Age of Consent for Marriage
What must be the ideal age for boys and girls to enter into marital
relationship? This question seems simple but the coherent answer to it requires
deeper analysis of varied associated factors. In Indian society, girls are often
raised with the presumption of paraya dhan (belonging to other person) and
require to be married off at the earliest. It is very common that girls often at
the age of receiving education for realization of their dreams are forcefully
pushed towards marital relationships in the guise of societal pressure.
The legal age for marriage has been provided for both girls and boys as 18 and
21 respectively under Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006. Despite existing
legal frameworks to put check on child marriages, recent study by UNICEF in 2018
has estimated that at least 1.5 million girls below the minimum age of 18 years
are married in India, making our country top with the largest number of child
brides in the world[1]. This paper intends to provide deeper insights on minimum
age of consent for marriage for both boys and girls to put check upon the rising
child marriages cases in India.
Evolution Of Law
The power of consent to marriage signifies the freedom of personhood provided to
adult persons to freely choose their life partners at their will. In the Vedic
Period, women were provided with equal opportunities along with en for active
participation in religious ceremonies[2]. They enjoyed decisive freedom in
choosing their husband and were allowed to enter in marriage life as fully
mature and grown up.
But, with the passage of time, the status and position of women in India
gradually declined to merely as ‘child-bearers’ and article of enjoyment only.
Pre-puberty marriages became common in the medieval period with the invasion of
Mughals[3] and fathers of child brides were entrusted with responsibility of
early child marriages to protect the chastity of women. The freedom of consent
for marriage was never provided essential importance until the miseries of
child-wives worsened to lowest depth of degradation[4].
The nationwide campaign in the early 18th century against child marriage and
widow marriage by various social reform movements ignited the need for
legislative measures on age of consent for marriage[5]. The Indian Penal Code
was amended in 1860 providing for penal offence for consummation of marriage
with the brides below the age of 10 years[6].
Even this provision was proved to be ineffective; it helped in paving the way
for fixing the age of marriage at a higher level. Realizing the adverse impacts
of child marriage, various native states of India tried to provide wider scope
for minimum age of marriage through enacting legislations.
Mysore became the first state for providing punishment for negation of age rule
for preventing early child marriages[7]. On similar basis, various other states
including Kochi, Rajkot, Kota and Indore enacted similar legislations in the
early 20th century[8]. But lack of uniformity in varied legislations called for
a central legislative action governing different personal laws in India.
The Age of Consent Committee, also known as Joshi Committee was entrusted with
formulating central legislation to deal with the question of minimum age of
marriage. It suggested that age of consent under IPC should be raised to 15 and
opined that legislation penalizing marriage below a minimum age was essential
for efficient working of law of consent[9]. The Child Marriage Restraint Act was
enacted in 1929 setting the minimum marriageable age of men and women as 14 and
18 years respectively.
It is also known as Sarda Act, named after Harbilas Sarda – a member of Arya
Samaj who effectively fought against the menace of early child marriages in
India. The Act does not invalidated child marriage but only imposes restrictions
of solemnization of child marriage. The Indian courts have reiterated its stand
in various judgements stating that legal status of child marriage remains
outside the purview of Sarda Act[10].
In 1954, Special Marriage Act was passed under which Indian people as well as
Indian nationals in foreign countries have the right to marry any person of
their choice irrespective of religion or faith followed by either of them. In
1978, the Sarda Act was amended which increased the legal minimum age of
marriage of both women and men as 18 and 21 years respectively. The government
has also enacted Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 replacing the erstwhile
Sharda Act to provide for more enabling provisions to prohibit child marriage
and provide appropriate relief to victim and punishments who promote or
solemnize such marriages.
Differential Age Contributing To Patriarchal Power Dynamics
The ideal social construct of women has always been portrayed as being beautiful
possessing feminine characteristics and solely driven by expectations of men
only. Discriminatory cultural practices based on gender stereotypes of woman
roles and perpetual subjugation stands out as major reasons behind the
increasing early child marriage cases in India. Women are often prevented from
equal access to resources such as education, employment opportunities than men
and age differential aggravates the existing gender-based power imbalances in
marital relationships.
