Being defined by Adam smith as the non-capacity to buy necessities that are
required due to nature or custom, poverty as defined by the World bank is being
deprived of well being. Further, it being multidimensional, it consists of
having a low-income and not being able to buy the basic goods and services
necessary to live a dignified life. It also results in low level of health,
education, clean water and sanitation facilities, etc. resulting in not being
able to make one’s life better.[1]
Multidimensional phenomenon and barriers:
Poverty being associated with social exclusion; the approach focuses on
multidimensional deprivation in lack of access to goods and services that are
necessary in the society even if they are not considered basic needs. According
to the report of Tendulkar Committee, poverty is the notion believed by the
society to be being depriving a person of basic human needs that may be[2]:
- Sufficient nourishment
- Shelter
- Clothing
- Basic education
- Freedom from distress
- Personal liberty to carry out social and economic activities
Thus, the multi-dimensionality of the concept of poverty maybe understood. This
has also been highlighted by N. Krishnaji who condemned the calorie/income basis
of marking poverty as being arbitrary.[3] This is because such criteria for
determining poverty fails to realise the multi-dimensionality of the issue and
while it examines one of the most important aspects of poverty (eg. income), it
overlooks many other aspects as such.
The Human Development Report 1997 explains this issue with help of illustrations
as follows[4]:
Scenario 1: A person may not receive primary education but may live a long and
healthy life because he gets proper nourishment. This shows attention to one
dimension compromises the other.
Scenario 2: Reversely, a person with good education may die earlier due to a
prolonging illness not being treated due to unavailability of medical facilities
or affordability.
Scenario 3: In contrast to both the above situations, even if both health and
education are secured, the political rights of a person maybe affected as he may
not be granted freedom to decide in issues that may affect him.
Thus, as is understandable, poverty denies the various choices/opportunities to
an individual that may help him live a bearable life i.e. encompassing basic
human development.[5]
Almost half (47.9%) of Indians bearing more than 5 children do not have proper
shelter, water, sanitation, health and education facilities. This is in
comparison to the global total of just 7.8%. Also, the number of poor people in
India is so huge that it houses 24% of the total poor in the World. The gravity
of the inequality can be understood by the fact that 58% of the Countries wealth
is in the possession of the richest 1%.[6]
Estimations by UN World Population
Prospects 2019 report show that by the year 2027, India may take over China to
have the highest population in the world.[7]However, the attempt to reduce
poverty is evidenced from the fact that the poverty rate has come down to 28%
from the earlier 55% during the period of 2005-2016.[8] In the Global
Multidimensional Poverty index that is used to measure poverty on the basis of
various parameters such as nutrition, child mortality, years of schooling,
school attendance, cooking fuel, sanitation, drinking water, electricity,
housing, and household assets [9] , India has ranked 62nd out of 107 countries.
This led India’s score to be 0.123. The headcount data was 27.91% .[10]
- Adequate Shelter
World: In a study conducted by United Nations throughout the World in 2005,
almost 100 million people were discovered without any home . According to a 2015
Study, the estimate was 1.6 billion people around the World without any adequate
housing resources.[11]
India: According to the 2011 Census, there are 1.77 million homeless people in
India. Also, some of the surveys conducted by other organizations claim the
number to be more than 3 million. [12] According to another study, out of the
1.8 million homeless found in India, almost 52% of them were found to be living
not in rural but in urban areas. Adding on to the Stats, almost 73 million
people are deficient of proper housing facilities.[13] It was found that 80% of
these people came from SC/ST background. Also, most of them (60%) being born in
the same city/location where they reside now, it indicates that the poverty
continued for generations.[14] Adding to the woes, despite various government
programmes aimed at acquiring proper housing for citizens , almost 2,60,000 of
them were rendered homeless as they were expelled from around 53, 700
constructions in 2017 , on the grounds of various initiatives like “slum free
city /city beautification”.[15]
Human rights affected:
The right being covered under right to adequate standard of living, article 11,
ICESCR, it has been held by the SC to be falling under the ambit of right to
life under article 21 that includes a “reasonable accommodation for living”[16].
