The purpose of writing this paper was solely to analyse current democratic
situation and its compatibility with preventive detention. This opportunity
turned into a holistic learning experience as while working on this I got the
chance to learn and gain in-depth knowledge about article 22, preventive
detention and their contradictory existence since decades. The preventive
detention laws were inelegantly used by the executives in the past and nothing
much has changed in the present too.
The gross misuse and wrongful implementation of such laws not only leaves long
lasting mental and physical impact to the detenu and their family but also
affects the society at large by creating fear in the minds of people and making
them question the authenticity of democracy and reliableness of their
constitutional rights.
While winding up the paper it bought me to a conclusion that scrapping the law
completely is however not feasible for the government as they have their own
concerns about the country's safety otherwise it would've been done till now.
Rather, it is possible that we look forward to introduce certain necessary
amendments in article 22 which ends the tag of incomplete code. Adding to it,
amendments to restrict its use, to prevent its misuse for accomplishing unlawful
purposes and most importantly making provisions for helping the detenu who was
wrongfully detained.
Thus, there's a high priority need to make the preventive detention laws
compatible with the modern democracy by taking some serious actions otherwise
the country will lose its true democratic essence and will put the society in
danger. Doctrinal method of research was used while working on this. The article
starts with the descriptive explanation of article 22, preventive detention and
how it violates the human rights. It includes critical analysis on the
implementation of preventive detention.
The supreme law, our Constitution provides certain fundamental rights to the
citizens of India in order to protect them and succour them to live with freedom
and dignity. One of them is Article 22, the rights embodied in this article are
given to an individual under the circumstances of punitive and preventive
detention, means, providing protection to people against arrest and
The first three clauses that is, neither the person should remain uninformed
about their grounds of arrest nor they should be denied the right to be
represented 2, any person who is arrested should be brought forward before the
magistrate within twenty-four hours; No such person shall be detained for more
than twenty-four hours without the magistrate's permission3 and lastly, the
third clause states exceptions that these rights are inaccessible to enemy
aliens and to those detained under any preventive detention law4. The first two
clauses allude to punitive detention and the safeguards given in those cases.
Punitive detention is arresting a person after he/she has already committed an
offence. This kind of detention or arrest is done third clause which draws the
most attention by averring that these protections would be inaccessible to those
under preventive detention.
As the name says
preventive, this kind of detention is a preventive
measure priorly and habitually done on the basis of an executive authority's
guts or intuition that a particular person might do something unlawful in the
future. The main object of such detention is to protect the state's security and
to maintain public order5. Thus, a person who is suspicious in the eyes of the
executives may become a detenu.
Doesn't it sound prejudicial? indeed yes. The action of anticipation taken by
the authorities is neither reliable nor logically and morally correct as it may
include their personal hatred or some other motive. Moreover, in today's
democracy arresting somebody on the basis of beliefs, thoughts, intuition or
just on reasonable probability6 even without having any evidence that he/ she
might do something in the future violates human rights, a person's freedom and
calls for many heated debates.
Contrarily, it may become beneficial for the country if there's a serious threat
and the grounds are valid with reliable sources but it is absolutely abuse of
power and violation of liberty if it's done to suppress somebody's voice or done
with political motive.
The clauses four to seven states certain norms for those detained under any
preventive detention law like no Person should be kept under preventive
detention for more than 3 months until and unless the advisory board says7, the
detaining authority must communicate the grounds of such act to the detenu;
The detained person should get a chance to be represented8. Lastly, power is
also prescribed to the parliament in order to allow the extension of detention
period without seeking the advisory board's opinion in certain class or classes
of cases9. The only thing is that, the country is disquieted with the terms class or classes of cases as neither the constitution nor the government
defines and classifies them. Moreover, it is not reasonable to guess which class
of act would be dangerous in the future and which not.
Preventive detention though may come out to be a helpful tool to protect the
country but only in the time of some external aggression/ war or some terrorist
activities. Thus, unlike our constitution which allows preventive detention even
in peacetime with no justification, most of the other democracies of the world
stick to applying preventive detention during emergency only10[2]. The concept
of preventive detention still remains a burdensome part and raises substantial
queries to the liberty of the individual.
