When you are concerned about the outcome of a child support case in New Jersey,
the last thing you need to worry about is understanding complex legal
terminology. While this legalese may be second nature to a skilled child
support attorney, it is much more difficult for an average person to understand.
When you establish a basic comprehension of these terms, it is easier to focus
on what really matters — achieving a positive legal outcome.
With all that said, the best way to gain a more concrete understanding of the
entire child support process is to enlist the help of a qualified attorney. A
legal expert can guide you through this entire process and explain all of the
complex terms along the way.
Until then, you can refer to this helpful list of
- Arrearage: This term refers to child support payments that are past due.
When a non-custodial parent falls behind on their child support payments,
they are said to be in arrears.
- Dependent: A child who is under the care of a parent or caretaker is
said to be a dependent. These children cannot live on their own. For a child
to receive child support payments, they must be a dependent.
- Emancipation: The child ceases to be a dependent when they reach the age
of majority. This process is called emancipation. In most cases, a child no
longer receives child support payments after becoming emancipated.
- Garnishment: A legal process that allows someone’s wages or assets to be
taken away in order to cover child support payments. This is an involuntary
process that ensures that child support payments are made on time.
- Imputed Income: The amount of money an individual is capable of earning.
Courts cannot force someone to go to work in order to pay child support, but
they can figure out how much money they can earn based on their education
and qualifications. This imputed income level is used to determine how much
child support someone should pay.
- In-Kind Support: This refers to child support that is not financial in
nature. For example, a non-custodial parent might provide food or clothing
instead of money.
- Presumption of Paternity: In the absence of concrete proof (such as a
DNA test), the courts may assume that a man is the father of a child. A
number of factors may go into this decision, although the ruling can be
challenged with evidence.
- Subpoena: This is when a witness is forced to appear at a judicial
proceeding. A subpoena can also force a witness to bring certain types of
evidence to court.
- Visitation: The right of a non-custodial parent to see his children and
spend time with them.
Getting High-Quality Legal Assistance
If you are involved in a child support case or you think you might face one in
the future, it is always important to receive high-quality legal assistance. A
professional child support attorney has the experience and the qualifications to
guide you through this process and help you achieve a positive legal outcome.
Reach out to Giro, LLP, Attorneys at Law, and receive help that you can trust.
- Giro, LLP, Attorneys at