Essentials of Valid Contract:
In order to constitute a valid contract, there are certain conditions (essential
elements) which needs to be fulfilled. The essentials of a valid contract are
defined under Section 10 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872[1] which are as
- Free consent of both the parties
- Capacity (competency) to enter into contract
- Lawful consideration
- Lawful object
- Not expressly declared to be void
All agreements are contracts provided that all of the above mentioned
essentials are fulfilled.
One of the most important essentials for a lawful (valid) contract is the free
Section 13 of Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines consent as Two or more persons
are said to consent when they agree upon the same thing in the same sense. It
is also called as Consensus ad idem which means 'meeting of minds' (two mind
with one intention). [2]
Suppose A intends to sell his black car to B and offers him the same. B
perceived it as a white car and agreed to buy it. In this case, since there is
no consensus ad idem i.e. A and B are not agreeing upon the same thing in same
sense. Hence, in this agreement the element of 'consent' is missing which makes
it an invalid contract.
Concept of Free Consent:
In order to make a valid contract, mere consent is not enough, the consent has
to be freely given.
Free consent as per the Section 14 of Indian Contract Act, 1872 refers to
Consent is said to be free when it is given without any (1) coercion, as defined
in section 15, (2) undue influence, as defined in section 16, (3) fraud, as
defined in section 17, (4) misrepresentation, as defined in section 18, (5)
mistake, subject to provisions of sections 20, 21 and 22.[3]
Intentional misrepresentation of facts, speaking broadly is called
Sec. 17:
Fraud means and includes any of the following acts committed by a
party to a contract, or with his connivance, or by his agent[5], with intent to
deceive another party thereto of his agent, or to induce him to enter into the
- The suggestion, as a fact, of that which is not true, by one who does
not believe it to be true;
- The active concealment of a fact by one having knowledge or belief of
the fact;
- A promise made without any intention of performing it;
- Any other act fitted to deceive;
- Any such act or omission as the law specially declares to be
Fraud in General:
Fraud is committed where one man causes another to act on a false belief by a
representation which he does not himself believe to be true. He need not have
definite knowledge or belief that it is not true.[7] When fraud produces damage
it is generally a wrong entitling the person defrauded to bring a civil action.
Under the Contract Act, we are concerned with the effect of the fraud only so
far as consent to a contract is procured by it.[8] The section 17 would not
apply for fraudulent acts during the course of performance of the contract.[9]
Fraud and Misrepresentation:
Definition of Misrepresentation:
Sec. 18: Misrepresentation means and includes:
- The positive assertion, in a manner not warranted by the information of
the person making it, of that which is not true, though he believes it to be
- Any breach of duty which, without an intent to deceive, gains an
advantage to the person committing it, or any one claiming under him; by
misleading another to his prejudice, or to the prejudice of any one claiming
under him;
- Causing, however innocently, a party to an agreement, to make a mistake
as to the substance of the thing which is the subject of the agreement.[10]
Principal Difference:
The principal difference between fraud and misrepresentation is that in the
first case the person making the suggestion does not believe it to be true and
in the other he believes it to be true, though in both the cases, it is a
misstatement of fact which misleads the promisee.[11]
Elements of Fraud:
Assertion of Facts without belief in truth:
In English Law,
fraud was defined in the well-known decision of the House of
the Lords in
Derry v. Peek.[12] Lord Herschell said:
Fraud is proved when it is shown that a false representation has been made:
- Knowingly, or
- Without belief in its truth, or
- Recklessly careless whether it be true or false.[13]
Active Concealment:
Active concealment is something different from mere passive
concealment.[14] Passive concealment means mere silence as to material facts.
An active concealment of a material fact is a fraud; mere silence does not
amount to fraud.
