The term Anticipatory Bail Application (ABA) is not specified in the Criminal
Procedure Code, 1973 (Cr. P.C), but the first use of that term can be found in
the 41st Report of the Law Commission, 1969 (the report), where the Commission
felt the need to provide a provision to protect an accused or any person who
apprehends or assumes that he/she can be arrested for any non-bailable offense.
Given this report and the serious need of the hour, Parliament added a
pre-arrest bail under Section 438 provisions to the Act of 1973, with heading
Direction for grant of the bail to person apprehending arrested.
Evolution Of Anticipatory Bail In Criminal Jurisprudence
The origin of the bail dates back to medieval times when the first recorded
drafted constitution was adopted in 1215 by King John of England and was
referred to as the Magna Carta as we know it today.
The origin of the bail
was derivativea of clause 39 of the Magna Carta, which states that:
No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or
possessions, or restricted or exiled, or otherwise deprived of his status, nor
shall we proceed with force against him or send others to do so, except by the
lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of his equals.
It can be understood from the perusal
of this provision that a person shall not be limited or confined unless and
until the laws of the land have reached a final judgment. With regard to the
careful reading and decoding of this clause, we can greatly relate to the
provision of bail as provided for in the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973.
The older version of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 had no provisions for the
Anticipatory Bail / Pre-Arrest bail. As mentioned above, the idea of
anticipatory bail or pre-arrest bail was first recommended to Parliament only in
the context of the 41st Law Commission report, which included the provision of
Anticipatory bail / pre-arrest bail in Chapter 33 of the new Criminal Procedure
Code, 1973 under section 438.
Section 438 Cr.P.C - Direction For Grant Of Bail To Person Apprehending Arrest
- If any person has reason to believe that he or she will be arrested on
charges of having committed a non-bailable offense, he or she may apply to the
High Court or the Court of Session for directions under that section; and that
court may if it finds appropriate, order that he or she be released on bail in
the event of such arrest.
- Where the direction referred to in sub-section ( 1) is drawn up by the
High Court or the Court of Session, certain conditions may be included in
certain directions, having regard to the facts of the particular case which
it may consider relevant, including:
- A condition that the person make himself available to a police officer
for interrogation as and when required,
- Provided that a person does not, directly or indirectly, induce,
threaten or promise to dissuade any person familiar with the facts of the
case from disclosing such facts to the court or any police officer,
- A condition that the person shall not leave India without prior
permission of the court,
- Any other condition that may be levied according to section 437 of
sub-section ( 3), as though the bail was issued according to that section.
- If such a person is subsequently arrested without a warrant on such
allegations by an officer in charge of a police station and is prepared
either at the time of arrest or at any time in the custody of that officer
for bail, he shall be released on bail; and if the Judge, who is aware of
such an offense, determines that a warrant should be issued against that
person in the first place.
Which Courts Have Original Jurisdiction To Entertain Anticipatory Bail Application
Where a person has an apprehension or reason to believe that he or she may be
arrested on charges of having committed a non-bailable offense, he or she may
request the High Court or the Court of Sessions to direct the investigating
agency to release him or her on bail in case of arrest.
Discretion Of The Court To Grant Anticipatory Bail
Inappropriate cases, with due care and caution, anticipatory bail is generally
exercised sparingly. Anticipatory bail may be granted under a few circumstances:
- A special case is made out that would suggest that there are ample
grounds to assume that the applicant may be detained for unreasonable
- The allegations were made with a false intent or to cause the claimant
to be injured/humiliated and arrested.
- The arguments against the claimant are ambiguous or generic.
- The name of the accused is not mentioned in the First Report on
- The applicant satisfies the Court of Appeal granting the Anticipatory
Bail that he is from a respectable family, has deep roots in society, and is
not likely to abscond from or avoid the Court's proceedings or to hinder the
investigation in any way.
- A plaintiff is an influential individual against the defendant who is a
weak person or if a case is brought against a political rival.
Refusal Of Anticipatory Bail
A few of the conditions under which Anticipatory Bail may be rejected
- The risk of the applicant absconding if cognizance is taken by the trial
court or the trial court has issued a warrant of arrest.
- If it is possible to make the prima facie argument in which the claimant
was charged.
- The applicant has previously been imprisoned for any cognizable offense
on conviction.
- Where it is possible to make a case that the applicant can influence the
investigation to his advantage.
- When a reasonable claim to secure incriminating evidence is made in a
Factors To Be Considered To Grant Anticipatory Bail
A comprehensive and exhaustive list of considerations has been drawn up by the
Hon'ble Supreme Court, building on those in Section 438(1), which are relevant
to deciding whether to grant anticipatory bail. It is as follows:
- Before making the arrest, the essence and seriousness of the charge and
the exact position of the accused must be properly comprehended.
- The applicant's record, including whether the accused was already
incarcerated on indictment by a judge for any cognizable crime.
- The applicant's ability to escape from justice.
- The possibility of the accused's chance of repeating similar or other
- Where the charges are made purely to harm or humiliate the claimant by
arresting him or her.
- Effect of the grant of anticipatory bail, especially in cases of high
severity involving a large number of individuals. The court must also
clearly understand the accused's exact role in the case. In such cases in
which the allegations were made u / s 34 and 149 of the IPC, the
transparency of the court increases manifold.