The Court contended and confirmed that right to livelihood is included in art
21, in Olga Tellis.[17] In Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation v. Nawab Khan Gulab
Khan, confirming the Constitutional obligation of the State under articles 38,
39 and 46, the Court has observed that the State must as a part of its
socio-economic policy try to provide for socio-economic justice by availing to
the people shelters to live in or resources to get settled, so that their right
to life is perfectly realised.[18
- Basic Education:
- Literacy rate:
World: According to a study conducted with data upto 2018, the world literacy
rate for the category of youth (persons having age between 15 and 24) has sky
rocketed from 83 to 91% in the last two decades. However, 59% of the illiterate
persons of the category being females, it has also been observed that literacy
of male youths is higher than that of females. The lowest rate is found in the
least developed nations.[19]
India: A literate according to parameters set in the Indian Census of 2011
is an individual over seven years of age able to read and write in any
language. Accordingly, the rate being 74.04%, it has shown an increase from
the previously calculated one. However, the gender gap has been observed
whereby 82.14% males were literate and in contrast only 65.46% females were
- School drop-out rates:
World: According to a report by UNESCO, whereby 180 countries fell under the
ambit of the study, it was found that 24 million children were estimated to drop
out of schools and not re-join after the COVID-19 Pandemic ends.[21]
Similarly, in India such a scenario has been forecasted by the Economic
Survey 2019-2020.[22]A major hurdle is that people cannot afford higher
Human rights affected:
The Right finds a mention in Article 24 of the UDHR and Article13, 14 of the
ICESCR whereas in various other Convention.[24]In India, rights of children to
not be employed in hazardous industries is a FR. However, beginning from when
the Constitution was enforced, within ten years, the State owed a duty to
provide free and compulsory education to children below the age of 14 years
while such right to education within economic limits of the State is expounded
in article 41, thus right to education being embedded explicitly only in the
It was firstly held in Mohini Jain v. State of Karnataka that this right
is a fundamental right that can be enforced.[25] However, the proposition being
re-examined in Unnikrishnan v. State of Andhra Pradesh, whereby the State had endeavoured to regulate the ‘capitation fees’ levied by private medical and
engineering universities and the same being challenged by them as violative of
their right to carry on business, the Court held that the passage of 44 years,
almost 4 times than that mentioned in the Constitution to grant primary
education to children was enough to convert the obligation to provide such
education as expounded under article 45 into a right that is
enforceable.[26] Further, it laid that article 41 helps realise the right to
education part under article 21, thus being an implicit right under it which had
been interpreted in such manner by the Court due to its fundamental
- Gender Equality
Education for girls:
Despite the fact that females account for approximately half India’s population,
their education has not been preserved as almost 57% of them drop out from high
schools. This is despite the presence of Right to education Act and
consequential increase in the number of girls attending the school.[28]
After COVID-19 Pandemic:
As stated by Prof. Amita Rampal of DU, most of the girls being from migrant
workers background, it is highly estimated that about 20 % of them won’t
re-continue education after the Pandemic as they mostly may get married.[29]
Reasons behind Girls Are Dropping Out:
- Household chores:
In India, most of the household chores are done by young girls at home because
mostly other members have to earn bread. This results in the girls dropping out
of school (e.g. Almost 40% in 2019) and even if they don’t do so, they still may
manage education, work and household chores altogether.[30]
- Menstrual Taboos and infrastructural hurdles:
With infrastructural deficits, meagre knowledge on health and menstrual
awareness and prevalence of various taboos with regards to taboos, it has been
observed that girls during their periods, remain absent and then usually extend
the leave. Almost 80% teachers in India observe such above mentioned
taboos.[31] According to UNICEF almost one in five girls do not attend primary
school as no sanitation facilities are available for adolescent girls.[32]
- No access to technology:
As stated by Lydia Marshall, Oxford University, that technology is not easily
available to Indian girls, this difference between access to technology for boys
and girls has been observed in a Study which found that almost 80%girls in
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana didn’t use the internet ever and almost 62% didn’t
ever have access to a computer.[33]
- Poverty and health:
- Affordability of services and statistics:
Healthcare facilities: With almost 41.6% of the homeless in India do not have
access to health care facilities. Out of them 45% were found to be living almost
near a healthcare facility.[34]
Mental health: Further, not having any means of employment and source of income,
poor people may suffer from anxiety depression and this may result in Severe
mental illness. It was found that multidimensional poverty in India resulted in
people suffering from it being more susceptible to severe mental illness.[35]
Almost 90 % of poor people in India not having any insurance, before PMJAY, only
12.9% of these in rural and 8.9% in urban regions were having any government
insurance scheme and amongst the poorest only 9.9% of the poorest in rural areas
and 7.5% of that in urban regions had access to state sponsored health
protection. [36]
Human rights affected:
Article 12 of the ICESCR also lays the responsibility of states to safeguard the
citizens right to health. This includes the highest standards of both the
components of physical and mental health. In India, right to health being
considered a fundamental right as under the ambit of right to life under article
21[37]. It can be read along with various other DPSPs like reading it along with
articles 41 and 42 of the Constitution helps realise the right to maternity
relief. Similarly, making a joint reading of articles 39(e), 47 and 48A, the
Court has elucidated the duty of the State to improve public health and the
- Adequate Nutrition:
Stunting being a sign of long-term undernutrition, according to Global Hunger
Index around 144 million throughout the world are stunted and 690 million are
undernourished. Also suffering from acute undernourishment, almost 47 million
children throughout the world are wasted. This has been supplemented by the
fact that in 2018, due to wasting, almost 5.3 million children died.[39]
India: In the Global Health Index of 2020, the position of India seems to be at
94 out of 107, thus the level of hunger being categorised as serious. Also
indicated by the report is that wasting of children under the age of five i.e.,
their having less weight for their height is very high in India.
Also, India has
the most wasted children in the World (17.3%).[40] The plight can be understood
as the impact of COVID-19 has yet not been covered under the above parameters,
and it is expected to worsen.
The most common cause of death of children in India under the age of five is
malnutrition and in 2017 it amounted to 68.2% (706,000 deaths) of the total
deaths. Further, it has been found that only 18% of the homeless people are able
to get the benefits under public distribution system (PDS).[41]
- Right to water and Sanitation
World: As per a report by UNICEF and WHO, around 2.2 billion people throughout
the world don’t have access to safe drinking water supplies and 4.2 billion lack
sanitation facilities with almost 3 billion having no proper facility to even
wash hands.[42] Almost 88% of the deaths occurring due to diarrhoea are due to
lack of safe and hygienic water supply and sanitation facilities. Also, most of
the people (7/10) not having access to sanitation facilities were residing in
rural areas.[43]
India: With the situation already being worse in India due to climate change
effect, approximately 163 million people and higher don’t have clean water to
access. This number is the highest in the world forming almost 19% of the worlds
people without access to clean water.[44]
Human rights affected:
The United Nations General Assembly has acknowledged “the right to clean water
and sanitation” through Resolution64/292 [45]. It has also been embedded in the
UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Right’s General Comment 15 that
stated that right to water is an indispensable asset towards living with human
dignity and the realisation of various human rights. [46]
In India, the Supreme Court has read the right to water to be included in the
right to life under article 21 in Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. UOI¸ whereby migrant
workers working as bonded labourers in mines were not facilitated with clean
drinking water and washrooms. The Court emphasized that providing such clean
drinking water to the workers being quintessential for their health, it forms an
indispensable part of “right to healthy environment” under the article.[47]
was again confirmed by SC in Subhash Kumar v. State of Bihar, whereby it held
that right to water free from pollution is a necessity laid by article 21 right
to life.[48] However, it may not be the onus of the State to regulate water
supply. Despite this, it has a responsibility in ensuring the water is safe and
free from having any effects on health.[49]
- Voting:
Whereas in most countries the poor population are mostly aloof from the
political process and thus participate or engage less[50], in India, the poor
people having more expectations from the government they usually caste more
votes than the richer classes.[51]However, such rights of the people are easily
maliced through money offerings and false promises by politicians.