The legal difference in marriage age of men and women often undermine the
autonomy and agency of young women and raise unfounded questions on capabilities
of women. It also promote the prejudiced idea that women are more mature than
men of the same age and, hence, should be married sooner. The Law Commission in
its Report has also recommended uniform age of marriage for boys and girls as
the difference in ages has no scientific backing and contribute to patriarchal
stereotype that wives must be younger than their husbands[11].
The differential age limit also leads to de-facto discrimination as women are
always expected to subordinate role vis-à-vis the husband in most of marital
relationships. This power imbalance is deeply aggravated by distinction in age
as the latter also constitutes a hierarchy of power-relationships. A younger
spouse is more expected to be servile to her elder partner and respect the
wishes of the latter, which aggravates the gender inequalities perpetuating in
Indian society.
The judicial precedents in various case laws have also questioned the legality
of gender-differential laws which contribute to exiting patriarchal power
dynamics of the society. In
National Legal Services Authority vs. Union of
India[12], the court while recognizing the rights of transgender ruled that
justice is delivered with the notion that all human beings have equal value and
should be treated equally in the eyes of law. But the differential age only
advance gender inequalities through violation of fundamental right of equality
before law.
Joseph Shine vs Union of India[13] the Supreme Court while
decriminalizing adultery ruled that:
A law that treats women differently based on gender stereotypes is an affront to
women’s dignity.
Additionally, the unequal age of marriage have adverse repercussions for girls
as under Prohibition of Child Marriage, both boys as well as get two years
period to repudiate their underage marriage but girls at 20 may lack the
required guidance for annulment of their marriage in comparison to boys at 23.
Ashwini Kumar Upadhayay vs. Union of India[14] a writ petition was
filed under Article 226 of Indian Constitution against difference in age of
consent for marriage and it was argued that the distinction is only based on
existing patriarchal stereotypes and perpetrates de jure and de facto inequality
against the dignity of women as well as global trends. It was also argued that
this blatant discrimination is in contravention of fundamental rights of gender
equality and dignity under Article 14, 15 and 21 of Indian constitution.
In the landmark judgment of
Vishaka vs. State of Rajasthan[15] the
Supreme court unequivocally held that fundamental rights should always be
informed by international human rights covenants. India has also acceded to
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women[16]
(CEDAW) which requires that state parties to take appropriate measures for
elimination of stereotypes or superiority of either of the sexes.
The CEDAW prohibits such provisions for different ages of marriage which assume
that women have a varied rate of intellectual development in comparison to men
and becomes immaterial at marriage. The Committee on Status of Women under CEDAW
has also recommended a uniform minimum age of 18 years across all countries[17].
It is high time that spouses entering into marriage are all times equals and
their mutual partnership must also be in nature of equals.
Raising The Age Of Marriage For Women – A Contentious Terrain
The difference in age of consent for marriage has always been a contentious
issue in relation to social disparities in the Indian society. The government
has also constituted a task force in June 2020 for examining key issues such as
motherhood in girls, correlation between age of marriage and Maternal Mortality
Rate and Total Fertility Rate and entrusted with providing recommendations for
revising the legal marriage for women at 21 years in consonance with legal age
of marriage for men.
The age of marriage remains a key factor in improving issues of maternal
mortality rates and nutritional levels of infant child. Girls marrying below the
age of 18 often face the higher risks of unwanted pregnancies, pre-term births
and various Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and are made prone to
reproductive and sexual morbidities. For achieving dual purpose of putting check
on maternal mortality rates and providing educational as well as employment
opportunities, the government has proposed the idea for increasing the legal age
of marriage for girls.
This move has been hailed as promising as a first step for abolishing the
existing the gender inequalities in the country. It will also help in
benefiting the nation at large by increasing the women workforce participation
rate and will ensure better health of both women and children. But the question
of raising the age of marriage is not simple as it deals with social problem and
policy pruning even with the progressive intent does not provide required
solutions for it.
Many women activists along with many civil society organizations have come
forward strictly opposed the idea[18] as without any improvement in
implementation of existing provisions under PCMA Act, the increased marriage
will not prove as effective check on rising incidents of child marriages in
India. It provides an ideal example of
punitive paternalism[19] as by
only increasing the age through legislative measure, the government escapes from
its responsibility for rising child marriage cases in guise of enacting
legislative measures only.
