The Interplay between Mediation, Insolvency and Bankruptcy


Occurrence of the events of disability or default to fulfill financial obligation among debtors is an inevitable predicament in the commercial world; it is however imperative, to evolve a resil...

Understanding Spike and Plunge in Share Prices


Stock prices are influenced by a myriad of factors, including company performance, economic conditions, and even the often unpredictable sentiment of investors. While natural market fluctuation...

A Legal Study On Risk Factors And Security Issues In Online Banking


Purpose and Aim of the Study The advent of multinational banking companies in India has introduced significant challenges, affecting not only the banking public and online service providers but a...

Section 143A of The Negotiable Instrument Act: Whether Mandatory or Directory?


Section 143-A of The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 deals with the power of the Court to grant interim compensation to the complainant. Section 143-A was introduced on the statue book by Act N...

Corporate Insolvency resolution process


Financial Creditors assess the financial health of the debtor's business and, if any, other possibilities for its rescue and revival throughout the corporate insolvency resolution process. The ...

RBI Enforces Digital Interoperability Law, Bans Paytm Payments: A New Dawn Wi...


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has banned Paytm Payments Bank from onboarding new customers due to non-compliance issues. This means that Paytm Payments Bank has been barred from accepting fre...

Paytm Payment Bank Issue


'Digital wallets' have gained popularity in India and other regions in recent decades. A digital wallet is a platform that allows individuals to carry out electronic transactions utilising elec...

Types Of Banks In India And Their Functions


Banks are licensed financial institutional bodies that accept and store deposits and provide credit to their customers and uses the deposited money to grant loans to the customers as needed and...

Securities And Exchange Board Of India (Real Estate Investment Trusts) (Amend...


The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has introduced, "Securities and Exchange Board of India (Real Estate Investment Trusts) (Amendments) Regulations, 2024". The amendment aimed to...

Deciphering Debt Classification: Operational v/s Financial Distinctions In Co...


The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016 is a crucial legislative framework governing corporate insolvency and restructuring in India. It distinguishes between operational debts arising f...