In a recent Judgment of Supreme Court of India in the matter of
South East
Asia Marine Engineering[1] it was held that in order to mitigate the harsh
consequences of frustration of contracts under S.56[2] of the Contract Act and
to uphold the sanctity of the contract, parties chose to mitigate the risk and
allocate the risk in a certain manner by inserting force majure clauses and the
arbitrators are not permitted to expand the scope in the name of liberal
The appellant was awarded a work order pursuant to a tender floated by the
Respondent Government Company, the said contract was for the purpose of Well
drilling and other auxiliary operations. During the subsistence of the contract,
the price of high speed diesel, one of the essential materials for carrying out
the drilling operations was increased by way of a government circular.
appellant raised a claim that increase in price of the said high speed diesel (HSD)
triggered the change in law clause under the contract and the respondent became
liable to reimburse the Appellant for that increase. But the respondent rejected
the claim of the appellant. Hence the appellant initiated an arbitration
proceeding and the arbitrators in their arbitration award applied the
interpretation principles of contract and held that the government circular
increasing the price of high speed diesel can be treated as a change in law and
hence the respondent is liable to pay the increased price of the high speed
diesel as claimed by the appellant.
Aggrieved by the Above said award fast baby Passed by the arbitrators the
respondent challenge the same under section 34 of the act[3] before the District
Judge concerned. The District Judge upheld the award and hence an appeal was
preferred before the High Court. The High Court set aside the award holding that
the arbitration award of the arbitrators is perverse and the arbitral tribunal
cannot be allowed to rewrite the contract. Hence the appellant approached the
Supreme Court of India by way of a Special Leave Petition.
The Clause interpreted by the Supreme Court of India is as follows:
Subsequently enacted laws:
Subsequent to the date of price of bid opening if there is a change in or an
enactment of any law or interpretation of existing law, Which results in
additional cost / reduction in cost to contractor on account of the operation
under the contract the company / contractor shall reimburse / pay contractor/
company for such additional / reduced cost actually incurred.
Held: The Supreme Court of India held that the contract being a fixed rate
contract and the party entered the contract after mitigating the risk of such an
increase. It was further held that if the purpose of the contract was to limit
risk of price variations , then the interpretation placed by the arbitral
tribunal cannot be said to be a possible one and it would completely defeat the
explicit wordings and purpose of the contract.
It was further held that the interpretation of the arbitral tribunal to expand
the meaning of the above said clause to include change in rate of high speed
diesel is not a possible interpretation of this contract. Hence the arbitration
award is perverse and High Court was correct in setting aside the award.
- South East Asia Marine Engineering and Constructions Limited Vs Oil
India Limited (2020) 5 SCC 164
- Indian Contract Act,1972
- Arbitration and Conciliation Act,1996