Factories Act is labour legislation that has existed since the late 19th
Century and was initially enforced to keep a check on the condition of
Industrial workers. Its prime objective was to protect the workers employed in
factories against industrial and occupational hazards. It focused on regulating
the working hours, weekly off, provisions regarding ladies and children. It
imposes upon the owners and occupiers obligations to protect the workers. It was
amended in 1911, 1923, 1935 and 1987. But the important amendments were made in
1948, which included safety of working place & machinery, health provision
working hours, weekly off, paid leave, etc. It came into force on 1.4.1949 and
is applicable to the whole of India including Jammu and Kashmir. The last
amendment to the Factories Act, 1948 was made in the year 1987, wherein a
separate chapter was inserted relating to the hazardous process. However,
comprehensive Factories (Amendment) Bill, 2014 including the amendments of
sections 64 and 65 of the Act, was introduced in Lok Sabha on 7th August 2014.
The said Bill was referred to the Department-related Parliamentary Standing
Committee on Labour for examination and report, which presented its Report on
the said Bill on 22nd December 2014 to Parliament, which was under examination
till the dissolution of 16th Lok Sabha. The string of amendments proposed by the
union government to various sections of the Factories Act has been endorsed by
the Ministry to deliver on its promise to vastly improve India’s position in the
World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index. But many experts and trade unions
argue that the proposed amendments go about this task by decreasing regulatory
mechanisms that protect workers’ rights, safety and health. This would only lead
to a competitive easing of norms to facilitate investment without protecting the
further erosion of labour rights.
What does the Standing Committee Report said?
The Factories (Amendment), 2014 propose to amend section 2(m) of the Factories
Act, 1948 relating to definitions of “factoryâ€. In clause 2 (m) Regarding the
definition of the “factory†Following changes in sub-clauses (i) and (ii) will
be carried out – (a) in subclause (i), after the words “whereon ten or more
workersâ€, the words “or such number of workers as may be prescribed by the State
Government†shall be inserted;
(b) in sub clause (ii), after the words “whereon twenty or more workersâ€, the
words “or such number of workers as may be prescribed by the State Governmentâ€
shall be inserted;
(c) after sub clause (ii) but before the following proviso shall be inserted,
namely: “Provided that the number of workers specified in sub-clause (i) and
sub-clause (ii) shall not exceed twenty and forty workers, respectively.â€
Reasons given For the Amendments:
Labour is in the Concurrent List. As per the Federal system, the formulation of
Factories Act is within the jurisdiction of the Central Government whereas its
implementation is done by the State Governments. Some State Governments propose
State amendments to Factories Act from time to time depending on their
requirements. These amendments are enacted by the approval by the Central
Government. There have recently been demands by a few State Governments for
increasing the threshold limits in their States for application of Factories
Act. It is with this view that the proposal to provide flexibility to States
within their jurisdiction for deciding on these threshold limits has been made.
However, since, it should not become excessive delegation the limits have been
capped to 20 and 40 workers with power and without power respectively. This will
provide flexibility to the State Governments to amend their State Laws as per
their requirements.
The stand taken by the Labour Ministry
As mentioned earlier, the Government proposes to enhance the threshold level of
employment from 10 to 20 workers (in case of factories using power) and from 20
to 40 workers in case of factories (not using power) vide Clause 2 (m). The
Committee received a number of suggestions from various quarters voicing if the
amendments are carried out, the number of factories and their workers will be
thrown out of the coverage of the Factories Act and workers will be at the mercy
of employers on every aspect of their service conditions, rights and protective
provisions laid down under the Act. The Unions further represented that as per
the estimates made by the Annual Survey of Industries, enhancement of the
threshold level of employment in an establishment to 40 workers will take out
more than 70 per cent of the factory establishments in the Country out of the
coverage of the Factories Act.
The reason given by the ministry for the proposed amendments was not able to
convince the committee as the committee asked for evidence about the pressing
circumstances for enhancing the threshold.
The secretary of the labour ministry said:
“On thresholds actually we have got suggestions from all stakeholders. There is
clearly no convergence. We have presented it to the Committee also. There is a
wide array of suggestions that have been received from the Unions, from industry
and from others. I would like to submit a couple of points for the consideration
of the Committee and then it is for the Committee to take a view on the matter.
