The primary object of criminal procedure is to ensure a fair trial to every
person accused of any crime. The notion of a fair trial has close link with the
basic and universally accepted human right1. It may however be noted that the
fairness of a criminal trial should not be measured in absolute term.
question whether a criminal trial is fair or not will have to be examined in
relation to the gravity of the accusation, the time and resources which the
society can reasonably afford to spend, the quality of the available resources,
the prevailing social values etc. In this it is attempted to give an overview of
the common attributes of a fair criminal trial.
The following features of fair trial are as follows
- Adversary system
- Independent, impartial and competent judge
- Venue of the trial
- Presumption of innocence
- Right of accused person
- Expeditious trail
Adversary System
Our country adopts adversary system of criminal trial. According to this any
dispute as to the criminal responsibility of a person is to be resolved by the
criminal court after giving fair and adequate opportunity to the person before
the court of their respective cases. It enables an Impartial and competent court
to have proper perspective of the case and it is a better device to discover the
truth in a fair manner. In such, state represent the victim and the state starts
a trial against the accused.
This system recognized equal right and opportunity
to both the parties. Further, the code requires the criminal court to play a
more active and positive role than that of mere referee in the combat between
the prosecutor-state and the accused person. The charge against the accused is
to be framed not by the prosecution but by the court after considering the
circumstance of the case and prosecutor cannot withdraw from the case without
the consent of the court.
Himanshu Vs. State of MP 2 case apex court imagined that under free trial the
Code isn't granted to the gatherings and court has motivations to accept that
organization or examiner isn't acting in the imperative way and the court can
practice its power under section 311 and 165 of the Code of the Indian Evidence
Act, 1872 to bring in for the material witness and acquire the important reports
in order to serve the reason for equity.
Independent, impartial and competent Judge:
- Separation of judiciary from the Executive:
To guarantee autonomous
working of legal executive in criminal matters, the Code has achieved the
detachment of the legal executive from the judiciary by requiring the
arrangement of Judicial Magistrates and bringing them all under the control of
High Court in each State, which is explicitly set down under the arrangements of
Section 6 to 19 of Cr.P.C. Due to the partition, no judicial officer would be
connected with any person connected with the prosecution. In criminal trial,
as the State is arraigning party it is of uncommon importance and
significance that the legal executive is liberated of all doubt of leader
impact or control
- Court to be open:
According to section 327 the place where the court is
held shall be open court for which the general public may have access3. Public
trial in open court is an amazing instrument for making certainty of public in
reasonableness, objectivity and fair-mindedness of the organization of criminal
- Judge or Magistrate not to be personally interested in the case:
According to section 479 of the code
- No judge or Magistrate shall expect with permission of the higher court
try or commit for trail any case to or in which he is a party or personally
- No judge or Magistrate shall hear an appeal from any judgement or order
passed or made by himself.
- Transfer of case to secure impartial trial- According to section 190 (1)
c, a magistrate has power to take cognizance of an offence may do upon his
own knowledge about the commission of any such offence. However, in such
case the accused must be told before any evidence is taken that he is
entitled to have the case tired aby another magistrate {sec. 191].
Secondly, whenever it is made
to appear to the High court that a fair and impartial inquiry or trial cannot be
held in any criminal court subordinate to it may subject to condition laid down
in section 407, order that (I) any offence be inquired into or tired by any
other competent court or
(ii) that any particular case or class of case be
transferred from a criminal court subordinate to its authority to any other
criminal court. Similarly, the power of transfer of cause given to the Supreme
court and the session court by section 406 and 408.
In Ambazhagan Vs.
Superintendent of police 4, Supreme court held that party interested in sec
406(2) would encompass political opponents of the accused saying they are the
watch dogs of the govt. in power. The petitioner wanted the criminal case filed
against the Chief Minister of the state to be transferred out of the state. The
Supreme court ordered saying that “The petitioner has raised many justifiable
and reasonable apprehensions of miscarriage of justice would require our
interference in exercise of power under sec.406 CrPC.
Venue of the trial
The provision regarding venue of inquiry or trial are contained in section
177-189. If the place of trial is highly inconvenient to the accused person and
causes various impediments in preparation of his defence, the trial at such a
place cannot be considered as trial 5.
Presumption of innocence
Every criminal trial began with presumption of innocence in favour of the
accused, and the provision of the code are so framed that a criminal trial
should begin with and be throughout governed by the essential presumption.
However, it has been observed that the burden of proving the guilty of the
accused is upon the prosecution and unless it relieves itself of that burden,
the court cannot record a finding of the guilty of accused 6.
State of UP Vs. Naresh and ors7 case supreme court had observed that the
standard of assumption of innocence unless guilty is demonstrated structures of
criminal law in India.
Right of accused person
A fair trial implies that it should be fair both to the prosecution as well as
well as the accused person. Therefore, the following right in favour of the
accused have been recognised by the code with a view to make trial fair to the
accused person.
