When virtue and modesty enlighten her charms, the lustre of a beautiful woman
is brighter than the stars of heaven, and the influence of her power it is in
vain to resist.
It's not the questions whether you are a law student or not, it's a question for
all the citizens, for all the civilized personnel and for the entire HUMANKIND.
Today the only crime in which the victim becomes the accused is RAPE.
RAPE, how can one define this word??
The best words that can perfectly define it is 'Intercourse WITHOUT her consent.
Well section 375 of The Indian Penal Code provides a full-fledged definition of
rape. RAPE is penetrating his or other's penis or forcing a women to insert any
other object into her vagina without her consent or will.
It is important to note that according to Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code,only
a man can commit rape, and only on a woman.
Let's think about some questions that automatically arises in one’s mind when we
come across the heavy word RAPE.
“What was she wearing?â€
“Were they drunk?â€
“They should have been more careful!â€
“Are you sure that's what exactly happened?â€
But the worst of all is theVictim Blaming!
She was raped.....
And the society, culture, mentality, thinking, and environment get license to
rape her till she take her last breath. Why don’t people think, if you consider
a woman less pure after you’ve touched her maybe you should take a look at your
hands as well.
We live in the society that teaches women to be careful not to get raped instead
of teaching men not to rape.
Friends it's only the youth who can change the mindset of people living around,
who can change the surrounding, who can really change the status of a woman in
the society.
Women are the real architects of the society. It is well said that, “The woman
came out of man's rib not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be
superior but from his side to be equal, under the arm to be protected and next
to the heart to be LOVED.â€
RESPECT THEM, RESPECT THEIR DIGNITY.MODESTY is the best jewel of women. Protect
No matter what a girl does, no matter how she's dressed, no matter how much
she's had to drink, it's NEVER OKAY to touch her without her consent.This
doesn't make you a man, it makes you a coward.
The NIRBHAYA case that brought the entire nation into shock and forced everyone
to take a step forward against this crime.
Nirbhaya was not just sexually violated, her body was mutilated beyond human
imagination. Her intestines were pulled out, and private parts mutilated. She
later died of multiple organ failure, internal bleeding and cardiac arrest on
the 29th of December.
It's being 5 years, but we can still see many more Nirbhaya's in our societies
facing the same problems, whether it's a teenager of 19 years or an old aged
woman of 55 years or an infant of just 8 months old.
Is it becoming a culture that if you are frustrated rape a girl?
Or if she is wearing a short dress she is inviting you to outrage her modesty?
The answer to it is a big NO, because rape is never the victim's fault. Not if
she was drunk, not if she was wearing a miniskirt, not if she was a sex worker,
not if the society didn'tbelieves her, not if she is seeking asylum, not if she
was your partner, and not if she was disabled.
She smiles, she talks, she laughs, she chats, and she may have fun with you but
NO means NO.
RAPE is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few
minutes. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they don't guide a
man not to rape rather blames a girl.
The only solution to this problem is, Go to the source and start there.
As long as there is rape, there is not going to be any peace or justice or
equality or freedom. You are not going to become what you want to be or who you
want to become. You are not going to live in the world you want to live in.
You should know slut shaming and victim blaming are strategies used to undermine
the experiences and stories of rape survivors. They help ensures that most rapes
and sexual assaults go unreported.
RAPE is RAPE and it is never excusable.
Remember that it's not enough just to treat women well, we have to work to make
sure all men treat women well.
Being a law student I am raising my voice against rape and I suggest you the
same. Be a responsible citizen. On one hand we treat women as ‘DEVI’ and on the
other they become the victim of rape and are abused for things for which they
were not at fault. Respect women as they plays different roles in each one of
us lives. Rape is not the consequences of her way of talking or her way of
Rape is provoked by his sick mentality, not her short clothes.Â
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