An Account on Traffic Congestion
As the world's second-most populous country after China, India has more truly
congested than any other nation. Vehicles in India are distributed unevenly.
Traffic is well known for moving at the pace of its slowest component. Most
counties have automobiles, buses, trucks, trains, motor-vehicles, motors,
scooters and bicycles.
But in India, in addition to this routine urban
transportation, and contributing substantially to the congestion, are networks
of auto-rickshaws and two-wheelers as well as bullock carts, hand-pulled
rickshaws that has been staggering hundred fold increase in the population of
motorized vehicle. However, the expansion in the road network has not been
commensurate with this increase.
While the motor-vehicle population has grown
from 0.3 million in 1951 to over 30 million in 2004, the road network has
expanded from 0.4 million km to 3.32 million km, only a 8 fold increase in terms
of length during the same period. Traffic congestion is the serious problem in
most Indian metros. Thus the scorching pace off economic growth and the growing
incomes of India's burgeoning middle class are only likely to make the situation
Public transport systems are overloaded, and there is a limit on how much
additional infra structure such as roads, and rail lines a city can add. Traffic
is growing four times faster than the population in six cities: Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmadabad, Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad.
Insight Into Congestion:
Congestion on the urban roads are afflicting vehicle stock pile in India, and
effects the urban economies in different ways. Congestion may be defined as
excess demand for travel over its supply. In fact, the reason why governments
are forced to revisit their policies like in Delhi for urban transport just
because of increasing demand of travel within limited available services like
public transports.
The occurrence of congestion on the city roads prevents the
movement of traffic and leading to the intolerable increase in the trip delay.
Constructing new road or the widening of an existing road is a temporary relief
to the congestion, but in future perspective it simply encourages the growth of
new vehicle through increased level and it may also switch away the use of
public transport.
Against the serious problem of growing and existing congestion
problems in Indian cities, small traffic control and information techniques are
required that can subsequently reduce the traffic congestion and increase demand
of public transport. According to the transport research wing, ministry of
surface transport, the total number of registered vehicle in India has been
increased from above 50000000 in 2007 to above 15000000 in 2012.
Reasons Behind Traffic Congestion:
Inadequacy of traffic police:
Traffic police in Talegaon Dabhade is inadequate in numbers compared to other
mega cities in Maharashtra. All the cross roads need at least four traffic
police at a time whereas in Talegaon it is seen that the number of traffic
police are always short and due to the lacking of proper instruction the
vehicles are getting trapped in traffic. Only two traffic police are working in
the city which is inadequate.
Narrow Roads:
Streets of Talegaon are not that wide spread, due to illegal possession on the
road they are getting narrow and becoming a reason behind traffic jam. So every
possibility is there to expand the road as per their right of way to reduce
traffic congestion. Moreover this will be less time consuming due to land
acquisition won't be required in this process.
Illegal Parking:
Illegal Parking on the road has been creating congestion every day from petrol
pump to Indrayani College, a distance of around one kilometer. On-road parking
of vehicles is one of the main reasons behind serious traffic congestion on
different parts of the Talegaon city.
Increasing number of population:
All the areas under Talegaon city are facing an increasing number of population
which is a bad indicator for the traffic management and this could be a vital
reason behind traffic.
Higher Purchasing power of the public:
Due to the higher purchasing power of the citizen of Talegaon Dabhade city the
popularity of private transportation is increasing and but existing roads and
highway are not supportive or changing according to the increasing number of
vehicle. As a result vehicle congestion is increasing at an alarming rate.
Improper planning of city development:
Development Plan has its long term city development planning. But that planning
is not proper. Most of the time it is seen that some illegally ceased roadside
land, but due to the vague development plan these kinds of movements are going
in vain.
Impacts Of Congestion:
Congestion involves slower speeds, queuing and increased trip times, which
impose higher costs on the economy and also generate impacts on urban regions
and their inhabitants. Congestion also has a range of indirect impacts including
the marginal environmental and resource impacts of congestion, impacts on
quality of life, stress, safety as well as impacts on non-vehicular road space
users such as the users of sidewalks and road frontage properties.
There are some more serious social effects of congestion on the environment are
listed here:
Congestion means just waste of valuable time and health. The time wasted in
congestion could effectively be used in doing dome productive work.
The sudden stop and go driving pattern in the congestion leads to the more fuel
consumption in the city and thereby increasing the pollution level in the city
by emitting more carbon into the environment.
Traffic congestion causes noise of high level (more than 90 dB) which causes
environment unpleasant.
The slow speed of vehicles in the traffic jams also leads to the emission of the
oxides of nitrogen and some hydrocarbons which is major culprit of a term known
as photo chemical smog.
If we drive frequently, traffic congestion can be a major headache. There are
some simple driving techniques and with the few simple techniques, we can also
be a part of the solution. Gap must be maintained between the cars. Every time
when we tap our brakes then the cars behind us will also tap the brakes. So gap
must be maintained between the cars. If another car slows down or tries to
merge, we should have enough room to slow down without braking suddenly.
Consistent speed must be maintained like we should know our speed limit or we
should go according to the traffic. Changing lanes too often must be avoided. We
should allow other drivers to merge into the lane. Attention must be paid to
road conditions. And the final thing is avoid taking your eyes off the road.
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