It is well said that
In every woman's life, her face is the greatest beauty,
but by this case, it is fully believed that having courage is the significant
beauty which lasts forever.
The landmark case of
Laxmi vs. Union of India and
ors[1]. whereby filing a PIL before the Supreme court which took a great turn
for the survivor of acid attack victims who have been facing physical and mental
anguish which affected their lives deeply. This case breather all notion of
believing a myth that women are the weaker gender and the deep-rooted pattern of
society to treat women as material. It is to state the society that Justitia
nemini neganda est and the laws of the state are equal for all.
This case is set on an acid attack victim, Laxmi, who filed a PIL in 2006, a
minor of 16 years of age, an acid attack survivor who underwent mental and
physical pain too. The acid was thrown on her face because she denied marrying a
man named Naeem khan who grievously hurt her by doing such an offence
accompanied by two other co-accused in new Delhi. As her upper body suffered a
lot and was fully damaged, she could not get herself recovered back to the
former position.
She filed a criminal case by charging for an attempt to murder
against all accused who were confined by Delhi High Court, who was later on
released on bail by the Apex court of Appeal. The event runs into drain all the
efforts of the victim in order to subject them for prosecution in the present
case, aggrieved by the inappropriate order passed by the Delhi High court.
impugned order so conceded by the Delhi high court compelled the victim to file
the present PIL {Public interest litigation} before the Apex court of India for
prohibiting the easy availability of acid in the market, introducing amendment
in the current laws on the acid attack which may result into death of the
victim, insertion of provisions on victim Compensation scheme, proper health
care facilities to be provided on urgent basis (free health care services) and
rehabilitation to the victims.
- To make strict laws and sentence by making significant amendment in the
Penal Code[2] and Procedural law[3] relating to acid attack offence
- To completely prohibit the vending of acid and its distribution in the
shops to prevent easy availability.
- To reintegrate and recompense the victim of acid attack survivor.
Arguments Advanced
Contentions Of The Petitioner (Lakshmi)
The Petitioner contended that such crime of throwing acid advent from the easy
availability of acid bottles and containers from the market which makes it easy
to commit such a severe offence. The range of price for buying the acid bottle
is from Rs.30 to Rs.40, even while buying the bottle no one asks about the
reason behind buying such dangerous acid which could destroy a person's life
forever. The only way to prevent this offence is to halt such material in the
market that is to completely prohibit the distribution of the sale of acid and
its several other forms.
The laws of the state are all meant to regulate the people. The rules and
regulations, the norms, and the punishments for a wrong done to another person
are all covered in the facet of law. The state should ensure that the laws are
to be up to date and to provide reasonable punishments for each and every
For the victim who suffered mental trauma and physical pain after the
commission of the brutal offence, with the hope to get her face back which was
destroyed by the acid attackers, it is tragic to see that in our country for
such offence there are no separate laws which could provide punishments to such
accused and justice to the acid attack survivors rather than opting for section
307 of the Indian Penal Code to punish accused of his wrongdoing, it is the need
for the society to provide significant amendments in the penal code[4] and
procedural law[5]. This is an egregious crime that should not be dealt with
generalized laws but to be dealt with separate laws.
The petitioner also urged for the treatment of victims to be free of charge and
to provide compensation for the acid attack survivors.
Contentions Of The Respondent (Union Of India)
It was asserted by the learned solicitor general that the central government
will put the criterion regulations into effect. The regulations for the
distribution of acid and its other forms will be covered under the Poison
act[6] to all the state and union territories. Also, the regulations will
include other forms of acid and its distributions in the various private and
government sectors, it will also regulate the authorization and permission for
the distribution of the acid in the market. It was contended that the
punishments for such an offence under The poison act will be non-cognizable and
Vitality Of The Judgement
The bench was headed by two judges, the conclusion of the above contentions
oversaw to various directions which provided guidelines for the advancement and
development of laws relating to acid attack offences. After this finding, it
considered previous cases relating to the same offence where all reports were
prepared, and the graphical representation was created to know the commission of
the same offence in different states.
The crucial step from this case is the
amendment in the laws for acid attack offence in the Penal code by insertion
section 326A and 326B relating to the laws and punishment of throwing acid
offence and in Crpc section 357A and 357C was inserted which provides
compensation to the acid attack survivors and treatment of acid attack victims
to be free of cost in both public and private sector of hospitals.
schemes were introduced for the victim and the Apex court-ordered to provide for
least recompense to the acid attack sufferers of Rs. 3,00,000. The additional
right provided to the acid attack victims is to get treatment from any hospital
without any expenses.
It is to be considered that earlier the act of committing the offence of acid
attack was covered under the ambit of
grievous hurt under section 320 of IPC
but after this judgment, it provided light to those survivors who have been
suffering from so many years due to lack of separate laws and social orders.
laws which were inserted in the form of provisions for prosecuting the culprits
were highly absurd, a loophole that exists in the society one or another way
hampered the concept of equity and good conscience. The reality of suffering the
pain of acid and the impact of such an offence on the life of an individual is a
much deeper concept than the meaning of
grievous hurt as mentioned in IPC.
