Dying declaration or statements relating to the cause of death section 32(1)
of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872
Section 32[1]
Cases in which statement of relevant fact by person who is dead or cannot be
found, etc., is relevant.
Statements, written or verbal, of relevant facts made by a person who is dead,
or who cannot be found, or who has become incapable of giving evidence, or whose
attendance cannot be procured without an amount of delay or expense which, under
the circumstances of the case, appears to the Court unreasonable, are themselves
relevant facts in the following cases:—
(1) When it relates to cause of death.-
When the statement is made by a person
as to the cause of his death, or as to any of the circumstances of the
transaction which resulted in his death, in cases in which the cause of that
person's death comes into question. Such statements are relevant whether the
person who made them was or was not, at the time when they were made, under the
expectation of death, and whatever may be the nature of the proceeding in which
the cause of his death comes into question.
Requirement of Sec.32
This section is one of those provisions that provide exceptions to the principle
of excluding hearsay evidence. The principle of the section is that a person
who has the first-hand knowledge of the facts of a case, but who, for reasons
stated in the section, such as death or disability is not able to appear before
the court, then his knowledge should be transmitted to the court through some
other person.
If he recorded his knowledge somewhere, for example, on a portrait
or register, that record may be produced or if he told his knowledge to another
person that other person may appear to testify of what he was told. The reason
for the exception is obvious. The law wants the best evidence in each case. The
best evidence is a document or the personal knowledge of a witness, and if the
document has been lost or that witness is unable to appear before the court,
then those who have either seen that document or shared that knowledge of that a
person will be considered as the best evidence.
This section comes into play when the person whose statement is sought to be
proved has died, or cannot be found or has become incapable of giving evidence
or whose attendance can be procured at an amount of delay or expense which under
the circumstances of the case appears to the court to be unreasonable. Proof of
these facts will have to be offered in the first instance unreasonable. Proof of
these facts will have to be offered in the first instance t make the evidence
relevant. Thus if the ground of relevancy is the death of the person concerned,
his death must be proved, for if he is still alive, he must appear in person.
Dying Declaration or statements relating to the cause of death [Clause 1]
Such a statement can be proved when it is made by a person as to the cause of
his death, or as to any of the circumstances of the transaction which resulted
in his death. The statement will be relevant in every case or proceeding in
which the cause of that person’s death comes into question. The clause further
goes on to say that such statements are relevant whether the person who made
them was or was not at the time when they were made under expectation of death,
and whatever may be the nature of the proceeding in which the cause of his death
comes into question.
Uka Ram v. State of Rajasthan[2] Apex Court held that,
when a statement is
made by a person as to cause of his death or as to any circumstance of
transaction which resulted into his death, in case in which cause of his death
comes in question is admissible in evidence such statement in law is called
dying declaration.
Following are the classes of person who cannot be called as witness under
section 32 and their statements allowed to be proved in their absence.
1) Person who is dead
2) Person who cannot be found
3) Who has become incapable of giving evidence or
4) Whose attendance cannot be produced without unreasonable delay or expense
The Conditions in this Section are:
1) It must be a statement, written or verbal
2) The person making statement must have died.
3) The statement relating to the cause of his death or the circumstances of the
transaction which related in his death and not the cause of the death of someone
4) The cause of the person's death must be in question.
5) The person making statement must be in a fit condition to make the statement.
6) The statement must be competent
7) Declaration must be competent
Nemo Moriturus Praesumitur Mentire
It is based on a principle named
Nemo Moriturus Praesumitur Mentire which
simply means that when a person is on death bed there are fewer chances that he
would lie. The Apex Court in its decision in
P.V.Radhakrishna v. State of
Karnataka [Appeal (crl.) 1018 of 2002] held that the principle on which a
dying declaration is admitted in evidence is indicated a Latin maxim,
Moriturus Praesumitur Mentire, a man will not meet his maker with a lie in his
mouth. Information lodged by a person who died subsequently relating to the
cause of his death is admissible in evidence under this clause.
Dying declaration is also considered the trustworthy evidence because it is
believed that if a person knows that he is about to die he will not lie. That’s
why it is admissible in evidence being hearsay evidence. This piece of hearsay
evidence is admissible as an exception to the general rule of evidence that
hearsay evidence is no evidence in the eye of law and it should be discarded as
a general rule because the evidence in all cases must be direct.
