The current paper seeks to analyse the historical perspective of the Payment of
Wages Act, 1936, as enacted under the colonial rule of British Crown in India,
that is, the social, economic, political and legal factors which led to the
necessity of enacting the Act as well as the history of the statute. It becomes
important to study the historical perspective to understand the background of
the Act, the mischief it sought to addresses as well as the scope and object of
the Act to help in the better implementation of the Act in the light of poor
situation of the labours still even after many years of independence.
The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) was
enacted during the period of colonization with the object, as outlined by the
preamble of the Act:
to regulate the payment of wages to certain classes of
employed persons.[1]
Therefore, it is a labour welfare legislation which is
enacted with two fold aim: first, is to fix the date of payment of wages and
secondly, to regulate the deductions from wages whether as fine or otherwise.
observed by the Bombay High Court in
Arvind Mills Ltd. v. K.R. Gadgil[2], the
general purpose of the Act is to provide that employed persons shall be paid
their wages in a particular form and at regular intervals without any
unauthorized deductions.
Looking at the above-discussions, one can get the hint of the circumstances
which led to the enactment of the Act, for the closer at the circumstances which
led to the enactment of the Act and history of the Act, the same are as follows:
Colonial Rule and Industrialization
The period of early 1700s saw the invention of steam engine by Thomas Newcomen
which led to the first industrial revolution in Britain which lasted till 1830s,
this led to increase in demand of coal in Britain, expansion in iron and steel
industry and transformation of British cottage industry into factories among
other innovations.[3]
India was an officially a colony of the British Crown from the period of 1858 to
August 1947, and the industrial revolution in Britain had a reverse impact on
Indian economy, as due to expansion of industrial base in Britain, it required
supply of inputs or raw material and captive market for it products and colonies
provided Britain with just the source as well as an outlet and easy
transportation through shipment and railway as a result of revolution further
Britain forced India to accept the British goods which destroyed the
Indian cottage and handicraft industry and since India was forced to produce the
cash crops which Britain required for trade with the other countries. Among the
other factors for destruction of Indian industrial sector were: disappearance of
princely courts and their patronage, increasing competition of British
machine-made goods and increasing demand for Western commodities as a result of
foreign influence.
These factors gave the rise of British capitalist industry in India, as the
vacuum created by the destruction of Indian industries was filled by
it. Industrial development in India until the beginning of the 20th century was
mainly confined to four industries namely, cotton and jute industries, coal
mining and tea plantation. A few other minor industries such as cotton presses,
rice, flour and timber mills, leather tanneries, woollen textiles, paper, sugar,
salt, mica, petroleum and iron mines were developed. A few engineering and
railway workshops and iron and brass foundries also came into existence.
Slowly India underwent a commercial transformation and not an industrial
revolution. British were not eager to lay the foundation for an industrial
revolution. First of all, most of the modem industries that did develop were
controlled by foreign capitalists. Secondly, though the industrial progress
during this phase was steady and continuous but it was extremely slow. This was
so as the policy of Britain was never to work for the benefit, welfare or
development of the colonies but to supress, oppress and exploit them for
personal gain, wealth and prosperity, even the little development done through
railway, telegraph and postal system was done for the ease of transportation and
communication of British officials in India rather than for convenience of
Indians itself.
With the growth of modern industries a new social class was born i.e. the
working class. Due to emergence of zamindari and ryotwari system because of
which agriculture sector was destroyed, further lack of choice with the farmers
to grow crops, destruction of cottage industry, illiteracy, general poverty
leading to starvation, poor living conditions and rural backwardness the Indian
household did not had any option and were forced to migrate to cities and work
for English factories or industries.
The industrial revolution provided the British capitalists with high economic
power and more than abundance of labour availability in India put the labour in
low economic status with no bargaining power. This led to Indian workers working
and living under highly unsatisfactory conditions. Till 1891 there was no
regulatory provisions concerning their hours of work. Their did not exist any
kind of social insurance against sickness, old age, unemployment, accident or
sudden death.
There was no provident fund scheme, only an inadequate maternity
benefit scheme came into operation in 1930s. The real wages of factory workers
declined during the period of 1889 to 1929 and the average worker lived below
the margin of subsistence. Underfed housed like animals, without light, air and
water, the Indian Industrial workers, one of the most exploited of all in the
world of Industrial capitalism. Being concerned by an exploitative imperialist
colonial rule, in course of time the Indian labours were compelled to adopt a
militant anti-imperialist approach and became a part of the freedom movement.
The India industrial capitalist class developed after 1858. It soon entered into
competition with the British capitalist and gradually realised that its growth
was checked by the official trade, tariff, transport and financial policies of
the Government. While struggling for independent economic growth that came into
conflict with imperialism on almost every basic economic issues, the Indian
Capitalist class needed active and direct Government help to compensate it for
its initial weakness in competing with the firmly established industries of
Western Europe. The contemporary industries of France, Germany and Japan were
being developed with active and massive Government help.
