Looking at various incidents, we come across some areas where these sorts of
legal actions against seafarers can be possible: [5]
A survey conducted by Nautilus international indicated that the different
criminal charges or investigations, seafarers find themselves at risk of.
survey also showed the following factors: [6]
Seafarers are placed in detention without recourse to fair justice. Representing
themselves in a foreign country where they lack access to any sort of legal
help, unknown to the the language of the country, cannot participate in the
investigation, and they don't follow up with the enquiry conducted thereof due
to the cultural and language barrier.
The Prestige Case, Tasman Spirit in
Pakistan, Costa Concordia case, the Sewol tragedy Ocean Centurion case etc are
some of the well-known cases in which the seafarers faced Criminalization. The
incidents based on pollution of sea or death of any person of country due to the
vessel are more in limelight but sadly the harassment of seafarers from the
local authorities on the basis of port regulations are often settled amicably.
MC Prestige case [7]
It is one of the renowned case of criminalization of seafarer. The incident
criminalized the seafarer due to oil pollution from the vessel. On November, 13,
2002, the MV Presitge was sailing from Ventspils, Latvia to Gibraltar, carrying
77,000 metric tons of two different grades of heavy fuel oil. Suddenly the
weather in the sea started changing and started getting unsuitable for the ship.
It started to take over the ship with high waves of water and eventually a 50
foot hole occurred in the ship. The ship had to be evacuated. In some time
itself, the ship was found drifted within four miles of the Spanish coast. There
was high leakage of the oil from the vessel.
In this case , the French, Spanish and Portuguese governments did not allow the
vessel to dock to avoid the pollution on their coastlines. This result to
vessel split in Portuguese waters. Over 20 million US gallons of oil were split
in total. It was one of the worst ecological disaster until today. It caused
high damage not only to the wildlife and environment but also to the local
fishing industry.
Futher, the court found the captain, insurer and the owner of the tanker liable
for the broke off. The Captain Apostolos Mangouras was sentenced to 2 years of
imprisonment by the Spain court founding him to be reckless in his duty and
failing to preserve the environment.
MT Hebei Spirit oil spill
The MT Hebei Spirit oil spill [8] was another case of major oil spill. It
occurred in South Korea. It was South Korea's worst case since 1995. On
December, 2, 2007, a crane barge being towed by a tug collided with the
anchored crude carrier Hebie Spirit, which carrie 260000 tonnes of crude oil.
The collision resulted in three of the five tanks bursting and consequently
10800 tonnes of oil leaked in the water.
However they were treated not upto the mark and both of them had to face high
difficulties. South Korean officials handcuffed them immediately and gave them
the prisoner's uniform. The rule of law states that until proven, one is
innocent and cannot be held guilty. But in this case we can see that it did not
take much time for south Korean government to tie handcuffs in Jasprit Chawla
and Syam Chetan's hands.
They were immediately given prisoner's uniform and were
treated in very ill manner. It took a lot of struggle and time for the families
of the accused to fight for their justice. Recently both the accused were
released after 18 months of jail for Master Jasprit Chawla and 8 months of jail
for Chief Office Syam ChetanThe Ministry of External Affairs, in a release,
said: The Government of India welcomes the verdict, which once again vindicates
the position of the two Indian seafarers that there was no criminal negligence
on their part in the accident involving their ship.
south Korea's detention of the crew has generated much controversy and protests
from around the world. There have been strong protests from the shipping world
and demands for the crews release, including from organizations like the
Organizations like International Transport Workers' Federation, International
Group of P&I Clubs, BIMCO, International Chamber of Shipping / International
Shipping Federation, International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO),
International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO) and the Hong
Kong Shipowners' Association had a strong protest against the decision of South
Korea for detaining both of them and alleging them for criminal negligence on
their part.
However in one of the interview both the accused were found mentioning that they
took utmost precautions from their part to avoid the incident like releasing
some chains from the anchor to avoid the collision. However things were not in
their hands as it was clear natural distaster which occurred in sea.
Cyprus Case[9]
This is another case of seafers being treated unfairly as criminals in marine
world. Captain Andrzej Lasota, Master of the Cyprus-registered multipurpose dry
cargo vessel UBC Savannah was imprisoned in Mexico after his crew found packets
of cocaine. First the entire crew was arrested for several weeks. However, the
Captain was found incarcerated in Mexico without any due course or triral.
The captain was alleged for negligence in failing to be aware that the ship he
commanded contained prohibited subtsances. The substances which were illegally
delivered to Mexico, placing the lives and health of the citiznes of Mexico in
In excess of 240 kgs of cocaine, buried under several thousand tons of coal, was
discovered when the ship's Duty Officer, having noticed suspicious packages in
the hold during unloading, informed the First Officer who subsequently notified
the ship's Master.
However , when the local police and port security officers had made extensive
searches in the vessel at the loading port, there was no as such drug located.