State Governments have their own stage of development, they have their own local
conditions, they have to keep in mind, employment, employability, they have a
lot of responsibilities under the Constitution. And not permitting the State
Governments any scope for adjusting to local conditions is actually very
desirable because they believe that there are enough precautions that are there
in the scheme of things. I mentioned that Section 85 empowers a State Government
to declare any factory under Shops and Establishments Act that they will be
covered; and that there should be flexibility to States within their
jurisdiction for deciding the threshold limit. However, it should not have been
excessive delegation. And that is the only reason why we have put the caps at 20
and 40 because there should not be excessive delegation and it has to be within
the norms.â€
The Secretary further stated:
“The argument which is being given is that, if you look at the numbers you had
mentioned, if you want to remain under 20, compliance is easier. So a lot of
companies stay at 20 and they do not go beyond 20...As I said, one could argue
either way but this is a perspective which is a very strong perspective...The
State Governments do have a particular perspective which they have been
representing to the Union Government. It is in the response to that, without
according excessive delegation, that this provision has been keptâ€.
Asked to further elaborate, the Secretary Ministry of Labour and Employment
“The cost of compliance could have very many perspectives and I presented the
perspective. I am saying this and this is for the Committee to take an over al
view looking to the apparent demographic dividend that we have and how to do we
leverage employable living...â€
The Committee then desired to know whether it was at all legally required to
empower the State Governments in view of the enactment of the Factories Act by
the Rajasthan Government. In reply, the Secretary, Ministry of Labour and
Employment deposed:
“The particular State Government got it. But it required a presidential assent
for them to be able to do it. That is why the amendment. The logic of the
amendment is that there will be an enabling provision which the State
Governments may exercise as per their local conditions and local perspectives.â€
Labour reforms will help improve the ease of doing business which, in turn, will
improve investments, stimulate economic growth and fuel the demand for
right-skilled workforce. The system of formal education in India has been
unresponsive to the signals coming from the labour market. But hopefully, with
the recent regulatory reforms, the education system in India will be forced to
become more responsive. For over 25 years, India has been in the process of
integrating itself into the global economy through liberalisation of trade and
investment. But, unfortunately, India, unlike China, has not yet been able to
obtain the full benefit of globalisation through more productive and
better-paying manufacturing jobs for its large young population. In the global
market for goods and services, there has been a market failure in India as far
as low wage manufacturing jobs are concerned, while the market has worked
efficiently for high wage IT jobs. The major factor contributing to this
paradoxical outcome is that the IT sector units are governed by the Shops and
Establishment Act and not the Factories Act. There are over 40 labour laws which
regulate factories. These impose too onerous a burden. Large firms can easily
deploy the manpower and other resources to meet the transaction costs required
for record keeping, reporting and managing the regulatory regime.
Small firms and start-ups find this too heavy a burden. They, therefore, have an
incentive to remain small rather than grow. The unfortunate result has been that
job growth in the organised sector has been extraordinarily disappointing while
it has been taking place in the unorganised sector at a much faster pace. This
is the opposite of what happens in any rapidly industrialising economy.
Criticism of the change in the definition of Factories
The changes in the Factories Act would mean that the small manufacturing units
would not have legally binding responsibility for workers’ security. These
include, for example, legal protection on hours of work, paid weekly off, basic
amenities at the workplace, the security of and site facilities for women, the
safety of workers and other rights relating to decent working conditions. Rather
than addressing the issue of poor wages, overtime at the cost of health and rest
of the workers is proposed as a solution which actually gives a cheap option to
the employers to avoid employing new workers. An article on labour reforms
published on mainstream weekly in which the author did some field work in Bombay
and the findings are highlighting the problems which will not be solved by this
amendment. The finding reveals that most of the work processes in garment
manufacturing, even by some of the biggest brands, is outsourced to small work
units. Strangely, almost all the work units using electricity and with more than
10 workers that I visited in 2013 were registered under the Bombay Shops and
Establishments Act 1948 rather than the Factories Act.
The former is supposed to cover establishments which carry on any business,
trade or profession only and not the establishments where manufacturing is
carried out. Thus, the workers of such manufacturing units are deprived of the
benefits that are provided in the Factories Act. Under the Factories Act 1948,
the employer is obliged to provide a clean environment, proper ventilation,
sufficient lighting, clean drinking water and sanitation within the premises.
