The technology in these modern times has been an indispensable part of human
life. It is something that drives us humans just like we drive cars or scooters.
One technology is the use of Mobile Phones and the Internet, something that was
a luxury for some time being, later became an essential part of one's life.
something that we cannot part with. In the recent Landmark, Judgment labeled
Faheema Shirin R. K v State of Kerala & Ors WP (C) No. 19716 of 2019 (L) held
that the Right to use the Internet associates with the Right to Education and
Right to Privacy under Article 21 of our Indian Constitution. The statues
overlooked in this case are Article 15, 19, and 21,[1] the Fundamental Rights of
every individual citizen residing in India. Violating it results in having a
legal remedy for the same.
Decision dated 19th September 2019
Bench: The Honorable Smt. Justice P. V Asha
Brief Facts
The appellant is a female student, doing her 2nd year BA UG course at the Sree
Narayaguru College -University of Calicut. As per the University of Calicut
rule, those students who are not unable to stay home to come students shall stay
in college aided hostel, thus she stays at the hostel aided by the college.
regulations of the hostel, the occupants could not use mobile phones or laptops
from 10 pm to 6 am. Later this rule was updated restricting the time from 6 pm
to 10 pm, the petitioner along with other inhabitants met the deputy warden to
speak about the difficulties they faced owing to the curtailment, but she didn't
acknowledge the same.
The warden later sent a WhatsApp message to the Hostel
occupants' group that those who can't adhere to the rules could vacate the
hostel. Upon seeing this, Shirin (Petitioner), contacted the Principal and gave
a letter requesting to relax the hostel rules. She even wrote a letter that she
won't abide by the new rules of not using mobile phones from 6 pm to 10 pm.
principal called her parents to college to tell that she should vacate the
hostel as she didn't concede to its rule, thus gave a datum subjecting her to
evacuate the hostel soon and they also conducted a meeting with the other
residents of the hostel by telling them about the action taken against one of
their inmates for not cooperating with the rules of the hostel and made all sign
a letter of willingness to abide by the rules of the hostel.
The petitioner upon
receiving this presented a leave note on making her impossible to travel 150km
to attend the classes. The petitioner then went to the hostel to collect her
belongings to exit the hostel but found the room locked and hostel people in
charge not letting her do so.
The Respondents were – The State of Kerala, University Grants Commission (UGC),
University of Calicut, Principal of Sree Narayanguru College, Deputy warden, and
Matron of the hostel. They stated that the toted change effected by the plea of
- Whether the glitch inflicted by the hostel authorities on using mobile
phones when exercising discipline violates the petitioner's Fundamental
- Whether not abiding by the rule result from drumming out of the hostel?
- Does the maneuvering of Mobile phones from 6 pm -10 pm effectuate
Contention of Plaintiff
The plaintiff argued that the diminution inflicted were only for girls hostels,
thereby tots to biases on gender, in transgression with UGC issued instructions.
She also says such restrictions imposed on their education hampers their growth
and ability for accessing standard learning for women. It is also her case that
the denial of the right to acquire knowledge through the internet and
a prohibition on the use of mobile phones deprives her access to the source of
knowledge, also harmful to the quality of education available to women.[2]
above curtailment violates the principles of Conventions on Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination against Women, 1979 (“CEDAW”), and the Beijing
Declaration along with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights[3]requiring the
state to take action against such discrimination.
As per article 19(1)(a), the
right to use the internet is a part of the right to freedom of speech and
expression and the restrictions enforced do not come under reasonable
restrictions mentioned in Article 19(2) of the Indian Constitution especially in
the current modern world, the government has allowed access to use the internet
to all citizens as a basic human right. These limits have annexed her right to
privacy guaranteed under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.
Being a major,
nobody has the authority to interfere with her authority in her freedom to use
mobile phones. Even the changes effected at the request of other parents, break
hers, and other occupants of the hostel's freedom.
She plunged upon a circle of
judgments of Apex Court i.e.
K S Puttaswamy v Union of India,[4]
PUCL v Union of
Shreya Singhal V Union of India,[6] also the judgment of
Kerala High
Court in Anjitha K Jose & Ors[7]claiming that the cutback ensued as well as her
ousting from hostel infringes her basic fundamental rights to education, right
to privacy, and right to freedom of speech and expression.
Contention of Respondents
They argued ardently that on taking admission the petitioner and her father was
informed about the rules of the hostel and to oblige by it, they were thus
admitted by signing a document containing the rules and regulations of the
hostel and agreeing to obey the same. And the new updating made in the rules was
because of the imprudent objection from the parents on the usage of mobile
phones, consequently, a meeting was held by the deputy warden about the time
restriction made from 6 p. m to 10 p. m. The sole aim was to make sure the
student gives time for study purposes as well as be disciplined and don't
squander with technology.