The proposed policy also overlooks the fact that early marriages are not a
primary determinant of malnutrition among the girls. Poverty along with
marginalization of communities need to be addressed first with robust food
security programs instead of imposing blanket increase in women’ age for
marriage. According to National Family Health Survey 4, the proportion of
under-age marriages has considerably decreased with better schooling, education
facilities and social awareness[20].
In a recent report by Partners of Law for Development, it has been observed that
the laws under POCSO and PCMA Act have majorly been used by parents against
eloping daughters against their will[21]. The increase in age will result in
restricting the freedom of girls and will have no-say in their marriages due to
parental control. The elementary rights under child rights convention – right to
be heard and opinion will also be denied till age of 21 beyond adulthood.
The main causes behind the increasing cases of child marriages can be identified
as persistent social norms of treating women as submissive, lack of social
effective mechanisms and inadequate legal remedies under the existing PCMA Act
The increase in age of marriage does not address these major issues and will
remain ineffectual in procuring the desired results. Even when the age is
increased, the ineffective child marriage laws will result into higher number of
early marriages in India owing to inefficient legal system.
The fixing of uniform age of marriage for both men and women at 18 years has
also been raised by various social activists in response to proposed policy. The
Law Commission Report in 2008 also provided a uniform age of marriage at 18
years based on age of majority.
The Indian laws such as Majority Act, 1875[22] provides that any person above
the age of 18 years should be considered as major and grants the right to vote
and enter into contracts as they are presumed to attain the require maturity.
Moreover, according to CEDAW committee recommendations, the minimum age should
be fixed at 18 and has been implemented in various foreign countries.
It is being contended that implementation of existing child marriage laws should
take priority in comparison to increasing age of marriage as the latter will
lead to more lethal consequences. For concern of early pregnancies, different
ways such as comprehensive sex-education in schools, contraceptive awareness and
safe abortion need to be prior addressed at the ground level. Increasing the age
of marriage to put check on maternal mortality rates will prove unfeasible
without the proper access to healthcare to poor and marginalized communities.
It is the need of the hour that holistic approach of better education with
strict implementation of child marriage laws with regulating mechanism should be
encouraged for curbing the mushrooming menace of child marriages in India.
- Pooja Advani, ‘Raiasing women’s age for marriage will be first step
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- A. Mahadeva Sastri, Emancipation of Women - The Vedic Law of Marriage
(1988), p. 19.
- P. Thomas, Women, Marriage and Customs in India (2000), p.26.
- Marcus B. Fuller, The Wrongs to Indian Womanhood. (1984), p. 35-36.
- S.P. Sen (Ed), Social Contents and Religious Movements (l978), p. 272.
- Tahir Mohmmad, "Marriage Age In India and Abroad – A Comparative
Conspectus ", 22 Journal of Indian Law Institute, pp. 45- 46 ( 1986).
- Mysore Infant Marriage Prevention Act, 1894.
- Indian Penal Code, 1860. s. 375.
- The Joshi Committee Report, p. 10.
- Birupakshya Das v. Kunju Behari, A.I.R. 1961 Ori. 104.
- The Law Commission 205th Report on ‘Reform under Family Law’.
- National Legal Services Authority vs. Union of India (2014) 5 SCC 438.
- Joseph Shine v. Union of India, Writ Petition (C) No. 194 of 2018.
- Ashwini Kumar Upadhayay vs. Union of India Writ Petition (C) No. of 2019
- Vishaka and Ors. v. State of Rajasthan and Others (1997) 6 SCC 241.
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
Women (CEDAW) art 5(3).
- Megan Arthur, & Jody Heymann (2018). Child Marriage Laws around the
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- Jagriti Chandra, ‘Activists against raising the age of marriage’, The
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- Sunny Jose, ‘Move to raise women’s age of marriage reflects
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- Aneesha Mathur, ‘ Activists say increasing the minimum age for marriage
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- Indian Majority Act, 1875. s. 3(1).