India is in the age of a digital revolution with the internet becoming an
important aspect of its people. Now with the cheap internet lifestyle of the
People is changing things becoming more and more convenient.
E-Contracts is also a convenient form of a traditional contract. They are in
some aspects legalized by the IT Act 2000 but still, there is very uncertainty
regarding the E-contract mainly because India lacks a clear and explicit law
that governs all the characteristics of the E-Contract.
There is uncertainty regarding the Legality of the E-contract and jurisdiction
of the court in handling the dispute of these E-Contracts because these
contracts are created in any part of the world at any time. So, this article
focuses on explaining the legality of these contracts and the jurisdiction of
the court in enforcing these contracts.
What is E-Contract?
E contracts are modern contracts, unlike traditional contracts they don't use
papers they are digital and are generally made for swift entering into a
contract for the convenience of the parties. Parties sitting on a different
corner of the world can enter into an E-contract smoothly through the Digital
Signature without any inconvenience and getting physically or mentally
exhausted. [1]
The legality of E-Contract:
Indian Contract Act 1872 mentions the ingredient which is necessary for the
valid contract those are offer, acceptance, intention, free consent, lawful
consideration and object, competency of parties to contract and the possibility
of performance, but nowhere in the act, it is mentioned that an agreement has to
be signed or that it must be in writing.
But nowhere in the act, it is explicitly mentioned that an agreement has to be
signed by pen or that it must be in writing on paper. It's a custom that is
being followed so that consent of the parties can be shown and the contract can
be provided as evidence for future references.
Section 4 of the IT Act, 2000, says that if any law which is applicable in India
required a document or information to be in handwritten, Typewritten or Printed
form then they have to consider such document or information valid if it is in
the electronic form and can be used for future references.
Section 10A of the IT Act validates the E-Contract by saying that any contract
can't be declared void just because it uses an electronic means to create it. If
in the contract formation the communication of proposals, the acceptance of
proposals, the revocation of proposals and acceptances, either of these is
communicated in an electronic form as the case may be, are expressed in
electronic form or using an electronic record then it's a valid contract.
The majority of state stamp laws do not specifically include electronic records
within their ambit, but some state stamp duty laws do recognize electronic
records within the purview of instrument. For example, Section 2(l) of the
Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958 specifically refers to electronic records in the
definition of the term instrument.
Section 3 of the Evidence Act, 1872, says that all documents including
electronic records produced for the inspection of the court. Section 65B of the
Evidence Act provides that any information contained in an electronic
record which is printed on a paper, stored, recorded or copied in optical or
magnetic media produced by a computer shall be deemed to be also a document
and shall be admissible in any proceedings, without further proof or production
of the original, as evidence of any contents of the original or any fact stated
therein of which direct evidence would be admissible.
Further, Section 47A of the Evidence Act says that when the Court has to form an
opinion as to the electronic signature of any person, the opinion of the
Certifying Authority which has issued the electronic Signature Certificate is a
relevant fact, and Section 85B of the Evidence Act stipulates that unless the
contrary is proved, the Court shall presume that:
- the secure electronic record has not been altered since the specific
point of time to which the secure status relates;
- the secure digital signature is affixed by the subscriber to sign or
approve the electronic record.
In the case of
Tamil Nadu Organic Private Ltd v. State Bank of India[2] and
International FZE Ltd., Dubai v. Vedanta Aluminium Ltd[3] Indian courts enforces
the E-Contracts and define them as valid contracts.
Acceptance of E-Contract:
When an offer or a proposal is sent by one person to another through an
electronic mode, the acceptance of an offer or a proposal must be shown through
any electronic mode or by clicking on the button 'I Agree' or 'I Accept etc.
Section 12 of the IT Act 2000 deals with the acknowledgment of the electronic
records, now the acknowledgment of acceptance of the E-Contract is also kind of
an electronic record so this section helps us in understanding the procedure of
acceptance of E-Contract.
