The conundrum of Matrimonial Issues: Is Right to equality turning Opaque
Contention via Introduction
The right to life has been established as a fundamental right by the law of the
land, and the meaning of life has been structured by the courts. Following
Article 21 of the Indian Constitution:
No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except in accordance
with the procedure established by law.
Courts have ruled that the term life does not simply refer to the
provision of sustenance, but also includes such concepts as dignity, freedom,
privacy, and so on. A meaningful life necessitates the enjoyment of one's
The term privacy is not defined in the Constitution and is subject to judicial
interpretation, which has resulted in it being recognized as a fundamental right
under Article 21 of the Constitution. Physical non-interference, bodily
integrity, psychological freedom, and confidentiality are all examples
of privacy rights. The courts in R. Rajagopal v. State of Tamil Nadu and People's
Union for Civil Liberties v. Union of India interpreted privacy as a
fundamental right guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution, and as such,
privacy is a right to be alone or a state of non-interference without any
justification by anyone. When this individual right comes into conflict with the
rights of an institution such as marriage, however, there is a question that
needs to be addressed. The legislators and interpreters have attempted to strike
a balance between the two sides.
Legal Aspects of Confidentiality in Marriage
Marriage is a union of love and trust between two people. The partners have
certain inherent rights under this institution, but there are instances in which
this social and legal entity infringes on the privacy of the partners, and the
courts are obligated to investigate the situation to determine whether or not
the encroachment is valid.
As in Rajalakshmi M. Bhuvaneshwari v. Nagaphomendar Rayala, the husband
demanded the telephone conversations between himself and his wife with another
man to prove her illegal relationship with that man, which the wife refused to
provide. Because it would be a violation of her right to privacy, the court
ruled that neither the husband nor the boyfriend could demand such a thing, nor
could he tap her phone because marriage does not grant an unreasonable privilege
to do so.
In Sharda v Dharmpal, the court held that the right to privacy is subject
to certain limitations, and as a result, in this divorce proceeding, the court
held that it is necessary to submit reports of medical treatment if the
information is relevant to the case and does not constitute a violation of the
spouse's right to privacy under Article 21.
In the case of Surjit Singh Thind v. Kanwaljit Kaur, the husband sought
to present the results of his wife's virginity test because she was requesting a
divorce as he was impotent. It was decided that asking a woman to give her
virginity test was a violation of her right to life with dignity as well as her
right to privacy under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and that the court
should reject the husband's demand. As a result, while the court has up to this
point protected the realms of privacy within the marriage institution, certain
aspects of female rights continue to be neglected. India has not yet
criminalized marital rape, and this violation of her sexual sovereignty
continues to be perpetrated.
Right to privacy vis-a -vis women's sexual rights?
In situations where the legal marriage doctrine, which emphasizes the moral
purpose of marriage as a duty, as well as the right to sexual privileges, comes
into conflict with an individual's sexual sovereignty, which one should take
precedence? The patriarchal system of India accords men with a higher social
status than women. The law philosophers believe that marriage unites two
individuals into a single unit and that the rights of this marital unit take
precedence over the rights of the individual partners. Male sexual authority
simply robs his wife of her sexual privacy by his position of superior sexual
Even though the constitution recognizes privacy and liberty as fundamental
rights of every individual, when it comes to marriage, the woman's claim is
essentially dead in the water. As a result, the legal rights of a woman are
placed in opposition to the legally protected rights of a husband over his
wife's body.
Marital rape is a horrifying crime that is still not considered a criminal
offense in India. A woman's status as a slave is reduced to that of a slave who
has no rights over anything other than her own body by her marriage. She is
required to submit to her husband's sexual demands, regardless of her desires or
the freedom to say no to them. In India, rape is considered a criminal offense.
As a result, if the perpetrator is the husband, he is simply absolved of any
Following societal expectations of marriage, a man has complete authority over
his wife. The wife loses her legal existence, which also entails the loss of her
legal rights of independence, which are taken over by the husband and treated as
his own. The obligation to cohabitate is an absolute submission of women's
consent and liberty, but no law in India ever challenges this submission as
being unfair.
If marital rape is made a criminal offense in India, legal philosophers argue
that the law is likely to be abused by many, but that mere abuse of the law
cannot be used as a bargaining chip for the complete absence of the law. Even
though proving a marital rape in court would be extremely difficult, the law of
the land must be changed to make marital rape a criminal offense to protect
women's sexual sovereignty. Because the state has a legal obligation to protect
the rights accorded to each citizen, any form of violence against women
constitutes a failure to fulfil this obligation. Sexual abuse is a violation of
a woman's fundamental rights, and the fact that the offender's identity is known
does not exempt the abuse from being prosecuted as a crime.
It is a well-known proverb that a man's house is his castle, but now it is
necessary to consider a wife's body as her castle, and she must be given the
authority to protect it. It is necessary to recognize sexual privacy or the
right to bodily integrity as a subset of fundamental rights because every
individual has the right to live with dignity, which includes the right to
physical integrity.
By not including marital rape as a crime, the government is taking an
evangelical approach to protecting the matrimonial bond, which violates women's
right to life. The law of the land must grant equal sexual rights to all women
and make marital rape a criminal offense because it violates a woman's bodily
integrity and privacy, as well as her desire to engage in sexual activity.
Written By: Ashish Dash, 2nd year Law student at the Institute of Law,
Nirma University, Ahmedabad.
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