But, most of the employers fail to provide even these very basic facilities
causing them severe inconvenience and posing public health problems too. The Act
limits working hours to nine hours a day with a compulsory break every five
hours. However, I found employers often exploiting the homelessness of the
migrant workers to encourage them to use their workplace also as accommodation
which meant just a place to sleep on the floor at night. This sets hidden terms
and conditions on such workers whose working hours are stretched to 10-12 hours
a day with serious implications for their health. This is further reinforced by
piece rate wages.
The avid reformists argue that units applying greater number of labour are more
efficient and productive and workers also stand to gain from the increased
productivity. This argument is too flimsy given the fact that such units would
not be registered; hence in the absence of a regulatory framework, the fruits of
the enhanced efficiency and productivity of the workers would accrue exclusively
to the employer. Moreover, with further weakening of the inspection system, even
relatively larger units may continue manipulating the registration system. The
present amendments can at best legitimise the de facto corrupt practices of the
employers, domestic and foreign, carried out in collusion with the Labour
It is also argued that the proposed reforms would equally benefit labour.
Business is a dynamic process. Investors want to ensure that a corresponding
dynamic labour process exists in the host country. A completely flexible labour
market, with minimum liability and free from any fetters created by the state or
the labour unions, would make India a preferred destination for investments
thereby creating new jobs. Absence of such a business-friendly labour
environment also pushes capital to adopt deceitful dealings in order to survive
in the cut-throat competitive environment. A buoyant market has an inherent
mechanism to take care of the workers’ interests. The problem with such
arguments is that these conveniently bypass the question as to what kind of new
employment would be generated. Would they adhere to decent work standards or
further deteriorate the existing work standards? As the majority of the poor in
India is constituted by the informal workers, any reform proposal must be
evaluated on the criteria of decent work which requires a substantial increase
in the earnings and improvements in the work conditions of the informal
workforce. Thus, more employment is not at all sufficient for the Indian working
class, rather they need better employment. In a recent interview the former
governor of RBI Raghuram Rajan also highlighted this problem the main problem is
not jobs but the quality of jobs. The best example for this is recently the
post-graduate doctorate holder candidate applied for sweepers’ job in railways.
The labour unions of India have expressed their grave concerns over the proposed
labour reforms. A highly objectionable part of the reforms process is the lack
of dialogue with those who would be the most affected parties—the workers and
their unions. The Cabinet approved these amendments without organising any
tripartite consultations involving the unions. The haste with which the
government rushed to introduce the Bill in the Lok Sabha shows how much
disregard it has for the deliberative processes and the interests of the
workers. This also shows the dangers of majoritarianism. The mask of reforms is
peeled off. It seems that we are headed for another phase of a fierce battle
between capital and labour.
The main argument from the side of the Government is that by increasing the
threshold of a limit of the factories would result in formal employment in
organised sector enterprises. To counter this argument an article was published
in Hindu Business Line[1] which argued that informal employment is mainly
casual, part-time or temporary. In such jobs, no clear employer-employee
relationship exists. Therefore, such jobs are mainly out of the framework of
labour laws. Formal jobs are mainly of a permanent nature and are regulated
through labour laws by the state. Formal or informal employment can exist in
both the organised and unorganised sectors. It provided some data which is a
revelation. It says: “Employment in the organised sector has increased from 54.6
million to 101.60 million. But much of the increase in the workforce in the
organised sector is accounted for by informally employed workers. The share of
the informally employed workers in the organised sector which was close to 38
per cent has increased to more than 67 per cent. As a matter of fact, the share
of the formally employed has steadily declined from 62 per cent to below 33 per
In absolute terms too, the share of the workforce in the formal employment in
the organised sector has shown a marginal decline. This means that a sort of
flexible specialisation has been occurring in the economy of India in the
post-reform era when there were strict labour laws. Will the past trend get
reversed if the government makes amendments in the so-called archaic labour
laws? The answer is in the negative. If entrepreneurs can adjust the labour
requirement in their enterprises according to requirements in an era of
stringent labour laws, there is a very high probability that this process will
get more accentuated when the labour laws are diluted. Also, there is a high
probability that the dilution of labour laws will result in an increase in the
precariousness of a large section of the workforce. According to the Annual
Survey of Industries, in 2012-13, nearly 70 per cent of the factories in the
organised sector employed fewer than 40 workers, and according to the NSSO 68th
round (2011-12), more than 77 per cent enterprises employed fewer than 20
workers. Thus, amending the Factories Act 1948 and other labour laws will not be
in the interest of workers. The government’s notion that labour reforms will
result in the establishment of big enterprises seems to be quite unpalatable as
worldwide, enterprises are getting leaner. In fact, there is barely any country
where formal employment has increased after labour reforms were initiated. Now,
leading firms (multinational enterprises) of the North are integrating smaller
firms in the global value chains of the South at a rapid pace. The government
should focus more on how to improve workers’ well-being, rather than spend its
energy on getting labour laws passed in Parliament.
