Rape cases are getting worse and worse these days. In statistic research, we
found India is the 3rd topmost country in committing rape after USA and Brazil.
According to the National Crime Bureau's Annual report, in 2018 around 94000
rape cases were filed in India, which means in every 15 minutes one rape has
been committed in India. The conviction rate is 27%, and 54% of cases are still
Don't know how many girls are raped and they don't even tell anyone about it for
fear of slander. Sometimes, rapists also blackmail the victims and because of
this fear, they don't tell all this to anyone. And sometimes girls come under
family pressure and suppress the matter because of the fear of slander. Can you
imagine where our country is moving to? From raping an 8 months old girl to
raping 84 years old woman, crimes are getting worse these days. But our Indian
Laws have given some rights to rape victims as well. This article clearly
explains the rights of every rape victim.
Six important rights of rape victims:
Right to Zero FIR
It means that a person can file an FIR in any police station, irrespective of
the place of incident of the Jurisdiction. The same FIR later shall be
transferred to the police station, having jurisdiction for the investigation to
begin. Suppose, if a girl got raped by someone in Haryana and she didn't tell
anyone about that incident and came to Mumbai. Now if she wants to file an FIR
against that rapist, she can directly go to any police station in Mumbai and can
file FIR against that person. The same FIR shall be transferred by the Mumbai
police to Haryana Police. This is known as Zero FIR. The concept of Zero FIR has
come into force after Nirbhaya Case. Committee of Justice Verma has introduced
the concept of Zero FIR in their report findings. The Ministry of Home Affairs
had also introduced Advisory Circular dated 10-05-2013 of Home Affairs for Zero
Rape victims have been conferred numerous rights after Nirbhaya gang rape to
ensure their dignity, privacy, protection, speedy trial and compensation. The
concept of Zero FIR has also been recognized by Delhi High Court in the case of
Kirti Vashist vs State and Ors[2] where it is clearly stated by the High Court
that a victim can file FIR in any police station. The FIR shall be registered by
the police officer without any delay and inquiry.
In yet another case of, Lalita Kumari vs Government of U.P.[3] Supreme Court has
clearly stated that a person can file the FIR under Section 154, The Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1973 and if any police officer denied filing FIR then he may
face some consequences under Section 166A of Indian Penal Code which states that
if a public servant fails to record any information under Sub-Section (1) of
Section 154 of Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 then he shall be punished with
rigorous imprisonment of six months which may extend to two years and shall also
be liable to fine.
Free medical treatment in any private hospital
According to Section 357C of Code of Criminal Procedure, no private or
government hospital can charge fees for the treatment of rape victims. All
hospitals, either private or public, shall immediately provide first aid to the
victims free of cost. If any of the hospitals demand a fee for the treatment of
rape victims, then they shall be punished under Section 166B of the Indian Penal
Code (non-treatment of the victim) for up to 1 year and shall be liable for a
fine or both.
No two-finger test during the medical examination
No doctor shall possess the right to do two-finger tests while doing the medical
examination. According to Section 164A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, this
provision tells how the report will be made and what things will be written
under the report. The Supreme Court itself supported this ruling in the case of
Lillu Alias Rajesh and Another vs State of Haryana[4] and stated that Two finger
test and its interpretation violates the right of rape survivors to privacy,
mental integrity and dignity. Hence, it is illegal.
The only work of the doctor is to check whether there is any injury in private
parts or not? Is the rape has been committed with the victim or not? Is there
any recent sexual activity that happened or not? No doctor has the right to
check about the past activity of the victim. Keeping this in mind,
Ministry of Health issued a guideline under which a medico-kit has been
provided in every hospital to collect the DNA sample for forensic testing.
the report shall contain:
- Name and Address
- Age
- Description of the material taken for the DNA testing
- Marks of injury (if any)
- General Mental Condition
- Other reasonable material (if any)
A male doctor is going to do the medical examination; he must take the consent
for doing the same. Also, he must tell what objects he will use at the time of
examination, what procedure he is going to follow. But, he cannot do a
two-finger test, otherwise it will charge him for rape under Section 375 of
Indian Penal Code[5] for inserting an object in private part. Chhattisgarh State
Government has clearly stated that: only ladies doctors will examine the rape
Harassment free and time-bound police investigation
According to Section 154 (1) CrPC, the statement shall be recorded by a woman
police officer or any other officer. The officer will come as per the time
decided by you or favorable to you. And they shall fix the place as per your
convenience. The woman officer shall record the statement in the victim's
presence's parents or guardian. A magistrate shall record the statement as per
Section 164 (5-A). The lady police officer shall take the victim in court and
the statement shall be recorded in the chamber of Magistrate. The purpose for
doing the same is to check the statement noted by the police is correct or not.