Section 12 of the IT Act 2000 says that the acknowledgment of the receipt of
acceptance but it hasn't mentioned any specific mode by which the acknowledgment
of the acceptance should be sent, the party can send the acknowledgment of the
acceptance of the through any mode they prefer.
Further Section 12 of the IT Act 2000 says that acceptance will not be
considered valid if the acknowledgment of acceptance of the offer is not
received by the party who made the offer.
If the party receiving the offer is failed to give the acknowledgment within a
reasonable time, then the party who initiated the offer may give notice to the
other party, that he has not received an acknowledgment and again provides a
reasonable time for the receipt of acknowledgment. Even then also the other
party is failed to provide the acknowledgment then the party who offers the
contract can withdraw the contract.
In the case of
Bhagavandas Kedia vs. Girdharilal[4], the Supreme Court of India
based on judgment in Entores vs. Miles Far East Corporation has held that the
contract is complete only at the end of the offeror where he has received the
acceptance to his offer.
Quadricon Pvt. Ltd. vs. Bajarang[5] Alloys Ltd., the Bombay High Court held
that the communication by Fax is similar to Telex. The contract would be
completed only when the acceptance is received by the offeror.
Jurisdiction of Court in E-Contract:
Judicial View:
Our Constitution vest the power in the courts to resolve the dispute.
Jurisdiction means to which extent the courts can use their power or what area
comes under the power of the particular court to take cognizance of the case to
take the legal action and pass its verdict.
In India Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 defines the jurisdiction of the court
which is based on the place of residence of a defendant in certain exceptions of
the plaintiff or the place where the cause of action arises.
Generally, while drafting a contract a clause is inserted in, which determines
the territorial jurisdiction in case of any dispute arises in the contract in
the future.
The Supreme Court of India in the case of
Bhagwandas Goverdhandas Kedia vs.
Girdhari Lal Parshottamdas & Co[6] held that at the place of proposer
where the acceptance is received shall have the jurisdiction for enforcement of
contracts entered into using computer internet.
Thus, in the case of E-Contracts acceptance is completed when the offeror
receives the acknowledgment of acceptance by the party to which the offer is
In the case of
WWE v. M/S Reshma Collections[7] Delhi High Court held that:
carry on business, the presence of the person concerned was not necessary. The
bench recognized the virtual presence of e-contracts and refined the
applicability of the judgment to define the meaning of the term carrying on
Court further held that:
since the transaction took place instantaneously and
the acceptance of the offer by WWE was communicated to the customer in Delhi,
the contract was concluded in Delhi and the Delhi court had jurisdiction.
Further, it held that:
When the shop in the physical sense is replaced by a virtual shop because of the
advancement in technology, in our view, it cannot be said that the
appellant/plaintiff would not carry-on business in India.
Because of this verdict passed by the court now, the case can be filed where the
sales are made and if the sale is made across India, then the plaintiff can
choose the forum of its own choice.
In the case of
Himalayan Drug Company v. Sumit,[8] Delhi High Court tried the
case even though Defendant belongs to Italy because the damage is done in Delhi.
In this case, another test developed in India called the Effect Test says that
if the impact of a particular transaction is felt in India, then the Indian
Courts will have jurisdiction.
Statute View:
Section 13 of the IT Act 2000 talks about the rule of law related to the
dispatch and receipt of an electronic record, now as I mentioned above
E-Contract can also be treated as an electronic record so this section helps us
in addressing the issue related to jurisdiction of the court in E-Contract.
Section 13(1) of the IT Act 2000 talks about the dispatch of the E-Contract
through electronic transmission (E-Mails) from the offeror to the party it is
offered and when it is out of the hand of the offeror to recall it and make
amend in the E-Contract then it considered that the contract is communicated to
the other party.
Section 13(2) of the IT Act 2000 talks about the time of the receipt of the
E-Contract by the other party to which the contract has been sending by the
offeror. If the other party has given the designated address (e-mail address) to
the offeror then the time of the receipt of the contract will be the time when
the contract enters the designated computer resource.