Thus, accepting these laws was a journey full of hardship. However, they're
still a part of our constitution even if it's an unfit feature. The scope of
writing this paper was to analyse and understand that in the current time where
people are becoming more rebellious and aware of their freedom and equal dignity
it's high time either to bring certain necessary amendments in the preventive
detention laws or scrap them.
History v/s Present
The preventive detention laws were first introduced in 1950 initially for one
year only. But it was extended several times in the form of Maintenance of
internal security act 1971, Unlawful Activities prevention act 1967, National
security Act 1980 and many more11. Since then, India has managed to never be
without preventive detention laws. These laws were inherited from the colonial
time and they were like dark shadows covering the luminous country India which
believed in equal protection and rights.
It is evident that these laws were fully criticised back then too. Furthermore,
The British rulers used preventive detention laws as a tool to suppress who
stood against them and after independence our governments or even present
government continued to use this as their weapon. Thus, nothing much has
changed. Surprisingly, even in this modern democracy instead of coming to a
solution for the betterment of people, the government started using these laws
more frequently.
In recent times over 5558 people were detained in Uttar Pradesh during the CAA
protest.12 The number varied in different states. Not to forget, the most
vulnerable phase of democracy was witnessed by the Kashmiris during the time
when article 370 was held unconstitutional. This incident was very similar to
what British rulers did to our leader by suppressing their voice. The
government immorally booked many political leaders, activists and speakers who
they thought would protest against their decision.
Many eminent leaders, even the chief minister of J&K
Mehbooba Mufti was
detained by the government.13 Why were such people detained? What harm a chief
minister itself would do to the state? What a strange message would have been
conveyed to the rest of the world. They were detained not because the government
was sure they would spread hatred or provoke violence but because the government
was clearly not open to face criticism and their agitation.
Thus, grossly violated their right to freedom of speech and expression. 14 and
the government also made question marks on the notoriety of such people. Not
only in Kashmir but the government has acted as a dictator to keep the voices
low and hidden of the people who stood just to raise their voice and express
their views even if it was through speeches or protest. The government cannot
and should not act in such a way till it is peaceful and does not call for
violence or go against the country's peace and order.
India being the biggest democracy in the world should not be found internally
drained due to loopholes like these. It is the duty of the government to
maintain the reputation and esteem of the country and to protect the rights and
dignity of the citizens.
They should focus on conveying a positive aspect rather than letting and giving
a chance to the international media to fetch that the government itself is
indulged into suppressing the voices of young leaders.
For instance, several students like Kanhaiya Kumar, Umar Khalid, Dalit Activist
Chandrashekhar Azad, Dr. Kafeel khan were some in the list of people detained by
the government without even framing charges against them.15 The only thing
common in all the above names is that they were budding leaders and speakers who
took a step forward and represented the youth of the country and believed to
have equal right in expressing their views. But just like any other time, the
government with the fear of being criticised or as the government says with the
fear of violence did not wait much and ultimately their voices were cracked
The Politically motivated detentions cost these young leaders their precious
years of life and confidence. The bigger picture of muzzling the voices of
such activists and leaders was the authoritative impression of the government,
breaking the faith to speak and leading to more fear in the minds of thousands
of people who placed confidence and trusted the democracy and lastly, the
government playing dirty politics thus, making them lose hope in the judiciary
as well.
The detenus are kept as long as the government thinks is right i.e., even beyond
the maximum period of three months. For e.g., Dalit activist Chandrasekhar Azad
who was granted bail by the honourable supreme court stating that his detention
was politically motivated, but he was further kept into detention for fifteen
months under another preventive detention law just because the government wanted
to do things their way. 16 This is only one out of many instances of the sinful
activities of the executives where they depraved the freedom of the individual
by turning blindsided and inhuman for their own motive.
The impact of such brutality is beyond our imagination. One could bear the pain
if they really committed any wrongful act. Yet abiding with such physical and
mental torture without doing anything and just because the government's
intuition for the person was not right is such a heavy trauma to experience and
carry for rest of the life. Furthermore, it ruins the reputation of the
individual arrested and leaves them in the vicious cycle of fear and future
Imagine living in these conditions, such graceless actions not only leave a
long-lasting impact on the mental health of the detenu but also affects their
families, the minds and trust of thousands of people who believed in democracy
and on their rights given by the constitution. This also shatters the thought of
believing in the opportunity of taking a stand for what they thought was right.