If a rape victim is dumb or mentally disabled to explain the situation, then
Analyzer Educator Social Interpretation will be present at that moment to
understand the signs.
The main purpose for doing the same is, the victim doesn't have to tell the
incident again in the trial court the statement given by the victim to the
magistrate shall be finalized and it will not violate the right to privacy of
the victim.
Trial with full dignity, speedy and protection
Section 26 of CrPC states that the trial shall be practicable by the court
presided over by a woman. Further, no question shall be asked to victim that
assassinates the character of her. Section 53A of the Indian Evidence Act states
any question pertaining to previous sex history is irrelevant.
Section 327(2) of CrPC defines the inquiry and trial of rape shall be conducted
on camera.
Section 327(3) of CrPC states that the statement given by the victim to the
magistrate shall be confidential.
Section 173(1A) of CrPC state that investigation shall be completed within two
months from the date on which the information was recorded. The Supreme Court,
in the case State of Kerela vs. Rasheed[6] ordered the courts to complete the
trial within two months from the date on which information was recorded.
Sufficient number of courts have been made exclusively for the rape cases under
Section 309(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Further, it is ordered by the
court to make trial program especially for the rape cases under Section 230 of
Protection shall be given by the court so that no one can threaten the victim
and the witness. Also it is the responsibility of the police to pick up the
victim from her home and drop her to home after the trial. Special waiting rooms
are made in the court where the victim and the witness will wait so that no
confrontation will be happen with the rapist.
Supreme Court in the case of Mahender Chawla vs Union of India[8] gave a
detailed guideline that if a witness doesn't want to reveal his/her name or
identity in the court, then he/she shall give an application to the court, the
court will introduce the person with another name and the original identity will
be kept confidential.
Right to compensation
A new provision has been introduced as Section 357A of Code of Criminal
Procedure, which states the victim compensation scheme. The Supreme Court has
laid this provision down for framing a scheme for compensation with Nipun Saxena
vs Union of India[9]. Keeping this in mind, National Legal Services Authority
made the rules for compensation scheme for women victims.
The final scheme has been introduced on 11-05-2018 in the Supreme Court and the
scheme is accepted by the Supreme Court and ordered all the states and union
territories to apply the scheme. According to this scheme, a minimum of 4 Lakh
Rupees and a Maximum of up to 7 Lakh Rupees shall be provided to the victim as
compensation. If, the court finds that the amount provided as compensation to
the victim is inadequate then, the court may increase the amount according to
the situation.
It is stated by the Calcutta High Court in the case of Serina Mondal Alias
Piyada vs. The State of West Bengal and Ors[10] compensation provided under
Section 357A is provided to protect the fundamental right of a person. Also, in
the case of Manohar Singh vs State of Rajasthan and Ors[11] Supreme Court said
that compensation can be given even if crime goes unpunished for want of
adequate evidence.
Factors that must be included in the application to gain more compensation:
- Mental Harm/ Physical Harm
- Loss of educational opportunity
- Loss of employment
- If the victim is pregnant
- If victim gets infected by a disease (HIV etc)
- Financial condition of victim
- Disability of victim
In Case of death
Rape is a heinous crime. Many people will suffer because of these crimes for
their entire life and some people are afraid of getting slander. But, if you
think in the right way, taking action is better than stepping back because of
society's influence. No one matters more than your life. Be there for yourself
even when no one stands with you. Through this article, you can understand that
our government has taken every necessary step towards rape victims. Even after
these punishments, our country is indulged in these crimes.
It is important to
understand the laws laid down by the government for victims, but the more
important thing is to realize that these crimes can destroy a person's whole
life. We are moving towards a literate society where we are expected to maintain
dignity, understand our moral values and these crimes in any area of the country
are not only unacceptable but also tell the dark future of our country. It's not
only the responsibility of our government to maintain law and order in society,
it's our responsibility also to maintain law and order in a society where every
girl can live without any fear of getting raped.
- 29-11-2017
- 2014 (2) SCC 1
- 2013 (14)SCC 643
- https://indiankanoon.org/doc/623254/
- AIR 2019 SC 721
- https://indiankanoon.org/doc/479826/
- 5-12-2018
- WP (C) NO 565/2012
- 2018 SCC online Cal 4238
- 2015(3) SCC 449