The Latin phrase "ex proprio vigore" translates to "by its own force" or "of its own strength." In law, it describes a rule or provision that becomes effective aut...
"Inter Arma Silent Leges," a Latin phrase meaning "In times of war, the laws are silent," encapsulates the conflict between the rule of law and the urgent demands of war or ...
In the digital age, where every moment of our lives can be captured, shared, and stored indefinitely, the intersection of the right to privacy and the growing phenomenon of sharenting has emerg...
The Supreme Court of India has been a cornerstone of democracy, serving as the guardian of the Constitution and the protector of fundamental rights. Its judgements have had a profound impact on...
What is Class Immunity?The class immunity doctrine shields certain public officials from lawsuits arising from their official duties. This legal protection allows officials to perform their jobs wi...
From the days of law college, I used to think- what is there in law, which is ours. You see any concept, any theory, any dogma. All of it is Western. According to a study, during the historical...
The Quran, Islam's sacred text, has significantly shaped legal frameworks globally, especially in Muslim-majority areas. Its impact manifests in numerous ways: Sharia law, derived from the Qura...
The law, once designed to ease and enhance the day-to-day living of humans is now one of their biggest hurdles, ironically, the more it eases our living the more ambiguous and difficult it gets...
The doctrine of election is a fundamental legal principle, particularly significant in property and contract law. It arises when an individual has to choose between two mutually exclusive right...
The right to reside in any part of India is a fundamental freedom guaranteed to all citizens, directly stemming from Article 19(1)(e) of the Constitution of India. This right holds paramount im...