Whither Indian Democracy? The Importance Of Opposition In A Democracy
"Strengthening parliamentary democracy demands strengthening the opposition as
well" said Chief Justice of India Hon'ble N. V. Ramana recently while addressing
Rajasthan Assembly and further expressed "concern over diminishing space for
opposition in legislative bodies with law being passed without detailed
deliberation and political opposition turning into hostility." It is true and is
also a serious concern.
He also stressed on the points on the need to maintain
the responsibility and accountability of the political dispensation and the
validity and importance of parliamentary debates and committees. In short he
pointed out the prevailing decline in the quality of legislative performance and
also the criminal justice system.
The observations of Hon'ble Chief Justice of India has raised a Pandora Box as
to finding the reasons and remedies to prevent unruly behaviour of the
legislatures. While the CJI expressed his concern, he should have suggested some
remedial measures which he thinks fit to mitigate the problems prevailing in our
democracy. However, a dispassionate and an unbiased review of the situation
prevailing now in the political arena shows some definite trend which if not
arrested, would do more harm which may lead to unprecedented repercussions in
the already charged political atmosphere of our nation.
The role of the opposition cannot be minimized in democracy. The opposition is
an inevitable and unavoidable condition of democracy not only should be accepted
as constitutional, but must be preserved and perceived because it is
indispensable. The opposition has professed values, rights and duties cut out
for them as watch dog to maintain the equilibrium of the democratic principles
and good governance as much as that of the ruling government whose prime
responsibility is towards perpetual implementation of good governance for the
welfare of the people and to uphold the principles of democracy of Justice,
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity and to keep up the unity and integrity of the
Unfortunately democracy being practiced as of now in our country as we see it,
is nothing but a sham. Are the elected representatives of the people discharge
their duties and responsibilities as envisaged under the constitution and as
expected under the principles and practice of a vibrant democracy? What the
opposition indulge in now as being perceived in the recent past, is it congenial
to democratic principles and conducive to tackling the deteriorating trend being
found in the conduct of political behaviour? A statistical study on the
productive working hours of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha since 2014 will reveal
the truth.
The opposition criticises the government for the sake of criticism which is
nothing but prejudice. They find everything wrong in whatever the ruling
government is doing, it amounts to deceit. The actions of the opposition
parties with divergent views and ideology working together for the sole aim of
bringing down a democratically elected government with absolute majority, then
it is not in the national interest.
However the opposition parties may deny it,
the impact of many of the happenings of the recent past suggest the realities of
an impending catastrophically charged situation ahead. All the political parties
aspire and swear on the Constitution for their rights to freedom of expression
and freedom of action particularly demonstration and dharna without bothering
about the inconveniences caused to the public which many times, by accident or
by design, go out of control or deliberately kindled causing damages to public
property and culminating in human losses also.
All the acts of hooliganism and
vandalism and even the anti-social and anti-national activities perpetuated by
extremists and radicals are brought and propagated under freedom of speech and
democratic way of protests to demean the nation and put down the government in
the world forums. Even the normal investigations, enquiries and questioning by
investigating agencies against political leaders are met with violent protests
unmindful of its impact on the general public and their daily lives.
Can the CJI
overlook what happed with regard to Agriculture Reform bills and Shaheen Bagh
protest in spite of the best efforts made by the government and the Supreme
Court of India to diffuse the threatening situation? The Grave lawlessness are
the order of the day. If the trend is allowed to continue, it will further add
fuel to the fire to the already divided and fragmented society on the basis of
caste, creed, religion, language, regions, ideologies where saner voices are not
being heard nor being felt.
Unfortunately the judicious, prudent and sensible
law abiding and progressive thinking silent majority of the citizens of all
sections of society stand helplessly as mute spectators to the deteriorating
situation without raising their voice and not taking any counter action but
surrendering themselves on account of fear perpetuated by the radicals and
extremists who openly challenge the authorities and taking the law in their own
The prevailing dangerous situation is primarily on account of the ideological
differences between the political ideology of Hindutva of the ruling party who
has an absolute majority and the secularism of the opponents who do not have any
commonality among them but united by the only agenda of opposing Hindutva and
the ruling dispensation. The ruling Government considers it as pseudo secularism
and politics of appeasement. This war of attrition between the two ideologies
have been raging since 2014 when the present government came into power.
To aggravate the dangerous situation further, some of the recent violent
incidents culminating in deaths of some people and call for revenge raised
vehemently by a section of hard core extremists and fundamentalists of a
particular section of society with the tacit support of local and foreign
elements has created a national threat, if not dealt with firm resolve, will
create more harm.
The call of revenge has given way for yet another crisis of civilizational and cultural identity of this heritage nation which again leads
to the idea of nationalism and patriotism. Political atmosphere is changing
globally and new concepts and political thinking are evolved. The concept of
secularism is changing.
The secularism as practiced in America, Europe and other
democratic countries is different from that of India and as far the Islamic
nations are concerned, they are mostly purely Islamic and secularism is alien to
their religious belief.
A new thinking is emerging all over the world regarding Civilizational Identity
"by drawing powerfully from conceptual tools developed over the years to study
other forms of identity". There is an emerging debate on "what this newly
conceptualized civilizational identity explains in contemporary world politics.
Social scientists are now only beginning to apply important tools of social
science to this question, with even public opinion research in its infancy.
