The Personal Status Court in Dubai deals with divorce matters for both
Emiratis and Expats
The divorce process in Dubai is usually straightforward and involves the steps
of counselling, settlements, and court appearances which also require proper
supporting documents to be submitted at each step.
In this article, we would like to provide you with a checklist of general
requirements for filing a divorce proceeding in Dubai.
Marriage Certificate:
If the marriage has been contracted outside the UAE, then the marriage
certificate has to be legalized by the ministry of foreign affairs of the
country where the marriage was solemnized and then attested by the UAE embassy
in that country. Thereafter, the marriage certificate has to be attested by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the UAE, translated into Arabic, and attested by
the Ministry of Justice in the UAE.
If the marriage has been solemnized before the UAE Courts itself, then further
attestation is not required.
ID copies:
ID copies are required for you, your spouse, and your kids. In the instance, the
latest id and residence visa copies are not available, at least the passport
copy and the previous residence visa copy is to be submitted.
Know your reason for divorce:
There are specific grounds for divorce that are recognized by the law, including
physical violence, verbal abuse, mental harassment, adultery, desertion, etc. It
is important that you submit all the supporting documents relating to applicable
divorce grounds.
More often than not, the following supporting documents constitute crucial and
valid evidence before the Court:
- medical reports showcasing physical harm,
- police complaints,
- Communications showcasing any form of abuse etc.
Note, if physical violence occurs and should the spouse choose not to press
criminal charges against the other spouse, it is still important to go to a
government hospital and obtain a medical report.
Try to make sure that you have witnesses to support your claim:
Most of the divorce cases involve witnesses who testify before the Court and
witness hearings can have the biggest impact on the outcome of a case.
There should be two male or one male and two female witnesses. If the party on
whose behalf the witness is appearing is Muslim, the witnesses should also be
Muslim. If the party is non-Muslim, then non-Muslim witnesses might be accepted
by the Court.
Witnesses are asked to testify to the reasons for the conflict between the
parties. To know more about who is accepted as witnesses and what are about
witness hearings before the Courts,
Be patient as the process takes time:
Divorce matters are difficult and emotional for any person to go through.
However, with the right legal advice, it would easier to endure. It is important
to have the right lawyer with a plethora of experience in family matters
representing your interests. This will ensure that your interests are rightly
looked after and that the processes involved are explained to you realistically
so that you know what to expect. Contested divorce matters can often be a
stretched out proceedings, and therefore, it is important that take the best
legal representation and keep your trust in the legal process.
Make sure that you convey the full truth to your lawyer and that you do not hide
any facts:
Always remember that you and the lawyer are on the same team, and all
information shared by you to your lawyer remains confidential and is protected
under attorney-client privilege. Keeping the same in mind, do not pick and
choose information and facts and always let you lawyer decide what is relevant
and what is not. It is important to always share all the information with your
lawyer both the good and the bad and this will enable your lawyer to provide you
with the right advice and to go ahead and win your case for you!
File Mutual Consent Divorce