Latest from Contracts

The Role of Good Faith in Indian Contract Law


The principle of good faith is a cornerstone of contract law, ensuring fairness and honesty in contractual dealings. It serves as a moral and ethical standard, promoting trust and cooperation b...

Understanding Promissory Notes: A Human Guide to Secure Financial Transactions


Promissory Note Section 4: A promissory note is an instrument in writing (not being a bank note or a currency note) containing an unconditional undertaking, signed by the maker, to pay a certa...

Refund of Unused Stamp Papers after the Statutory Period of 6 months


It is common knowledge that unused stamp papers are valid indefinitely as there is no specific mandate in the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 invalidating the unused stamp papers. However, the State of ...

Case Comment: State Of Madhya Pradesh v/s Kaluram


Parties Involved Petitioner: State Of Madhya Pradesh Respondent: Kaluram Date Of Judgement: 5th September, 1966 ...

Claims For Necessaries Supplied To Person Incapable Of Contracting


In today's society in India, minors are taking part in public life and transactions at a greater pace than before. A minor has to attain education in educational institutes, to travel, buys pro...

Comprehensive Overview of the CPC: Understanding Decrees, Execution, and Tria...


The article provides a comprehensive overview of the key provisions and procedures governing civil suits under the Code of Civil Procedure in India. It outlines steps for filing lawsuits, prese...

Role of Consideration in Valid Contracts


The maxim "Ex nudo pacto non oritur actio" means No action arises from a bare promise. This legal maxim perfectly captures the essence of consideration in contract law. Consideration ...

Understanding Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)


Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) are legal contracts that protect sensitive information from being disclosed to unauthorized parties. They are commonly used in various business and professional...

Validity of Agreements restraining Liberty as per Indian Contract Act, 1872


The right to Liberty, to live life as per one's own wises, is one of the fundamental rights necessary for the development and progress of humanity. Part of the First generation of Human rights,...

When Injunction Cannot be Granted by the Court


Section 41 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 delves into the discretionary power of courts when it comes to granting injunctions. An injunction, a powerful legal tool, serves as a court order pr...