It is a legal document issued by the court that orders a person or entity to
perform specific act or to cease performing a specific action or deed. In India,
writs are issue by the Supreme court under Article 32 of the Constitution of
India and by the High court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India.
These writs act as a defender of fundamental rights of citizens of India.
Types of Writs under Indian Constitution are:
- Writ of Habeas corpus.
- Writ of Prohibition.
- Writ of Certiorari.
- Writ of Quo warranto.
- Writ of Mandamus
Writs |
Stands For |
Habeas Corpus |
To Have The Body |
Prohibition |
To Forbid |
Certiorari |
To Be Certified |
Quo Warranto |
By What Warrant |
Mandamus |
We Command |
Definition Of The Types Of Writs
Habeas Corpus:
Latin meaning of this word is "
to have the body". This writ is used to safeguard
the fundamental right of an individual against wrongful detention.
- This writ can be issued against both private and public authorities.
- It cannot be issued when detention is lawful.
- It cannot be issued when detention is by a competent court or outside
the jurisdiction of the court to issue it.
Important Case:
Additional District Magistrate Of Jabalpur V. Shiv Kant Shukla:
ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla case is a landmark decision of the
Supreme Court of India pertaining to Habeas corpus case. This controversial
judgment of P.N. Bhagwati was decreed during the Emergency from 25 June 1975 to
21 March 1977, a person's right to not be unlawfully detained (i.e. habeas
corpus) can be suspended.
This judgment received a lot of criticism since it reduced the importance
attached to Fundamental Rights under the Indian Constitution. Going against the
previous decision of High Courts, the bench which included P. N. Bhagwati
concluded in favour of the then Indira Gandhi government while only Justice Hans
Raj Khanna was opposed to it. Bhagwati openly praised Indira Gandhi during the
Emergency period, later criticized her when Janata Party-led government was
formed and again backed Gandhi when she got re-elected to form government in
Bhagwati was criticized for this change of stands, favouring the ruling
government, which were deemed as to have been taken to better his career
prospects. Bhagwati later in 2011 agreed with popular opinion that this
judgement was short-sighted and apologised.[1]
The meaning of this writ is "to forbid". This writ is issued by court of higher
jurisdiction to court of lower of lower jurisdiction in order to prevent it from
exceeding its jurisdiction.
- It can only be issued against judicial and quasi-judicial authorities.
- Cannot be issued against administrative bodies and private individuals
or bodies.
Important Case:
S. Govind Menon V. Union Of India (1967):
The appellant, Sri S. Govinda Menon is a member of the Indian Administrative
Service. He was the First. Member of the Board of Revenue, Kerala State and was
holding the post of Commissioner of Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments.
On the basis of certain petitions containing allegations of misconduct against
the appellant in the discharge of his duties as Commissioner the Kerala
Government instituted certain preliminary enquiries and thereafter started
disciplinary proceedings against the appellant and also placed him under
suspension under rule 7 of the All-India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules,
1955, hereinafter called the 'Rules'.
A copy of the charges together with a statement of certain allegations was
served on the appellant who thereafter filed a written statement of defence.
After perusing the written statement, the Government passed orders that his
explanation was unacceptable and that the charges should be enquired into by an
Enquiry Officer to be appointed under rule 5 of the Rules. accordingly, Sri T.
N. S. Raghavan a retired I.C.S. Officer was appointed to hold the inquiry.
The appellant then filed the present writ petition before the High Court of'
Kerala praying for grant of a writ of certiorari to quash the proceedings
initiated against, him and for a writ of mandamus calling upon. respondent No.
2, State of Kerala, to allow him to function as the. First Member of the Board
of Revenue. As no application for stay was made and as no order of stay Was
passed by the High Court Sri T. N. S. Raghavan proceeded with the inquiry and
submitted his report to the Union Government finding the appellant guilty of
charges 1 to 4 and 9. The union of India, after consideration of the report,
issued a 'Show Cause Notice' Ex. P-9.
