In case of any disputes, most international agreements have an arbitration
clause with regards to settlement of such disputes. However, not much is
discussed about how to go about such an international arbitration proceeding,
and parties usually assume that it’s a standard clause in every business
contract. But there are many other factors which need consideration and proper
discussion by both parties in order to make sure that both parties are on the
same page. Factors such as what law is to be made applicable, which country’s
arbitration regulations are to be followed, what should be the language used and
code of conduct must be negotiated upon before the arbitration clause can be
duly inserted in any contract.
When it comes to deciding upon the applicable law, parties to an international
agreement must decide in a 3-fold manner, i.e., what law will govern the
agreement, what law will govern the arbitration and, in the end, what law will
regulate the conduct of such arbitration proceedings.[i]
When it comes to deciding upon the place of arbitration, two concepts come into
play, which are different from each other, namely seat and venue. The seat of
arbitration is decided upon in the arbitration contract. When parties decide
upon such a seat, they also decide to submit their arbitration to the judicial
supervision of the courts under whom the seat falls. [ii]As regards to the
venue, the venue can be any as long as the seat of arbitration is unaffected.
When it comes to deciding upon the number of arbitrators, only odd number of
arbitrators are permitted. Even number of arbitrators are not permitted under
most legal systems. As per the UNICTRAL rule, if the clause regarding number of
arbitrators to be appointed is absent from the arbitration contract, the
standard rule of appointing 3 arbitrators is followed, 2 which are appointed by
both the parties individually, and one presiding officer which is appointed by
both the arbitrators. However, parties can also choose to appoint a solo
Parties are also supposed to provide for the procedure as regards the
appointment of arbitrators in the arbitration clause. Such process can be ad-hoc
or institutional. In the ad-hoc process, the parties are free to nominate 2
arbitrators of their choice and the 3rd (presiding officer) is appointed by both
of these arbitrators. However as per the institutional system of appointing
arbitrators, an institution is responsible for such appointment. For example, in
India, the Supreme court allots arbitrators for international arbitration
proceedings. A mix of these 2 systems can also be followed, in which each party
is free to nominate any arbitrator provided by such an institution.
Deciding upon the language of arbitration proceedings is also a must. English
being a widely spoken language across the globe is usually the language or
international arbitration proceedings. But if the arbitration contract has no
mention of such a preferred language, any party may insist on the usage of any
other language other than English.
In conclusion, both parties to an international arbitration must make sure that
all these factors are duly considered are discussed before inserting the
arbitration clause in the business contract so as to avoid any scope of
confusion or misconceptions.
- Bharat Aluminium Company vs. Kaiser Aluminium Technical Services Inc,
- Anil Chawla Law Associates LLP, Guide For Arbitration Clause In
International Agreements In India (2017)