The expression
"any other act fitted to deceive" naturally means any act which
is done with the obvious intention of committing fraud.[15] For example, a
husband persuaded his illiterate wife to sign certain documents telling her that
by them he was going to mortgage her two lands to secure his indebtedness and in
fact mortgaged four lands belonging to her. This was an act done with the
intention of deceiving her.[16]
Nature of Contract Made by Fraud:
Under Section 19 of the Indian Contract Act, when consent to an agreement is
caused by fraud, the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the party
whose consent was so caused.[17]
Section 17 (5) of the Contract Act:
Clause 5 applies to a case where the disclosure of certain kinds of fact is
expressly required by law, and non-compliance with the law is expressly declared
to be fraud. Thus, under section 55 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 the
seller of immovable property is required to disclose to the buyer "any material
defect in the property or in the seller's title thereto of which the seller is,
and the buyer is not, aware, and which the buyer could not with ordinary care
The buyer is required to disclose to the seller "any fact as to the nature or
extent of the seller's interest in the property of which the buyer is aware, but
of which he has reason to believe that the seller is not aware, and which
materially increases the value of such interest," and "omission to make such
disclosures is fraudulent," and it is so even if the omission is merely due to
Role of Silence in Fraud:
Silence doesn't amount to fraud unless there is a duty to speak. The parties
have no duty to speak about facts likely to affect the consent of the other
party to the contract, and mere silence does not amount to fraud unless the
circumstance of the case shows that there is a duty to speak or silence
equivalent to speech.[20]
In the words of the Contract Act, as per the explanation given in Section 17,
Mere silence as to facts likely to affect the willingness of a person to enter
into a contract is not fraud, unless the circumstances of the case are such
that, regard being had to them, it is the duty of the person keeping silence to
speak[21], or unless his silence is, in itself, equivalent to speech. [22]
Mere silence is not fraud unless there is a duty to speak, or unless it is
equivalent to speech.[23] There are two qualifications to this rule. First, the
suppression of part of the known facts may make the statement of the rest,
though literally true so far as it goes, misleading as an actual
falsehood.[24] In such a case, the statement is false in substance, and the
wilful suppression which makes it so, is fraudulent.[25] Secondly, a duty of
disclosure of particular defects in goods sold, or the like, may be imposed by
trade usage. In such a case, omission to mention a defect of that kind is
equivalent to express assertion that it does not exist.[26]
Where a vendor did not disclose to the purchaser of property about a material
defect in the title that the property agreed to be sold was the subject matter
of a pending litigation and attachment, the non-disclosure was held to be a
fraudulent act and the purchaser was entitled to rescind the contract and claim
back the earnest money.[27]
Where the lessor, knowing that two days after executing a lease in favour of her
husband, she would cease to be the lessor and the lessee also knew the same, she
executed the lease for a period subsequent to her ceasing to be the lessor, the
transferee is not bound by such lease which was the outcome of a fraud.[28]
Where the vendor made an express recital in the sale deed about non-existence of
mortgage, it was an active misstatement; and the exception to section 19 was not
When a special condition restricting inquiries into title is inserted in a
contract of sale, a purchaser has the right to assume that there has been a full
and fair representation as to the title on the part of the vendor[30]
Duty to Speak: [31]
There is no general duty to disclose facts which are or might be equally within
the means of knowledge of both parties.[32] In Bell v Lever Bros Ltd[33], the
company agreed to pay large compensation to two employees, the subsidiary
company directors, whose services were being dispensed with. After paying the
money, the company discovered that the directors had committed breach of duty,
which would have justified their dismissal without compensation. The House of
Lords held that the directors had not these breaches in mind, and were under no
duty to disclose them. When there is no duty to speak, if the plaintiff forms a
belief without clarifying the same with the defendants, the defendants cannot be
faulted for the same.[34]
The duty referred to in the explanation[35] is a legal duty and not merely a
moral duty to speak.[36] However, there are special duties of disclosure in
particular classes of contracts, [37] viz, in contracts between an insurer and
insured,[38] or where one party stands in fiduciary relationship with the other.
