When we have completely studied the politics phenomena after Independence in
1947, we might understand well, why India has been called Constituent Assembly
than Parliamentary Assembly. The Constitution has been the identified as the
foundation of the Republic and Democracy, where protects the rights of the
citizens and has also ensure the separation of powers.
This article mainly
revolves around the conflicts while legislators make arbitrary amendments by
invoking several amendment in laws, acts, procedures to retain their powers,
where the judiciary has overwritten/repealed those amendments and, ensure the
decentralization by its virtue
Separation of Powers, where the storage of
powers vest in the jacket of multiple, rather than one person / one group / one
India as a Democratic country ruled by the Parliamentary democracy
headed by its prime ministers and his governments where the Constitution of
India become the right equilibrium and balance the checks and balances between
legislature, judicial and executive however, the balance of powers conferred by
constitution tested by the legislatures but however Judiciary has managed to
retrieve the conferred rights of Constitution and repealed the acts, amendments,
procedures that violates the rights of the citizens.
This articles revolves
around the Constitution of India and the challenges faced by the people of the
world largest democracy without any bias statement to catch hold the audience,
jurist and encourage the law graduates towards a comparative constitutional
study around the world.
Adoption of Rule of Law
The colonial countries has been rule of various Kings including George I,
George II, George III after the death of Queen Anne; where the British Monarch
has headed with the various Kings from 1714 to 1776; might be one of the main
cause and factor that the British lost United Colonies, known today as United
States of America.
The colonial countries has been rule of various Kings
including Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI from1900 to 1950,
after the death of Queen Victoria of England; where the British Monarch has
headed with various kings, also faced major wars due course of time; World War I
(1914-1918) & World War II (1939-1945) and has certainly lost their colony when
Sri Mahatma Gandhi took non violence as his weapon by Sudhesi principles and
might be seen one of factor that the British lost United Colonies, known today
as United States of America.
It is very strange that these colonial countries
has obtained Independences from Great Britain, where Great Britain has Magna Carta and rule of law for bill of rights which has no written constitution and
whereas, the written constitution of India & United States has neither rigid or
flexible since these constitutions still can be amended by the legislatures
where they required certain major majority on the parliament.
This principle of separation of powers establishment in United States and Union
of India have has it's similarities, since; both these nations has obtained
their Independence from British Monarch either way, neither USA won Independence
by war, nor India won Independence by nonviolence.
Though there are many
similarities found in common, they were significant difference between the
countries, where one defined as constitutional federal republic and another
defined as Democratic Republic. Though India has much adopted with the
capitalism principles but the fundamental principles has laid under socialism
that make India unique from the rest of the world; where eventually both
socialism & capitalism survived one after another, redefined India Economy in
modern era.
Influence & Foundation to Indian Constitution
The constitution of India has great influences on the British parliamentary
democracy and United States written constitution which make Indian Constitution
stand very tall and walk like Giant Elephant, earned great respect for economic
stability, prosperity, rule of law and democracy among the world. Before
revealing the differences between Union States of America and India, it's
important to reveal the similarity, which both of the constitution were written
India's constitution recorded the longest written constitution in
the world which consists of 145000 words and the United States America which
only consists of 4400 words. Though United States of America is Pioneer in
written constitution, India is remain the good example for a detailed written
constitution that not guarantee the fundamental rights but also the
decentralization of powers by various check and balances.
The constitution of India has been codified by the legendary lawyers of country
Sri Ambedkar, Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Sri Dr. Sardhar Vallabhai Patel, among all
these lawyers, Bharath Ratna Dr. Ambedkar was the architect of Indian
Constitution, also known as
Father of Indian Constitution to all. Indian
constitution has been influenced by various other countries likely United
Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, France & Soviet Union.
Constitution consist of 395 Articles is the longest constitution on earth today,
which establishes the checks and balances within the government organs
Legislative, Executive and Judicial; a very thorough Doctrine of Separation of
Powers. Indian None of the other constitution in world, has very clearly
measures the characteristics of each organ, their conferred powers on one
another, and distinguishes their rights & limitation with utmost care on rights
to Citizens.
India has known for the Parliamentary Democracy, Republicism, Sovereignty,
Federalism, and where the Fundamental Rights conferred by it's constitution
beyond the scope of legislative and where legislators have been restrained to do
any changes or any modification in basic structures of constitution, such basic
structures built with fundamental rights of Constitution as pillars to hold the
nation as democratic in the principles of separation of powers; free from the
clutches of any individual group or person.