Such help was denied to
Indian capitalists. The higher bureaucracy was foreign and unsympathetic or
rather hostile to Indian industrial efforts. Indian capitalist feared, above
all, domination and suppression by the far stronger foreign capital. Their
instinct for survival, in particular, aroused after 1918 when a large scale
inflow of foreign capital investment with the Indian industry began to enter and
the giant British Industrial Corporation started forming subsidiaries in India
in order to take advantage of the tariff protection granted during the 1920s and
1930s, the cheaper Indian labour and nearness of the market. Indian capitalist
now raised the slogan of Indian domination of Indian Markets.
Indian capitalists, thus increasingly found themselves in open contradiction
with the colonial economic structure, administrative machinery and policies.
They gradually realised that they needed a nation state and a Government
favourable to indigenous capitalists. The rapid development of Indian trade and
industry could not occur so long as foreign imperialism dominated the country.
The series of devastating famines engulfed India from 1866 to 1901 and the day
dreams of guided developments entirely shattered. During this period, the
working and living conditions of the labour were poor and by the end of the 19th
During the non-cooperation movement in 1920-22 and Swadeshi movement in 1905-11,
the Indian capitalist under the leadership of Congress leaders tried to
rejuvenate the Indian cottage industry and ventured to establish certain
industries in the tune of spirit and inspiration of the movement. However, the
two world-wars and economic depression throughout the world make hindrances in
the path of industrialisation and development of India. The drain of wealth
during two hundred years of British raj ruined India and the development was
never considered seriously as a policy by the imperialist Government.
Rise of Trade Unionism
Indian trade union like their counterparts elsewhere emerged as a bye-product of
the modern industrial enterprises. Arbitrary and high-handed treatment of
workers by employers as well as exploitative working conditions created among
workers a shared sense of helplessness and dissatisfaction with employers.
In the beginning around 1880 sporadic attempts were made by employees to express
their discontent towards employer and Government through strikes and protest
meetings. However, genuine trade unionism in India began when the Madras Labour
Union was formed in 1918.
The founder of the organised labour movement in India may be said to be N.M.
Lokhande, who was himself a factory worker. In 1884, he organised an agitation
and called for a conference of workers in Bombay to make representation to the
factory Commission just then appointed. As no redress was effected by the
Government, Lokhande convened a mass meeting in Bombay in April, 24. 1890 which
was attended by about 10 thousand workers.
In response to the resolution adopted
in the meeting, the Mill owners of Bombay agreed to grant a weekly holiday to
the workers. Encouraged by this, Lokhande organised the Bombay Mill Hands
Association of which, he was elected President.
Dinabandhu, the first working
class newspaper was also started by Lokhande to create awareness towards the
grievances of the working class.
During the period 1904-1911 there was a remarkable advance in the organisation
of labour movement. A strike in the Bombay Mills in protest of the extension of
working hours, a series of strikes in the railways, in the Government Press in
Calcutta and the Swadeshi Movement launched in Bengal in 1905 gave tremendous
impetus to the trade union movement. In Chennai, Bombay and Calcutta the postal
workers formed unions as
Postal Clubs.
The climax in the labour movement in
this period was reached with the 6 days political mass strike in Bombay in 1908
against the sentence of 6 years imprisonment inflicted on the great leader of
freedom movement, Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak charging him for the offence of
In 1910, a Kamgar Hitvardhak Sabha was formed by Philanthropists in Bombay. The
object of this association were to present petitions to Government and to settle
disputes between employers and workers. The First World War broke out in August,
1914. During the period, the rise in the prices of essential commodities, higher
cost of living and the increase in factory employment further strengthened the
urge of the workers to unite.
The non-cooperation movement launched by Gandhiji during 1919-21 and the
formation of the Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association under the leadership of
Mahatma Gandhi gave trade union movement a new dimension.
Establishment of International Labour Organisation (ILO) in 1919 of which India
is a founder member and the Russian Revolution to establish a Socialist State in
1917 contributed significantly to transform the consciousness of the working
In 1921, the International Labour conference adopted a convention on the freedom
of association which emphasized that workers should be given the fullest freedom
to come together and form trade unions. The movement launched by Sri N.M. Joshi,
the father of the modern trade union movements ultimately culminated in the
passing of Trade Unions Act, 1926 to recognise the fundamental right of freedom
of association to the workers of India. The right to strike and lock out for the
first time was conceded indirectly under the provisions of the Indian Trade
Disputes Act, 1929 which had the main object of providing a conciliation
machinery to bring about peaceful settlement of Industrial Disputes.