- Contract of utmost good faith (Uberrima fides): [39]
Duty to speak arises where one contracting party reposes trust and confidence in
the other. A father, for example, selling a horse to his son is bound to tell
him if the horse is unsound, as the son is likely to rely upon his father. The
duty to disclose the truth will arise in all cases where one party reposes, and
the other accepts, confidence.[40]
Duty to speak also arises where one of the parties is utterly without any means
of discovering the truth and has to depend on the good sense of the other party.
An insurance company, for example, knows nothing about the life or circumstances
of the assured. It has to depend on the disclosures made by the assured. It is,
therefore, the duty of the assured to put the insurer in possession of all the
material facts affecting the risk covered. A contract of insurance is, for this
reason, called a contract of utmost good faith, uberrima fides.[41]
Where false answers as to the state of health were given in a proposal for life
insurance, the policy was held to be voidable and it was not material that the
medical officer of the corporation had certified the life assured as good.[42]
Where a person got his motor vehicle insured in the evening, when in the
morning, the vehicle had met with an accident, the policy was held to be not
enforceable, the duty of the insurer to check the vehicle notwithstanding.[43]
Burden of proof lies on the insurer to show that the fact misstated or
suppressed was of material nature to the risk covered and that the same was done
to cause misconception about the risk undertaken by the insurer.[44]
In the absence of any such relationship there is no duty to speak and mere
silence even if it amounts to misrepresentation, will be no fraud. For example,
in Haji Ahmad Yar khan v. Abdul Gani Khan:[45]
The plaintiff spent a sum of money to mark the engagement of his son.
He then discovered that the girl suffered from epileptic fits and so broke off
the engagement. He sued the other party to recover from them compensation for
the loss which he had suffered on account of their deliberate suppression of a
vital fact which amounted to fraud.
The court relied upon the decision of the House of Lords in Nocton v Lord
Ashburton[46], where it was pointed out that a mere passive non-disclosure of
the truth, however deceptive in fact, does not amount to fraud, unless there is
a duty to speak. Referring to the facts the court said that the law imposes no
general duty on anyone to broadcast the blemishes of his female relations; not
even to those who are contemplating matrimony with them. There was no fiduciary
relation between the parties.
The engagement was, however, held to be voidable
by reason of the misrepresentation, but the plaintiff was not entitled to
recover any compensation under Section 75 of the Contract Act.
- Where Silence is deceptive: [47]
Silence is sometimes itself equivalent to speech. A person who keeps silent,
knowing that his silence is going to be deceptive, is no less guilty of fraud.
Where, for example, the buyer knows more about the value of the property, which
is the subject of sale, but prefers to keep the information from the seller, the
latter may void the sale.[48]
- Change of Circumstances:[49]
Sometimes a representation is true when made, but, it may, on account of a
change of circumstances, become false when it is actually acted upon by the
other party. In such circumstances, it is the duty of the person who made the
representation to communicate the change of circumstances. In an English
case[50], for example:
A medical practitioner represented to the plaintiff that 'his practice was worth
£2000 a year'. The representation was true. But five months later when the
plaintiff actually bought the practice, it had considerably gone down on account
of the defendant's serious illness.
It was held that the change of circumstances ought to have been communicated.
Similarly, in a case before the Madras High Court:[51]
"A company's prospectus represented that certain persons would be the directors
of the company. This was true. But before the allotment took place, there were
changes in the directorate, some directors having retired. It was held to be
sufficient to entitle an allottee to avoid the allotment.
- Half-Truths: [52]
Even when a person is under no duty to disclose a fact, he may become guilty of
fraud by non-disclosure if he voluntarily discloses something and then stops
half the way. A person may keep silence, but if he speaks, a duty arises to
disclose the whole truth. "Everybody knows that sometimes half a truth is no
better than a downright falsehood."[53] In a US case,[54] for example:
The plaintiff purchased a tract of land. The contract of sale stated that the
land was subject to a right of the Borough to open two streets within the area.
