Property, as a legal social institution, has different forms in different
cultures and legal systems. However, only a definition of constitutional
property is common in all democratic countries. Since the state exercises
eminent domain power against private property, it is pertinent to discuss the
concept of private property in brief. The institution of private property has
been a controversial issue with conflicting views, one completely denying the
right to own private property and the other supports the holding of the private
However, the right to property is a natural and inherent right of an individual.
Most of the modern constitutions, except those of communist countries have recognised the right
of private property. Therefore, citizens have right to own
and possess the property. This right of individual conflicts with the right of
state to acquire property. A person has a right not to be deprived of his
property except through due process of law.
International Relevance
Which states in Article 5 that everyone has the right to equality before the law
without distinction as to race, colour and national or ethnic origin, including
the “right to own property alone as well as in association with others†and “the
right to inheritâ€.
The convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against women recognises the property rights in Article 16, which establishes the same right
for both spouses to ownership, acquisition, management, administration,
enjoyment and disposition of property, and Article15, which establishes women’s
right to conclude contracts.
These international human rights instruments for minorities do not establish a
separate right to property, but prohibit discrimination in relation to property
rights where such rights are guaranteed.
Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) enshrines the
right to property as follows:
(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property
The object of the right to property as it is usually understood nowadays,
consists of property already owned or possessed, or of property acquired or to
be acquired by a person through lawful means. Not on opposition but in contrast
to this, some proposals also defend a universal right to private property, in
the sense of a right to every person to effectively receive a certain amount of
property, grounded in a claim to Earth’s natural resources or other theories of
Indian Relevance
Constitution of India
In India, no fundamental right has given rise to so much of litigation than
property right between state and individuals. Through the Supreme Court of India
sought to expend the scope and ambit of right of property, but it has been
progressively curtailed through constitutional amendments. The Indian version of
eminent domain has found in entry 42 List III, which says “acquisition or
requisition of propertyâ€. Under the original Constitution Article 19(1)(f) and
31 provides for protection of property right and later they were repealed and
Article 300A was inserted. Accordingly no person shall be deprived of his
property save by the authority of law. However, regarding right to property what
kind of protection given by the US Constitution under Article 300A. For better
understanding of Article 19(1)(f) and 31 along with constitutional amendments.
Article 31(2) of the constitution provides for compulsory Acquisition of land.
The power of eminent domain is essential to the sovereign government. The
provisions of the fifth amendment to the constitution of the United states is
that private property cannot be taken for public use without just compensation.
The principle of compulsory acquisition of property is founded on superior
claims of the whole community over an individual citizen, is applicable only in
those cases where private property is wanted for public use or demanded for the
public welfare. Accordingly, the right of eminent domain does not imply a right
in the sovereign power to take the property of one citizen and transfer it to
another, even for a full compensation where the public interest will be in no
way promoted by such transfer. The limitation on the power of eminent domain is
that the acquisition or taking possession of property must be for a public
purpose has been expressly engrafted in clause (2) of Article 31 of the
constitution of India.
No property shall be compulsorily acquired or requisitioned save for a public
The Supreme Court pointed out in State of Bihar V. Kameshwar Singh case
that Article 31(2), as it stood before the amendment did not expressly make, the
existence of ‘public purpose’ a condition precedent to the power of acquisition,
but it was an essential ingredient of eminent domain, and the clause proceeded
on the assumption that acquisition can be for a public purpose. After a scrutiny
of the authorities, Das J. in Kameshwar Singh case, reached the conclusion that
no hard and fast definition of “public purpose†can be laid down for its
concept, it has been rapidly changing in all countries, he formulated as a
working definition, that whatever furthers the general interest of the
community, as opposes to the particular interest of the individual must be
regarded as a public purpose.
Judicial Opinion
Dwarkadas Srinivas v. Sholapur Spinning and Weaving Co. Ltd., the
Sholapur Spinning and Weaving Co. Act of 1950 enabled the government to take
control of the property to Sholapur Spinning and Weaving Company. The question
was whether the Act was invalid as it did not provide for compensation. The
government did not acquire the property therefore government was contended that
Article 31 clause (2) providing for compensation did not apply since only clause
(1) applied any authorized law was sufficient to deprive a person property
right. As clause (1) authorizes any deprivation of property under authority of
The learned Chief Justice would postulate that the limiting power thereof is
correct by clause (2). The Supreme Court held that the Sholapur Spinning and
Weaving Company Act 1950 was void. Article 31 clause (1) and (2) should be read
together. So when there is deprivation of property, though there is no
acquisition by the state clause (2) applied and compensation becomes payable.
Hence, any deprivation of property should be:
(1) Authorized by law; (Article 31 clause 1)
(2) Necessitated by a public purpose; (Article 31 Clause 2)
(3) Subject to payment of compensation.
