Industrial and National Tribunal
What is Industrial Law?
Industrial Law relates to the laws governing industrial enterprises. These can
include a wide range of legal topics, from employment laws to environmental
concerns, contracts, industrial relations, and worker safety regulations.
Industries vary widely and the policies for each is as unique as the business to
which it relates.
Employment and Labor Issues
Employment and labor laws are relevant to any commercial enterprise, and
industry is no exception. Indeed, industrialization led not only to the modern
conveniences of our technological age, but also the rise of organized labor
unions. Employment and labor issues in industrial enterprises are particularly
important, given the often hazardous nature of the work.
Industrial Accidents
Another major area of concern to industrial laws is accidents. Industrial
workplaces vary widely depending on industry and purpose, from the clean rooms
of high-tech manufacturing, to the often dangerous and noisy welding floors of
heavy industry. Factories, warehouses, chemical plants, refineries, and many
other facilities may also be considered industrial workplaces.
Common industrial
accidents include forklift accidents, falling objects, slips, trips, and falls,
machinery or equipment injuries, explosions or blast injuries, and chemical
burns or inhalation. Industrial accident injuries can often be more severe than
other workplace injuries given the nature of the work. Indeed, according to the
Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is estimated that two out of every 1,000
industrial workers will lose their life from a workplace accident. As a result,
personal injury laws are a major area of practice related to industrial laws.
OSHA Regulations
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) monitors workplace
safety conditions, including in the industrial sector. According to OSHA, many
of the top violations resulting in citations are given to industrial workplaces.
Common problems include communication hazards, lack of respiratory protection,
poor electrical design, inadequate or disabled machine guards, and improper or
unlicensed use of powered industrial trucks.
A brief overview of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
The Industrial Disputes Act has come into force in the year, 1947. The Act was
enacted to make provisions for the prevention and settlement of industrial
disputes and for providing certain safeguards to the workers. The act aims to
minimise the conflicts between labour and management by ensuring possible
economic and social justice. The regulations made under this act apply to the
entire constitution of India.
Objectives of the Industrial Disputes Act
The objectives of the Industrial Disputes Act are as follows:
To support measures for securing and preserving good relations between employers
and employees.
To provide suitable machinery for the equitable and peaceful settlement of
industrial disputes.
To prevent illegal strikes and lockouts.
To afford relief to workers against layoffs, retrenchment, wrongful dismissal
and victimisation.
To promote collective bargaining.
To improve the conditions of workers.
To avoid unfair labour practices.
2.2 Features of the Act
The features of the Industrial Disputes Act are listed out.
The act applies to entire India also includes the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
It favours arbitration over the disputes between employers and workers.
It affords for setting up of works committees as machinery for mutual discussion
between employers and workers to promote friendly relation.
The act paved the way for creating permanent conciliation machinery at various
stages having definite time limits for conciliation and arbitration.
This act emphasis on compulsory adjudication apart from the conciliation and
voluntary arbitration of Industrial Disputes.
Industrial Tribunal
Industrial Tribunal [Sec. 7A]: The appropriate Government may, by notification
in the Official Gazette, constitute one or more Industrial Tribunals for the
adjudication of industrial disputes relating to any matter, whether specified in
the Second Schedule or the Third Schedule and for performing such other
functions as may be assigned to them under this Act.
1. The propriety or legality of an order passed by an employer under the
standing orders;
2. The application and interpretation of standing orders;
3. Discharge or dismissal of workmen including reinstatement of, or grant of
relief to, workmen wrongfully dismissed;
4. Withdrawal of any customary concession or privilege;
5. Illegality or otherwise of a strike or lock-out; and
1. Wages, including the period and mode of payment;
2. Compensatory and other allowances;
3. Hours of work and rest intervals;
4. Leave with wages and holidays;
5. Bonus, profit sharing, provident fund and gratuity;
6. Shift working otherwise than in accordance with standing orders;
7. Classification by grades;
8. Rules of discipline;
9. Rationalisation;
10. Retrenchment of workmen and closure of establishment; and
11. Any other matter that may be prescribed.
According to [Sec 10 (2)] when parties in the industrial dispute apply to the
government to refer dispute to the industrial tribunal and if government
satisfies it shall make the reference to the industrial tribunal.
According to [Sec 10 (6)] no Labour Court or Tribunal shall have jurisdiction to
adjudicate upon any matter which is under adjudication before the National
A Tribunal consists of one person only.
