Indian constitution is a unique constitution and it took 2 years 11 months and 17 days to write and enact the Indian constitution. Indian constitution is a constitution which is written and dra...
The Act was enacted to provide protection of rights of transgender persons and to protect them from any sort of discriminations. The Act is extended to whole of India. The Act is divided into n...
In India Article 32 and Article226 of Indian constitution mention about writs. Writs are constitutional remedies that can be issued by Supreme Court under Article 32 and by high court under Art...
Media is considered as fourth pillar in India. Media primary duty is to circulate, inform the unfiltered truth to people or in society. However many times it has been seen that just for TRP or ...
In India rights of Accused are mentioned and are enshrined in the Indian Constitution and various other legal statutes .these rights are given to the accused to provide them fair chance or fair...
The term cyber crime is not defined in any of the Act or statue passed by the Indian legislature but in simple way it can be define the Cyber crime is a crime which is committed or carried out ...
The laws related to obscenity is codified in provisions of the Indian Penal code ,In spite of provision there were indecent representation of women in publications, advertisement ,etc. Indecent...
The Act was enacted to provide protection of rights of transgender persons and to protect them ...
The term cyber crime is not defined in any of the Act or statue passed by the Indian legislatur...
Indian constitution is a unique constitution and it took 2 years 11 months and 17 days to write...
The laws related to obscenity is codified in provisions of the Indian Penal code ,In spite of p...