • Improved the use of electronic media for sharing information
  • Worldwide exposure

  1. Educational activity Hampered:
    Classes have been suspended and exams at different levels postponed. Different boards have already postponed the annual examinations and entrance tests. Admission process got delayed. Due to continuity in lockdown, student suffered a loss of nearly 3 months of the full academic year of 2020-21 which is going to further deteriorate the situation of continuity in education.
  2. Impact on Employment:
    Most of the recruitment got postponed due to COVID-19 Placements for students may also be affected with companies. For India, the report estimates job loss for 4.1 million youth. Construction and agriculture have witnessed the major job losses among seven key sectors," said the ILO-ADB report, titled 'Tackling the COVID-19 youth employment crisis in Asia and the Pacific'[4]
  3. Increased responsibility of parents to educate their wards:
    Some educated parents are able to guide but some may not have the adequate level of education needed to teach children in the house
  4. Non Access to digital world:
    As many students have limited or no internet access and many students may not be able to afford computer, laptop or supporting mobile phones in their homes, online teaching-learning may create a digital divide among students. The lockdown has hit the poor students very hard in India as most of them are unable to explore online learning according to various reports.
  5. Delay in payment of fees:
    During this lockdown most of the parents were facing the unemployment situation so they were not able to pay the fee for that particular time periods which affected the private institutes.
  6. Casual approach in learning process:
    During this covid pandemic physical education system converted into virtual education system because of which students become non serious towards studies.

Initiatives of Govt. of India on education during Covid-19
  • Diksha portal contains e-Learning content for students, teachers, and parents aligned to the curriculum, including video lessons, worksheets, textbooks and assessments. Under the guidance of its national boards of education (CBSE) and NCERT, the content has been created by more than 250 teachers who teach in multiple languages. The app is available to use offline. It has more than 80,000 e-Books for classes 1 to 12 created by CBSE, NCERT in multiple languages. The contents can also be viewed through QR codes on textbooks.
  • e-Pathshala is an e-Learning app by NCERT for classes 1 to 12 in multiple languages. The app houses books, videos, audio, etc. aimed at students, educators and parents in multiple languages including Hindi, Urdu, and English. In this web portal NCERT has deployed 1886 audios, 2000 videos, 696 e-Books and 504 Flip Books for classes 1 to 12 in different languages.
  • National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER) portal provides a host of resources for students and teachers in multiple languages including books, interactive modules and videos including a host of STEM-based games. Content is mapped to the curriculum for classes 1-12, including aligned resources for teachers. It has a total of 14527 files including 401 collections, 2779 documents, 1345 interactive, 1664 audios, 2586 images and 6153 videos on different languages.
  • Swayam is the national online education platform hosting 1900 courses covering both school (classes 9 to 12) and higher education (under graduate, post graduate programs) in all subjects including engineering, humanities and social sciences, law and management courses. The unique feature is that, it is integrated with 12583 Pravat Kumar Jena, Impact of pandemic covid-19 on education in India the conventional education. Credit transfers are possible for SWAYAM courses
  • Swayam Prabha has 32 DTH TV channels transmitting educational contents on 24 x 7 basis. These channels are available for viewing all across the country using DD Free Dish Set Top Box and Antenna. The channel schedule and other details are available in the portal. The channels cover both school education (classes 9 to 12) and higher education (undergraduate, postgraduate, engineering Out-of-school children, vocational courses and teacher training) in arts, science, commerce, performing arts, social sciences and humanities subjects, engineering, technology, law, medicine, agriculture.
  • e-PG Pathshala is for postgraduate students. Postgraduate students can access this platform for ebooks, online courses and study materials during this lockdown period. The importance of this platform is that students can access these facilities without having internet for the whole day.

  1. India should develop creative strategies to ensure that all children must have sustainable access to learning during pandemic COVID-19.
  2. Central government should bring out more job opportunities for jobless youths during this pandemic tom reduce unemployment rate
  3. More interesting and effective learning tools should be used by teachers on e-learning platforms.
  4. At current times, access to technology and internet is an urgent requirement. So, the digital capabilities and the required infrastructure must reach to the remotest and poorest communities to facilitate the students to continue their education during the pandemics.
COVID-19 has impacted immensely to the education sector of India. Though it has created many challenges, various opportunities are also evolved. The Indian Govt. and different stakeholders of education have explored the possibility of Open and Distance learning (ODL) by adopting different digital technologies to cope up with the present crisis of COVID-19. India is not fully equipped to make education reach all corners of the nation via digital platforms.

The students who aren't privileged like the others will suffer due to the present choice of digital platforms. But universities and the government of India are relentlessly trying to come up with a solution to resolve this problem. The priority should be to utilise digital technology to create an advantageous position for millions of young students in India.

It is need of the hour for the educational institutions to strengthen their knowledge and Information Technology infrastructure to be ready for facing COVID-19 like situations. India should develop creative strategies to ensure that all children must have sustainable access to learning during pandemic COVID-19. As online practice is benefitting the students immensely, it should be continued after the lockdown.

  1. sers/shikh/Downloads/ImpactCovid-19onEdnIJCRJuly2020.pdf
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Award Winning Article Is Written By: Ms.Shikha Bhatnagar
Awarded certificate of Excellence
Authentication No: MY349731006962-11-0523

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