Dying declaration can also be in form of gestures and signs. In the case
of Queen-Empress v. Abdullah [3] accused had cut the throat of the deceased girl
and because of that, she was not able to speak so, she indicated the name of the
accused by the signs of her hand, it was held by the full bench of the Allahabad
High Court
If the injured person is unable to speak, he can make dying
declaration by signs and gestures in response to the question.
There has to be a proximate relationship between the statement and the
circumstances of death. In Sharad Bridhichand Sharda v. State of Maharashtra[4],
A young married woman had been speaking to her parents and other relatives and
also writing to them expressing the danger to her life. She lost her life three
or four months after that. Her statement was admitted as showing the
circumstances of death. They were not too remote in time from the point of
Evidentiary Value of Dying Declaration:
The evidentiary value of dying declaration will vary according to the
circumstances of a particular case in which it is made Dying Declaration is
evidence but it is a weak piece of evidence. It is to be corroborated by other
evidence for example other facts and evidence supporting Dying Declaration. It
gives guidance to the Court, the has to accept the Dying Declaration as a
suspicious statement, it is duty of the judge to consider the valuation of Dying
Declaration. Such valuation of Dying Declaration depends upon many things as
1) State of mind of declarant.
2) State of the body of declarant.
3) To whom the Declaration/Statement is made.
4) Who recorded the statement
5) Whether the statement is recorded in the same language and in the same word
of the declarant. Even though Dying Declaration is said to be of a weak piece of
evidence it is relevant in the Indian Evidence Act, because it is the best
available evidence as to the cause of his death after his death.
FIR as dying declaration:
K. Ramachand Reddy v. Public Prosecutor[5], it was held that where an injured
person lodged an FIR and then died, it was held to be relevant as a dying
Death of a person is must while making the statement if death is not the result
then statement is admissible as dying declaration but might be relied under sec.
57 to corporate his testimony or to contradict him under sec. 145.
Chandra Bhan Singh v. State[6] Chandra Bhan Singh was tried of the murder of
Shaitan Singh. The deceased Shaitan Singh himself lodged a report in which he
narrated the story of the incident. After the medical examination the deceased
developed tetanus and died of it, it was held that the statement of the deceased
could not be used as a dying declaration.
Complaint as a dying declaration
Jai Prakash v. State of Haryana[7]A woman was called by her relatives in
connection with a property dispute. On her arrival kerosene was poured on her
and she was set ablaze. She died four days later. A statement in the nature of
complaint was recorded y a police officer in a hospital. Later the same
statement was taken to be a dying declaration. The failure to obtain the
certificate of mental fitness and non recording of the statement in question and
answer form was held to be inconsequential because it was a complaint which was
taken down and the precautions of taking down were not considered necessary at
the time. There was no other direct evidence except the compromise as to
property arrived at on the previous day. Conviction of the persons named in the
dying declaration was held to be proper.
Delay in Recording
Delay of two days in recording he statement as the injured person was not in a
fit condition to make the statement was held to be of no consequence.[8]
Dying declaration in Indian law and English law
S.No. |
Indian law |
English law |
1. |
Expectancy of death is not necessary. |
Expectancy of death is necessary. |
2. |
A dying declaration will be admissible in any
case in which the cause of death of a person comes into question which
includes murder, culpable homicide and suicide. |
The admissibility of a dying declaration is
confined only to the cases of murder and culpable homicide. |
3. |
Here dying declaration is relevant in both
criminal and civil cases. |
It is relevant only in the cases of criminal
law. |
4. |
Full story is stated but last point is not
stated then it cannot be considered as dying declaration. |
Statement must be completed. |
Multiple Dying Declaration
The Supreme Court has held that multiple dying declarations can be relied upon
without corroboration if consistency is maintained throughout. Otherwise, the
courts would have to examine the statement of other witnesses to ascertain the
truth in a criminal trial.
A bench of Justices B S Chauhan and Dipak Misra clarified the legal position
with regard to multiple dying declarations while acquitting a man charged for
murdering his divorced wife.
The bench said: In case of plural/multiple dying declarations, the court has
to scrutinise the evidence cautiously and must find out whether there is
consistency particularly in material particulars therein. In case there are
inter-se discrepancies in the depositions of the witnesses given in support of
one of the dying declarations, it would not be safe to rely upon the same.
In fact it is not the plurality of the dying declarations but the reliability
thereof that adds weight to the prosecution case.
If the dying declaration is found to be voluntary, reliable and made in a fit
mental condition, it can be relied upon without any corroboration. But the
statements should be consistent throughout. The court was dealing with an appeal
filed by Bhadragiri Venkata Ravi challenging the life term awarded to him by
the Andhra Pradesh High Court (HC) in 2006. The HC had reversed a 2001 judgment
by a sessions court acquitting him of the charges of killing .