The inhuman treatment, physical and mental harassment experienced by the people
during their tenure of detention cannot be compensated with anything. The after
effects of such incidents may come with serious mental illness, further life and
career blurred and unforgettable fear in the mind.
All in all, the executives cannot foolishly continue to use such laws according
to themselves until and unless necessary, as it creates a sense of terror among
people and affects the society at large. Thus, in order to stay together as a
united country, it is important to respect each other's freedom and dignity and
further take necessary steps to address the problems faced by such preventive
detention laws in order to bring a solution which may be helpful to the society
plus take care of the country too.
When we say democracy, it is followed by an important quote
By The People, For The People And
Of The People. Since, the sole objective of democracy
is to work for the benefit of the people, these preventive detention laws should
not fit in. Our fundamental rights protect, empower and promote the development
of each citizen in every aspect. But still, there are few things that are in
desperate need to be taken care of.
The contradictory existence of article 22 and preventive detention laws has been
the subject of many debates from a very long time. Curious to think, what made
the government continue with these laws even after they were continuously
opposed. The high time for doing something in this matter was also a very long
time back. Nevertheless, we can still expect something as Reckless
implementation of these laws poses constant threat to the people and is a
time-consuming process for the judiciary. 17
Article 22 though provides safety regarding arrest matters but it's time to
rethink and conclude that it is not a complete code.18 India is achieving
several milestones in development and these tiny irregularities cause huge
destruction and pulls back the achievements of the country by showing where we
lag behind. Most of us want these laws to be scrapped, but the government has
their own concern for the safety of the nation and it is true we cannot just
remove them as it is sometimes necessary to use such kind of detention when the
country is in danger.
But we could find its alternatives which will not be against the international
standards or introduce certain amendments Like, limiting the scope of using
these laws during emergency only 19 [1] Further, reducing the power in the hands
of executives and giving more to the judiciary itself and letting the apex court
take the charge to preserve the true essence of democracy. We could also start
with equal punishments if the detainment was used by somebody as their tool to
accomplish their own purposes and Importantly, making provisions to provide
certain help or compensation to the detenu and to their family. Though any form
of monetary compensation cannot cover the distress faced by them but we can try
to introduce some rehab centres or any medical help centres if the detenu has
faced certain mental and physical harassment even after being innocent.
Concluding, these preventive detention laws are clearly abuse to humanity. No
such law should remain if they in any form interrupt with the freedom and
dignity of the individual. At last, the constitution should get rid of this dark
cloud and free the people from the fear by either making it more adjustable by
amendments or by totally scrapping it as for now because it does not, at all
suit the criteria of democracy.
- The constitution of India, art. 22
- The constitution of India, art. 22
- The constitution of India, art. 22
- The constitution of India, art. 22
- The constitution of India, art. 22
- The constitution of India, art. 22
- The constitution of India, art. 22
- The constitution of India, art. 22
- The constitution of India, art. 22
- Shah Ishfaq, Preventive detention Legal service India. (2019)
- J.N. Pandey, The constitutional law of India,154,155 (Central Law
Agency, Allahabad, 10th edn., 1980)
- Naman Jain, Rowlatt Act in disguise: The Preventive Detention laws in
India, The Law Blog, (2020)
- Ravi Nitesh, Democracy is not about detention and suppressing
dissent, The Kashmir Times, 8/11/2020, available at http://www.kashmirtimes.com/newsdet.aspx?q=104284,
- The constitution of India, art. 19
- Naman Jain, Rowlatt Act in disguise: The Preventive Detention laws in
India, The Law Blog, (2020)
- Naman Jain, Rowlatt Act in disguise: The Preventive Detention laws in
India, The Law Blog, (2020)
- Naman Jain, Rowlatt Act in disguise: The Preventive Detention laws in
India, The Law Blog, (2020)
- J.N. Pandey, The constitutional law of India,154,155 (Central Law
Agency, Allahabad, 10th edn., 1980)
- Harshit Sharma, Preventive Detention: An Evil Of Article 22, Journal
on contemporary issues of law, VOL.3 ISSUE 11 (2017)
Written By: Amrita Talwar, BBA LLB (1st Year) - University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka.
Email: amritatalwar.uslls@gmail.com, Ph no: 704275252
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