Moreover with the lack of evidence of any involvement by any crew member in the
deployment of the drug consignment, still all the crew members were immediately
arrested and prisoned.
Inter Manager Secretary General, Captain Kuba Szymanski[10], said: The Captain
and his crew were innocent seamen, going about their daily duties, and have been
treated as common criminals without trial. Seafarers should not be unfairly criminalised in this way. Our thoughts are with Captain Lasota, his family,
colleagues and supporters, and we urge everyone to sign this petition.[11]
There was a survey conducted by the Nautilus Federation from across the globe.
They covered countries like Australia, Denmark, Singapore, the UK and the
Netherlands, amongst others. Many questions contained an additional open option
to allow respondents to expand on their answers; quotes included in this report
are reported as exact comments, save for any spelling mistakes.
The survey reveals the following data:
When asked if there was a specific reason for a fear of criminalisation, answers
included ‘Hearing about officers who aren't directly responsible for an incident
being prosecuted', ‘Because of what I read in maritime articles,' and ‘Media
hypes things up too much.'
What do you think are the
most likely causes of maritime professionals being criminalised?
Pollution | 85% |
Scapegoating for a third party | 51% |
Incorrect paperwork | 46% |
Leaving the vessel and equipment in poor condition | 44% |
Injuring or killing a person on board | 43% |
Infringement of local law | 43% |
Incident relating to alcohol or drugs | 29% |
Injuring or killing a person shoreside | 23% |
Cargo damage and loss | 16% |
Explanation of the table
As mentioned earlier , Pollution was the biggest issue respondents thought they
could be prosecuted for. It was felt that this was partly due to the media
attention spills receive, and the resulting desire for authorities to be seen to
hold someone accountable in order to promote their own political agenda.
Apart from pollution matters respondents' concerns around incidents likely to
lead to criminalisation include infringement of local law (43%), incidents
to alcohol and drugs (29%) and cargo damage and loss (16%), which highlight how
alert seafarers need to be around every element of their role at sea.
Only seafarers in minority do not worry about the criminalisation of maritime
professionals only if you follow the laws and procedures.
It can be identified from the surveys conducted that there is need to alert the
seafarers through information on the potential legal issues which may arise or
when they are directly or indirectly involved in an accident at sea or any
unfamiliar country.
Most of the respondents to the surveys mentioned that they would approach their
union for information rather than reying on other sources but to what extend the
unions are known to such viable information is fairly not justiable. Very few
seafarers would prepare themselves with legal information on the requirements
for the countries they are visiting.
As per the surveys and data collected, it is seen that there is high requirement
of laws for safety and security of the seafarers. Therefore, to protect the
rights of the seafarers against unjust criminalization upon a maritime accident
the IMO (International Maritime Organization) came up with a bunch of guidelines
in 2006[12] for fair treatment of seafarers.
These guidelines were for the:
To mention a few of the guidelines for seafarer protection against criminalisation are:
While discussing about the guidelines we cannot forget the role of The IMO 2006
guidelines. These guidelines for the seafarers talks about what steps shall be
taken upon getting arrested; taking steps to ensure, if necessary, that they
have appropriate interpretation services; taking steps to ensure that they fully
understand their right, not to self-incriminate and that they fully understand
that when statements are made to port, coastal or flag State investigators;
taking steps to ensure, that they have arrangements for access to legal advice
before deciding whether to give statements to port, coastal or flag State
investigators; participating in an investigation, to the extent possible, having
regard to their right not to self-incriminate, with port, coastal or Flag
State investigators, by providing truthful information to the best of their
knowledge and belief.
However unfortunately even after the IMO and ITF
guidelines on the seafarer's fair treatment most of the countries refrain from
following them. This is one of the main reason why the seafarers today are still
deprived of the basic rights which they deserve upon a maritime accident.
reality shows, when a seafarer is arrested , the port state does not cooperate
and communicate. They are not interested in the well-being of the accused
seafarer , neither they are provided proper care for his or her wages, food,
accommodation and the medical treatment. Not only that, they are often not
allowed to communicate with their family, welfare organization, trade union or
embassy, although this is their basic right.
Moreover, it is also the
responsibility of the seafarer state to fund the repatriation of their national
seafarers following the aftermath of a maritime accident in instances where ship
owners and the flag State fail to fulfil their responsibilities to repatriate.
Due to non-awareness of the basic rights of the seafarers, there is a lot of
chaos when a seafarer is criminalized. Thus, it is of utmost importance for the
seafarer to be aware of all the rights given to him/her by the IMO 2006
guidelines and this should be part of the curriculum for their competency exams.
Further, the Master of the ship should be Trained for Media Handling, as an
additional qualification, until such time a person designated to do so takes
over because media plays huge role when any such unfortunate incident takes
place. This would ensure that in the initial moments of the accidents he does
share details of any documents which might be used against the seafarer in the
court during the proceedings takes place.