- Right to a free and fair trial:
A free and fair trial consists of various provisions like right to open trial
and free legal aid, protection again illegal arrest, etc. However, justice seems
to be far from achieved as in a Country like the US, almost half of the 2.2
million of the people imprisoned are poor and are in prisons just because they
could not afford a bail.[52] A report by NCRB, India has elucidated that mostly
people from socio-economically backward classes and illiterate people land up in
jails. Almost 65%of the prisoners under trial were SC/ST/OBCs.[53]Also,
according to a report, death sentences awarded were also mostly to people from
poor and marginalised sections. [54]
The right to free and a fair trial has been embedded in Article 14 of the
International Covenant on civil and political rights and Article 10 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In India, the same forms a part of
articles14, 21, 22.
Having already regarded free legal aid as provided under article 21, in Khatri
v. State of Bihar, the Court expounded that administrative and financial hurdles
could not be excuses to facilitating such services.[55] It was held that in
India, 70% of population being illiterate and ignorant of their rights, the
promotion of legal literacy forms an inseparable part of the legal aid justice
and the trial judge is to make sure that the indigent person in front is
informed about his rights to avail of free legal aid services if in case he is
not capable of paying.
Despite this the total beneficiaries of legal aid
services from April2017 to June 2018 were approximately 8.22 lakh according to
what has been state by NALSA[56] and the legal aid services are suffering
certain deficiencies.
A summary of the various instruments and provisions granting various rights
Human Right |
Indian Constitution |
Other Instruments |
Shelter |
Article 11 |
Article21 read with articles 38,39,46. |
Water and Sanitation |
General Comment 15 |
UNGA Resolution 64/292 |
Health |
Article 25 |
Article 12 |
Article 21 |
Basic Education |
Article26 |
Article13, 14 |
Article 21, 41,45 |
Many International instruments related to
child rights |
Free and fair trial |
Article 10 |
Article 14 |
Article 21 |
Free legal aid |
Article 14 |
Article 21,39A, 38 |
Thus, we can see that due to the incapacity of poor people to afford basic
services such as basic education and proper health care facilities, etc. they
suffer from many economic, political and social hurdles in the way of realising
their rights. Accordingly, we have analysed that many such human rights e.g.
Right to basic education, right to clean water facilities, right to shelter,
right to free and fair trial, etc. granted by various International instruments
like the ICCPR, ICESCR, UDHR, etc. as well as the Indian Constitution, are
violated as a reason of this. Thus, poverty is an obstacle towards the full
realisation of various human rights because of its multidimensional nature.
[1] Isis Gadis, Stephan Clasen and Rahul Lahoti, An individual look at poverty,
across multiple dimensions, Dec18,2018,
[2] Government of India, Planning Commission, Report of the Expert group to
review the methodology for estimation of poverty,(Tendulkar Committee), November
2009, pg2.
[3]N. Krishnaji, “Abolish the poverty line”, Economic and Political weekly,
Apr14,2012, pg.10.
[4] UNDP, Human development report, New York 1997, pg.16.
[5] V.K.Puri and S.K. Misra, Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House, ISO
9001:2008, 35th Edition, pg. 292
[6]Sana Ali, For India’s poor, more children means worse deprivation,,
Jan 28,
[7] Id.
[8] Eram Tafsir, Poor people in India vote less; here’s how deprivation affects
voting patterns, Financial Express, April 19, 2019,
[9] PTI, Global Multidimensional Poverty Index : NITI to leverage monitoring
mechanism, Sept7,2020,
[10] Niti Aayog, Press Note on Global Multidimensional Poverty Index and
India, PIB Delhi ,Sept7,2020,
[12]Homelessness, Housing and Land Rights Netwrok,
[13]GLOBAL HOMELESSNESS STATISTICS, Homeless World cup Foundation,
[14] Evita Das, 1.77Mn Indians Are Homeless. 40% Of Them Are Getting No Lockdown
Relief, India, May 13,
[15] Housing and Land rights network, Forced Evictions in India in 2017: An
Alarming National Crisis, February 2018,
[16] Shanti Star Builders v. Narayan K. Totame (1990) 1 SCC 520(India).