But as a matter of fact the Borough had the right to open three streets. Holding
that the plaintiff had the right of rescission, Cordozo CJ said: "We do not say
that the seller was under a duty to mention the projected streets at all. That
question is not here. What we say is merely this, that having undertaken or
professed to mention them, he could not fairly stop halfway."
As in misrepresentation, so in fraud by silence, if the plaintiff had means to
discover the truth by ordinary diligence, he cannot obtain rescission.
But in any other case the fraudulent party cannot say that the other could have
discovered the truth. In a case, for example, before the Gujarat High Court:[55]
False estimates of the costs of construction were given in a tender. The
contractor agreed to some reduction on the belief that the estimate was correct.
The court held that the representations contained in the tender were fraudulent
and that it was no defence that the plaintiff could have discovered the true
costs by reasonable effort.
Fraud in Marriage:
Non-disclosure of material facts relating to parties to the marriage has been
held to constitute fraud within the meaning of section 17 of the Indian Contract
Act, 1872.[56]
Kiran Bala Asthana vs. Bhaire Prasad Srivastava[57], first marriage of the
appellant, Kiran Bala, had been annulled on the ground that she was of unsound
mind at the time of that marriage. She was married to the respondent, Bhaire
Prasad Srivastava, the second time. The fact of the annulment of the first
marriage on the ground that she was an idiot was not disclosed to the bridegroom
either by the girl or her parents.
It was held that it was not the duty of the
bridegroom to find out these facts, but it was the duty of the girl or her
parents not to conceal these facts. Consent of the bridegroom was held to have
been obtained by fraud, and the second marriage of the appellant with respondent
was, therefore, annulled by a decree under section 12(1) (c) of the Hindu
Marriage Act.
Exception to Section 19:
If such consent was caused by misrepresentation or by silence, fraudulent
within the meaning of section 17, the contract, nevertheless, is not voidable,
if the party whose consent was so caused had the means of discovering the truth
with ordinary diligence. [58]
If the party alleging fraud had the facts before it or had the means to know
them, it could not be said to have been defrauded, even if a false statement has
been made. Further, a contract cannot be merely on a trivial and inconsequential
misstatement or non-disclosure.[59]
Janaki Amma v. Raveendra Menon,[60] where the plaintiff was aware of the
contents of the Will of her father, the partition of property on the death of
the father and mother was not set aside on the ground of fraud of not disclosing
the contents of the Will; and no fresh partition was ordered.
Shri Krishnan vs. Kurukshetra University[61], Shri Krishnan, a candidate for
the L.L.B. part 1 examination of the university did not complete the prescribed
number of lectures which could make him eligible for appearing in the
examination. He, however, filled the examination form for appearing in the
examination without mentioning the fact that his attendance was short. The
university authorities could have discovered the truth by proper scrutiny.
university wanted to cancel the candidature of the candidate on the ground of
fraud. It was held that there was no fraud as the candidate has just kept silent
as to certain facts and further, the university authorities could have
discovered the truth with ordinary diligence.
As discussed in the paper, firstly, it can be concluded that
Silence doesn't
amount to fraud unless there is a duty to speak. Upon studying the provisions
regarding Fraud as mentioned in the Indian Contract Act 1872, an observation
worth mentioning here is that the text of the statute are very simple, lucid and
clear and there's no scope of misinterpretation of any of the sections relevant
for understanding how law deals with cases relating to contracts made through
fraud or misrepresentation.
But, one limitation exists which is beyond the
statutory provisions, it is related to the proof i.e. finding evidences to
establish that fraud was committed, this is the reason, at times, the aggrieved
party in order to get compensation of the loss or damage incurred because of the
fraud committed by the other party aren't able to give proof or necessary
evidence itself, which in turn leads to dismissal of the case. Thus, in my
opinion, this issue needs some consideration.