Ratna, who died of burn injuries, recorded three dying declarations. The first
two were recorded on April 15, 2000, at a government hospital in the presence of
a magistrate wherein she told she had sustained injuries accidentally while
cooking. In the third dying declaration on April 28, 2000, she accused her
former husband, who was on visiting terms with her even after eight years of a
divorce obtained on mutual consent, of pouring kerosene and setting her on fire.
The trial court found material inconsistencies in the case of the prosecution
and did not see any reason whatsoever to rely upon the dying declaration dated
28.4.2000 as the contents thereof were admittedly false and could not be relied
upon, the apex court said. The HC failed to notice that the victim’s mother
charged the appellant with demanding dowry, ill-treating and maintaining an
illicit relationship after eight years of divorce, the bench noted.
Admittedly, there was a divorce between the parties. Therefore, the question of
demand of dowry or ill-treatment or harassment could not arise after 8 years of
the divorce decree by the court. The mother of Ratna has deposed about the
illicit relationship of the appellant and another woman and the appellant wanted
to marry that woman. In case the parties had separated by divorce through court,
we fail to understand how Ratna (deceased) or her parents were concerned.
Circumstances of the transaction which resulted in his death:
The words
resulted in his death do not mean
caused his death.
The expression
any of the circumstances of the transaction which resulted in his
death is wider in scope than the expression cause of death. A statement not
relating to the cause of death of its maker may be admissible if it relates to
the circumstances of the transaction which resulted in his death. In a case of
robbery, a statement made by a person before her death regarding the
circumstance of the robbery is admissible. Although remotely, her death was
caused by wounds received at the robbery.
Following are the exceptions to the dying declaration:
· If the deceased made statement before his death which is anything
other than the cause of his death, then such declaration shall not be admissible
in evidence.
· A dying declaration of a child is inadmissible.
· An inconsistent dying declaration is of no evidentiary value.
· Dying declaration should not be under influence of anyone.
Acceptance of Pakala a ruling by Supreme Court
The principles laid down
Pakala case relating to the relating to the relevancy
of a dying declaration were accepted by the Supreme Court in
Kaushal Rao v.
State of Bombay[9]. There were two rival factions of workers in a mill area
in Nagpur. Rival factions even attacked each other with violence. In one such
violent attack one Baboo Lal was inflicted a number of wounds in a street at
about 9 p.m.
He was taken to a hospital by his father and others reaching there
at 9.25. On the way he told the party that he was attacked by four persons with
swords and spears two of whom he identified as Kaushal and Tukaram. The doctor
in attendance immediately questioned him and recorded his statement in which he
repeated the above two names.
A sub- Inspector also questioned him and noted his statement to the same effect.
By 11:35 p.m. a magistrate also appeared and after the doctor had certified that
the injured was in a fit condition to make the statement, the magistrate
recorded the statement which was again to the same effect. He died the next
On the basis of these declarations recorded in quick succession by independent
and responsible public servants and as corroborated by the fact that both the
named persons were absconding before they were arrested, the trial judge
sentenced Kaushal to death and Tukaram to life imprisonment.
The High Court acquitted Tukaram altogether because of the confusion caused by
the fact that in the dying declaration he was described as a teli, whereas
Tukaram present before the court was Kholi and in the same locality there lived
four persons bearing the same name some of whom was telis. But the conviction of
kaushal was maintained and on appeal, the Supreme Court affirmed the conviction,
SINHA, J., (afterwards C.J.) did not consider it to be absolute rule of law that
a dying declaration must be corroborated by other evidence before it can be
acted upon.
The learned judge had to face the following observation of the Supreme Court
itself[10]. It is settled law that it is not safe to convict an accused person
on the evidence furnished by a dying declaration without further corroboration
because such a statement is not made on oath and is not subjected to cross
examination because the maker of it might be mentally and physically in a state
of confusion.
Dying Declaration in case of Dowry deaths, Wife burning etc.
