Numerous conventions, treaties, International agreements make Space Law, the
only legal structure which regulates activities in space. Still unclear about
the extent the universe is spread through, but Space Law is applied to every
celestial body, which means all planets, asteroids, and moons. It seemed that
there was a need for a regulatory for activities in space after the Soviet Union
launched their satellite Sputnik in the year 1957, not just their first
satellite but Sputnik was the first artificial-satellite ever launched by the
United Nation then immediately saw a need to introduce an international
understanding of the use of space when the United States of America and U.S.S.R
began their race for the Moon; the preponderance for Space Law has been growing
since then.
The Outer Space Treaty was introduced on 27th January 1967, and was declared to
be a branch of International Law. Few principles on which the Outer Space Treaty
was propounded were to maintain:
- Freedom of use and exploration of outer space.
- Non-appropriation of outer space.
- Protection of astronauts.
- Authorisation and supervision of private space operations.
- Responsibility for potential damages caused by space objects, and
- Jurisdiction and control.
Few years into its adoption, Space law has encountered a significant change in
the year 1980, when States were making national laws regulating space activities
which were in operation by private companies. While the international legal
framework for space activities still in existence, it was observed that national
regulations were governing the activities by the companies and international
regulation remains general. In France all space activities fall under LOI n°
2008-518 du 3 juin 2008 relative aux opérations spatiales[1], which is a French
authority regulating private operations in space.
In later years there was active involvement of the entrepreneurs hoping to
develop this field. Countries like the United States of America holding a space
regulation of their own let the private companies and its involvement in space
Introduction of national regulations on space activities created uncertainty
between the national and international existing frameworks.
Gradually the importance of the international framework was seen diminishing. We
can refer to with an example of Elon Musk launching his personal Tesla Roadster
car to mars with the help of his SpaceX rocket Falcon Heavy. This launch was of
a belief that it was primarily to showcase the industry’s capability[2].
There were many criticisms made by renowned professionals questioning the
reasons to execute this mission and its acceptance by the Government of the
United States of America.
Here we can encounter the fact that the national regulations were not per the
international frameworks. Evidently, there is minimum control by the
international framework over the national laws. Having control of one
international framework over national laws is crucial when it comes to the
matter of common areas like space and sea.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) a department of U.S.A government
needs the satellites to maintain a radio spectrum and the satellite has to take
a license from the Federal Aviation Association (FAA) which ensures that the
mission is not causing damage to humans. It was then observed that the Tesla
mission was launched because they have confirmed there will be no damage to any
celestial bodies or satellites in space.
But it does not hold any beneficial
factor to the people. That leads to neglect of the articles of the Outer Space
Treaty which mentioned that any activity in space should be beneficial to
people. This raised further concerns that there is an immediate need of legal
provisions on an international level where the activities are governed and the
said provisions should be backed by sanction.
In October 2016 an announcement was made by a micronation called
Asgardia[3] also known as The Space Kingdom of Asgardia. The founder of this
nation is Igor Ashurbeyli, who is a Russian scientist. This nation is formed by
a group of people who were successful in launching a satellite named Asgardia-1
into the earth’s lower earth orbit (LEO) where they have already declared
sovereignty over the space the satellite has occupied.
- They have made a constitution of their own.
- The nation has adopted a constitution and will access outer space[4].
- A company has been incorporated on the name of Asgardia AG[5] and is
being marketed to people to buy their shares, which in turn will be used to fund
the project.
- The citizens are called Asgardians.
- Plans to permanently settle on the moon by 2043.
The Asgardia-1 satellite was sent into space with the help of few U.S based
companies and NASA has funded this mission. It was also clearly mentioned that
Asgardia is not going partner with any Outer Space Treaty signatories to state a
reason that they do not fall under the restrictions imposed by the treaty.
A group of members appropriating the area occupied in space questions the extent
of power the Outer Space Treaty and the governing authorities can impose on
activities like these. It has also raised many questions if Asgardia was
competent enough to be recognized as a state, as it lacks a stable population,
boundary, Government and an ability to enter into contracts with other states.
The author tends to believe there’s a compelling need for the introduction of
statutes or treaties binding all nations for proper use of outer space, treaties
Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and
Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (Outer Space
Treaty) and the Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and
Other Celestial Bodies (The Moon Treaty) were created in the years the 1960s and
1980s and the treaties bear numerous loopholes, as to execute its power over the
nations who are planning any space activity which might be against the
framework, any activities related to the appropriation of space, or an activity
which has no benefit for the humans. Current governing authority the United
Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs has to see to what extent the national
regulations are following the international framework and to see the space
entrepreneurs make sure to follows the imminent statutes.
Many scholars believe there is no environment that a law cannot be applied to,
that including space can be handled with laws; it’s just a framework away from
human activities. In the same way, there must be agreements or treaties or
provisions which are relevant for the present and the future developments.
- Matignon Lde G, The Difference between Space Policy and Space Law
(Space Legal IssuesOctober 7, 2019) accessed March 24, 2020
- Grush L, Elon Musk's Tesla Overshot Mars' Orbit, but It Won't Reach the
Asteroid Belt as Claimed (The VergeFebruary 7, 2018) accessed April 24,
- Giacomin N, What Is Asgardia and Who Are Asgardians? (Space Legal IssuesDecember 29, 2019)accessed March 24, 2020
- Giacomin N, What Is Asgardia and Who Are Asgardians? (Space Legal IssuesDecember 29, 2019)accessed March 25, 2020.
- Giacomin N, What Is Asgardia and Who Are Asgardians? (Space Legal IssuesDecember 29, 2019)accessed March 24, 2020