Therefore, there was a dire necessity to provide the laws, particularly for such
odious offence. The victims of acid attack survivors breathed a sigh of relief
after seeing this judgment and directions from the Apex court. This judgment set
a precedent for other contingencies which may arise further.
Earlier, due to lack of provisions on punishment for acid attack, the victim has
had no remedy left but was compelled to bring his case within the ambit of
section 307 of IPC (Attempt to commit Murder) with respect to prosecuting the
accused with higher punishment which could not be done under section 326A and
326B , where having been unable to prove the injuries that could lead to the
death of the victim extinguish their hope of attaining justice from the court.
After this decision various cases as
Parivartan Kendra & Anr vs. U.O.I [7],
Khatun vs. State of West Bengal & Ors[8],
State of Orissa vs. Ajam[9],
Raja vs.
State of Haryana[10] followed by further cases were considered by the Apex Court
with the greater intensity of seriousness towards the offence caused to the
victims. It changed the whole scenario of seeing the acid attack cases because
of the amendment in laws.
Application Of Schools Of Jurisprudence
Applicability Of Realistic School Of Jurisprudence
Introducing new laws by the judgment of Apex court initiated the applicability
of Realistic school of jurisprudence into effect. The realistic school of
jurisprudence involves the relationship of law with the judge, it analyses laws
in action. The realistic school of law focuses on the reasoning behind such
judgment, its types, and forms of the judgment delivered by the judge.
It also
concentrates on the contributing factors behind such judgment. The realistic
school of law is
The creation of new laws by way of judgement.
The realistic
school was developed in:
- America
- Europe
It involved the formation of two questions:
- The role of judges in the making of law.
- Doctrine of precedent (the judgement of higher hierarchy of courts
to be followed by the inferior courts as precedents)
Contributors Behind The School Of American Realism
- John Gray
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
- Jerome Frank
- Llewellyn
This is to be considered that John Gray and Oliver Wendell Holmes are the father
of realistic school of law. According to John Gray, while understanding the laws
delivered from the judgement by the judges, there are various factors that
affect the a decision such as political theories, economic theories, and
personal qualities. On the other hand, Holmes provided that law not only
involves logic but also experience behind passing such judgement.
Jerome Frank, the propounder of the American school of jurisprudence provided
certainty of law is a legal myth, there is no certainty of predicting
that for such wrongdoing only the particular punishment would be given for an
offence. It is to be considered that the precedent should not be followed
blindly but from the case by case basis construction of new laws are to be
Whereas, Llewellyn believes that law is a form of the institution
with means to society end and the law should be in parallel with the society for
the betterment of its future.
Considering the above way of interpreting realistic school of jurisprudence, it
is crystal clear that the situations where earlier there were no laws for a
particular offence as relied on the case of acid attack victims, the judgement
introduced new laws for the betterment of society and also passed various orders
so that the laws will be in flux with the society.
Referring to the Jerome view
that the precedents are not to be followed blindly but from the case by case
basis new laws can be made via judgements. Therefore, the applicability of
realistic school of law, in this case, is reasonable.
Applicability Of Sociology School Of Jurisprudence
The Sociology School of Jurisprudence initiates the relationship of law with
society. This school doesn't recognize law in isolation, it considers the law as
Social Phenomenon as each and every law is directly related to the impact on
society. One of the jurists named
Ehlrich provided that the main source
of law comes from the society and the society means
Men in Association.
It provided a
Living Law which means that the individuals who are interacting with each
other and whatever relations they are maintaining with each other are all
affected by the law, elaborating the context further, he provided that the
Centre of gravity of all legal development is not in legislation or Judicial
Decisions But in Society Itself.
The Sociology school of Jurisprudence involves
social solidarity and social awareness with the help of society. Referring to
the case of LGBTQ[11], Transgender case[12], or Gang rape case[13] followed by
other cases, the laws were made for the social interest of people, where the
laws were developed from society. This is to be considered that the sociology
school of jurisprudence carries the Historical school of jurisprudence
The above decision of acid attack case is initiated for the general
will of the people where the interest of the society was recognized, and laws
were made through Judicial Decision with the help of society. To create general
awareness the amendment in laws were made for the acid attack survivors.
Therefore, from the above submission, it is unambiguous that the applicability
of two schools are reasonable. The case of acid attack involves amendments
in-laws which is covered under the Realistic School of Law and the laws were
made for the betterment of society, referring to the interpretation of
Ehlrich from the Sociology school of Jurisprudence that laws are made with the help of
society, similarly, in the case of acid attack survivors the amendment of laws
were made for the society and the interest of the society is considered in the
current preview of the matter, like the urge of the petitioner, was also
considered by the judges for the prohibition and easy availability of such harsh
materials in the markets also considering their claim for compensation for the
victims of acid attack sufferers. The initiative from the judgement was directly
related to law with society. Hence, this case involves the combination of both
- 2014 SCC 4 42
- The Indian Penal Code, 1860
- The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
- Supra
- Supra
- 1991
- SCC On 7 December 2015
- SCC 28th February 2014
- SCC 12 June 2017
- SCC 28 May 2019
- Navtej Singh Johar vs. Union of India SCC (6 September 2018)
- National Legal Service Authority vs. U.O.I SCC (Writ Petition Civil No.
400, 2012)
- State vs. Ram Singh & Anr.SCC 2012