Preamble and Articles
The Preamble of the Constitution by the words We, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having
solemnly resolved to constitute India in to a SOVEREIGN, SOCIALIST, SECULAR,
FRATERNITY demonstrate the rooted principles of Indian Constitution. The word SECULAR, SOCIALIST were added in the Preamble in year 1976 during the
The Constitution of India has 395 articles, 22 parts, 8 schedules and Part 1
emphasis the relationship between state and union, Part 2 emphasis citizen, Part
3 emphasis Fundamental rights of the citizen, Part 4 has emphasis the Directive
principles of state policy, Part 5 has emphasis the Fundamental Duties, Part 5
has emphasis The Union, Part 6 emphasis The state of the Union, Part 7 emphasis
State in the Union schedule, Part 8 has emphasis the Union Territories, Part 9
has emphasis the Panchayaths, Municipalities and cooperative societies, Part 10
has emphasis Scheduled & Tribal areas, Part 11 has emphasis the relationship
between Union and states, Part 12 has emphasis the property, contracts and
suits, Part 13 has emphasis Trade inside the union, Part 14 has emphasis the
services under the union and states, Part 15 has emphasis Election, Part 16 has
emphasis certain special provision for certain classes, Part 17 has emphasis
Languages, Part 18 has emphasis Emergency provisions, Part 19 has emphasis the
miscellaneous, Part 20 has emphasis the constitutional amendments, Part 21 has
emphasis Transitional and special provisions and finally the Part 22 has
emphasis the short title, date of commencement, authoritative texts.
The legislative, executive and judicial organs of the government has arrived
their power from the constitution and bound by the articles of the constitution.
Each state and union territory has their own government, and where Article 365
permits the president of India to dismiss the state government if situation
arises, in which state government cannot be conducted in accordance of the
The constitution has also posses the unitary features single
constitution, integrated judiciary, a strong central government, a subordinated
state governments with a unique combination of quasi-federal system. The
constitution of India has Federalism characteristic but unitary in spirit has
features of a federation, by a three tier government structure as central, state
and local, with a bicameralism system and Judiciary was kept far Independent
organ, with its role for justice, equity, and being the protector the
constitution. The constitution of India is much elaborative than any other
countries in the world, such ensures stability of the world's largest democratic
country under the unique Constitutional supremacy.
The Constitution of United States has life span over 2 Centuries and whereas
there were almost 11,770 proposals for constitutional amendment, only 27 Amended
changes to constitution is recorded till date of this article released. The
Constitution of India which has life span about to reach 1 centenary has been
recorded with 104 constitutional amendments, till date of this article released.
The long amendments history was the 27th amendment of United States constitution
that took 202 years for decide of Increase and Decrease salary of Congress men.
Procedure to amend the Constitution
The power of parliament to amend the constitution by addition, variation and
repeal as per the procedure has stated in the article 368, (3) Nothing in
article 13 shall apply to any amendment; also & 368 (4) no amendment of the
constitution (including the provisions of Part III) and also, the Fundamental
right of the citizens has been secured vigorously, robustly and resolutely. Any
amendment to constitution must be passed by both Rajah Sabha and Lok Sabha by
two-third majority of its total membership when at least two-third are present
and vote.
Any amendment consist of federal in nature must also ratified by a
majority of state legislatures. There will not be any provision for a joint
session of Lok sabha and Rajah Sabha for constitutional amendment. The
Government establishes the term based law commissions to recommend the needful
legal reforms, facilitating the rule of law and meet out the demand of the
country and its citizens.
Judicial Review
Article 13, states as below:
13. Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights:
- All laws in force in the territory of India immediately before the
commencement of this Constitution, in so far as they are inconsistent with
the provisions of this Part, shall, to the extent of such inconsistency, be
- The State shall not make any law which takes away or abridges the rights
conferred by this Part and any law made in contravention of this clause
shall, to the extent of the contravention, be void
- In this article, unless the context otherwise requires law includes any
Ordinance, order, bye law, rule, regulation, notification, custom or usages
having in the territory of India the force of law; laws in force includes
laws passed or made by Legislature or other competent authority in the
territory of India before the commencement of this Constitution and not
previously repealed, notwithstanding that any such law or any part thereof
may not be then in operation either at all or in particular areas
- Nothing in this article shall apply to any amendment of this
Constitution made under Article 368 Right of Equality
During the emergency, the thirty eighth amendment, the Supreme Court was not
allowed to preside over any laws which infringe the fundamental rights under
article 32, the conferred right to constitutional remedies and the Forty Second
amendment by Article 31C, in addition with Article 368 (4) & (5), stating that
any law passed by Parliament could not be challenged in court. The democracy has
been fallen under the clutches of legislators for a short while, However,
Supreme Court in
Minerva Vs Union of India (1980) has decided that those
amendment were unconstitutional and Invalid and emphasis the Judicial review is
a basic characteristic of constitution and overturning the article 368 (4), 368
(5) and 31C. Fundamental right of the citizens has been once again retrieved and
protected by the constitution beyond the clutches of the legislators, executives
of the state or union.
The conferred rights of citizens:
- Rights to equality,
- Right to Freedom, Right against the Exploitation,
- Right to Freedom of Religion,
- Right to Education and Culture,
- Right to constitutional remedies seen as Fundamental rights and
conferred the rights by it's constitution, where no legislatures
could pass any laws, by laws, rules that infringement to the fundamental rights;
no executives could impose their powers to overrun conferred fundamental rights
by any orders; no judicial can violate the fundamental right of citizen by any
orders, however reasonable restrictions can be imposed in the interest of
society in certain circumstances.
