In this research project, I'll discuss about the Reservation System of India and
equality. I would analyze about the purpose of the reservation system i.e. the
core idea behind it and would also see if equality which is claimed to be the
primary aim behind this system has been achieved or not. Further, I shall also
analyze the Dworkinian perspective on Equality and how this system of
reservation would be seen by him and also, how would he respond to this.
I begin with my analysis, it is pertinent to note whether equality was actually
the primary goal of the reservation system and if it has been achieved, why is
it still relevant. Therefore, the research project aims at analyzing the
objectives along with achievements of the reservation system in India.
Through this research project, I have tried to answer two major questions.
Firstly, whether equality been achieved in its true sense by the reservation
system in India? Secondly, whether the system of reservation finds a place
within the Dworkinian theory of Equality?
The aim of this research project is to put forth an analysis of the Dworkin's
concept of equality in light of the reservation system of India.
Concept Of Equality Within The Reservation System Of India
India has been independent since past 73 years and among Indian, goal of
equality is yet to be achieved and instead it is gradually turning into a dream.
From this, it can be inferred that there is something certainly erroneous with
the education as well as employment system of our country. The act of keeping
back, reserving or withholding certain number of seats for uplifting the
standard of living and the position of the socially and economically depressed
groups of the society.
The reservation system in India was brought in to address
the caste system itself. Initially, the caste system was the division on the
basis of occupation but over the years it took an ugly path which further lead
to the restrictions being placed upon the intermingling of castes and this in
turn led to the social evil of untouchability and animosity among the groups.
The social discrimination which is based upon the caste, religion, gender and
creed is an inhumane and evil practice which is still prevalent in most parts of
our nation. Reservation has crucial economic, social and political consequences
in our country which despite being the largest democracy of the world has scarce
and limited public resources.
There is a serious requirement of refining and revising the reservation policy
of our nation to improve it and become incorporative in accordance with the
dynamic needs of India. There has been a confusion related to the reservation
system in India since the day it was implemented and over the decades, it has
increased since now even backward classes come under its ambit.
Even though
reservation system has expanded and continued over the years, there is still a
wide spread inequality and discrimination against the Dalits and other lower
castes and this is a part of their routine and the aim of equal treatment has
not been achieved. Reservation has been in practice since past six decades now
and has expanded too but instead of serving its purpose, it has created
animosity among groups and there is severe backlash. [1]
Reservation was included in the framework of the Indian Constitution in form of
Article 15 and 16 for upliftment of SC/ST because they were denied respect,
equal opportunity and were oppressed historically because of the deep-rooted
caste system which was the primary reason behind their under-representation.
Reservation as a legislation does not alter the way Indian society would look at
the lower castes. It only tries to put forth an equal opportunity and adequate
representation for them. The aim of reservation has been diluted to a wide
extent because it has shrank to being merely a political tool utilized by
politicians for swaying voted in their favor.
These politically colored
propagandas have further led to greater divergence among the various sections of
the society instead of creating a sense of unity. These politicians have been
fooling the citizens of our country by dishonest assurances of projecting
reservation in a different light which has actually widened the gap among the
population. [2]
The youth both Dalit and upper caste shows some severely violent tendencies
because firstly, the Dalit youth has been discriminated against and oppressed
for years and secondly, the upper caste or the general category youth feel that
by means of reservation, the more competent candidate lose their seats to
unqualified ones as they enjoy the benefit of the reservation. They feel that
that this system is dangerous for the nation because meritorious candidates are
being replaced by vacuous ones and therefore there is an extensive violence
erupting due to the same.
People need to understand that reservation though it is very pertinent at this
time cannot be a permanent solution and has to be a temporary one since the
incorporation of reservation system in India was for the upliftment of the lower
and oppressed community and by making it a perpetual one, we cannot project the
idea that our nation has not succeeded in the eradication of unequal treatment
even after years of independence and therefore what is problematic is the way in
which this system is being anticipated by the population. It should be
discontinued once the equality regime is achieved but that is a long way to go.
Reservation is not just a tool of poverty eradication which is actually the way
it is being understood at present times instead it is for the equal
representation and for achievement of justice and also to bring each citizen on
the same level in terms of opportunities and representation. Discrimination in
any form is unacceptable. Reservation aim for equality for all and once that is
achieved, there won't be any requirement of creation of special privileges for
any group of people because everyone will be on an identical pane. [3]
Reservation was initially caste based but now it is inclusive of the other
backward communities (OBC) as well and this was done post the judgement of Indra
Sawhney (1992) which laid down that along with the representing these
communities adequately, it has led to sharing of power which was crucial for our
nation because the downtrodden were not included in the administration
The most striking feature of the judgment was that the court
took a stand that if reservation is being provided to a certain group because
they were disadvantaged, it does not mean that reservation is anti-merit because
marks cannot not be the sole basis of merit since the socio-economic factors are
also to be considered for the same. The court also made it explicitly clear that
reservation is not for the eradication of poverty but to dismantle the
caste-monopoly in the public sectors. [4]
It is imperative that such certain number of posts and seats are reserved for
Dalits and this is not because they are underprivileged instead the problem was
that even though these people appeared as candidate for government jobs, they
were usually not selected due to their caste (which could be inferred from their
last name) and the members of the selection board (usually upper caste)
preferred to hire their kind of people and hence there was a serious violation
of the rights of a person. By reservation, it was ensured that SC/ST's could be
a part of the public services.