[17] Olga Tellis v. BMC, 1985 SCC (3) 545(India).
[18] Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation v. Nawab Khan Gulab Khan, (2001) 1 GLR
[19] Literacy among youth is rising, but young women lag behind, ,Literacy,
UNICEF,October 2019,
[20] Literacy, Know India, gov, in,,Mizoram%20(91.58%20per%20cent).
[21]Seethalakshmi S, Out-of-school children likely to double in India due to
coronavirus, Livemint, Aug 16, 2020,
[22] Economic Survey, 2020 points out high drop-out rates in school, India TV,
Jan 31,2020,
[23] Id.
[24] International Law, Right to
[25]Mohini Jain v. State of Karnataka, 1992 AIR 1858(India).
[26] Unnikrishnan J.P. v. State of Andhra Pradesh (1993) 1 SCC 645(India).
[27] Unnikrishnan J.P. v. State of Andhra Pradesh (1993) 1 SCC 645(India).
[28] Mary Seymour, Understanding India’s Dropout Rates for Girls, Borgen
Magazine, Sep 25, 2020,
[29] Sanjay Singh, Experts Predict 20% Increase in Girl School Dropouts. What
Can We Do About It?, June 19,2020, Better india,
[30] Seymour, note supra 28.
[31] Seymour, note supra 28.
[32] Global Wash Fast Facts, Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Center for
disease Control and Prevention,,access%20to%20adequate%20sanitation%2015.
[33] Sanjay Singh, Experts Predict 20% Increase in Girl School Dropouts. What
Can We Do About It?, June 19,2020, Better india,
[34] Evita Das, Supra note 14.
[35] Shvetali Thatte, The link between mental health and poverty in India, The
Borgan Project,
[36] Swagata Yadavar, 90% Of India’s Poorest Have No Health Insurance, India
Spend, Dec 6,
[37]Consumer Education and Research Centre v. Union of India, 1995 AIR 922
, also see CESC Ltd. v. Subash Chandra Bose, 1992 AIR 573(India).
[38]M.C. Mehta v. UOI, 1987 SCR (1) 819(India).
[39] Aishwarya Upadhyay, India is home to world’s Most wasted Children as per
the Global hunger index 2020, Swaccha India TV, Oct
[41] Evita Das, supra note 14.
[42] 1 in 3 people globally do not have access to safe drinking water – UNICEF,
WHO, WHO, June 18,
[43] Global Wash Fast Facts, Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Center for
disease Control and Prevention,,access%20to%20adequate%20sanitation%2015.
[44] Kiran Pandey, 19% of world’s people without access to clean water live in
India, Down to earth, Mar 22. 2018,,group%20on%20water%20and%20sanitation.
[46]Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment No. 15:
The Right to Water (Arts. 11 and 12 of the Covenant), t E/C.12/2002/11), Jan 20,
[47] Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. UO, (1984) 3 SCC 161(India).
[48] Subhash Kumar v. State of Bihar, 1991 SCR (1) 5(India).
[49] M.C. Mehta v. UOI, 1987 SCR (1) 819(India).
[50] Ruth Patrick, How poverty makes people less likely to vote, The Guardian,
May16, 2017,
[51] Himanshu, India’s politics and the poor, Economy and Society,
[52]Wendy Sawyer, Mass incarceration: the whole pie 2020, Mar 24,2020,
[53] Mukesh Rawat, Poor, young and illiterate: Why most Indian prisoners fight
lonely battles for justice, India tv, Nov15,2019,
[54] Death Penalty India Report summary, Nlud,
[55] Khatri v. State of Bihar, AIR 1981 SC 928.
[56] Soibam Rocky Singh, Most free legal aid as last ditch opinion, The Hindu,
July1, 2019,,April%202017%20to%20June%202018.