They contended their argument in the light of
Francis V MG University,[8]
Pavitran V. K. M v State of Kerala,[9]
Unniraja v
Principal Medical College 1983 etc. stating that in order to ensure discipline
as well as to keep up academic excellence the College and Hostel Authorities
have the prime power to control, regulate, and rule the educational
- The question to be conveyed was the restrictions ensued infringes the
fundamental rights to freedom, privacy, and education, and not abiding by
these restrictions results in disarray. The court upon reviewing the case
noted that the right to reach the internet is one's autonomy and violating it would
infringe one's fundamental right given under the Indian Constitution.
- UN General Assembly on 14th July 2014 adopted the right to access the
internet, a resolution passed by the Human Rights Council to give access to
the internet for various opportunities also for education purpose worldwide,
thereby requiring the states to encourage and open the door for the same- to
develop information, communication, and technologies in all countries. Thus,
it plays a significant role in advancing the right to education.
- As mentioned by the respondent, it's correct that the Principal of
College has the prime authority in controlling and regulating the functions of
colleges including the staff, teachers, and students. The same applies to Hostel
authorities requiring to issue guidelines that do not cause any intrusion or
disruption to its functioning. But when such authority is given, it should also
take into fact that an individual's rights are not violated upon such policies
or rules. Thus, if one parent has compelled to restrict the use of phones, they
cannot impose the same on all students, causing unreasonable cutbacks that lead
to invading in one's privacy as seen in this case.
- In this case, the right to privacy of the petitioner as being violated
just the way in the case K. S Puttaswamy- the telephone tapping of politicians
an inseparable part of life, personal liberty, and dignity. However, here the
rule of banning mobile phones from 6 p. m to 10 p. m and abdicating the phone to
the warden to maintain discipline, is unreliable. It's contrived this rule
violates the petitioners' right to privacy and affecting her and other student's
futures who are striving to build their career by gaining knowledge to compete.
Therefore, such restrictions cannot be imposed in the name of bringing
discipline. It's also noted the using mobile phones do not amount to
indiscipline unless students obstruct the privacy rules of others therein.
- As per the University Regulations as well as the UGC Regulations, the
college must run a hostel to enable the students to live near the college to
enable them to have enough time to concentrate on their studies. Therefore, it
expects the hostel authorities to enforce only those rules and regulations which
is acceptable by the public and law. Enforcement of discipline shall not be by
blocking the ways and means of the students to acquire knowledge.[10]
- In this panorama, as per the decree passed, the college must admit the
petitioner back to the hostel without further slowdown.
The court when passing the judgment relied upon the landmark judgment
& Ors V State of Rajasthan & Ors[11]- women empowerment case in bringing
guarantee against any forms of discrimination in the workplace, the court
decided the case based on International Conventions and norms specified in
Fundamental Rights of the Indian Constitution, due to the absence of
implementation of domestic laws.
The propositions laid down in
S. Rengarajan &
Ors V P Jagjivan Ram,[12]Anuj Garg v Hostel Association of India[13]- which
implied that State authorities must reform with changes, also, it should clinch
children with modern technologies to face the upcoming digitalized world.
Finally, the case judgment justified in favor of the Petitioner (Shirin)
granting her legal remedy to exercise her fundamental right being a citizen of
Case Comments
The Court's decision is a symbol showing how it changed together with modern
lives. It gives a distinctive Fundamental Right by expanding its rights in
Freedom of Speech and Expression under Article 19 of the Indian Constitution.
The verdict stretches this right by vindicating International Declarations that
the right to get access to the internet is radical liberty and interlinked with
the right to education and the right to privacy.
This shows how our Indian
Courts advanced and that their acumen corroborated with modern times and
policies. It also tries to uphold the quality of education given to women
without any gender bias and giving equal opportunity to all. Ultimately, the
verdict paves a way for promoting online learning as a vital part of one's life,
making the right to ingress the internet in inference with the right to
education. Thereby, bracing up our Indian Constitution.
- (1997)1 SCC 301
- (2015) 5 SCC 1
- (2019) 2 KHC 220
- (2003) 2 KLT 582
- 2009(4) KLT 20
- (JT
1997 (7). SC 384)
- (1989) 2 SCC 674
- (2017) 10 SCC 1
Award Winning Article Is Written By: Ms.Sinu Sunil Kattikaran

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