Technology is society made durable."- Bruno Latour, French philosopher, anthropologist, and sociologist
Technology is considered a game-changer in these modern times, from a person's
birth to their death technology comes into action every second of their
lifetime. But before we go deep into the topic we need to define technology.
According to the Oxford dictionary, technology is defined as, "scientific
knowledge used in practical ways".
Technology, society, and law
Technology has immensely contributed to the development of the modern societal
structure and influenced its betterment to a great extent. With the help of
globalizing the fragmented societies and catering to the adoption of the best
practices of the other activities in their societies.
With the evolution of law, its objective has changed to guide us to create a
society where mutual understanding, respect, and harmony prevail in society.
Modern society can maintain its sanity in this hush and bush only due to the
prevalence of law. On the other hand, to cater to the growing demands
of society's laws and repeatedly adapt and develop itself to attain its
objectives, thereby sophisticating the whole legal system.
Legal awareness
The laws were created for the people to understand them and inculcate them into
their lifestyle but due to the sophistication of the legal system people have
started ignoring laws to the extent that they don't realize their fundamental
rights and duties enshrined in the constitution. "Ignorantia Juris non-excusat"
means "Ignorance of the law is no excuse". This principle is still followed by
the legal systems but we see the gap of ignorance or lack of awareness and
knowledge of the law in the society.
Modern problems require modern solutions - Technology and Legal awareness
The usage and presence of technology can be felt across all fields and
industries in today's times and it was the need of the hour to reap the benefits
of technology for the good of society. This marks the heroic entry of technology
to save the people from the darkness of exploitation, corruption and various
ism's by creating a medium for educating the public regarding the development
and presence of law to suit and cater to the simplification of problems in their
The wave of technology in terms of legal awareness can be felt in the following:
- Social media platforms
There are various pages and content creators on platforms like Instagram and
Facebook, who actively put out content regarding the various laws present for
the protection of the people from exploitative practices. For example, the pages
guide the people on the steps or initiatives they should take if they have been
cheated or exploited by a shopkeeper, etc.
There is also the presence of the majestic YouTube where creators post detailed
content regarding law and its development and create a sense of security in the
minds of the audience that the law is capable of providing them justice for the
injustice borne by them.
- Blogs and journals
Internet and technology have become a palace full of authentic
information which caters to a wide variety of people and these blogs provide
additional information regarding various aspects including the concerned people
to contact and the channel to attain justice.
- Availability of contacts and information
Internet today, is capable of providing contacts of various,
advocates, law firms, etc. to the concerned people along with reviews based on
thousands of people who have shown interest in their work. Thus, this helps in
reducing the time of going through their phone records or requesting several
people for suggestions regarding the same and creating an ecosystem of
- Videoconferencing with legal experts
There is a problem with the geographical distance that hinders people from
approaching the right people. Platforms like Zoom, Meet, and Teams not only come
in handy at times of pandemic but they effectively act as an alternative for
face-to-face or in-office meets and help in gathering the best results.
- Online legal assistance
There is a huge market of freelancers, who work remotely by drafting
various contracts and agreements along with this there are various law firms
that provide the same service and resolve the major issue of proper
In addition to this, there are various assistance services provided
through the use of technology and cater to solving the issues faced by a common
- Live broadcast of court proceedings
Courts not only act as an institution for providing justice
additionally their proceedings help in educating the people about the
mechanization of law and educating the people about its proceedings.
"Convergence of technology and judicial system is the need of the hour. We need
to go digital and adopt the online analysis of legal cases. Dissemination of
legal knowledge to the common man will also go a long way in improving the law
and order situation in the country." - Shri. Narendra Modi, present Prime
Minister of India
The improvements in the field of technology and law are never-ending and shall
exist as long as there exists society and the need for order in society. The
people must be educated about the changes in the field of law and technology
plays a crucial role in not only raising awareness but also in putting forth the
opinion of the people.
Thus, law and technology together could be picturized as a plant with a flower
that compliments each other and the absence of any one of these elements could
be felt clearly. Hopefully, the amalgamation of law and technology could cater
to the growing needs of society.
- https://techsprohub.com/how-technology-is-empowering-legal-awareness/