Early findings suggest civilizational identity may be shaping not only elite
foreign policy making but also patterns of domestic politics, including the
recent rise of populism and levels of democracy and authoritarianism more
Can the historical truth be denied that this heritage nation of Indic
Civilizational identity was divided based on the two nation theory perpetuated
by Muslim League on communal line? Is it not a fact that in spite of the
division of the Heritage Nation that is Bharat on the religious lines, a sizable
portion of the Muslim population of the undivided India never opted for
migration to the newly born Islamic nation?
Why did they not migrate? Is it not
a fact that India has the third largest population of Muslims in the world only
after Indonesia and Pakistan? Perhaps they felt that their lives were and will
be more safe and secured with their freedom of living being protected well in
this Heritage Nation of Bharat because of its liberal and secular outlook
enshrined in their Holy books and practiced under Sanatana Dharma.
India is a Heritage country. "A concerted effort to preserve our heritage is a
vital link to our cultural, educational and economic legacies all of the
things that quite literally makes us who we are". We shall not hide our identity
and obliterate as to who we are. Our culture, our heritage, our identity,
that's what make us unique. It is our lineage that distinguishes us from others.
Every country has its own culture, ethics and values which are to be preserved
and propagated throughout History to create a distinctive identity of the
respective country and their citizens which can be termed as their
civilizational identity. Scanning the pages of history an interesting and an
undeniable feature can be found that when all of the ancient civilizations came
up and perished.
The Indian Civilization which is the oldest of all the
civilizations survived the test of time and is the oldest living civilization of
the world based on the Hindu Dharmic concept of Sanatana Dharma, the oldest
ancient wisdom and a way of life learned through the Hindu holy books of VEDAS,
UPANISHADS, BHAGAVAD GITA and a host other holy Hindu SHASTRAS whose origins are
not yet conclusively arrived at and the Vedas being the oldest of all existing
religious texts dating back nearly to 5000 years. This fact cannot be denied nor
can it be erased.
That raises the point as to what is the basis of our culture and civilizational
identity. Can it be related to an alien identity or a mixed identity? No and not
at all. The civilizational identity of India that is Bharat can only be related
to the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and other Hindu Holy books based on
which Sanatana Dharma has been evolved. This identity cannot be manipulated and
changed. It is well entrenched in our civilization. The greatness of our
civilisation and its propagandists are that there is no single prophet as seen
in Abrahamic religions of Christianity and Islam and there are no dogmas which
preaches that their religion is the only religion worth practicing. Besides,
there is no room for blasphemy under Sanatana Dharma.
But Hinduism is the only major non- monotheistic religion that accepts the
universality and human brotherhood of all humanity which teaches "Lokah Samastha
Sukhino Bhavantu" (May the entire universe ever be filled with peace, joy, love
and light), Satyameva Jayate (Truth alone Triumphs), Vasudeva Kudumbakam (World
of one family), Äno bhadrÄḥ kratavo yantu viÅ›vato (Let noble thoughts come to us
from all directions) and more such divine sermons for the welfare of humanity.
Hinduism adopts, assimilates and absorbs all wise teachings from any sides. In
fact the various principles of Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma represent the purest
form of Secularism And Freedom Of Speech.
But when the fundamental foundation of Hinduism with its culture, ethics, values
and ethos of our heritage nation are subverted, debauched and deliberately
mocked and undermined in the name of secularism and freedom of speech, it leads
to anarchism and vandalism making our nation vulnerable to outside sabotage and
destabilization of our very existence by a certain section of vested interested
people of our society with the connivance of outside powers who are interested
and involved to keep our nation under perpetual chaos and conflicts, the
backlash cannot be overlooked.
The only hope that we can cherish is what history
has taught us that when other ancient civilizations of the world perished, our
Indic civilization stood firmly and survived the test of its times and we have
to make our resolve that we will survive and triumph in all our endeavors to
preserve our unity, integrity and national interest and so also our democracy
keeping alive the idea of India that is Bharat with its glory, heritage, Indic
cultural identity, Bharatiya ethos and values intact.
The only way we can achieve the glory of our heritage status is through the
rediscovering and restoration of our religious believes, culture, ethics, values
and ethos of our heritage nation without infringement into others' faiths.
Last but not the least, an attempt should be made to initiate a reconciliation
process to help and heal the country and bring about a reconciliation among the
people of this nation by uncovering the truth about the unprecedented, horrific
and unimaginable acts of vandalism and destructions of our Civilizational
identities, cultural values, ethics, ethos of this Heritage Nation that is
Bharat, underwent during the period of Islamic invasions and British rule
spanning over nearly thousand years by appointing a Truth and Reconciliation
Commission so as to assuage the ill feelings and remove the mistrust prevailing
between two major religious groups of India to pave the way for understanding
and amity between them for peaceful co-existence ensuring progress and
development of the nation and preserving the national integrity and security of
this heritage nation.
I quote what Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest Presidents of United States
who abolished slavery, said, "It is not the qualified voters, but the qualified
voters who choose to vote, that constitute political power". That is a message
worth upholding which determines the course of our democracy.
Jai Hind-Vande Matharam.
Written By: T. R. Radhakrishnan
T. R. Radhakrishnan,
Banking & Management Consultant, NPA Resolution Consultant,
H. R. Trainer: Corporates, Colleges & Schools, & Freelance Writer,
No. 8, Morya Gardens,
Kanadia Road,
Indoe.452016 (Madhya Pradesh)
E-mail: trrk1941@gmail.com,
Web: www.npahelpline.in
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