Findings of the Committee
The Committee notes the Government’s proposal to empower the State Governments
to enhance the threshold level of employment from 10 to 20 workers (in case of
factories using power) and from 20 to 40 workers (in case of factories not using
power). A number of Trade Unions/Associations/Individuals have expressed the
concern that if the amendment is carried out more than 70 per cent of the
factory establishments in the Country will be out of the coverage of the
Factories Act and workers will be at the mercy of employers on every aspect of
their service conditions, rights and protective provisions laid down under the
Act. The Ministry has contended that there have recently been demands by a few
State Governments for increasing the threshold limits in their States for
application of the Factories Act for which the proposal to provide the
flexibility to States within their jurisdiction for deciding on these thresholds
limits have been made. The Committee is not convinced with the reasoning adduced
by the Ministry as State Governments are empowered under the Concurrent List to
propose their own amendments to the Factories Act from time to time depending on
their requirement. Needless to say, such a Central Legislation enhancing the
threshold level to empower the States is not required. The Committee, therefore,
do not accept the proposed amendment and they desire that status-quo be
maintained, mindful of the serious apprehensions raised at many quarters
including the Trade Unions over the proposed amendment to increase the threshold
As argued by the Secretary on Labour Ministry in the Standing Committee report
that it is not about the pros and cons of the amendments. “If I were on that
side, maybe I will argue from that sideâ€. I am only presenting for the
consideration of the Committee the perspective which has been brought in by a
number of State Governments. I am just saying there is a perspectiveâ€. The
statement made by the Secretary is true because there will always be a tussle
between factories and labour class as they always have a conflicting interest.
So, the government a job becomes very important and difficult because for any
change either party’s rights or duty will be sabotaged and enhance respectively
but it is high time for labour reforms for the development of our country and
match the level of China and Singapore which have flexible labour laws and there
the employment rate is much higher and negligible poverty.
In a market economy, jobs are created primarily by private market participants.
If the regulatory regime is coming in the way of job creation by market players,
its review and reform should get the highest priority. The underlying premise
has been that no government would have the political will to attempt labour
reforms as the trade unions would not permit it and they were politically far
too powerful. This is an unnecessarily timid view. India has been successfully
undertaking major reforms, including the dilution of the fiscal autonomy of the
States by amending the Constitution to introduce GST[2]. To encourage employment
generation, there have been two strands: one, to increase the threshold of the
number of workers over which labour laws would apply, and the other, to give
some financial relief to those who generate new jobs. “But the most radical
approach would be to have a state-funded comprehensive floor level social safety
net covering unemployment (minimum income), universal healthcare and old age
pension for all workers in the unorganised as well as organised sectors,
exempting both employees and employers from contributions for this and to fund
it fully with increases in corporate and personal income tax rates, which are
presently far lower than in Northern Europe.â€[3]
A softer version would be for the state to fully fund employee and employer
contributions for wages up to a prescribed level and for employer and employee
contributions to kick in thereafter to supplement what the state provides. The
benefits of higher productivity of the workforce flowing from a comprehensive
social safety net are not adequately appreciated.
The real advantage of this would be to do away with the distinction between the
worker in the organised and unorganised sector and to create a regulatory regime
which provides for a smooth transition from micro to small, to medium, and
finally to a large enterprise. These are complex issues that need serious
discussion. Given the severity of the challenge, radical approaches for job
creation are now unavoidable.
[1] SP Singh, Amit K Giri, “Misguided Emphasis on Labour Reformsâ€, https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/misguided-emphasis-on-labour-reforms/article8179793.ece
[2] Ajay Shankar, “ Needless deadlock over labour reforms†https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/needless-deadlock-over-labour-reforms/article26635392.ece
[3] ibid