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Creating Policies which will address issues of new 4IR technologies in Employment Law

Desired Changes

Innovation and creativity is gaining acceleration day by day, leads to emergence of new technologies. These technological advancements are the results of new independent element of fourth industrial Revolution (4IR). This new revolution will help government to address issues like slow economic growth, stagnation and high unemployment ratio, especially in youth. This revolution also promises changes in production and consumption activities in a positive manner.

There are five main 4IR technological area that will affect unemployment and increases the productivity and they are Artificial Intelligence, Internet of things, 3D printings, robotics, and wearable's. While adapting with the 4IR, changes in management, organization and governmental strategies will be required. Thus future of work will tends towards reduction of unemployment and increase in productivity, can be classified as desired change due his 4IR.

What do individuals need or expect from your organization?

It is expects from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization to deal with the legal challenges associated with technological advancement from 4IR technologies like Robotics and artificial Intelligence. It is a possibility that robots can replace or compete against human beings. This would results in a rapid increase in unemployment. Ministry of Human resource must act with this technological advancement to ensure employment, especially of youth.

Thus regulations are expected from Ministry to be brought to deal with problems which can occur in employment. This will directly affect the unemployment ratio. Not only from employment point of view but also legal framework with regards to crimes and acts of robots need to be addressed.

How can you address their problems?

The 4IR technologies are still in developing stage, thus giving us time to address the issue of machines substituting the humans from their jobs and creating chaos by increasing unemployment. As robotics, Artificial Intelligence are still developing not are not is stable conditions, we would make educational system to make students aware of such technologies. Education system is the most important are to mitigate the future possibilities of robots taking jobs of Human beings.

Thus courses which will properly explains the working of these new 4IR technologies. With new courses in the Education system and upgraded studies would help Individuals to fulfil the skills needed to be employed as operators of these new technologies. For existing employees, training programs can be introduced to help them understand the basics of these new unstable technologies. This will potentially develop skills required for such new technologies in the youth and the risk of unemployment could be easily eradicated.

What needs to change for this to happen?

To cope up with the new technological advancements, new legal and regulatory changes is necessary for addressing the issues related to employment law. Ministry of Human Resource and Emiratization has to rebuild Labour Laws and government has to strengthen their policies to protect the interest of Individuals in Private sector. But this all can be happen only if skill of these individuals are enhanced and develop to cope up with the appropriate 4IR technologies.

Thus, working hours must be define again so that discrimination between human and machine could not be made. Similarly Ministry have to made laws like minimum Human employment in any business to ensure that for profit earning motive capitalist would not substitute Machines from Humans in the Workforce. Provisions related to retrenchment are to be reframed along with the framing of new enactments related to code of ethics in workplace.

What is your vision for an application of 4IR in your organization?

Application of these new technologies would promise some great benefits for progress and development of the country but, interest of individuals also need to be protected. In my opinion these new technologies must be used for the benefit and enhancement of every person's living standard, not to create a wide gap between capitalist, or can say richer section of society and the working class.

This new technologies implemented without proper laws would possibly affects interest of individuals. 4 Industrial Revolutions must be implemented with proper legal framework, giving room for new innovative ideas of individuals and respect for their work. Similarly, the operation of these technologies must be done by Humans to ensure protection from a situation where acts of machines results into misconduct as any person could reprogram it for fulfilling his malicious intention, hence minimum Human involvement would possibly reduce the chances of failure in working of these new 4IR technologies.

Is it in line with the overall UAE strategy and the strategic sectors of focuses?

Indeed, ministry of human resource and Emiratization is empowered to make laws related to labor laws. They are the regulatory authority to maintain a good employer – employee relation and protect the interest of employees. 4IR technologies are associated with a threat that capitalist for fulfilling their interest of profit maximization could possibly substitute their employees with new machines. But this will only create a vulnerable situation and widen the gap between rich and poor.

The initial ideas for change management

  • Awareness and updated information regards to 4IR technologies.
  • Reforming new labor laws related to working hours provisions related to retrenchment.
  • Need of business.
  • Implementing new policies and legislations.
  • Evaluation.