Books Referred:
- Contract and Special Relief by Avtar Singh, 12th Edition, 2020
- The Indian Contract Act 1872 by Pollock & Mulla, 15th Edition
Websites Referred:
- See Indian Contract Act 182, s 10,
- See Indian Contract Act 1872, s 13,
- See Indian Contract Act 1872, s 14,
- Dr. Avtar Singh, Contract and Special Relief, (12th edn, EBC 2020) 210
- See Indian Contract Act, s 238,
- Indian Contract Act 1872, s 17,
- Evans v Edmonds, (1853) 13 CB 777, 93 RR 732.
- Pollock & Mulla, The Indian Contract Act 1872, (15th edn, LexisNexis
2018) s 17.2
- Jamsetji Nassarwanji v Hirjibhai Naoroji, (1913) 37 Bom 158; Fazal D
Allana v Mangaldas M
Pakvasa, (1921) 46 Bom 489 at 508, 66 IC 726 : AIR 1922 Bom 303
- Indian Contract Act 1872, s 18,
- Niaz Ahmed Khan v Parsottam Chandra 53 All 374, AIR 1931 All 154
; Rattan Lal Ahluwalia v Jai Janinder Parshad, AIR 1976 P&H. 200 ; Avitel
Post Studioz Ltd v HSBC PI (Holdings) Mauritius Ltd, 2014 SCC On Line Bom
929; VHBC Mumbai Value Homes Pvt Ltd v Laxman Bhoir, 2015 SCC OnLine Bom
8273 : (2015) 6 Mah LJ 385
- (1889) LR 14 AC 337 at p. 374.
- Dr. Avtar Singh, Contract and Special Relief, (12th edn, EBC 2020) 211
- Gowrishankar v Joshi Amba Shankar Family Trust, (1996) 3 SCC 310: AIR
1996 SC 2202.
- Dr. Avtar Singh, Contract and Special Relief, (12th edn, EBC 2020) 212
- Ningawwa v Byrappa Shiddappa Hireknrabar, AIR 1968 SC 956, 958: (1968) 2
SCR 797
- Indian Contract Act 1872, s 19,
- Pollock & Mulla, The Indian Contract Act 1872, (15th edn, LexisNexis
2018) s 17.9
- Akhtar Jahan Begam v Hazari Lal, (1927) 25 All LJ 708, 103 IC 310 : AIR
1927 All 693
- See Indian Contract Act 1872, s 143,
- Indian Contract Act 1872, s 17 (Explanation)
- Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China v Imperial Bank of India 60 Cal 262 : AIR 1933
Cal 366 ARSP Subramanian Chetty v Official Assignee of Madras, AIR 1931 Mad. 603 , 133 IC
372; Niaz Ahmed Khan v Parsottam Chandra 53 All 374 : AIR 1931 All 154 ; Navichandra Jethbai v
Moolchand Saderan Ginodiya, AIR 1966 Bom 111 , 1965 Mah LJ 519 ; Vibha Mehta v Hotel
Marina, 2014 SCC OnLine Del 1333 : (2014) 142 DRJ 528 ; Bhai Sarabjit v Indumati Sabharwal,
(2015) 152 DRJ 615 (DB); Orient Underwater Engineers Pvt Ltd v The Board of Trustees, Cochin
Port Trust, 2017 SCC OnLine Ker 520.
- Pollock & Mulla, The Indian Contract Act 1872, (15th edn, LexisNexis 2018)
s 17.9.1
- Peek v Gurney, (1873) LR 6 HL 377 at 403 : [1861–73] All ER Rep 116 ;R v
Kylsant, [1932] 1 KB 442 : [1931] All ER Rep 179 ; ARSP Subramanian Chetty v Official Assignee of Madras, AIR
1931 Mad. 603, 133 IC 372; Jewson & Sons Ltd v Arcos Ltd, (1933) 39 Com Cas 59, (CA).
- Jones v Bowden, (1813) 4 Taunt 847, 14 RR 683
- Jaswant Rai v Abnash Kaur, (1974) 1 Del 689 at 705.