The employers in India, from the very beginning, had not viewed the trade union
movement with favour, and pleaded that they had absolute right to manage their
own business in the way they liked. Refusal to recognise trade unions was sought
to be justified by some employers on the plea that the unions were mostly
controlled and directed by leaders drawn from outside the ranks of labour.
In the circumstances that prevailed in India since the beginning of Factory
Employment, there was hardly any possibility of workers themselves taking
concerted action to secure relief from the evils of industrialisation. The
achievements of the movement during this period were mainly due to the
missionary spirit with which the outsiders led and guided the working class.[4]
Deductions and No Timely Payments
As evident from the above-discussion the traditional industry in India was
shattered under colonial rule due to industrial revolution in Britain and the
place was taken up by the British Capitalist Industries which had complete
control over the resources of production thereby they had the authority to
On the other hand, the Indian modern factories were not much, that is,
the factors of production were in the hands of very few Indian people and they
were too under the supervision and control of the Crown by way of tariffs,
policies and regulations. They tried to rejuvenate the cottage industry but
failed to do so. In other words, the factors of production were restricted to
few hands giving them the power to take arbitrary actions as per once whims and
At the same time, there was abundant labour availability in India ready to work
in hazardous industries with no or little safety measures, poor living
conditions, longer working hours and no nourishment that too at meagre or
starvation wages (as the Minimum Wages Act did not come until 1948 i.e. around
the independence).
The trade unionism though existed but as compared to its
counterparts in other countries, Indian labour was not able to take the labour
movement to its ultimate success whereby it gains enough bargaining power to
command authority in negotiations over issues like wages, working hours, safety
measures, social security etc. In other words, the labour conditions were poor
and they had no negotiating power.
All of this contributed to further deterioration of the labours, as the
exploitative tactics the factory owner or managers, that is, the employer used
to deduct an arbitrary amount of wages payable to the worker on grounds they
found suitable because of which the meagre salary which they were entitled to
receive was even further deducted that on no wrong of their own or even if they
committed any wrong or act of neglect then an unproportionate amount.
To further
contribute to the misery of labourers, there existed a variety of wage period
and even then the wages were not paid on time, that is, wages were delayed for
months and the working class which hardly was acquainted with the concept of
savings, required the timely payment to support their families by providing
food, giving clothes and maintaining shelter above their heads. These basic
requirements are necessary for any human to survive, and denial of the same to
the workers, though indirectly, led to a major crisis for labours.
This is how the combined effect of the factors of colonisation, industrial
revolution in Britain and lack of proper trade unionism resulted into
exploitation of the labourers of which the deduction from wages and delayed
payment of wages was only some of the factors besides others such as poor
working condition, low wages, long working hours etc.
History of the Act
The issue of deduction in wages and payment of wages not being uniformed was not
paid much heed to, labour being the oppressed the class, until in 1925 a Private
Bill was introduced in the Legislative Assembly by the name of Weekly Payment
Bill which addressed these issue, but at the time the government declined the
Bill by citing that the issue is already under consideration.
In 1926, the Government of India kept in touch with the state or provincial
governments and asked them to investigate and collect the requisite information,
material etc. regarding the said issues. The material collected clearly showed
that the issues very much existed, that is, the high amount of wages were being
deducted arbitrarily by the employers and payment of wages to the workers were
not prompt and uniform which had put the workers in the worst situation
The material collected from the provincial governments by the Government of
India was kept before the Royal Commission on Labour designated in 1929 under
the Chairmanship of John Henry Whitley:
to enquire into and report on the
existing conditions of labour in industrial undertakings and plantations in
British India, on the health, efficiency and standard of living of the workers,
and on the relations between employers and employed, and to make
The Royal Commission on Labour's report covered vast issues faced by the workers
in the different factories such as cotton factories, leather factories, mine
workers, railway workers, workers engaged in public work department as well as
plantation workers and covered almost all the issued faced by the workers from
less wages, long working hours, no holidays to health and welfare, housing,
trade unions, workmen compensation, industrial dispute etc.
The report is
comprehensive that almost all the labour welfare legislations and industrial
laws which we now have from Trade Union Act 1926, Industrial Dispute Act 1947 to
Payment of Wages Act 1936, and Minimum Wages Act 1948 etc. owe the origin some
way or the other to this report.
Some of the findings and recommendations of the Commission which are worth
citing are as follows:
- It appeared that fining was a fairly general practice in perennial
factories and in railways. It was much less common in mines and other forms
of industrial activity and is practically unknown on plantations. It
appeared to be most prevalent in cotton textile mills, and for this reason
it probably attained greater dimensions in the Bombay Presidency than
- The average deduction by way of fine was around one percent of the total
wage of a worker, but it was significant to look for the individual cases
rather on average.
- Moreover there were deductions on many other grounds such as medical
attendance, education, reading rooms, interest on advances of their own
wages, charities, religious purposes selected by the employer and various
other benefits or causes which were made compulsory.