And if the designated address is not provided by the other party, then the time
of the receipt will be the time when the contract thus sends is retrieved by the
other party.
Section 13(3) of the IT Act 2000 talks about the address of the place where the
contract was generated and the place where the contract is received. A contract
is generated at the place where the offeror has his place of the business and it
is received at the place where the receiving party has his place of business.
Section 13(4) of the IT Act 2000 says that the location of the computer source
is not important in identifying the address of the place from where the contract
is dispatched or received. A designated E-Mail address is important for that
Section 13(5) of the IT Act 2000 helps in determining the place and time of
dispatch or receiving of the offer by emphasizing the place of business and
usual place of residence. It says that:
- If the Offeror or the other party has more than one or more places of
business then the registered address of the business is the place of business.
- if the offeror or the other party does not have a place of business, his
usual place of residence shall be deemed to be the place of business.
- Usual place of residence, about a body corporate, means the place where
it is registered.
In the case of
PR Transport Agency vs. Union of India[9], the Allahabad High
Court applied the above provision to decide the question of jurisdiction of the
The respondent had sent the letter of acceptance by e-mail to the petitioner's
e-mail address. After that, the respondent sent another e-mail canceling the
e-auction due to some unavoidable reasons.
The petitioner challenged this communication in the Allahabad High Court,
objection was raised by the respondent about the territorial jurisdiction of the
Court based on the cause of action that had not arisen within Uttar Pradesh. In
this case, the principal place of business of the petitioner was in the
Chandauli district of U.P. and his other place of business was in Varanasi of
The Court, based on Section 13(3) of the IT Act, held that the acceptance of
tender by e-mail would be deemed to have been received by the petitioner at Varanasi or Chandauli,
which are the only two places where the petitioner has his place of business. As
both these places fell within the territorial jurisdiction of the Allahabad High
Court, the Court assumed the jurisdiction to try the dispute.
Thus, it is observed that the principal place of business of the offeror and
the other party to which offer is made become the criteria to decide the
jurisdiction of the Court. However, the contracting parties particularly in
E-contract must insert a specific clause on jurisdiction to avoid further
In the past decade, we have seen rapid growth in the increase of E-Contract not
only in India but also in other counties, especially after the covid situation.
E- Contracts are the future of the contracts Commerce company, Trading firms,
Software Companies, etc all are using some or other forms of E-contracts like
Shrinkwrap, Clickwrap, Email-Contracts, etc.
But these E-Contract has their pros but many cons to like to determine the
legality of E-Contract in India there is no specific provision that validates
the E-contract or has a rule which determines the acceptance of contract, place
of business, Jurisdiction of court, etc.
There is a need to cover all the aspects of E-contracts in a single,
comprehensive, and updated legislation to the protection of consumers and
traders in E-commerce and for enforcement of E-contracts.
- Nikhil Nair, E-Contract, Indian National Bar
- Tamil Nadu Organic Private Ltd v. State Bank of India, (2019) W.P.
No.29807 of 2013 (India).
- Trimex International FZE Ltd. Dubai v. Vedanta Aluminium Ltd, (2010)
Arbitration Petition No. 10 OF 2009 (India).
- Bhagavandas Kedia vs. Girdharilal, (1996) AIR 1966 SC 543: 1966 (1) SCR
666 (India).
- Quadricon Pvt. Ltd. vs. Bajarang Alloys Ltd, (1988) AIR 2008 Bom 88
- Bhagwandas Goverdhandas Kedia vs. Girdhari Lal Parshottamdas & Co.,
(1966) AIR 1966 SC 543: 1966 (1) SCR
666 (India).
- WWE v. M/S Reshma Collections, (2014) FAO(OS) No. 506 of 2013 (India).
- Himalayan Drug Company v. Sumit, 2010 PTC 739 (Delhi High Court).
- PR Transport Agency vs. Union of India, (2006) AIR 2006 All 23: 2006 (1)
AWC 504 (India).