Latest from Jurisprudence

Balancing the Scales: A Comparative Analysis of Judicial Activism and Judicia...


The judiciary is a cornerstone of democratic governance, interpreting and applying laws to uphold justice and ensure that government actions are within constitutional bounds. Two contrasting ph...

Constitutional Guardians or Political Instruments? Assessing the Changing Dyn...


India, that is Bharat is a Union of States, this is what the very 1st Article of our constitution talks about, the essence of India lies in the States[1]. Every state has its own Chief Minister...

The Concept Of Judicial Review And Its Importance In Upholding The Constitution


The legal Maxim "Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum" underscores the principle that justice must be pursued no matter the consequences. Judicial review embodies this principle by ensuring that the actio...

Towards Equality and Unity: Understanding India's Quest for a Uniform Civil Code


'Uniform Civil Code is the need of the hour for India's progress and unity'. - B.R. Ambedkar The Uniform Civil Code has been an argumentative issue in Indian society, reflecting the tension ...

Understanding Intra Vires: Definition, Illustrations, and Legal Precedents


Definition: The concept of 'intra vires' refers to actions taken by entities operating within the boundaries of their legal authority. This legal framework applies to various entities, includi...

Analyzing Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999


The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) was enacted by the Indian Parliament on December 29, 1999, to align with the frameworks of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It governs foreign exch...

Bilkis Bano Case: A Journey Through Injustice and Resilience


The Bilkis Bano case is one of the shockingly evil acts that happened in the Gujarat riots in 2002. As we see in India the most common crime which is suffered by women is rape. And the judicial...

Hart's Theory of Jurisprudence


Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart (1907-1992) was a distinguished legal philosopher whose groundbreaking work, 'The Concept of Law' (1961), revolutionized jurisprudence. Hart's theory of jurispruden...

Austin's Theory of Jurisprudence


Austin's Theory of Jurisprudence, a foundational work in the field of jurisprudence formulated by John Austin, a renowned British legal philosopher in the 19th century, is widely recognized as ...

The Impact of Hong Kong's National Security Law: A Two-Sided Story


The year 2020 saw Hong Kong's political and social scene permanently altered with the introduction of China's National Security Law (NSL). This particular law was a direct reply to the pro-demo...