For appointment as the presiding officer of a Tribunal
he is, or has been, a Judge of a High Court; or
he has, for a period of not less than 3 years, been a District Judge or an
Additional District Judge;
he is or has been a Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) or Joint
Commissioner of the State Labour Department, having a degree in law and at 7
seven years’ experience in the labour department after having acquired degree in
law including three years of experience as Conciliation Officer:
Provided that no such Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner or Joint Labour
Commissioner shall be appointed unless he resigns from the service of the
Central Government or State Government, as the case may he, before being
appointed as the presiding officer; or he is an officer of Indian Legal Service
in Grade III with three years’ experience in the grade.â€
Role of Industrial Tribunal
The Industrial Tribunal is a juridical Tribunal made up of a Chairman and two
members (one representing Workers’ interests and the other Employers’ interests)
drawn up from separate panels in the case of an Industrial Dispute whilst of a
chairman alone in the case of alleged unfair dismissal. It is regulated by
the Employment and Industrial Relations Act 2002 (Cap 452).
The tribunal hears disputes in the public but it may hold private sittings.
Statements of Cases are asked of the parties who are then given an opportunity
to support their cases by oral pleading.
Subject to the rules laid down under the Act, the Tribunal is free to regulate
its own procedures but it is expected to observe the rules of natural justice
and to decide on the substantive merits of the case in front of it.
Awards or decisions are binding on both parties. The parties are not free
unilaterally to seek a revision within a year. They may however ask for an
interpretation if the need arises.
Enforcement of the Tribunal’s decisions vests in the Tribunal itself. The
minister is empowered to ask the tribunal for advice in regard to matters
relating to Trade Disputes.
In cases of unfair dismissal the Tribunal may order re-instatement of the
employee or award compensation.
In its awards the Tribunal is expected to refrain from any decision or
consistent with any law or regulation regarding Conditions of Employment. The
Tribunal is forbidden from encroaching upon the Public Service Commission.
No application fee or court fees are payable. The only real expenses are the
transcripts which are obtained at a reasonable fee from the Law Courts
transcribes, and the fee due to the person assisting the applicant. These fees
are stipulated by L.N. 48 of 1986 - Representation Fees Regulations.
The Tribunal Office is housed at the Department of Industrial and Employment
Relations and sittings are held at the Superior Courts.
Presenting a case to the Industrial Tribunal
A case before the Tribunal must be presented by means of a referral in
writing consisting of a declaration stating the facts of the case. The referral
must be presented in the Registry of the Tribunal at the Maltese Law Courts
within four months from the effective date of the alleged breach.
# Ultratech Cement Limited, vs Industrial Tribunal-Cum-Labour on 8
March, 2016
# State Of Rajasthan And Ors. vs Harish Chandra Sharma And Ors. on 20
July, 2006
National Tribunal
National Tribunal [Sec. 7 (B)]: The Central Government may, by notification in
the Official Gazette, constitute one or more National Industrial Tribunals. Its
main function is the adjudication of industrial disputes which involve questions
of national importance or affecting the interest of two or more States.
According to [Sec 10 (1-A)] dispute involves any question of national importance
or is of such a nature that industrial establishments situated in more than one
State, whether it relates to any matter specified in the Second Schedule or the
Third Schedule, the government will order in writing refer to National Tribunal
for adjudication.
According to [Sec 10 (2)] when parties in the industrial dispute apply to the
government to refer dispute to the National Tribunal and if government satisfies
it shall make the reference to the National Tribunal.
The Central Government shall appoint a National Tribunal consisting of one
person only.
A person to be appointed a presiding officer of a National Tribunal must be, or
must have been, a judge of a High Court or
must have held the office of the chairman or
any other member of the Labour Appellate Tribunal for a period of not less than
two years.
The Central Government may appoint two persons as assessors to advise the
National Tribunal.
Role of National Tribunal
Central government may, by notification in the official Gazette, constitute
one or more National Tribunals for the adjudication of Industrial Disputes in:
# National matters.
# Matters in which industries are more than one state, or are affected
by the outcome of the dispute.
# The duty of the National Tribunal to hold its proceedings fast and
submit its report to the central government within the specified time given
Cases related to National Tribunal
# The Indian Bank Ltd. vs The Industrial Tribunal And Ors. on 18 January,
Written by: Rupali Yadav - KRMU
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