On 12th October 2020, the Patna High Court has held that a foreign national
does not automatically become an Indian citizen after marriage with a citizen.
The two-judge bench comprising the Chief Justice Sanjay Karol and Justice S.
Kumar observed that mere possession of a Pan Card; a Voter ID Card; or an Aadhar
Card cannot be said to be proof of Indian Citizenship. The court further noted
that mere relinquishment of Citizenship of Nepal does not confer any right of
Indian Citizenship.
In this context, let us now look into the methods of acquiring Indian
Methods Of Acquiring Citizenship Of India
The provisions governing citizenship of India are enshrined in the Citizenship
Act, 1955. The Constitution of India in Article 5 to 11, only talks about as to
who was a citizen till 26 January 1950. The Indian Constitution provides the
power to the Parliament under Article 11 to make laws and regulations about
citizenship. This is the reason parliament passed the Citizenship Act in 1955.
The Citizenship Act, 1955, has been amended from time to time, like in 1986,
1987, 1992, 2003, 2005, 2015, 2016, and most recently in 2019. Amendments only
make slight changes in the act. But the main provisions must be understood in
order to understand the amendments.
Provisions Of Citizenship Act, 1955
The citizens of a particular nation have privileges as well as liabilities over
non-citizens in a particular territory. There are methods prescribed in the
Citizenship Act, 1955, for becoming a citizen of India. They are as follows:
Methods Of Acquiring Citizenship Of India
The citizenship of India can be acquired in 5 ways. They are:
- By Birth
- By Acquisition or Incorporation of Territory
- By Descent
- By Registration
- By Naturalization
- By Birth
- If a person is born in the territory of India, he shall be a citizen of
- A person born on or after 26 January 1950 but before 1 July 1987,
irrespective of the citizenship of parents. It is called jus soli (right of
- A person born on or after 1 July 1987 but before 3 December 2004. Either
of the parents of the person born should be a citizen of India at the time
of birth. It is called jus sanguins (right of blood or descent).
Citizenship is granted to a person on the basis of the Indian nationality of any
of the parents, immaterial of the fact that at which place the child took birth.
- A person born on or after 3 December 2004. Both the parents of the child
born should be a citizen of India at the time of birth.
- A person shall not acquire citizenship of India if any of his parents is
an envoy (foreign diplomat) or enemy alien or an illegal immigrant.
Illegal immigrant is defined in the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2016, as
any person who enters the territory of India without a valid passport, fake
passport, or stays beyond Visa permit.
By Acquisition or Incorporation of Territory
- If any territory or state becomes part of India, then the central
government shall declare it as part of the Union of India by issuing an
Official Gazette.
- Many territories such as Goa, Sikkim, Puducherry, Daman, and Diu became part
of India, and their population became citizens of India.
By Descent
- If a person is born outside India on or after 26 January 1950, but
before 10 December 1992 will be considered as a citizen of India. But
subject to the fact that his father must be a citizen of India at the time
of birth.
- If a person born on or after 10 December 1992 but before 3 December
2004, either of the parent (mother or father) must be having citizenship of
Law Notes
After the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2003, the government passed an order
stating that a child born shall not be Indian merely because of his descent. The
government mandated compulsory registration within one year of birth. Its time
can be extended by the government as per requirement.
By Registration
- If a person is of Indian origin, who was ordinarily a resident of India
for seven years before making an application for registration.
- If a person is married to a person of Indian citizenship and is
ordinarily residing in India for seven years before making the application
for registration.
- If a person is minor and parents are a citizen of India.
- A person who or his parents were earlier citizens of India after
independence and is residing in India for a year before making the
application for registration.
By Naturalisation
A person can acquire citizenship by naturalization if he/she is ordinarily
resident of India for 12 years (throughout 12 months preceding the date of
application and 11 years in the aggregate) and fulfils all qualifications in the
third schedule of the Citizenship Act.
The Citizenship (Amendment) Act
The Citizenship Act, 1955 was amended by the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019.
The amended Act makes foreign illegal migrants of six religious communities
i.e., Hindu, Sikh,
Buddhist, Jain, Parsi, and Christian from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan
eligible for Indian citizenship.
It is applicable to those who have taken
shelter in India due to persecution on grounds of religion or fear of such
persecution in their countries and have entered into India on or before December
31, 2014. The provisions of the Act, however, do not apply to tribal areas of
Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, and Tripura as included in the Sixth Schedule to the
Constitution and the areas where ‘The Inner Line Permit' is applicable including
the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, and Manipur.
