Privacy has no definite boundaries and it has different meanings
for different people. It is the ability of an individual or a group to
keep their lives and personal affairs out of public view or to
control the flow of information about them. Privacy is the claim of
individuals, groups or institutions to determine for themselves
when, how and to what extent information about them is to be
communicated to others. Privacy is the state of being private and
undisturbed, or a person's right to this. It also means freedom
from intrusion or public attention, or avoidance of publicity. In
fact, right to privacy is more of an implied obligation; it is the right to be let alone.
Right To Privacy Under Indian Cyber Law
One of the convincing reasons that require safeguarding of privacy
rights is the view that personal information is a specific property.
Hence, an individual is well within his rights to protect or control
any flow of information about him and is legally entitled to
protection equal to property ownership protection. Although India
has no specific data protection laws, the sphere of personal liberty
is regulated by the Constitution of India (Article 21), which has
been successfully interpreted in multiple cases dealing with the
issue of right to privacy and protection of confidential information.
The debate on protecting privacy over the Internet has led to the
emergence of many technological and legal changes in this sphere
Right to privacy is recognized in a number of international
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 (Art. 12); the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1996 (Art. 17);
the European Convention on Human Rights (Art.8). The Council of
Europe Convention on Human Rights, aimed at securing privacy
protection in the context of information technology, came into
force in 1985 and, thus far, it has been ratified by 20 states.
The Convention laid down the basic principles governing data
protection, transborder flow of information, establishment of
consultation committees and procedure for prospective
amendment of the EU Convention. The European Union Data
Protection Directive 1998 reaffirmed the principles introduced in
the EU Convention. In India, the Information Technology (IT) Act
was passed in 2000 in order to deal with the situation in the
technological world which has been facing various cyber fallacies.
The Act envisages legal provisions on unauthorized access
damage to computer through computer contaminants, hacking,
breach of privacy and confidentiality, and publishing false digital
signature certificates for fraudulent purposes. Section 66E of the
2000 Information Technology Act includes explicit provisions
pertaining to the violation of privacy and defines the terms such as
transmit, capture, private area, publish, etc. Further on, Section 72
of the 2000 Information Technology Act prescribes penalty for
breach of confidentiality and privacy, directly related to the
confidentiality and privacy of individuals. This section is narrow in
scope as it is applies only to authorised officials
It means that the provisions envisaged in this section apply only to
persons who are authorised to collect data. The application of
these provisions is extremely limited under this Act as it covers
offences committed only by the authorities such as Adjudicating
Officers, members of the Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal
(CRAT) or Certifying Authorities. Section 43 of the 2000
Information Technology Act deals with unauthorised access to a
computer system and prescribes the penalty and compensation for
damage to computer, computer system, etc. Any person who is not
authorized to access a computer system is liable under this section
if he extracts data and introduces contaminants.
Millar, Arthur (1971), The Assault on Privacy: Computer, Data Banks and Dossiers, p. 211. 5 Case:
Govind v State of Madhya Pradesh,
1975 2 SCC 148. 6 The Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2009, Section 66-E and explanation.The
Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2009, Section 72 and explanation. 8 Tayal, Vimlend
New Provisions To Protect Privacy And Data In India
New provisions on privacy and data protection were introduced in
the Indian information technology regime by adopting the
Information Technology (Amendment) Act in 2009. Under Section
72A of this Act, any person (including an intermediary) rendering
any services under a lawful contract is required to act as stipulated
in the terms of contract, and is obliged not to disclose any personal
information that could cause wrongful loss or wrongful gain to any
person. The breach of this duty is punishable with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to three years or with fine up to five
lakh rupees or both.
At the same time, there are certain limitations
and exceptions to one's exercise of right to privacy as set out in
Sections 67 and 69 pertaining to a ban against pornographic
materials and interest of national security, sovereignty, directions
of controller to a subscriber to extend facilities to decrypt
information, respectively. With the enforcement of the 2009
Information Technology (Amendment) Act, the amended Section
69 has exemplified Internet censorship which can be justified on
sound grounds.
This section empowers the Central Government or State
Government and its authorised agency to intercept, monitor or
decrypt any information generated, transmitted, received or
stored in any computer resource if it is necessary or expedient to
do so in the interest of the sovereignty or integrity of India,
defence of India, security of the state, friendly relations with
foreign States or public order or for preventing incitement to the
commission of any cognizable offence or for investigation of any
offence. Section 69A also allows blocking of certain websites if
their content is of such nature as described in Section 69.
This provision is in conformity with the reasonable restrictions
that are envisaged to be imposed on fundamental rights
guaranteed under the Constitution of India, in case the same is
found necessary to maintain public order, national integrity,
sovereignty and allied interests. Further, Section 69B empowers
the Central Government to authorise any agency of the
Government to monitor and collect traffic data or information
generated, transmitted or received or stored in any computer
resource in order to enhance cyber security and for identification,
analysis and prevention of intrusion of computer contaminant.