In a further application of this principle to a case arising out of that
atrocious species of murder, called Wife burning, the Supreme Court said: the
three dying declaration corroborated by other circumstances are sufficient in
our view to bring home the offence. The counsel has sought to discredit these
declarations forgetting that they are groaning utterances of a dying woman in
the grip of dreadful agony which cannot be judged by the standard of fullness of
particulars which witness may give in other situation. To discredit such dying
declarations for short-falls here or there or even in many places is
unrealistic, unnatural and has taken place in the house and in the presence of
the husband who has been convicted. We hardly see any reason for interfering in
this conviction.[11]
In still another case[12] of wife –burning, after recording her statement that
her husband has set her afire, she mercifully pleaded that her husband should
not be beaten. It was argued on this basis that she wanted to exonerate her
The court replied:
This is a sentiment too touching for tears and steam from the values
of the culture of the Indian womanhood; a wife when she has been set afire by
her husband, true to her tradition, does not want her husband to be assaulted
brutally. It is this sentiment which promoted this dying tragic woman to say
that even if she was dying, her husband should not be beaten. We are unable to
appreciate how this statement can be converted into one exculpation of the
The Supreme Court has pointed out, in a case in which the injured person died 45
minutes after making her statement, that where the doctor certified that she was
in fit condition to give a statement, it was immaterial that pulse was not
palpable and blood-pressure was untraceable and that the patient was in a
gasping condition[13].even in the case of cent per cent burn injuries, the
doctor’s testimony that deceased was in a fit states of health doctor certified
that she was fully conscious and in a fit mental condition to make the
statement. The statement was corroborated by the evidence of her father and
other witness that immediately after the incident, she implicated her husband.
The case history recorded in the hospital also supported the same version. The
declaration was held to be reliable[14].
In another prosecution for wife burning, the wife remained alive for about eight
days after receiving burn injuries but did not tell to anybody visiting her in
the hospital as to how she came to receive the burns. When her uncle visited her
she stated that her husband had set her on fire. Her thumb impression upon the
statement was not there and the name of a husband was wrongly mentioned. The
Supreme Court did not sustain the conviction. The statement seemed to have been
tutored by when uncle.4 where the injured woman, on being questioned, told the
ve mar gaye. The court said that the expression ‘ve’ is often
used by woman to refer to their husbands. The words were capable of meaning that
her husband injured her or
they injured her. The normal meaning of
ve is
they. The statement was not capable of pointing the finger to the husband
alone. Hence, it was not a dying declaration.
The death of a married woman in the matrimonial home three or four months after
her statements expressing the danger to her life has been held by the supreme
court to be a statement explaining the circumstance of her death.1 she had been
speaking to her parent and other relatives and also writing to them. In another
case, a letter to father about the torture and the dying declaration recorded by
a head constable in the hospital in the presence of the doctor was held to good
evidence.2 where a housewife met her death by drowning in the family well in the
courtyard of the house of her in-laws, her statements to her father as to how
she was suffering at the hands of her in-laws was held to be relevant under
In a case of bride burning, three dying declaration were made. The first was to
the ASI which made out a case of accidental death. The second was taken down by
the executive magistrate and third was an oral one made by the bride to her
brother. These two were consistent on the point that the persons accused had set
her ablaze. They were also found to be reliable. The fact that the magistrate
had sent the declaration to the investigating officer after a fortnight was
considered to be as not nullifying the genuineness of the declaration[15]. the
Supreme Court has laid down this principle that when there are multiple dying
declarations, each has to be considered independently on its own merits as to
its evidentiary value. One cannot be rejected because of the contrary contents
of the other. In the earlier declaration, the woman said she suffered burn
injuries accidentally. This was recorded by a munsif- magistrate by following
proper procedure. Ten minutes later she spoke to the head constable who recorded
the statement without observing any situation.
[1] Sec.32 of The Indian Evidence Act,1872
[2] (AIR 2001 SC 1814)
[3] (1885) 7 All 385 FB
[4] [(1984) 4 SCC 116]
[5] (1976) 3 S.C.C. 104
[6] (1971 CrLJ 94)
[7] (1998) 7 S.C.C. 284
[8] G.S. Walia v. State of Punjab (1998) 5 S.C.C. 150
[9] A.I.R. 1958 S.C. 22
[10] A.I.R. 1953 S.C. 420 at 423
[11] Gulzari Lal v. State of Haryana, A.I.R. 2016 S.C. 795
[12] Yashwant v. State of Maharashtra, A.I.R. 1930 S.C. 1270 at p.1271
[13] State of Haryana v. Harpal Singh, A.I.R. 1978 S.C. 1530 at p.1535
[14] Salim Gulab Pathan v. State of Maharashtra, A.I.R. 2012 S.C. 2176
[15] State of Assam v. Mafizuddin Ahmed, A.I.R. 1983 S.C. 274