The Blurry Line Between Defamation And Role Of Media
The scope of this article extends to how media and defamation are connected with
each other. This article gives an idea about how any of the information
published by media can lead to defamation of the concerned person. It also
includes the constitutional aspect related to media law and the responsibilities
of the media.
History Of Defamation
The evolution of the concept defamation came with the continuous conflict
between the protection of character and the privacy of individuals and on other
hand the right to freedom of speech and expression. The seriousness of the issue
was raised due to the enactment of the human rights act, 1998 which brought the
rights of freedom under article 10 of European convention on human right (ECHR).
With the Derbyshire country council V. Times newspaper, the need to protect
someone's reputation has been given great importance under English law. Law of
defamation basically gives protection from lowering someone's reputation to the
public at large. But the main question is that to what extent are the words
spoken or written are considered as defamation? However the claim of defamation
must prove the statement was defamatory and was published at large degrading the
reputation of the concerned party. The next step will be the relevance of the
claim and the statement passed. It is very necessary that defamation is
correlated with the effect of the statement published at large and the relevance
should be there of the claimant and the statement.
Therefore looking at the certainty of the offence, proceeding to the relation of
the media and defamation has to be approached in a sensitive way. The working
of media is very responsible work and it holds a large bulk of information.
Thus there is a very thin line of difference between information and defamatory
statement and in this, the work of media has to be kept very
With the daily development, various sources and technologies of communication
are being developed. For instance, internet has been the favourite among all in
the present time, as say social media has became a huge platform for
communication worldwide. Looking at the Indian perspective, in communicating to
the public at large, media has played a vital role in that area. With the
development in technologies, media has also been developed in its each phase. In
the modern time it is very necessary that the public is made aware with the
happenings of the country especially in any democratic country. Whereas to play
this media has a large stake in communicating with the public at large. As said,
if the tree is nurtured in a proper way then it will definitely give the proper
fruit. The same way if the media is used in a proper way then it can be helpful
at its extreme. Media is a platform of highest scope for communicating with
people, but looking into the box of the Indian laws, some of the restricted
lines are also drawn for the media. Laws of media basically speaks about the
liberty and restrictions for the media of India.
In a democratic country like India there are certain fundamental right for
citizen in which under Article 19(1)(a)- Right of speech and expression is one
of them. This right is however subject to various restrictions under Article
19(2); defamation being one of them. However it is a universal principle that no
right is absolute and right to freedom of speech and expression is no exception.
Basically €˜defamation leads to the action of damaging the good reputation of
someone'. While under IPC defamation is considered as an offence. If seen the
other way in general terms defamation is the publication of a false and
defamatory statement concerning another without just cause or excuse, whereby he
suffers injury to his reputation. Further in relation to the media law, the
question arises as to which production of news amounts to defamation and which
holds the protection of freedom of speech and expression. Media plays a very
vital role in reaching to the people through the means of news and communicating
them to the public large. It is the obligation of media that whatever news they
are printing or broadcasting includes a fairness in approach and doesn't have a
biased approach. Within the purview of media law, one can't escape on a ground
that he didn't know what to publish and what not to. Whether it is print media
or broadcasting media, one has to keep in mind the publication doesn't lead to a
defamatory statement. The position of a journalist leads to the same cup as they
can be charged of an offence while following their role, they hold the same as
others sector. The owner, compositor or word-setter, editor, publisher and the
author are all responsible, because they are the bodies accepting the bunch of
matters to be published. Ignorance and mistake of act can't be used as defences
over here. The liability of the editor or chief editor subject to the case may
be, for the publication of any news material, will depend upon the allegation
and proof regarding the part played by him, in the selection and publication of
a news material.
To publish is to add to the intelligence of the reader, or to inform or make
known to him something. To publish a defamatory statement or any matter or any
news is to make it known to any other person that the one defamed, with that
even a single communication will suffice but it must have been done to a third
person because to communicate a matter is technically the object of defamation
which at the end amounts to defamatory statement. A defamatory matter may be
communicated through a means which reaches to the other party.
However legislature gives room for the exceptions in the matters. Defamation
holds the following defences- (i) plea of truth, (ii) fair comment, (iii)
privilege, (iv) apology and withdrawal and (v) consent. If these are the cases
then the matter or the statement doesn't lead to defamation or a defamatory
Media Law And Defamation
It is very important that any of the published news is within the purview of the
ethics of the media person or the journalists. One should see that the
information communicated leads to truthfulness and leads the mass in a proper
direction and doesn't create a negative impact. In a society the law endows
every person with a right to maintain and preserve his reputation. The right of
reputation is acknowledged as an inherent personal right of every person. A
man's reputation is his property and perhaps more valuable than any property.
In the Bhagwad Gita, For a man of honour a defamation is worse than death €. It
is considered as great evil. Reputation is a important and integral part of the
dignity of individual and right to reputation is an inherent right guaranteed
under article 21 and it is also called natural rights. Defamation is injury to
the reputation of a person. The essence of defamation lies in the fact that it
is an injury to the esteem or regard in which one is held by others. The legal
system of India constitutes defamatory statement as a offence.
