Hostile Takeover in India

What Is Hostile Takeover?

Hostile takeover in its fundamental quintessence implies a takeover which conflicts with the desires of the objective organization's administration and directorate. It is inverse of friendly takeover.1 Hostile Takeover is a kind of obtaining in which, the organization being bought (Target Company) doesn't have any desire to be bought by any stretch of the imagination, or doesn't have any desire to be bought by a specific purchaser (Acquirer) that is making a bid. At the end of the day, the Acquired plans to deal with the Target Company and influence it to consent to the deal.

This takeover happens when an organization who expects to purchase the desired corporation makes constant proposals against the desires of the objective corporation and in the end the objective corporation doesn't have any choice as opposed to being taken over by the forthcoming corporation.

It permits a suer to assume control over a target organization whose administration is reluctant to consent to a consolidation or takeover. A takeover is thought of "hostile" if the objective organization's board dismisses the proposition, however the bidder proceeds to seek after it, or the bidder makes the deal straightforwardly subsequent to having reported its firm expectation to make a proposition. Additionally, when an acquirer assumes the responsibility for an organization by buying its portions without the information on the administration it is named as a hostile takeover.

Consequently, when an acquirer quietly and singularly, puts forth attempts to deal with an organization against the desires of the current administration, such demonstration adds up to such kind of a takeover. A takeover bid is unfriendly if the bid is at first dismissed by the objective Board.

It is now and again moreover called 'spontaneous or unwanted bid' since it is presented by the acquirer with next to no requesting or approach by the objective organization. Here the heads of the objective organization choose to go against the organization's deal, prescribe investors to dismiss the deal and go to additional protective lengths to ruin the bid.

Causes of hostile takeover

The management Motives: Because of thought processes of the administration of one of the Organizations, either the forceful longing to develop a business realm or individual compensation or on the other hand the craving to make the organization bid proof.

Cash flow and balance sheet: The cash flow is great as compared to the present stock values and the balance sheet is extremely liquid along with unexploited debt capacity.

Increasing the Capital of the Offeror: The offeror has specific explanations to increment its capital base. These incorporate the securing of an organization an enormous extent of whose assets are liquid or effectively feasible as opposed to making a rights issue and the procurement of an organization with high resource backing by an organization whose market capitalization incorporates a lot of goodwill.

Technique for Market Entry: It addresses an alluring method of the offeror entering a new market on a considerable scale.

Trade Advantage or Synergy: There is a trade advantage or a component of synergy (for example a good impact on total profit by reducing expenses and expansion in income) in bringing the two organizations under a solitary control which is accepted will bring about the consolidated venture creating more profit per share.

History of hostile takeover in India

Hostile takeovers happen seldom even in the most full-grown economies, so it ought not be amazing that in India, where the economy was just changed in 1991, a simple dozen or something like that antagonistic takeover have been endeavoured.

The four cases underneath are intended to give historic framework to the current circumstance and outline a portion of the political and practical obstructions that an acquirer may confront today.
  1. Swaraj Paul's failed bids for Escorts and DCM

    In 1984, well before the advancement of the Indian economy or the declaration of the Takeover Code, British businessman Swaraj Paul endeavoured to singularly take control of two Indian companies, Escorts Limited and DCM. In spite of the fact that he gathered more than the advertisers of each company (generally 7.5% and 13% stakes in Escorts and DCM, individually), the two organizations opposed his takeover endeavours and each obstructed the exchanges by declining to register Paul's recently bought shares.

    The sponsors utilized their political clout against Paul, notwithstanding his own binds to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Paul was also not supported by The Life Insurance Corporation of India, a government owned monetary organization that held a minority stake in the organizations. Paul at last withdrew his bid. Although fruitless, Paul's threatening danger sent shockwaves through Indian business world.