Power of High Court & Supreme Court
The Hon'ble High Court of the state, has right to decide the disputes between
the disputes between the state and citizen, also appellate for subordinate
courts in the state and being the guardian of Indian constitution, next to
supreme court. The citizens of state can file their writ petition under Article
226 for enforcement of their rights from any, including the state, executive and
judiciary and Article 227 of the constitution shall given the supremacy to High
Court over all courts and tribunals throughout the state, exercise its
jurisdiction; where High Court may decide the case as Independent Judiciary,
however those decision can be challenged in the Supreme Court.
The Hon'ble Supreme Court can decide the dispute between the different states;
also decide the disputes between union and citizen, also the appellate for high
courts, and being the guardian of the Indian Constitution. The constitution of
India has established a Independent Judiciary, with a hierarchy of all High
Courts of the State, and other subordinate courts under article 124 of Indian
Constitution. Article 32 directly fall under the Part III of constitution allows
individuals can approach supreme court if he or she believes that his or her
fundamental rights has been violated or can be enforced their conferred right
from any, including the state or union, executive and judiciary; where Supreme
Court may decide the case as Independent judiciary without any government
Basic Structure Doctrine by Supreme Court of India
In 1970,
Kesavananda Bharthi V. State of Kerala, The Hon'ble Supreme court of
India has given a land mark judgment and outlined the basic structure doctrine
to Indian Constitution. The right of property as fundamental right during the
time then, the court decides the case in favor of Kesavanda Bharathi but
however, the aforesaid ruling was overturned by the ratification of the
24th Amendment in 1971.
However, The Basic Structure doctrine has developed the
basic power of Indian judiciary to review and overwrite (override) amendments to
the Constitution of India by the parliament. The parliament can only amend the
constitution to certain limit of its basic structure. The Supreme Court or High
Court may declare the any amendment null and void if that is violated, after a
judicial review, where the judicial overpower the parliamentary government
decision by any acts, rules.
Parliament Restrain the Supreme Court Intervention
In 1975, Indira Nehru Gandhi V Raj Narain, The aforesaid case questioned the
power of judiciary, where the parliament has expected the Judiciary to bow and,
where parliamentary government under Former Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi
has tried to overpower all the other organs has questioned the basic structure
doctrine, separation of powers between legislative, executive and judiciary.
High Court of Allahabad found that the Smt. India Gandhi guilty of misusing the
state machinery u/s 123 (7) of Representative of People Act, 1951 and decided
that she cannot serve as Prime Minister and the decision has been challenged by
her in Supreme Court. Supreme Court has granted a conditional stay on the
decision of Allahabad High Court, but on 10th August 1975 the President of
Emergency stricken India passed 39th Constitutional Amendment Act, by inserting
Article 329-A to full restrain the Supreme Court's Jurisdiction for engaging the
The supreme court of India has applied the doctrine of basic structure
in Kesavanda Bharthi case and struck down clasue (4) of Article 329-A, which as
inserted in the 39th Amendment which ultimately removed the grounds on which she
was charged guilty, she was then acquitted by the Five bench of the supreme
Supreme Court in Protection of Fundamental Right
In 1978,
Menaka Gandhi v/s Union of India, The Supreme Court has conferred the
right to personal liberty under Article 21 and also ruled the existence of law
was not enough to restrain the personal liberty. The Supreme Court held that
section 10 (3) (c) OF Passport Act is void because it violates the article 14 of
Indian Constitution, doesn't provide for an opportunity for the aggrieved party
to be heard. The Supreme Court once again conferred the constitutional rights of
citizen and overruled the Government's arbitrary procedures for the instance.
Though parliamentary government is truly a democratic, such government has found
with history that they have passed various laws, acts, procedures, rules that
infringe the rights of citizen. Indian Parliament has also found with a history
of overrule the Judiciary system for retaining their government and questioned
the rule of law and separation of powers.
However, the rights of the citizen
conferred by the Constitution has been protected by Judiciary again and again;
repealed various laws, acts, and amendments that violates the rights of the
citizen. The constitution of India remains the supremacy, than ensure the
separation of powers and rule of law and protect the citizens forever and no
wonder it the Jurist and Judicial experts wisely states it Constitutional
Democracy, though it is a parliamentary democracy.
It is also stated the constituent assembly of India from the
beginning; thereby, it is of each citizen of India to celebrate the India's
Constitution Day or National Law Day on 26 November of each year, same as the
country's Independence day and Republic day. If public forget to celebrate it,
the lawyers, law students, law schools should celebrate the National Law Day
since the Constitution of India has been crafted by legendary lawyers of this
country, and also protected by the Hon'ble Judges and lawyers in the interest of
Public and National Integrity beyond any limits.
The government of India has uploaded the Constitution of India in the following
Award Winning Article Is Written By: Mr.Ravikumar Vellingiri, B.A.LL.B (Hons),

Authentication No: MA10646383429-5-3221