Laws Relating To Privacy In The United States Of America (USA)
- Electronic Communication Privacy Act, 1986 The United
States of America passed the Electronic Communication
Privacy Act (ECPA) in 1986, particularly for the purpose of
regulating the Internet-related issues. It is most commonly
used for internet privacy lawsuits. This Act prohibits
unauthorised intentional access to facility or network and the
interception of data. It is also an offence to exceed an
authorisation to access a computer facility. The 1986
Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA) provides both
criminal and civil penalties for violations of privacy on the
Internet. Civil penalties include statutory damages and
paying reasonable costs and expenses in individual cases
giving rise to class action lawsuits.
- Children Online Privacy Protection Act, 1998 The 1998
Children Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) was enacted
by American Government to protect the privacy of children
below the age of thirteen. This Act requires each website
operator to obtain verifiable parental consent before
collecting, using and disseminating any of the above data. It
also provides that the websites aimed at children may not
condition a child’s participation in a game or receipt of a price
on the child’s disclosure of personal information.
- Video Privacy Protection Act, 1988 The 1988 Video Privacy
Protection Act was enacted to protect the privacy of
consumers’, rental and purchase of videos. The Act applies to
those persons who are engaged in the business of rental, sale
or delivery of prerecorded video cassette tape or similar
audio visual materials. It prohibits the disclosure of purchase
or viewing history records of individual consumers without
their informed written consent in advance of disclosure, with
certain exceptions. This statute may create a legal risk for
companies streaming videos for fee over the Internet.
Disclosure of consumer data could leave these companies
open to individual or class action lawsuits. The Act provides
for statutory and punitive damages.
- Computer Abuse and Fraud Act, 1984 The 1984 Computer
Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), often designated as the antihacking statute, prohibits unauthorised access to computer
systems. The statute provides penalties for unauthorised
access and also prohibits exceeding any authorisation. Under
the 1984 Computer Abuse and Fraud Act, one may not access
a computer with authorisation and use such access to obtain
or alter information in the computer. Paragraph 5(A) of this
statute also prohibits the transmission of viruses with the
intention of causing damage to a protected computer. The
violation of this statute implies both criminal and civil
penalties. The damages are limited to economic losses and
the action must be brought within two years of the violation
or within two years of the discovery of the damage.
Accordingly, this statute is often featured prominently in
internet privacy class action.
- The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act,
1996 The 1996 Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) includes provisions on privacy
rights and confidentiality of health care information in
medical records. This Act sets national standards for the
protection of privacy of health care information. Thus, any
person or entity involved in keeping, transferring and using
health information of another is required to ensure
reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical and
physical safeguards (measures, policies and procedures) in
order to:
- Ensure the integrity and confidentiality of health care
- Safeguard against any reasonably anticipated threats or hazards to the
security or integrity of such information as well as the unauthorised uses
or disclosure of such information, and
- Ensure compliance with these safeguards by the officers and employees of
such person or entity
In the United States, apart from the protections provided by the
Federal statutes, an individual’s private information is also
protected by State statutes. A number of States have consumer
protection and fraud laws which apply in many cases concerning
the violation of privacy and wrongful data-collection practices. For
instance, the State of Virginia has included the data collected over
the Internet in its Privacy Protection Act. Thus, any company that
collects data by means of the Internet may face liability under any
or all of these rules in any jurisdiction where the data is available
on the Internet. In nations like India and the United States, right to
privacy is not explicitly provided in legal lexis but it is accepted as
an implied right in the Constitutions of these two counties.
In the
1986 Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA), the data
holder’s consent is given due consideration as the lack of informed
consent can be used as a defence in the court of law. From the viewpoint of data protection, the 2009 Information
Technology (Amendment) Act of India introduces the distinction
between a contravention (infringement) and a criminal offence by
introducing the element of mens rea for qualifying the criminal offence.
Crime is as old as human civilization and cyber crime is as old as
the invention of the computer, the wonder machine which changed
the lives of human beings. Computers have become an inherent
part of everybody’s life. They have been put to numerous uses,
ranging from personal to professional work and from
entertainment to studies. The increasing popularity of computers
and their use in each and every field have given rise to other
technologies. It will not be wrong to say that computer is the
driving force behind the revolution in Information Technology.
Due to this, privacy has become a major concern.
The Indian 2000
Information Technology Act provides punishment for breach of
privacy or confidentiality without the consent of the person
concerned under Section 72 of the Information Technology Act,
2000. The violation of privacy is also punishable under the new
Section 66-E. In the United States of America, the 1986 Electronic
Communications Protection Act (ECPA) is a criminal wiretap
statute and the 2000 Online Protection Act also provides
protection to individuals’ right to privacy. Both countries have
been working on this gradually but the privacy factor is an issue of
a much greater concern in India than in the United State.