Consumer rights are generally a reference to a body of law that pertains to
things the producers of goods must do to protect customers from harm. These laws
have come into existence through a series of legal disputes, and have been
shaped by the results of those cases. In a few instances, some states have
actually codified regulations that they refer to as “consumer rights†laws, but
this is not yet the majority practice, and even these codifications may not
cover all of the principles that are generally considered “consumer rightsâ€.
Discussed below are the fundamental consumer rights.
The Right to be Heard
Every consumer has the right to be heard after being exploited. An upset
consumer should be aware that he/she possesses the right to take the matter to
the authorities if the company does not hear them out. The right to be heard is
a powerful right at the disposal of the consumer.
The Right to Seek Redressal
Every consumer has the right to seek out for justice. Upset consumers who have
been a victim of corporate exploitations can take the matter to the redressal
agencies and file a suit against the insensitive company. This right is often
put to ill use by many consumers and is hence a very delicate right.
The Right to Information
Every consumer has the right to information. Consumers should be amidst truthful
and genuine information. Information should not have an ill purpose and should
not be incorrect. In other words, consumers have the right to truthful
The Right to Protection
Every consumer has the right to protection. Central Consumer Protection Council,
State Consumer Protection Council, District Forum and Consumer Protection
Redressal Agencies are at the disposal of the consumers. These institutions aim
at protecting Indian consumers from exploitative companies.
The Right to Assurance
Every consumer has the right to assurance. Assurance of qualitative goods and
qualitative services. They also have the right to the assurance of the variety
of commodities and services at their disposal.
The Right to Consumer Education
Every consumer also has the right to receive consumer education. This education
is often a part of every consumer protection act and amendment. The government
should make immense effort to share and spread the consumer rights to every
remote area of India. Consumers should also receive the right to get the
education on the consumer do’s and consumer don’ts. This is a very informative
and knowledgeable right at the disposal of the consumers.
We can conclude that the consumers should be educated and made aware of the
rights and responsibilities that are available to them. Various efforts like
campaigns, advertisements should be initiated by the government so that more and
more consumers are made aware of their rights and responsibilities.
Consumer Law Articles:
Consumer laws
in India
Consumer Justice In India
A Vision of Food
Special and Differential Treatment in WTO
Impact of Securitization Act, 2002 on the Mortgage Transactions
Instances of Disingenuous Advertisements and Consumers
Product Liability: Who is liable?
Consumer Protection Act, An analysis of Branch office
Consumer the King
Judicial Interpretation of Medical Negligence under Consumer Protection
Competition law and Consumerism
Statutory transaction and contract of sale
Medical Negligence
Packaged by Law
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, 2009
How brands can save themselves from made in china?
Foreign Direct Investment in Retail - the implications of the new regime
Legal Protection of Consumers
Consumer Protection in the age of E-Commerce
A Comparative Understanding of Dominant Position
Consumer Protection Law In India
Medical Negligence Liability of Hospitals
Advance Pricing Agreement
Unfair Trade Practice in India
The Consumer Protection Law- Birds Eye View
Class Action-How many number of buyers can file suit at NCDRC
Real Estate scam in India