Hybrid ADR
With the passage of time , there have been a tremendous increase in the
number of cases that came up before the judiciary .And such a saddled situation
lead to delay and often deny of justice , breach of social peace and trust in
judiciary , basically it created a vandalistic effect on society . Thus ,
incorporation of ADR mechanism to Indian legal system was a great relief for
Judiciary and such other legal bodies . As an extension , Hybrid Dispute
Resolution System is also put into practice .A hybrid dispute resolution
process combines elements of two or more traditionally separate processes into
one. The prominent and most frequented adopted Hybrid ADR mechanism are
Special Master, Mediation-Arbitration , Arbitration- Mediation , Conciliation
– Arbitration and such other interesting permutations are also available . This
paper discusses about various hybrid ADR techniques , the relevancy of Hybrid
Resolution mechanism in India and abroad , its relative efficiency ,its
advantages and disadvantages over other ADR mechanism etc.
Hybrid ADR
The word Hybrid signifiesa thing composed of incongruous elements , or the
offspring oftwo different species or varieties . Hybrid ADR is a branch of ADR , in which two stand alone dispute resolution methods are combined to
arrive at a specific resolution or decision . other hybrid processes are
generally used where parties believe a given dispute is likely to require
elements of two or more processes, or where they believe that an individual or
forum is available who has the skills necessary to enact more than one process,
with a consequent saving of time and expense.
Let usnow have a look at different types of Hybrid ADR mechanisms.
Mediation - Arbitration
This is a combination of mediation and arbitration that begins with a standard
mediation . In the event that parties are unable to reach an agreement on all
the outstanding issues , the remaining issues will be resorted to arbitration .
Arbitration proceeds after the parties have executed a mediation settlement
resolving as any issues as possible. This process allows for additional
discovery. Further , knowing that unresolved issues in the dispute will proceed
to arbitration can increase parties incentive to collaborate on a solution
during mediation phase .
Sam Kagelwas the first to coin this alternate dispute resolution mechanism; it
was he who first hybridized the two-methods (mediation and arbitration) into one
(Med-Arb) for settling a controversial San Francisco nurses’ strike in the
Different forms of Med-Arb Mechanism
Overlapping Med-Arb:
This Med-Arb variant involves use of separate neutrals, each responsible for one
phase of the process. Arbitrator in this Med-Arb method attends the mediation as
observer during plenary exchanges, where only the mediator engages privately
with the parties. The arbitrator although witnesses joint exchanges and reviews
shared documents throughout the mediation phase, but without access to private
communication. If dispute gets settled vide mediation then the agreement is
drawn and the arbitration phase is abandoned. If the parties don’t reach an
amicable resolution then, the mediator steps out and the arbitrator, already
familiar with much of the dispute, takes the charge. The only drawback qua this
method of ADR is that, the mediation takes place under the attentive eye of the
arbitrator, thus the mediating parties tend to act vigilantly, not indulging
themselves with private/confidential exchange of information with the mediator,
out of the fear of award contamination.
Plenary Med-Arb:
This Med-Arb variant involves engagement of a single neutral following the
accepted Med-Arb procedures, with prohibition on the neutral to engage in
private communication with any party; thus, the neutral is to rely exclusively
on plenary/formal communication and document exchange. This format of
disallowingex partecommunications effectively eliminates the concerns of award
contamination. The major drawback qua this method of ADR is that, it adversely
strikes at the very root of the mediation jurisprudence, which ideates that,
candid and honest private communication with the mediator is essential for
successful mediation.
Braided Med-Arb:
This Med-Arb variant involves use of a single neutral following the accepted
mediation and arbitration procedures, with the additional elbow-room for
interrupting the arbitration phase with subsequent mediation efforts, asking or
allowing parties to pursue voluntary agreement. In Braided Med-Arb, parties are
allowed to mediate their dispute throughout the arbitration phase. The only
drawback qua this method of ADR is the perceived ‘settlement pressure’ that the
parties might face from the neutral.
Optional Withdrawal Med-Arb:
This Med-Arb variant involves use of a single neutral with the disputing parties
having the autonomy to withdraw themselves from the dispute resolution process
post the mediation phase. The allowance of an opt-out provision protects the
notion of voluntary participation of the disputing parties. However, this
Optional Withdrawal Med-Arb undermines the practical benefit that Med-Arb
provides, that is, finality qua the resolution of disputes between the parties.
This is the converse of Med- Arb . It starts will an Arbitration , whereby the
arbitrator will pass an arbitral award , which is kept sealed and later proceeds
with mediation .If the mediation is successful, the settlement agreement
between the parties governs the resolution of the dispute and the arbitral
award is never unsealed. However, if mediation fails to settle all issues, the
arbitral award will be disclosed to deliver it to the parties to resolve the
The parties decide who will serve as mediator and as arbitrator. The arbitrator
likely already knows the issues, having been present for the mediation, which
saves both time and money. The med/arb process is informal, quick, and cost
effective. A mediator with decision-making authority reduces bravado by either
side.In Arb-Med the parties might take the mediator’s suggestions as providing
a glimpse of the already sealed award, and may thus be helpful in enabling them
to reach agreement.