Constitutional Aspect
The constitutional aspect of the media law involves to certain fundamental
freedoms. There is no direct freedom given in concerned with media law but
indirect freedom falls under the Article 19. This article gives the freedom of
speech and if seen in relation to media, Article 19(1) enumerates the freedom of
speech and expression. This fundamental right plays a very vital role in
relation to the freedom of media. The right given to the media person also
brings some of the restrictions to it. One can't use the right to its extreme,
the other laws has to be kept with it at the time of implementation.
Case Laws
In Sakal Papers ltd. V. Union of India[1], in this case, the Daily
Newspapers Order, 1960, which fixed a minimum price and number of pages, which a
newspaper is entitled to publish, was challenged as unconstitutional. The state
justified the law as a reasonable restriction on a business activity of a
citizen. The Supreme Court struck down the order rejecting the state's argument.
The court opined that, the right of freedom of speech and expression couldn't be
taken away with the object of placing restrictions on the business activity of
the citizens. Freedom of speech can be restricted only on the grounds mentioned
in clause (2) of Article 19.
· In K. A. Abbas V. Union of India[2], the petitioner for the first time
challenged the validity of censorship as violative of his fundamental right of
speech and expression. The supreme court however observed that, pre- censorship
of films under the Cinematography Act was justified under Article 19(2) on the
grounds that films has to be treated separately from other forms of art and
expression because a motion picture was able to stir up emotions more deeply and
thus, classification of films between two categories €˜A'(for adults only) and €˜U'(for
all) was brought about.
Media Responsibility
Media has always been a leader in communicating to the people, irrespective to
any forms of media. The news which is communicated by the media is at a very
great influential level. Therefore any news which leads to a doubt can create a
chaos worldwide. Any form of media before publishing it at public platform
should properly be analysed and should not leave any doubt of conflict regarding
its truthfulness. It is the moral duty of the media to serve the nation with a
clear cut surety of news. Media should show the picture of the actual problem to
the citizens and let them decide whether the successive step is correct or not
rather than stating the conclusive statement. It is not the duty of the media to
give a conclusive statement of any of the issue and make people dominate towards
that statement through the circulation. Specially in a democratic nation
environment, the citizens are the main pillar of the nation. Therefore any wrong
impact or any influential information in a negative manner creates a great
problem towards the future of the nation. Before any of the statutory rights, it
a moral duty of the media to safeguard the power of media by accessing it within
its ambit of jurisdiction and not creating an evil impact on the nation.
Looking towards the statutory powers, there is no €˜explicit' right given to the
freedom of media. While under Article 19(1)(a) the right to freedom of speech
and expression and under Article 21 the right to life and liberty is
Further looking at the other laws which restricts the powers of the freedom of
speech and expression is under IPC; sec 499 which states the €˜defamation'
compiled with sections 500,501,502 of IPC issuing to the punishment of the level
of the offence committed. The statutory provisions are framed for the legal
regulations to curb the regulating of the fake information to the mass. The
Information Technology Act also regulates the online platform of media by
framing the regulations based on the offences that are committed online. It is
very important that when people at large are dependent on a social platform and
is also a great source of communication then right information is released. The
Information Technology Act also regulates the offences pertaining to any of the
misuse of the technology which also give a hand to the use of social media.
Along with the other statutory laws, the IT act should also be amended with the
day by day upcoming misuse of the media. Lastly it is in the hands of media to
disseminate information and in what manner such information should reach the
public. The information should be open ended and not a conclusive statement that
leaves any of the impression on the minds of the users.
Drawing up the conclusion, if self regulation is done by media, the
responsibilities are carried as it should be then the question of legal
regulations would not arise. If the situation is not within the ambit of the
self regulation then the chapter of legal regulations has to be looked upon for
the justification. Therefore, it is the moral as well as legal responsibility of
the media to act as per the code of ethics of media in functioning of their
The co- relation of media and defamation cannot be concluded to the end as it is
wide topic having a broad perspective. Media is a sector which is connected with
each and every field, therefore it is very necessary that every aspect of the
media is looked upon. With the interest in every field, it has to be seen that
the information revealed is truthful and defamation does not occur. Defamation
and media are two paths of the same road. The usefulness of both the terms has
to be done in such a way that they don't overlap each other and as a result
defamation is not committed. It is very necessary that any information made at a
mass level should be beyond reasonable doubt and as media performs that stage
each and every time, the role of media becomes very crucial. In a democratic
country like India, journalism holds the maximum influential towards the
citizens of country. Therefore, if malafide information or the slightest of
doubt arises from the information telecasted then there would be an adverse
impact. It has to be seen that the people forming their views based on the
information telecast are not influenced adversely. Though being a wide sector,
it could be concluded that defamation and media are two sides of the same coin,
but the measure that should be taken is that they don't overlap each other and
should perform within its self imposed limits.
[1] 1962 AIR 305, 1962 SCR (3) 842
[2] 1971 AIR 481, 1971 SCR (2) 446
About The Author
Rutu Mistry - 4th year, L J School of law, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
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