Definition of the Contract of Indemnity as found in the English Law can be
understood from the landmark case of
Adamson v Jarvis [i]
The plaintiff in this case was an auctioneer. On the instructions of the
defendant, he sold certain cattle which he thought belonged to the defendant,
but which turned out to belong to some other person. That person sued the
auctioneer who in turn sued the defendant to indemnify for the loss he had
suffered. The court laid down that the plaintiff having acted on the request of
the defendant was entitled to assume that if what he did turned out to be
wrongful in any manner then he would get indemnified by the defendant.
In simple words, the word "
indemnity" in English Law refers to a promise to save
a person harmless from the consequences of an act, whereby the promise may be
both express as well as implied. We see, in the case of
Dugdale v Lovering[ii]
that the English courts have accepted the idea of implied indemnity.
The English definition of the term "
indemnity" offers a wide enough context
which shall include the promise to make good the losses arising from any cause
whatsoever. This would include loss caused by fire or even by accident along
with all contracts of insurance other than a life insurance. However, in this
context, the definition of indemnity given under the Indian Laws, vis a vis
Indian Contract Act 1872, talks of a much narrower definition. Section 124 says
that a contract of indemnity is one where a party promises to save the other
from loss caused to him by the conduct of the promisor himself or by any other
For example, if there is a person A who contracts to indemnify a person B
against the consequences of any proceedings which another person say C may take
against him, them this would be referred to as a contract of indemnity. For this
purpose, A would be called as the indemnifier and B as the indemnity holder or
Hence, we see that the scope of indemnity here is restricted to two particular
instances i.e., when the loss is caused either by the promisor/indemnifier
himself or when it is caused by another person. The definition keeps outside its
purview cases of loss arising out of accident like fire, or perils of the sea.
This definition exclusively says that for that loss to be indemnified, it must
have been caused by a human agency. In this sense, we see that the Indian
definition of the term indemnity is much narrower than its English counterpart.
When we talk about liability of the indemnifier in cases of contract of
indemnity, one question arises i.e., when does the person actually become liable
to pay. Or, in simple terms, when is the indemnity holder entitled to recover
the indemnity.
If we were to take a look at the English Jurisprudence then we would find that
the original English Rule was that indemnity was payable only after the
indemnified had actually suffered the loss, by paying off the claim. The maxim
read that "you must be damnified before you can claim to be indemnified".
However, this established line of thinking has evolved and the law is now
different. This has been explained in the case of
Gajanan Moreshwar Parlekar v
Moreshwar Madan Mantri [iii]. Here the courts acknowledged that the indemnity
might be very little indeed if the indemnified could not enforce his indemnity
till he had actually paid the loss. The court of equity had held that if the
liability had become absolute then he was entitled to either get the promisor to
pay off the claim on his behalf or to pay into court, sufficient money which
would go ahead and contribute to the fund which would then be used to pay off
the claim whenever made.
Indemnity is not necessarily given by repayment after payment. The concept of
indemnity lies on the fact that the indemnity holder shall never be called upon
to pay in the first place. This principle has been followed by the High Court of
Calcutta in the case of
Osman Jamal and Sons Ltd v Gopal Purshttam[iv].
Furthermore, the high courts of Allahabad, Madras and Patna have all expressed
their concurrence in various cases to this principle that as soon as the
liability of the indemnity-holder to pay becomes clear, he would have the right
to put the indemnity holder whom he is under contract with, in a position so as
to meet the claim. However there have also been cases of exceptions where
contrary views have been expressed [v].
- (1827) 4 Bing 66: 29 R R 503.
- (1875) LR 10 CP 196
- AIR 1942 Bom 302, 304:
- ILR (1929) 56 Cal 262
- Shanker Nimbaji v Laxman Sapdu AIR 1940 Bom 161
Written By: Mr. Saikat Mukherjee, A 3rd year BA LLB student at Symbiosis Law
School, Nagpur.
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