Background Of The Case
In the case of
Kiran Gupta vs. State Election Commission, the Court while
entertaining a Letters Patent Appeal dealt with the issue of whether the
appellant is a citizen or not. The appellant Kiran Gupta is a woman born and
brought up in Nepal and who later married one Ashok Prasad Gupta in 2003. After
their marriage the couple started permanently residing together in India as
husband and wife.
After her marriage, the appellant got her name on the voters'
list prepared in the year 2008 for the Bihar Assembly elections, got an account
in her name with a bank of India and also possessed a Pan Card issued by the
Income Tax Department, and an Aadhaar Card issued by the Government of India.
Kiran Gupta, the appellant in the instant case also relinquished her Nepali
citizenship in February 2016.
In 2018. she was elected as a ‘mukhiya' of the Gram Panchayat. The State
Election Commission set aside her election under Section 136(1) of the Bihar
Panchayat Raj Act, 2006 on the ground of her not being a citizen of India. The
appellant thereafter approached the Bihar High Court against the order of the
Election Commission wherein she claimed to have relinquished her citizenship of
Nepal and had thus acquired Indian Citizenship. The Bihar High Court while
dismissing her writ petition held that she was not a citizen of India and this
disqualified her under the Panchayat Act.
Mere Relinquishment Of Original Citizenship Of Some Other Country Does Not
Confer Indian Citizenship
The Division Bench observed:
“The legal status of the applicant's citizenship
precedes her enrolment on the electoral rolls. If such a declaration of
citizenship is found to be false, the applicant is liable for punishment."
court in the instant case referred to the provisions of the Citizenship Act and
various precedents ruling that a voter ID is not conclusive evidence of
citizenship. The court noted that mere relinquishment of original Citizenship
cannot be viewed as an intent to acquire Indian Citizenship.
The Division Bench
made the following observations:
"The Citizenship Act does not provide for a scenario where a person residing in
India, upon relinquishing her/his original Citizenship is automatically
considered to be a citizen of India. The possibility of a person, though not the
appellant, migrating to a third country cannot be ruled out. As such, continuous
and uninterrupted stay in India cannot be a factor determining, in anticipation,
of a person choosing to exercise right seeking Citizenship under the Citizenship
"The foreign national does not become an Indian citizen on marriage with a
citizen under the Act. After the marriage, the foreign national has an option to
get registered as an Indian citizen. Even then, the person must fulfil the
requirement of residency before they can apply for Indian Citizenship."
An Oath Of Allegiance Is Necessary
The court observed that any person who is married to a citizen of India and has
resided in India for the past seven years can make an application for
citizenship by registration. Section 5 of the Citizenship Act 1955, deals with
citizenship by registration which allows the Central government to register
someone as a citizen of India. The Court noted, “She is married to a citizen of
India and is ordinarily residing in India for the last seven years. But then,
significantly and undisputedly, she never sought citizenship by way of
registration, more so, after voluntarily relinquishing her citizenship of Nepal
in February 2016."
“An oath of allegiance is necessarily required to be taken by the appellant.
Hence, by her actions and conduct, she precluded herself from being considered
as a citizen under the Citizenship Act," the bench added.
Voter ID, Aadhaar, PAN Card Are Not Proof Of Indian Citizenship
The court while considering the appellant's contention that she possessed
various documents of India such as Voter ID, Aadhaar and PAN Card, observed:
"Mere registration of a person's name in the voter list, ipso facto, does not
confer Citizenship. The purpose of the PAN card is to facilitate the payment of
taxes to the Indian State, which foreigners may also be required to pay...
eligibility criteria for obtaining an Aadhaar Card is residency in India for a
period of 182 days or more, not citizenship. Section 9 of the Aadhaar Act, 2016
clearly states that an Aadhaar number or authentication thereof shall not by
itself confer any right of or be proof of Citizenship or domicile of the Aadhaar
number holder. Banking regulations under the RBI are silent on bank accounts or
documents as proof of Citizenship.
For Prevention of Money Laundering, proof of
identity and address is required from persons opening bank accounts. However,
Citizenship is not a criterion for having a bank account in India. Voter ID
cards are not incontrovertible evidence of Indian Citizenship- presumption
attached to the issuance of the voter ID card may be challenged by a complaint
that states material facts under Section 136 of the Panchayat Act".
The court also refused the plea to direct the Government of India to grant the
petitioner Indian citizenship and observed that it would impinge upon the
Executive's functions.
"However, in light of the peculiar situation of the petitioner; her ordinary
residence and family life in India; and India's international law obligations to
prevent statelessness, we direct that upon receipt of the petitioner's
application, if so filed, the appropriate authority may consider her application
expeditiously, keeping in mind the complications that have emerged in her legal
status as enumerated above", the court added.