- Hukum Chand v Hazra Begum, AIR 1982 All 215
- Ganpat Ranglal Mahajan v Mangilal Hiralal, AIR 1962 MP 144.
- Becker v Patridge, [1966] 2 QB 155: [1966] 2 WLR 803 at 813.
- Pollock & Mulla, The Indian Contract Act 1872, (15th edn, LexisNexis 2018)
s 17.9.2
- Bell v Lever Bros, [1932] AC 161: [1931] All ER Rep 1.
- Ibid
- Bhai Sarabjit v Indumati Sabharwal, 2015 SCC OnLine Del 14462.
- Indian Contract Act 1872, s 17 (Explanation)
- Sher Khan v. Akhtar Din, AIR 1937 Lah 598.
- Imperial Pressing Co v British Crown Assurance Corpn. Ltd, (1914) ILR 14
Cal 581, 21 IC 836, (contract of fire insurance); Also see Indian Contract
Act 1872, s 143 (guarantee obtained by concealment of material facts
- The Marine Insurance Act 1963, sections 19–20; Krishnawanti Puri v Life
Insurance Corpn of India, AIR 1975 Del 19 .
- Dr. Avtar Singh, Contract and Special Relief, (12th edn, EBC 2020) 213-15
- See for example, Nursey Spg & Wvg Co Ltd, re, ILR (1880) 5 Bom 92, Sri Alam v. Newaires,
(1994) 1 Current LJ 32 (Malaysia); Saroj Agarwal v. LIC, (2004) 4 CLT 490 (Jhar)
- See Reuben Hasson, The Special Nature of the Insurance Contract: A Comparison of the
American and English Law of Insurance, (1984) 47 Mod LR 523.
- P. Sarojam v LIC, AIR 1986 Ker 201; P.J. Chacko v LIC, AIR 2008 SC 424, non-disclosure in insurance proposal that the insured had undergone operation for a thyroid adenoma; held, policy voidable, the insured was estopped
from saying that even if that fact had been disclosed, it would not have
affected the transaction
- George P. Varghese v G. Daniel, AIR 1998 Ker 120; Rajesh Kumar Choudhary v United
India Insurance Co Ltd, (2005) 3 CCC 64 (Gau), non-disclosure that an earlier proposal of insurance for the same property and on the same ground had been refused by the same company, held suppression of material fact. The subsequent insurance was obtained by suppressing that fact.
- LIC v B. Kusuma T. Rai, (1989) 1 Kant LJ 52.
- AIR 1937 Nag 270.
- (1914) AC 932 (HL).
- Dr. Avtar Singh, Contract and Special Relief, (12th edn, EBC 2020) 215
- Indian Contract Act 1872, s 17 [Illustration (d)]
- Dr. Avtar Singh, Contract and Special Relief, (12th edn, EBC 2020) 215
- With v. O'Flanagan, 1936 Ch 575 (CA).
- T.S. Rajagopala Iyer v South Indian Rubber Works Ltd, (1942) 2 MLJ 228.
- Dr. Avtar Singh, Contract and Special Relief, (12th edn, EBC 2020) 215-16
- Per Lord Macnaughtan in Gluckstein v Barnes, 1900 AC 240, 250.
- Junius Construction Corpn v Cohen, (1931)257 NY 393. Facts and opinion collected from
Thurston and Seavey, Cases of Torts, 677 (1942).
- R.C. Thakkar v Bombay Housing Board, AIR 1973 Guj 34. Also, see M. Hassanji
& Sons v
- AIR 1982 All 242
- Indian Contract Act 1872, s 19 (Exception)
- AIR 1981 Ker 205
- AIR 1976 SC 376: (1976) 1 SCC 311: 1976 (8) UJ 15 SC