The main motive of this research is that what are the reasons behind the
crime done by an offender or group of offenders, what are the psychological
factors behind the act what is the intention behind the act? This research
consists of psychological theories of crime, the factors which is seen when an
offender commits a crime. Why crime is present in our society? Why an individual
commits crime. So this research is all about psychological aspects in offender.
Whenever the crime is committed the questions which come to everyone’s mind is
that why an individual commits crime?
Why is crime present in our society?
the offender did so?
These are the foremost question which come to everyone’s
mind, but no one think that:
why there is a need arisen in the offender’s mind to
do so?
What are the factors or circumstances that led him down to do so, so here
comes the part of psychological factors or psychological aspects. In that very
aspect of psychological factors , an individual’s mind set, the way he thinks of
any particular crime, or his behavior towards the society or an individual plays
a vital role. There is a need of psychological factors to be examined while a
crime has been committed. Reading the mind of the offender is a very major role
to be played while the proceedings is going on.
Most of the criminologists are
attempting to answer the question:
That why an individual commits a crime?
crime is present in our society?
As the word crime includes Actus Reus and Mens Rea, when
both combined makes a real meaning of crime Acus Reus and Mens Rea. Actus Reus means an Act physically done to any person
and Mens Rea means the guilty mind or the criminal intention, knowledge of the
fact. Both when complied makes crime, either of one of them doesn’t make a
crime, as alone an act without any intention to kill or hurt cannot be a crime
as both the aspect of Actus Reusand Mens Rea must be present in the mind of
the offender when he is committing a crime.
An offender when he commits a crime
have the knowledge of what he is doing or what he will do to the victim, the
main focus of psychological aspect is on the reason behind is act, what was the
reason of his act that he commits a crime, if a person commits theft then why
did he do so? There are so many factors that either he is a habitual offender or
he is doing for his/her family or he is doing for some sort of bet (which mostly
youth has the ego to not to let himself down and for that ego they can do
anything to any extent or just for showing off ) or he is taking revenge or
he/she stoles the particular thing that is giving them instant gratification or
pleasure there are so many factors for which the offender committed a crime.
Why is crime present in our society?
Crime is present in the society because of the mentality of the people.
Mentality of no humanity in most of the human, I mean how a man can rape a small
girl of 5-6 year or even a new born. Don’t they have humanity? I guess no
humanity left in the human nowadays that’s why the crime rate is super high.
Psychologically if we see there are so many factors in a human that why he did
the offence. But as the circumstances seen nowadays is that there is no humanity
left in people, first they were divided in caste but now they are divided in no
humanity in them, that’s why Jyoti Singh victim in Nirbhaya case suffered his
friend begged for help but no one come up. A teenager was the one amongst the
offenders who was one of the most brutal as he attacked her with iron rod. How
shameless can a human be is seen nowadays when these kind of offences are been
done, here comes the psychological factors that what is the factor which comes
into the mind of the offender that he did so.
Psychological Theories of Crime
1. Psychodynamic Theory
This theory was originated by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), founder of
psychoanalysis. An individual’s mental growth starts from the childhood, from
where he starts to learn and his growth for good or bad things starts from there
only. Person’s personality is controlled by unconscious mental process that is
grounded in early process. An individual’s personal makeup or drive for
something is present at birth for instance food or other necessities. When
someone develops moral standards and values of the community, family, friends,
good or bad behavior or morality is developed is super ego.
Something happened in childhood is constantly drawn in person’s mind,
frustration, anger , depression , anxiety of childhood shows up in future.
Childhood worst experience will affect the future by the way of depression,
anxiety that is the main reason most of the youth or teenagers indulge
themselves in crimes. Most of the youth are drug addicts because of their family
issues or issues relating to relationships nowadays or if their friend is doing,
they will also do the same for the sake of popularity amongst their friends or
group or college, school.
A child whose mother faced domestic violence from his father or his paternal
side the child will develop criminal intent towards his relatives. An
individual’s behavior reflects his maturity level, what is his thinking about
2. Behavioural Theory
The social learning theorist is Albert Bandura (1978). Human behavior is
developed through gaining and learning experiences while growing up. The
children learn violence from others, it is seen that the children learn most of
the acts from movies and try to apply them in real world. Movies is meant for
entertainment but teenagers grasp them and apply them, most of the youth is drug
and alcohol abuse, by taking them they feel that they are in some other
beautiful world and they start abusing themselves physically, mentally,
emotionally. youth is more keen towards drug , smoke , alcohol. Teenagers mostly
attracted towards their opposite sex and if they face rejection they feel to
take revenge and starts drinking alcohol, thinking that taking alcohol will
decrease their pain.
Aggressive act, ego problem, revenge thinking, indulging themselves in drugs and
alcohol modeled from-
# Movies
# Family interaction or problems
# Teenage relationships
# Environmental experiences
# Bad surrounding
Teenage age is where a child needs proper attention, love from their parents.
Parents need to understand their child and how to protect the child to not to go
in bad world of drug, alcohol, smoking. This age is where most of the teenager
starts indulging them in the world of friendship and starts doing what their
friends are doing. Mental, physical, emotional growth is develop more through
experience when you meet people. children who are more aggressive are brought up
by parents there are so many circumstances related to this that the child is
spending more time with care taker and parents cannot give time to their child.
Child starts making up his mind that his/ her parents do not have time for him/
her and feel alienated. A person who lives in an area where people are mostly
offenders then he/she either want to stay apart from them or starts living like
3. Cognitive Theory
This theory mainly focuses on how a person solve the problem and perceive social
environment especially the offender how he perceive the environment. This theory
is associated with crime and violence. A person who is indulge in violence is
less in moral standard.
Nowadays male or female both are indulging themselves in
crime, in many of the cases of molestation or sexual harassment cases are fake
which were filed by women. Women are also the culprit of kidnapping children,
filing fake FIR’s, sending parents to old age home, harassing her parents to
give her property. Over a period of time crime ratio is increasing day by day
because the people are losing humanity, no moral values are left at all.
The word
EGO means self esteem or self importance, this word has been misused over
a period of time as earlier ego play role when someone’s goodwill is harmed but
nowadays, mostly in youth their ego hurts if someone speaks loudly to him/her, if
the teacher scolds the student, the student will kill his/her teacher as his/
her ego is hurt. No moral ethics is left no values or respect for elders. The
only things left are aggression, ego, selfishness, revenge, power of money,
Humans are made by God not to hate or kill someone but to spread love,
humanity, helping poor, but the human now can do anything for his own good, laws
made for the benefit of human are been violating and misused by them. Nature is
been exploited by the human for his own benefits, human is exploited their lives
in the manner that money is more important than the life of any person.
Psychological factors which is seen in offender as well other people is of lust,
hatred, revenge, ego, power of money, selfishness.
At last I want to add one famous quote-
You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you
spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. - Swami Vivekananda
Written By: Meghna Gupta, Institution - K.r. Mangalam University, Sohna
Road, Gurugram   Â