    Current Indian law exceptionally compels the capacity of a target organization to decline to enrol shares. According to a correction to the Companies Act accommodating free adaptability of offers, organizations may not decline to enrol shares except if the Indian Company Law Board views the move as disregard to the law.
  2. Asian Paints/lCI

    Almost fifteen years after Swaraj Paul's unsuccessful hostile offers, the Indian government and business areas were still not ready to acknowledge an antagonistic unfamiliar obtaining. ICI, a paint organization settled in the U.K., concurred with Atul Choksey, the co-founder of an Indian paint organization, Asian Paints, to buy his 9.1% stake.His three other fellow benefactors, went against his deal to an unfamiliar party, and took steps to decline to enlist ICI's portions in similar design as Escorts and DCM.

    Ultimately, the government of India, through its Foreign Investment Promotion Board, ("FIPB") ruined the bid, administering that unfamiliar acquirer assuming responsibility for an Indian organization required first to acquire endorsement of the top managerial staff of the Indian objective. This was unconventional, considering that the leftover prime supporters held well over ICI's 9.1% stake and henceforth would have kept up with command over the organization.

    Without the help of the other three authors, the arrangement neglected to win the ICI board's endorsement, and, subsequently, ICI was eventually compelled to offer its stake in Asian Paints to UTI, an administration possessed shared asset, and to two different prime supporters.
  3. India Cements/Raasi Cements

    The individual takeover in Indian history bringing about extreme procurement of the target by the hostile bidder happened in 1998 when BV Raju sold his 32% stake in Raasi Concretes to India Cements. India Cements made an open proposal for Raasi offers, and it obtained generally 20% on the open market, yet confronted obstruction from the creators of Raasi and also from the Indian monetary establishments which additionally possessed significant stakes in the firm."

    However, following an extended fight which included question and answer sessions highlighting the kids and grandkids of the establishing family fighting the unfriendly bid, Raju eventually sold out to India Cements in a private deal.
  4. GESCO

    The Dalmia gathering's buy and sale of its 10% stake in the land firm GESCO for a rough 125% premium in 2000 is the nearest India has come to greenmail . This bid, for 45% of the organization, was just turned away on account of a white knight selected by the Sheth family, the Mahindra group, which presented to purchase out the whole leftover buoy for a significantly higher premium." After an extraordinary offering war that drove the underlying proposition cost up generally 100%, the Mahindra-Sheth bunch consented to purchase out the Dalmias' 10% stake.


There are sure benefits and inconveniences of a hostile takeover and it could be hard to classify it into a severe form to say that hostile takeover should to be promoted or discouraged. It is a generally shared belief that hostile takeovers permit the investors of the target organization understand the best cost of their venture or at the end of the day it advances monetary productivity by moving the control of corporate assets from a inefficient administration to a proficient one.

While it can be said that hostile takeovers maximise the value of the target shareholders; some hostile takeovers might advance proficiency, some might bring about a misallocation of financial assets, and some might be impartial as far as monetary productivity is concerned .Also, it isn't necessary that poorly managed organizations become takeover targets; even very well managed organizations might become the target of a hostile takeover, this is particularly obvious when the basic role of takeover is union, business synergy and to accomplish development in size and volumes. At the point when a well-managed organization is obtained by another similarly well managed organization, the takeover might be neutral as far as economic efficiency is concerned

  1. Available at visited on September 9, 2022)
  2. See John Elliott, International Companies and Finance: India Gives Green Light to Paul Share Deals, FIN. TIMES (UK), Sept. 20, 1983, at 22; Mahesh Kumar Tambi, Indian Takeover Code: In Search of Excellence (A Case Study Approach)
  3. See Tambi, supra note 40
  4. See Companies Act 111A(5) (1956); Rangaswamy, supra note 36.
  5. See India Rejects ICI Bid for Stake in Asian Paints, Ltd, ASIA PULSE, Nov. 3, 1997.
  6. Available at (Last visited on September 9, 2022)
  7. ICL Succeeds in Raasi Cements Takeover, STATESMAN (Kolkata)
  8. See generally, Jonathan R. Macey & Fred S. McChesney, A Theoretical Analysis of Corporate Greenmail, 95 YALE L.J. 13 (1985)

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