- A balance must be preserved between two considerations when hearing the
pleadings for the issuance of anticipatory bail. Next, the courts ought to
ensure that the issuance of anticipatory bail does not come at the detriment
of the matter at hand being openly, reasonably, and thoroughly investigated.
Secondly, the courts must ensure that there is no abuse, humiliation, and
unfair imprisonment of the accused.
- The court should accept the complainant's fair fear of tampering with
the pieces of evidence and witnesses or fear of danger.
- The utmost seriousness of prosecution shall always be considered and it
is only the component of authenticity that must be considered when the issue
is about granting of bail and in case there does persist any doubt as to the
authenticity of the prosecution, in the normal course of events, the accused
is entitled to an order of bail.
Conditions While Granting Anticipatory Bail
While granting anticipatory bail, the conditions laid down in subsection (2)
may be imposed by the Sessions Court or High Court, which are as follows:
- The accused should be available to a police officer for interrogation as
and when required
- The accused should not make any inducement, threat or promise, directly
or indirectly, to any person familiar with the facts of the case, to deter
him from disclosing such facts to the Court or to any police officer.
- The accused could not leave India without the Court's prior permission;
- Any other disability found acceptable by the court.
Recent Landmark Judgments On Law Of Anticipatory Bail
Sushila Agarwal v. State of Delhi: No time limit could be fixed while
granting Anticipatory Bail
While deciding the landmark judgment viz., the Hon'ble Court was pleased to
raise two questions:
- Whether the immunity is given to a person under the Criminal Procedure
Code, 1973, Section 438 should be limited to a fixed time to allow the
individual to surrender before the court of trial and to obtain routine bail
& bail
- At the time and stage that the accused is called to court, whether the
life of anticipatory bail should end.
The apex court's Constitutional Bench discussed the first question by holding
that no time limit can be set by the court granting the same for the
Anticipatory Bail. The five-judge bench held that the protection granted to a
person under Section 438 Criminal Procedure Code 1973 should not always be
restricted to a fixed period; it should inure in favor of the accused without
any restriction on time.
Answering the second question, the Hon'ble Court held that the life or duration
of an anticipatory bail order usually does not end at the period and phase when
the accused is summoned by the court, or when charges are framed but can
continue until the end of the trial. Again, if any special or particular
characteristics require the court to limit the tenure of anticipatory bail, it
is open to the court to limit the tenure of anticipatory bail.
In answering the second question, the Supreme Court was cautious in granting the
court discretionary powers to limit the tenure of the Anticipatory Bail in the
event of special or peculiar facts.
Badresh Bipinbai Seth v. the State of Gujarat: Not granting Anticipatory
bail may cause a violation of the fundamental rights of an individual under
Article 21 of the Constitution of India
In this case, the Hon'ble Supreme Court was pleased to hold that:
Article 21 of the Constitution defines the provision of anticipatory bail
enshrined in Section 438 of the Code as relating to personal liberty. Therefore,
this calls for a liberal interpretation of Section 438 of the Code pertaining to
Article 21 of the Constitution. The Code explains that anticipatory bail is a
pre-arrest legal process which directs that if the person in whose favor it is
issued is thereafter arrested on the accusation in regards of which the
direction is issued, he will be released on bail.
While observing the above, the supreme court celebrates and ties the two
provisions together. The court noted that Section 438 and Article 21 go hand in
hand and that the legislature has upheld the fundamental right of the citizen by
enacting the provision for a grant for anticipatory bail.
Arnesh Kumar v. Bihar: Compliance of Section 41 (A) Cr.P.C is mandatory
in case of offenses punishable with a maximum of 7 years imprisonment
The Hon'ble Supreme Court found it essential to note that the notice under
Section 41A to be provided to the defendant if he is booked for a criminal
offense for up to seven years in the
Arnesh Kumar c. Bihar case while
deciding on an application for ABA for offenses under Section 498A.
Vinay Potdar v. the State of Maharashtra: Rights of First Informant to
intervene in Anticipatory Bail Application
In the case of, the Hon'ble High Court of Bombay held that if the victim of the
crime had appeared before the court requesting permission to be heard, he or she
would be granted the opportunity to be heard.
Nevertheless, the apex court took a slightly contrary view of what we addressed
above in the case of
Sundeep Kumar Bafna v. the State of Maharashtra 5.
The court held that this review concludes that no vested right is granted to a
plaintiff or informant or aggrieved party to conduct a prosecution directly. The
comparative latitude is given to him as far as the Magistrate is concerned, but
he must always bear in mind that while the prosecution must remain robust and
thorough and reliable, it should not abandon the need to be comprehensive and
As far as the Sessions Court is concerned, it is the Public Prosecutor who must
remain in charge of the case at all times, and only the Public Prosecutor can be
aided by a private party's lawyer in discharging his responsibility. However, at
a crucial and important juncture of the proceedings, the complainant or
informant or aggrieved party can be heard so that his interests in the case are
not prejudiced or compromised.
Is it Mandatory for police to arrest a person only because his ABA is
The Hon'ble Supreme Court, in the case of
M.C Abraham and Anr v. State of
Maharashtra and Anr 6, has held that the police don't need to arrest an
individual merely because his / her Anticipatory Bail has been refused.