- Right to know of the accusation:
In order to enable the accused to make preparation for his defence, it is
essential that he be informed of the accusation against him. When an accused
person is brought before the court for trial the particulars of the offence
of which he is accused shall be stated to him. [Ss.228,240,246,25]. In case
of serious offence, the court is required to frame in writing a formal
charge and then to read and explain the charge to the accused
- Right of accused to be tried in his presence:
The presence of the accused
throughout the trial would enable him to understand properly the case as it is
unfolded in the court. The presence can be implied from the provision which
allow the court to dispense with the personal attendance of the accused under
certain circumstances [sec.205,273]. Section 317 however makes an exception and
empower the court dispense the attendance of the accused person. At any stage of
the inquiry or trial, if the court is satisfied the attendance of the accused
person before it is not necessary and is represented by pleader, dispense then
court may proceed with such inquiry or trial in his absence.
- Evidence to be taken in presence of accused:
According to section 273 all
evidence taken in course of the trial or other proceeding shall be taken in the
presence of the accused or when his personal attendance is dispensed with in the
presence of his pleader. However, according to section 279, any evidence is
given in any language not understood by the accused and he is present in court
in person it shall be interpreted in language understood by him. If any accused
is of unsound mind and thus unable to understand the proceeding in such case
special provision have been made in section 328-339 to deal with such situation.
- Right to cross-examine prosecution witness:
It is important right for the
purpose of defence. A criminal trial which denies the accused person the right
to cross-examine prosecution witness is based on weak foundation, and cannot be
considered as a fair trial 6.
Badri Vs. state of Rajasthan 8 case it was held by the apex court that the
prosecution witness was not allowed to cross-examined with reference to his
previous assertion made before the police, his proof stands untested by
interrogation and can't be acknowledged as approving his past statement.
Expeditious trial
justice delayed means justice denied”
Expeditious trail refers speedy trial of the accused. This standard was
considered under the idea of a reasonable preliminary to stay away from
pointless provocation of the accused. In every inquiry or trial, the proceeding
shall be held as expeditiously as possible, and in particular, when the
examination of witness has once begun the same shall be continued from day to
day until the witness in attendance have been examined unless the court find its
adjournment of the same beyond the following days to be necessary for reason to
be recorded. [sec.309(1)].
Husianara Vs. State of Bihar 9 case it was held that speedy trial is important
part of Article 12 of Indian constitution and it is the duty of the state to set
up such technique which would guarantee fast preliminary of the charged.
Doctrine of double jeopardy
According to this doctrine if a person is tired and acquitted or convicted of
any offence he cannot be tired again for the same offence or on the same facts
for any other offence. This doctrine has been substantially incorporated in
Article 20(2) of the constitution and is also embodied in section 300 of the
code. The second or subsequent trial in violation of the above doctrine would
mean unjust harassment of the accused person and can be considered as anything
but fair and has prohibited both by the code and the constitution.
S.A. Venkatraman Vs. Union of India10 case the Supreme Court held that the
procedure taken before the Enquiry Commissioner didn't add up to a commission
for an offense. It was in the idea of truth finding to prompt the Government for
disciplinary activity against the appellant. It can't be said that the
individual has been indicted.
Indian law is in consonance with the overall global lawful guidelines on the
option to be attempted by an able and free and fair court. All people should be
equivalent under the court. Each one will be qualified for a reasonable trial by
a court set up by law. A striking necessity of reasonable fair trial is one
The privilege to a quick trial moving from Article 21 of the
Constitution includes every one of the stages like examination, inquiry,
correction, trial, re-trial. In a criminal case, a conviction can't be founded
on the declaration of witnesses whose assessment in chief stands repudiated by
their questioning. Appreciation for proof should be objective and impartial. In
each criminal preliminary the level of probability of blame must be a lot
higher, nearly producing to assurance; and if there is the smallest sensible or
likely possibility of blamelessness of accused then the advantage should be
given to him.
- See article 10 and 11 of the universal Declaration of Human Right as
adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly of the united nation on
December 10, 1948
- Himanshu vs State of MP and Ors, MANU/SC/1193/2008.
- See observation in Kher Singh v. state of Delhi (1988) 3 SCC 609
- (2004) 3 SCC 767
- See observation in Kher Singh v. sate (Delhi) 3 SCC 609
- Kali Ram v. State of H.P (1973) 2 SCC 808: 1973 SCC (Cri) 1048 at p.
1059: 1974 cri LJ 1.
- State of U.P. v. Naresh and Ors, (2001) 4 SCC 324
- Badri v. State of Rajasthan, 1976: 1976 AIR 560, 1976 SCR (2) 339
- Husianara Vs. State of Bihar (1980) 1 SCC 98
- S.A. Venkataraman vs The Union of India and Another on 30 March, 1954: 1954
AIR 375, 1954 SCR 1150