There is high requirement of
transparency between the Master and the Complainant. As per the history in
criminalization of the seafarers, it is seen that instead of blaming the
accused, there is high requirement of due diligence while ascertaining the root
cause of the incident. This will also ensure that fair verdict is passed in the
media. Not only it is a concern towards fair treatment of the accused
seafarers, but also criminalization involved high cost to fight the case at
international level. It can be well over US$250,000 in legal fees.
There is a
need for professional indemnity insurance for the seafarers for protection like
doctors, lawyers and others have. There also arises a need for an association or
a union that can provide such cover.
We shall not say that the past has not provided us with support of organizations
in respect of the seafarers. A very prominent example to the same can be
International Seafarers Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) has a telephone
helpline which manned 24/7/365 and has interpreters so it can assist non-English
speakers. There are various such Seaman Centre who also provide adequate help
to the victimized seaman and help them with legal representation.
Further, some
shipping companies are quick to act and ensure their ship staff is well
protected and the P&I Club is informed to take action through their local
correspondent. Thus, incidents that have caused damage due to the operational
failure or negligence of the vessel staff or due to the vessel equipment or hull
failure due to lack of maintenance or other means, which are not intentionally
done by the ship staff needs to be tackled with training and counselling of the
seafarer and not their criminalisation.
The Seafarers interest, fear and unwillingness to work in shipping industry due
to the criminalisation need to be eradicated and their trust needs to brought
back with IMO guidelines being adopted and followed properly all over the world.
More legal compliances
Article 292 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Prompt release of
vessels and crews: [13]
Seafers's Rights International
Seafers's Rights International is one of the organization too which deals in the
supporting the seaferers. This organization was launched in 2010 with the aim of
promoting, implementing, enforcing and advancing all seaferes and fisheries's
rights and remedies. They mainly covers the human rights and the rights of the
other persons onboard vessels. SRI undertakes support the seafarers in many ways
like research, education and training throughout the international maritime
industry, and advocacy in international, regional and national forums. Their
research and efforts resulted in holding high database of materials for welfare
of the international community.
This organization also have ITF inspectors. It is a network of around 130
inspectors based in ports all over the world. The TF inspectors are union
officials. They either work full time or part time on the issues concerning the
ITF FOC Campaign. Many inspectors are mostly the former seafarers or dock
workers. Their job is to inspect the ships, calling int heir ports, decent pay
is given to the seafarers is ensure, working and living condition on the board.
They conduct routine inspections and on request of crew also visits the ships.
When required, they assist the actions to protect the seaferer's rights as
permitted by law.
It is very important for ITF inspectors to know their own native language,
English and in some cases other languages too.
What do the guidelines say seafarers should do?
Seafarers should understand that when they make a statement to port, coastal or
flag state investigators, their words could be used in a future criminal
prosecution. Therefore one should therefore ensure that you have access to legal
advice before making any statements. JASON can help you with this, so make sure
to check this before speaking to anyone.
Although the guidelines are not mandatory, the above principle — the right to
not self-incriminate — is also enshrined in the mandatory IMO Casualty
Investigation Code (International Standards and Recommended Practices for a
Safety Investigation into a Marine Casualty or a Marine Incident) and is an
important principle in many legal systems.
One is entitled to access by consular officials from home state and are allowed
to communicate privately with family members, union, welfare organisations, the
shipowner, and legal representatives
If one is involved in any such maritime accident, some basic general advice
could be useful which are base don the general principles, including those laid
down in the international law. There may be safeguards in the national law of
the country concerned which shall also be asserted.
Fair Treatment Guidelines
Below are certain guidelines which a criminalized seafer must ensure in respect
to their rights and how shall they get advice and assistance in a maritime
If the vessel is boarded by officials: [14]
If a search is carried out
If you are detained or arrested
To conclude, we can say that despite of knowing the very eminent and prominent
contribution of the seafarers in the globalisation of the economies, still there
is very less focus on these seafarers. This lead to increase in criminalisation
and exploitation of such seafarers in the maritime world. Such people have
already left their families and working hard in the ships but still a very
little is given them back except for the financial satisfaction.
I feel, just because of any natural disaster the crew member of the ship cannot
be held responsible just in the manner no officer of the authorised person is
held responsible for any act of god on land. The ships are already prone to high
risks due to unreadability of the weather, disasters, high carriage of goods on
the ships etc. Lack of knowledge about their rights in the maritime world is
also one of the largest hindrance to the justice. The way law works on land is
quite different from how it works on sea.
Thus keeping this in mind, it's very important for the workers working in the
ships and sailing shall know the protocols in a proper manner. Not being aware
of languages in another countries is also one of the biggest problem, and I feel
for that reason proper assistant or a language translator shall be provided to
the assistant as their basic right when such problem arises. Language shall not
become a barrier in such a fast growing world. At last, the families must be
provided proper assistance when the seafarers are in such deep trouble, in order
to decrease the chaos in their lives during difficult times.
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