The identified key stakeholders:

  1. Ministry of Human Resource and Emiratization: this is the key stakeholder as they have the sole responsibility to rebuild legal regulations which are best suitable for 4IR technologies and must also ensure employment in every areas in UAE.
  2. Government is also an important stakeholder as new strategies and policies are to be developed by them so that proper implementation of laws and regulation developed by Ministry of Human Resource and Emiratization.
  3. Universities must also be taken as a stakeholder as new educational schemes are to be implemented by them. Universities are the place where special skills for 4IR technologies are to be developed.
  4. Businessmen (employers) are other key stakeholder which are expected to collaborate with the new technologies and made some training program to make their current employees updated with the new 4IR technologies.
  5. UAE has established the UAE Council for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Emirates Scientist Council, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Protocol in collaboration with the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2017. This is the wholly new established organization build only to address the issue related to protection of individuals interest in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
  6. Individuals and especially students are the most important stakeholder as it is up to them to develop skills for these 4IR technologies like robotics and artificial intelligence.

A view on your organizational readiness and planning

At the present time, Ministry is not working on any new draft to be framed regarding these technologies. A little bit has been started in academic schemes for students so that their skills are developed for the new 4IR technologies. This was a challenge we are going to face need to be address head on, as new technologies and laws of our nation must go hand in hand for our rapid progress and continued development.

Thus a new proposal by the Ministry has been introduced, and key proposals targets for 50 % of Emirati workforce to be employed in private sector. In furtherance of this government has selected 400 Professions in around 2,000 private companies that will give priority to Emiratis for jobs.

But there are many more challenges need to be address for mitigating future chaos, for which planning can be done. But most importantly Ministry has to use these 4IR technologies to form better understanding of new technologies and must also recruit some officials having special skills related to these technologies. Similarly Ministry has to collaborate with UAE Emirates Scientist Council, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Protocol in collaboration with the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2017.

The three main pillars of this protocol are related with establishing the robust, integrated and secured data environment for formulation of new policies and legislation for 4IR. Some of the duties must be performed by this department which includes collaboration with other stakeholders as well as some on ministries own part. These duties includes; skills development, drafting new regulations and some research work for planning for protection of interest of Individuals.
Skills Development Clear vision and New Legislature Collaboration
Development of skills related to technologies of 4IR like robots and their working. Possible situations of failure of these machines to address its solution Robotics can possible substitute's Human involvement from workforce. Thus new legal framework related to minimum Human employment and hiring and firing policies have to be made for protection of Individuals interest. Meeting and implementing the proposed changes, so that individual's interest could be protected.
Research on matters related to employment of individuals. Planning to mitigate the possible situations where employer can abuse his position and fire employees Skills development in students by changing the educational system and applying new academic scheme related with Artificial Intelligence would create future jobs and also training for existing employees would at least made them updated with the basics of new technologies. Ministry of Human Resource and Emiratization have to collaborate with other agencies so that all the possible areas of implementing new policies can be done. Other agencies are also working on research and planning to address all new upcoming technologies to be implemented for the benefit of humankind
Quick Wins
Months. Happenings People Involved
November Meeting with government officials, presenting the proposed draft of new legal framework related to employment law. Approval to implement new 4IR technologies in some public and private sector results in creation of new jobs Government officials, Ministry of Human Resource and Emiratization
December Research and development in new areas where 4IR technologies can be used to increase the employment ratio. Ministry of Human Resource and Emiratization.
Jan, 2019 Collaboration of all stakeholder and implementing the decisions in making these 4IR technologies applicable in as many as organizations so that unemployment ratio especially in youth can be reduce. Ministry along with all stakeholders
Feb Sanctions from the Government to apply decisions of the team of all stakeholders. As a bases of experiment 4IR technologies must be applied in some companies to trace down the results. Companies, all the concerned Ministries and stakeholders
March-June Tacking down the progress of new technologies and policies whether they are effective enough or not Ministry of human Resource and Emiratization
July With start of education session implementation of new academic schemes for development of their skills for future jobs  Education System and Ministers.
August Meeting on discussion for the update of policies and technologies implemented in some of the companies. UAE Emirates Scientist Council
Sep. Modification of policies and developing new strategies so that 4IR technologies can be implemented properly  
October Testing the new progress of modifications being made.  
Nov. Examination of results of the applied technologies in some companies and the strategic policies. Ministers and all the stakeholders
Dec Deciding next steps on the basis of results  
Written By: Rajat Kaushik, IVTH YEAR—VIITH Semester - 2017-22 - School Of Law, Raffles University Neemrana

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