Arb-Med has been proposed for use in the United States in the airline industry,
where Med-Arb led to the average negotiation period to renew a standard airline
contract taking more than a year. To negotiate an initial contract took over 2½
years. It was suggested that Arb-Med would remedy this situation because there
would be a rapid arbitration with a final and binding decision, to be followed
by mediation during a finite time period, which may be shortened if the
arbitrator serves as the mediator
Advantages of MED-ARB AND ARB-MED
·Cost Effective
·Relatively speedy
·Ensures certainty that dispute will be resolved
·The parties are at liberty to put a time limit on that in their Med-Arb
or Arb-Med agreement. If they use only mediation, they run the risk of not
settling all the issues in dispute. If they use only arbitration, they know that
all the issues will be resolved but they deprive themselves of the creative
options their own negotiated settlement agreement might provide.
·In the mediation phase of these hybrids, any “suggestions†by the
mediator may carry more weight than in mediation alone: in Med-Arb the mediator
will have the final say as arbitrator if the dispute is unresolved and in Arb-Med
the parties might take the mediator’s suggestions as providing a glimpse of the
already sealed award, and may thus be helpful in enabling them to reach
·One study reported in 2002 in the Journal of Applied Psychology
examined the impact of Med-Arb and Arb-Med on various dispute outcomes involving
three disputant structures (individual v. individual, individual v. team, and
team v. team). The authors found that disputants in the Arb-Med procedure
settled in the mediation phase more frequently and achieved settlements of
higher joint benefit than did disputants in the Med-Arb procedure. They
concludedthat Arb-Med may have broader applicability than originally imagined .
Arbitration-Mediation –Arbitration (AMA)
AMA is a hybrid mechanism that combines arbitration and mediation , similar to
Med-Arb . The claimant initiates arbitration and files a notice of arbitration
and he respondent files a response. And then tribunal is constituted but
immediately stays the proceedings. The parties attempt to settle their disputes
by way of mediation. If the mediation is successful, the tribunal enters a
consent award. If the mediation is not successful, the parties are referred back
to arbitration.
Mini Trials
A private mini-trial (also known as an executive settlement conference) is a
settlement technique used outside the court system, and typically involves two
levels of non-binding evaluation. The first evaluation is conducted by a panel
of senior business executives. These executives have authority to settle, but
they are not involved in the problem or the litigation strategy. They hear a
condensed presentation of essential evidence and argument by the opposing
lawyers, and then evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of each side’s
position. This panel of executives is perceived as being detached from the
controversy of the case and less subject to influence, and therefore more able
to fashion settlement options beyond the payment of money. The second evaluation
is conducted by a neutral third party. This individual listens to the condensed
presentation of the case with senior executives, and then provides a non-binding
opinion of the case, if asked, or will act as a mediator or facilitator for the
negotiation phase. A mini-trial is an off-the-record process that results in a
non-binding opinion of what would be a likely outcome at trial. Any judge that
officiates at a mini-trial will not be assigned the case should it go to trial.
This process is voluntary, and in Alberta it is consensual. Mini-trials are
usually reserved for complex cases with high dollar amounts at stake. They are
viewed as an expedited resolution benefiting from the input of an expert, which
in turn reduces costs. Mini-trials are also thought to improve relationships
between the parties.
Even where the mini-trial does not produce a settlement, the process is itself
seen as a significant step toward later negotiation. Since the disclosure of
facts may clarify the claim’s loss potential for the company, the confidential
aspect of the mini-trail and its structured environment allows the parties
greater control over whether to disclose sensitive information. Another
significant advantage is that mini-trials are non-binding, as opposed to
arbitration where the parties relinquish their right to later litigation. Yet
another advantage is that mini-trials take only one or two days to complete,
whereas arbitration can take much longer.
Complete Online Dispute Resolution (C-ODR)
A disruptive innovation in the ADR and legal areas that allows for accurate,
efficient and affordable dispute resolution services process completely via the
Cloud. This waspioneered by Arbitration Resolution Services.
Fact Finding
As the name implies, a neutral is asked to find the facts in a tightly defined
area. In theory, once the facts are determined, the parties will then work out a
settlement. For example, a fact-finder might be brought in by the parties to
issue a report on an allegation of sexual harassment. Usual, the fact-finder’s
report is not binding and may or may not be admissible in subsequent
In the recent years there has been a climatic change in the justice delivering
system in India . Though judiciary or the process of litigation remains to be
efficient , trustworthy and the most resorted means to secure justice or settle
disputes , in the past few decades there was a re-emergence of certain
pre-existed dispute resolution mechanisms which further enhanced the glory of
Indian legal system . Thus it doubtlessly concluded that , hybrid resolution
mechanisms and other existing ADR modes are great assets of legal system , that
have served great relief on pressure that mounts up on judiciary .
# Shivam Goel , Med-Arb : A Novel ADR Approach ,https://tilakmarg.com/opinion/med-arb-a-novel-adr-approach/
# Alan L. Limbury, Hybrid Dispute Resolution Processes – Getting the Best while
Avoiding the Worst of Both Worlds?https://www.cedr.com/about_usarbitration_commission/Hybrids
# Christopher Honeyman , Hybrid Processes,https://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/
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# Nandidni Gore , The Viewpoint : Med- Arb and Arb – Med – The way
# George Friedman, A new Form of ADR , A brief Overview https:// www.
# Backer McKenzie ,Arb-Med-Arb: what is it and how can it help the parties to
solve their disputes efficiently?, https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=ffa5d715-f4b4-4cc0-af45-b3a7dc6a0789
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