A unique identification number is issued by the Central Government to a person
who intends to be a Director in a new company or an existing company, that UIN
is called Director Identification Number (DIN). It is compulsory for a person to
obtain a DIN who is to be appointed as a director in a company. A person cannot
be appointed as a director in a company unless he is in possession of a valid
DIN is registered in a centralized database maintained by the Central
Government. An application for obtaining DIN is filed under Section 153 of the
Companies Act, 2013.
Forms for Application/Modification of DIN
Form Spice:
Application for allotment of DIN to the proposed first directors in
respect of new companies shall be made in e-form Spice+ only. At the time of
incorporation of a company an option is available to apply for DIN for maximum
of 2 directors who have never been a director in any company. This option is
available only at time of incorporation of a new company. A person required to
obtain DIN to become a director in an existing company shall apply through
e-FORM DIR-3. DIN will be allotted to the applicant only after the form is
Form DIR-3:
Any person intending to become a director in an existing company
shall have to make an application in e-Form DIR-3 for allotment of DIN.
Form DIR-6:
Any changes in the particulars of the directors shall be filed in
e-Form DIR-6. The annual updation in the KYC of directors is done through web
Form DIR-3-KYC. However, where in between that time if there are any changes in
the directors’ particulars, that can be done through the Form e-DIR-6.
Allotment of DIN
As per Section 154 of the Companies Act, 2013, Central Government shall allot a
DIN to the applicant within 1 month from the date of receipt of application.
Prohibition to Obtain More than One DIN
Section 155 of the Companies Act, 2013 prohibits a person from having more than
one Director Identification Number (DIN).
Obligation to Intimate DIN
Section 156 of the Companies Act, 2013 made it mandatory on the part of every
Director to intimate the DIN to company/ all the companies in which he is a
Director, within one month from the date of receipt of DIN from the Central
Validity of DIN
The validity of a DIN is for the lifetime of the applicant and he need not apply
for another DIN for becoming a director in another company.
Cancellation/Surrender/Deactivation of DIN
As per Rule 11 of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors)
Rules, 2014 the Central Government or RD may, upon being satisfied, cancel or
deactivate a DIN in the following cases:
- DIN was obtained in a wrongful manner;
- DIN is found to be duplicate in respect of the same person;
- Upon the death of the concerned person;
- The holder of DIN has been adjudged insolvent; Provided that an
opportunity of being heard shall be given before deactivation of DIN.
- The concerned person has been declared as a person of unsound mind by a
competent court;
- Where an application is field by the DIN holder in Form DIR-5 for
surrendering his DIN along with a declaration that he has never been
appointed as a Director in any company and the said DIN has never been used
for filing any documents with any authority.