Simply providing reservation is not enough
because nowadays it is being misused as a political tool during election as
people usually form caste-based parties for contesting elections and there is
often violence which erupts when the political agenda of parties is based upon
caste. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that a system of checks and
balances should be enforced to avoid such situations which could further make
the relationship among the citizens of India bitter. [5]
Ronald Dworkin's Perspective On Equality And Reservation System Of India
Ronald Dworkin has given a Theory of Equality and according to him, it is a
principle of equal value and special responsibility. He says that state needs to
pay "equal attention" towards its citizens which should be according to their
dignity in the sense that if someone is disadvantaged then their equal attention
should be competent enough to make them as equal as others even if it means
treating them differently.
This means that the differences and specialties of
every individuals should be respected. For Dworkin, the distribution of
resources need not be equal for everyone, but what is pertinent is that it
should be fair for enabling the people to have choice w.r.t. the good they
desire. Individuals have certain rights which cannot be overlooked by the state
and therefore these cannot be sacrificed as well. [6]
According to Dworkin, by possessing rights the dignity as well as self-respect
of the human being is protects and hence they are equal according to the
fundamental rights even though he admits that the nature of these rights is
quite abstract. He has put forth two interpretations: first, right to equal
treatment means providing all citizens with similar opportunities and resources.
Second, right to treatment as an equal. Dworkin has accepted the latter
conception of the fundamental rights. [7]
When we read the reservation system of India into the theory of equality as put
forth by Dworkin, it is quite acceptable to state that this system would have
been acknowledged by him and it can be included into his theory because he was
in favour of the idea of equal treatment and opportunity for all even if this
means that special treatment needed to be provided for the achievement of this
For him, the dignity of the individuals acts as a determinant for the
special treatment which is to be provided only if there is inequality and when
we comprehend the purpose of the reservation system in India, both these ideas
are in consonance.
Dworkin would view reservation as an integral part for the
preservation of the fundamental rights of an individual within the nation. Even
though reservation is a special treatment, it is indispensable for the equal
treatment which is envisaged within the Constitution of our nation.
This research project analyzed the reservation system of India within theory of
equality as given by Ronald Dworkin and how would Dworkin would view this system
and to conclude, I would say that reservation system was included within the
nation's framework for curbing the inequalities that were created because of the
denial of equivalent treatment as well as forfeiting the dignity of a group of
people who were considered to be of lower caste primarily because of their
occupation and hence they were looked down upon by the upper caste.
When our country gained its independence, this was a major issue which was to be
resolved and hence the reservation system was introduced so that this
discrimination and inequality is restricted. This system can find a place within
the Theory of Equality provided by Dworkin because when we see the purpose of
this theory in totality, the gist is that equal treatment varies according to
the status of the person and hence even if special measures need to be taken for
bringing about equality, it would come within his theory.
It is quite a utopian
vision to bring everyone up to the same level of equality within a society but
the same cannot be used as an excuse for not bringing in any measures since such
measures to bring about equality are necessary if they are going in the
identical direction of such a vision.
- G.S. Ghurye, Caste and Race in India (1968).
- Nidhi Khurana, The Way Forward for Caste-Based Reservations in India (The
- Kailash Jeender, Reservation Is About Adequate Representation, Not
Poverty Eradication (The Wire)
- Basavaraju, C. "Reservation Under the Constitution of India: Issues and
Perspectives." Journal of the Indian Law Institute
- Indra Sawhney v Union of India AIR 1993 SC 477
- Alexander Brown, Ronald Dworkin's Theory of Equality: Domestic and Global
- Dworkin, R. (1981). What is Equality? Part 1: Equality of
Welfare. Philosophy & Public Affairs
- Dworkin, R. (1981). What is Equality? Part 2: Equality of
Resources. Philosophy & Public Affairs,
- Nidhi Khurana, "The Way Forward for Caste-Based Reservations in India" 24
April 2017 The Wire
- Basavaraju, C. "Reservation Under the Constitution of India: Issues and
Perspectives." Journal of the Indian Law Institute June 2009
- Kailash Jeender, "Reservation Is About Adequate Representation, Not Poverty
Eradication"18 May 2020 The Wire
- Indra Sawhney v Union of India AIR 1993 SC 477
- Kailash Jeender, "Reservation Is About Adequate Representation, Not Poverty
Eradication"18 May 2020 The Wire
- Dworkin, R. (1981). What is Equality? Part 1: Equality of
Welfare. Philosophy & Public Affairs
- Alexander Brown, Ronald Dworkin's Theory of Equality: Domestic and Global