The appellant thereafter filed an application before the High Court for
amendment of the writ petition. The prayer in this amended petition was for the
issue of a writ of prohibition restraining the first respondent Union of India
from proceeding further in pursuance of the 'Show Cause Notice' and also for
quashing the same. The application for amendment was allowed by the High
The actual meaning of this word is "we command". The writ is issued against the
public officer who has failed to do or restrained from doing his/her duty and
orders them to perform their duty.
- It cannot be issued against private individuals
- It cannot be issued to order someone to do work when the work is
discretionary in nature.
- It cannot be issued against the Indian President of the State governors.
- Cannot be issued against Chief Justice of High court acting in judicial
Important Case:
SP Gupta V. Union Of India:
The case,
S.P. Gupta v. Union of India is the first of the 'Three Judges
Case' which established precedence for the collegiums system of Supreme Courts
and High Courts of India. In a continuation of three separate cases brought in
the Indian Supreme court, the court introduced a principle of independent
jurisdiction which means that no other organ of state - including the
legislature and the executive - will say when the judges are elected. The court
then introduced a system of collegium, which came into effect since the judgment
in the Second Judge Case in 1993. There is no mention of the collegium in the
original Indian Constitution or subsequent amendments.
Although the introduction of the collegium program was viewed as controversial
by law students and legal administrators outside India, Parliament and the
executive, both did nothing to restore it. The Third Judicial Tribunal of 1998
is not a case but an opinion presented by the Supreme Court of India in response
to a legal question about the collegium system, raised by then Indian President
KR Narayanan, in July 1998 under his constitutional power.
In addition, in January 2013, the court dismissed as unresolved a civil dispute,
a civil claim filed by NGO Suraz India Trust that sought to challenge the
collective bargaining scheme. In July 2013, Indian Chief Justice P. Sathasivam
spoke negatively of any efforts to reform the collegium system. On September 5,
2013, the Rajya Sabha Bill passed the Constitution (120th Amendment), 2013,
amending Articles 124 (2) and 217 (1) of the Indian Constitution, 1950 and
establishes the National Commission on Employment of Representatives.
The President will appoint judges to the top judges. This amendment was
overturned by the Supreme Court unconstitutional on October 16, 2015. The
constitutional bench of Justices Madan Lokur, J. S. Khehar, Adarsh ​​Kumar Goel
and Kurian Joseph declared 99th Act as unconstitutional while Justice
Chelameswar supported it.[3]
The meaning of this term is "to be certified". It is a writ issued by superior
court for the re-examination of an action of the lower court. it is generally
issued when a case in pending in the lower court and is out of its jurisdiction.
- It cannot be issued against the administrative or executive authorities.
- If four justices in Supreme court agree to review the case then the
court will hear the case
Important Case:
Hari Vishnu Kamath V. Syed Ahmad Ishaque:
Qou Warranto:
This writ stands for "
by what warrant". This writ requires a person to show that
by what warrant is he/she holding the post, office, franchise he/she has claimed
and exercising.
- It cannot be issued against a ministerial or private office.
- It cannot be issued against The President or The State Governors.
Important Case:
University Of Mysore V. C.D. Govind Rao:
The petition was filed by C. D. Govind Rao, in the Mysore High Court under art.
226 of the Constitution. C.D. Govind Rao wanted by that petition, that a writ of
quo warranto should be issued, to call upon Anniah Gowda to show the authority
under which he was holding the post of a Research Reader in English in the
Central College, Bangalore. It was further prayed that a writ of mandamus be
granted calling upon the University of Mysore to appoint him as the Research
Articles on Writs:
Writs In Indian Constitution
- Types of
Writs In Indian Constitution
- A Study On:
WRIT And Its Types
- Law of
Writs In Indian Constitution
Role of Writs In Administrative Law
- Types Of
Writs: Indian Constitution
Role Of Writs In Administrative Law
Writs In Indian Society & Its Execution
Role of Writs: The Administrative Law
Constitutional Philosophy Of Writs: A Detailed Analysis