Saghir Ahmed v. State of Uttar Pradesh issue was based on the Road
Transport Act, 1951, which vested in the state government the road transport
services in the interest of the general public. Supreme Court held that the Act
was unconstitutional as it offended the provisions of Article 31(2) of the
constitution. The fact that passenger buses of the appellant had not been
acquired or might not have been deprived but they were depriving their business
of running buses for hire on public roads. Following the Shollapur case
discussed above, the Supreme Court held that depriving a person of his interest
in a commercial undertaking even though state did not acquire or take possession
of it, attracted the provisions of Article 31(2).
State of West Bengal v. Subodh Gopal Bose is the third case relevant to
the present discussion. This case made it quite clear that the obligation of
paying compensation arose only where the state action resulted in the
substantial deprivation of private property of the individual. The Supreme Court
held that the abridgment of right was not amount to substantial deprivation of
the right to property within the meaning of Article 31. The West Bengal Revenue
Sales Act 1859 was declared void by the Supreme Court as it infringed Article 31
of the constitution. The judgement in this case shed new light on the extent of
protection of property rights under the constitution Patanjali Sastri C.J.
observed that the constitution made a definite break with the old order and
introduced new concepts in regard to many matters, particularly relating to word
‘acquisition’ which is used in narrow sense in the constitution it might have
used in same sense in pre constitutional legislation.
Chiranjit Lal's case it was held that Article 19(1) (f) would continue until the
owner deprived of such property by authority of law under Article 31. If there
was ‘deprivation’ of property under clause (1) if Article 31 by law, the citizen
was not entitled to compensate at all, while he was entitled to compensation if
property was acquired or requisitioned under clause (2) upon the point as to
what is ‘deprivation’ there was conflict. In Kochunni's case court made
it clear that clause (1) dealt with deprivation of property other than acquisition or
requisition as mentioned in the clause (2) and other could be no acquisition or
requisition unless there was transfer of ownership or a right to possession to
the state or its nominee.
Regional Mechanism
After failed attempt to include the right to protection of property in the
European Convention on Human Rights European states enshrined the right to
protection of property in Article 1 of protocol I to the ECHR as the “right to
peaceful enjoyment of possessionsâ€. Therefore, European Human rights law
recognises the right to peaceful enjoyment of property, makes deprivation of
possessions subject to certain conditions, and recognises that states can
balance the right to peaceful possession of property against the public
interest. The European court of Human Rights has interpreted “possessions†to
include not only tangible property, but also economic interest, contractual
agreements which economic value, compensation claims against the state and
public law related claims such as pensions. The European Court of Human Rights
has held that the right to property is not absolute and states have a wide
degree of discretion to limit the rights.
Latin America
When the text of the UDHR was negotiated Latin American states argued that the
right to property should be limits to the protection of private property
necessary for subsistence. Their suggestion was opposed, but was enshrined in
the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, which was negotiated
at the same time and adopted one year before the UDHR in 1948. The American
Convention on Human Rights (ACHR) recognizes the right to protection of
property, including the right to “just compensationâ€. The ACHR also
prohibits usury and other exploitation, which is unique amongst human rights
Indian experiences and conception of property and wealth have a very different
historical basis than that of western countries. The fact the present system of
property as we know arises out of the peculiar developments in Europe in the
17th to 18th century and therefore its experiences were universally not
applicable. A still more economic area in which the answer is both difficult and
important is the definition of proper rights. The notion of property as it has
developed over centuries and it has embodies in our legal codes, has become so
much a part of us that we tend to take it for granted, and fail to recognize the
extent to which just what constitutes property and what rights the ownership of
property confers are complex social creations rather than self evident
This also seems to be the hidden reason why the right to property is suddenly
much contested throughout India today and why the state is coming up
unexpectedly against huge resistance from unexpected quarters in attempting to
acquire Land in India. The action of the state to assert the Eminent Domain over
http subsidiary claims on property and the clash which resulted there from
Singur, Nandigram and other parts of India is precisely a manifestation of a
clash of cultures. That right inproperty are basic civil rights has long been
recognised. This again would show that if the fundamental rights to freedom of
speech or personal liberty pertains to basic structure, there is every reason
that the fundamental right to property should also pertain to it, as the former
set of rights could have no meaning without the latter. Protection of freedom
depends ultimately upon the protection of Independence, which can only be
secured, if property is made secure.
Constitutional Validity of Land Acquisition In India
The Outlook of Land Acquisition Bill
Land Acquisition - A Critical Analysis
Compensation on Acquisition of Agricultural and Non- Agricultural Land
Company: Meaning and Interpretation under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894
Constitutional Validity of the Land Acquisition Act, 1984
Land Acquisition for SEZ
Land Acquisition Act - Under the Scanner of the Supreme Court
Tenancy Reforms in India
To SEZ or not to SEZ
Mesne Profit
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