- Another common practice followed in some mills was the deduction of two
days' pay for one day's absence.
- Deductions from wages fall roughly into three classes, namely, fines
which are imposed for disciplinary reasons, deductions on account of damage
sustained by the employer and deductions for the use of material and tools
and for other benefits provided by the employer. And in all three cases the
Commission considered that there were strong grounds for legislative
- The employer, or more commonly his subordinate, determines when a
deduction should be made and fixes its amount which is recovered from the
wages due to the worker, such practices in other countries have led to
number of statutory regulations.
- The Commission observed the fact that in many cases the workers' wages
suffice for little more than the purchase of the primary necessities of life
makes even a small deduction a definite hardship, while the larger
deductions increased their indebtedness and even crippled their resources
for some time.
- Children should be exempt from fine due to their helplessness,
inexperience and low scale of wages.
- The payment of a fine should not be spread over too long a period, and
the Commission recommend that the maximum period should be one month from
the date on which the fine was imposed.
- The minimum amount which could be deducted by way of fine should not
exceed in any month half an anna in the rupee of the worker's
- The sum realised as fine should be utilised for some purpose
beneficial to the employees as a class and should be approved by some recognised
- In order to protect the workers from arbitrary fines, a notice
specifying the acts and omissions in respect of which fines may be imposed
should be posted and any other fine should be deemed to be illegal.
- Any deduction made for goods having been damaged should not exceed the
wholesale price of the goods damaged and the damage should directly be
attributable to carelessness and negligence of the worker.
- In deductions for damages of goods, the employers should maintain the
registers of the same which will in any case provide the material necessary
to determine whether or not further regulation is required.
- Deductions may be made on account of provision for housing accommodation
and of tools and raw materials.
- Imposition of any fine and deduction made which is not permitted by law
should be made penal.
On basis of these recommendations of the Commission, the Government of India
rethought the subject and in February 1933 the Payment of Wages Bill, 1933, was
presented in the Legislative Assembly and coursed for the purpose of extracting
opinions but could not take the shape of the Act because of the dissolution of
the Assembly.
In 1935 the Payment of Wages Bill, in light of indistinguishable standards from
the prior Bill of 1933 yet altogether overhauled was presented in the
Legislative Assembly on 15th February 1935. The Bill was referred to the Select
Committee. The Select Committee displayed its report on 2nd September 1935.
Consolidating the proposals of the Select Board of trustees, the Payment of
Wages Bill, 1935 was again presented in the Legislative Assembly and finally the
Payment of Wages Act was passed in 1936 and came into further on 21st March,
No statute is passed in vacuum, that is, a need of a statute arises in response
to the social, economic, cultural etc. circumstances which exist in a state, so
in order to address these circumstances the state is enacted to remedy the
mischief which is being caused. Thereby, no statute can be read in a vacuum,
without referring or appreciating the background in which it was passed, so that
it can be read more comprehensively and can be interpreted properly.
The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 was passed by the Legislative Assembly on basis
of recommendation of Royal Commission on Labour, when India was under the
colonial rule in the background of circumstances as discussed above that is, due
to colonial rule majority of industries or factories were held by the English
Capitalist who operated the same for prosperity of their own regardless of
welfare of the Indian Labour and labour movement was not strong enough to
bargain with the employer.
This led to the problem of arbitrary deductions from the wages by the employer
and delay in payment of wages which led to the obvious problem of workers not
being able to support their families and forced to live in the poor conditions,
thereby making it imperative for the Government of India to pass the law which
remedy the above-mentioned two problems and contribute to welfare of labour.
Thereby the Act was passed to ensure that the deductions from the wages are
proper, i.e. for the valid reasons communicated to the worker well in advance
that too only that much which is proportional and prompt as well regular payment
of wages to the worker, the same is evident from the Preamble of the Payment of
the Wages Act, 1936.
Primary Sources
Bare Acts
- Payment of the Wages Act, (Act 4 of 1936)
Commission Reports
- Royal Commission on Labour, Report of the Royal Commission on Labour in
India (1929)
Secondary Sources
- Natasha kwat, British Colonial Rule on the Indian Economy, Economic
Discussion, available at (last
visited on 29.03.2020)
- Swadeshi Movement: Timeline and Important Facts you must know, India
Today, 07.08.2015 (last
visited on 29.03.2020)
- Available at: (last
visited on 29.03.2020)
- Industrial Revolution, available at: (last
visited on 29.03.2020)
- Payment of the Wages Act (Act 4 of 1936), Preamble
- AIR 1941 Bom 26
- Industrial Revolution, available at: (last
visited on 29.03.2020)
- Available at : (last
visited on 29.03.2020)
- Royal Commission on Labour, Report of the Royal Commission on Labour in
India i (1929)